CT 33, pl. 01-08, BM 086378 (P479385)

Astral sciences tablet excavated in Uncertain (mod. uncertain), dated to the Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) period and now kept in British Museum, London, UK

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Museum Collection(s)

British Museum, London, UK

Museum Number

BM 086378


Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC)


uncertain (mod. uncertain)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)

Scholarly or scientific > Astral sciences (mul.apin)





column 1
1. [_disz {mul}{gesz}apin_ {d}en-lil2 a]-lik# pa-ni _mul-mesz_ szu-ut {d}en-lil2 :
 en: The Plow, Enlil, who goes at the fore of the stars of Enlil,
2. [_disz {mul}ur-bar]-ra# {gesz}ninda2_ sza2 _{mul}apin_
 en: The Wolf, the seeder of the Plow
3. [_disz {mul}szu]-gi_ {d}en-me-szar2-ra
 en: The Old Man, Enmešarra,
4. [_{mul}]gam3_ {d}gam-lum
 en: The Crook, Gamlu,
5. [_disz {mul}]masz-tab-ba gal-gal_ {d}lugal-gir3-ra u3 {d}mes-lam-ta-e3-a :
 en: The Great Twins, Lugalgira and Meslamtaea,
6. [_disz {mul}masz-tab]-ba# tur-tur_ {d}lal3 u3 {d}nin-|EZENxGUD|
 en: The Little Twins, Alamuš and Nin-EZENxGUD
7. [_disz {mul}al]-lul#_ szu-bat {d}a-nim
 en: The Crab, the seat of Anu,
8. [_disz {mul}ur]-gu#-la_ {d}la-ta-ra-ak
 en: The Lion, Latarak,
9. [_disz mul_ sza2 ina _gaba] {mul#}ur-gu-la gub_-zu _{mul}lugal_ :
 en: The star which stands in the breast of the Lion: the King.
10. [_disz mul-mesz_ um-mu]-lu#-tum sza2 ina _kun {mul}ur-gu-la_ :
 en: The dusky stars which stand in the tail of the Lion:
11. [_gub_-zu sis]-sin-nu {d}e4-ru6 {d}zar-pa-ni-tum
 en: the Frond (of the date palm) of Eru, Zarpanitu.
12. [_disz {mul}SZU-PA_ {d}en]-lil2 sza2 szi-mat _kur_ i-szim-mu
 en: ŠU-PA, Enlil who decrees the fate of the land.
13. [_disz mul_ sza2 ina _igi_-szu2 _gub_]-zu# {mul}he2-gal2-a-a-u2 _sukkal_ {d}nin-lil2
 en: The star which stands in front of it: the Abundant One, the messenger of Ninlil.
14. [_disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub_-zu] _mul bala-tesz2-a sukkal_ {d}tiszpak
 en: The star which stands behind it: the star of Dignity, the messenger of Tišpak.
15. [_disz {mul}mar]-gid2#-da#_ {d}nin-lil2
 en: The Wagon, Ninlil.
16. [_disz mul_ sza2 _ki_] za#-ri-i sza2 _{mul}mar-gid2-da gub_-zu
 en: The star which stands in the cart-pole of the Wagon:
17. [...] _{mul}ka5-a_ {d}er3-ra gasz-ri _dingir-mesz_
 en: the Fox, Erra, the strong one among the gods.
18. _disz mul_ sza3 ina _sag-ki {mul}mar-gid2-da gub_-zu _{mul}u8_ {d}a-a
 en: The star which stands in front of the Wagon: the Ewe, Aya.
19. _disz {mul}mu-bu-kesz2-da_ {d}a-num _gal_-u2 sza2 _an_-e
 en: The Hitched Yoke, the great Anu of Heaven.
20. _disz {mul}mar-gid2-da an-na_ {d}dam-ki-an-na
 en: The Wagon of Heaven, Damkianna.
21. _disz mul_ sza2 ina t,ur-ri-szu2 _gub_-zu _{mul}ibila-e2-mah_
 en: The star which stands in its rope: the Heir of the Sublime Temple,
22. _dumu_ resz-tu-u2 sza2 {d}a-nu-um
 en: the first-ranking son of Anu.
23. _disz {mul}dingir-gub-ba-mesz_ szu-ut e2-kur _{mul}dingir-tusz-a-mesz_ szu-ut e2-kur
 en: The Standing Gods of Ekur, the Sitting Gods of Ekur.
24. _disz {mul}ud5_ {d}gu-la
 en: The She-Goat, Gula
25. _disz mul_ sza2 ina _igi {mul}ud5 gub_-zu _{mul}ur-gi7_
 en: The star which stands in front of the She-Goat: the Dog.
26. _disz mul_ ne2-bu-u2 sza2 _{mul}ud5 {d}lamma sukkal_ {d}ba-ba6
 en: The bright star of the She-Goat: Lamma, the messenger of Baba.
27. _disz 2(disz) mul-mesz_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub-mesz_-zu {d}nin-nisi u {d}er3-ra-gal
 en: The two stars which stand behind it: Ninnisi and Erragal
28. _disz {mul}u4-ka-du8-a_ {d}u-gur
 en: The Panther: Nergal
29. _disz mul_ sza2 ina _za3_-szu2 _gub_-zu _{mul}szah_ {d}da-mu
 en: The star which stands at its right side: the Pig, Damu.
30. _disz mul_ sza2 ina _gub3_-zu _{mul}ansze-kur-ra_
 en: The star which stands at its left side: the Horse.
31. _disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub_-zu _{mul}lu-lim sukkal mul-mul_
 en: The star which stands behind it: the Stag, the messenger of the Stars.
32. _disz mul-mesz_ um-mu-lu-tu4 sza2 ina _gaba {mul}lu-lim_
 en: The dusky stars which stand in the breast of the Stag:
33. _gub-mesz_-zu {d}har-ri-ru _{d}tir-an-na_
 en: Ḫarriru, the Rainbow.
34. _disz mul sa5_ ne2-bu-u2 sza2 _bir {mul}lu-lim_
 en: The bright red star which in the kidney of the Stag
35. _gub_-zu _{mul}ka-musz-i3-gu7-e_
 en: stands: The Deleter.
  after GUB there is an erased MESZ sign
36. ki-ma _mul-mesz_ szu-ut {d}en-lil2 ug-dam-mi-ru-ni
 en: When the stars of Enlil have been finished,
37. _1(disz) mul gal u4-da_-su da-a'-mat _an_-e _bar_-ma _gub_-zu _mul_ {d}marduk ne2-bi-ri
 en: one big star – (although) its light is dim – divides the sky in half and stands there: (that is) the star of Marduk, the Ford,
38. _disz {mul}sag-me-gar ki-gur_-su _kur2-kur2_-ir _an_-e ib-bir
 en: Jupiter, (it) keeps changing its position and crosses the sky.
  single ruling
39. _3(u) 3(disz) mul-mesz_ szu-ut {d}en-lil2
  single ruling
40. _disz {mul}asz-iku_ szu-bat {d}e2-a a-lik _igi mul-mesz_ szu-ut {d}a-nim
 en: The Field, the seat of Ea, which goes at the front of the stars of Anu.
41. _disz mul_ sza2 ina _igi_-it _{mul}asz-iku gub_-zu {mul}szi-nu-nu-tu4
 en: The star which stands opposite the Field: the Swallow.
42. _disz mul_ sza2 _egir {mul}asz-iku gub_-zu {mul}a-nu-ni-tu4
 en: The star which stands behind the Field: Anunitu.
43. _disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub_-zu {mul}lu2-hun-ga2_ {d}dumu-zi
 en: The star which stands behind it: the Hired Man, Dumuzi.
44. _disz mul-mul dingir-imin-bi dingir-mesz gal-mesz_
 en: The Stars, the seven gods, the great gods.
column 2
1. _disz {mul}gu4-an-na_ {d}is le#-[e _aga_ {d}a-nim]
 en: The Bull of Heaven, the Jaw of the Bull, the crown of Anu
2. _disz {mul}sipa-zi-an-na_ {d}pap-sukkal _sukkal#_ [{d}a-nim u innin]
 en: The True Shepherd of Anu, Papsukkal, the messenger of Anu and Ištar.
3. _disz_ {mul}masz-tab-ba_ sza2 ina _igi_-et _{mul}[sipa-zi-an-na_]
 en: The twin stars which opposite the True Shepherd of Anu
4. _gub-mesz_-zu {d}lu2-lal3 u {d}la#-[ta-ra-ak]
 en: stand: Lulal and Latarak.
5. _disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub_-zu! _{mul}[dar-lugal]
 en: The star which stands behind it: the Rooster.
6. _disz {mul}kak-si-sa2_ szil-ta-hu _ur-sag gal_-u2 {d#}[nin-urta]
 en: The Arrow, the arrow of the great warrior Ninurta.
7. _disz {mul}ban_ {d}isz-tar _nim-ma_-tu4 _dumu-munus_ {d#}[en-lil2]
 en: The Bow, the Elamite Ištar, the daughter of Enlil
8. _disz {mul}{d}nirah_ {d}nin-gesz-zi-da _en_ er-s,e-tu4
 en: The Snake, Ningišzida, lord of the Netherworld.
9. _disz {mul}uga{muszen}_ a-ri-bu _mul {d}iszkur_
 en: The Raven, the star of Adad.
10. _disz_ {mul}ab-sin2_ {d}sza-la szu-bu-ul-tu4
 en: The Furrow, Šala, the ear of corn.
11. _disz {mul}zi-ba-an-na si {mul}gir2-tab_
 en: The Scales, the horn of the Scorpion.
12. _disz_ mul_ {d}za-ba4-ba4 _{mul}ti8{muszen} u {mul}ad6_
 en: The star of Zababa, the Eagle, and the Dead Man.
13. _disz {mul}dili-bat _ki-gub_-su _kur2-kur2_-ir _an_-e ib-bir
 en: Venus keeps changing its position and crosses the sky.
14. _disz_ {mul}s,al-bat-a-nu _ki-gub_-su _kur2-kur2_-ir _an_-e ib-bir
 en: Mars keeps changing its position and crosses the sky.
15. _disz {mul}udu-idim-sag-us2 ki-gub_-su _kur2-kur2_-ir _an_-e ib-bir
 en: Saturn keeps changing its position and crosses the sky.
16. _disz {mul}udu-idin-gu4-ud_ sza2 {d}masz _mu-ni_ lu ina _{d}utu-e3_
 en: Mercury, whose name is Ninurta, rises or sets in the east
17. lu-u2 ina {d}utu-szu2-a_ e-ma _iti igi-la2_-ma e-ma _iti tum3_
 en: or in the west within a month.
  single ruling
18. _2(u) 3(disz) mul-mesz_ szu-ut {d}a-nim
 en: 23 stars of Anu.
  single ruling
19. _disz {mul}ku6_ {d}e2-a a-lik _igi mul-mesz_ szu-ut {d}e2-a
 en: The Fish, Ea, who goes at the front of the stars of Ea.
20. _disz {mul}gu-la_ {d}e2-a _{mul}eridu{ki}_ {d}e2-a
 en: The Great One, Ea, the star of Eridu, Ea.
21. _disz mul_ sza2 ina 1(u)-5(disz)-szu2 _gub_-zu {mul}nin-mah
 en: The star which stands at its right: Ninmah.
22. _disz {mul}en-te-na-bar-hum_ {d}nin-gir2-su
 en: Entena-barhum, Ningirsu.
23. _disz mul_ sza2 ina _a2_-szu2 _gub_-zu _{mul}{gesz}gan2-ur3 {gesz}tukul_ sza2 {d}a-e2
 en: The star which stands at its side: the Harrow, the weapon of Mar-biti,
24. sza2 ina lib3-bi-szu2 _abzu_ i-bar-ru-u2
 en: inside of which one sees the subterranean waters.
25. _disz 2(disz) mul-mesz_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub-me_-zu {d}szullat2 u {d}hanisz2 {d}utu u {d}iszkur
 en: The two stars which stand behind it: Šullat and Ḫaniš, Šamaš and Adad.
26. _disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2-nu _gub_-zu _gin7_ {d}e2-a _kur_-ha
 en: The star which stands behind them rises like Ea
27. _gin7_ {d}e2-a _szu2-mesz_ {mul}nu-musz-da {d}iszkur
 en: and sets like Ea: Numušda, Adad.
28. _disz mul_ sza2 ina _gub3 {mul}gir2-tab gub_-zu _{mul}ur-idim_ {d}ku3-su3
 en: The star which stands at the left side of the Scorpion: the Mad Dog, Kusu.
29. _disz {mul}gir2-tab_ {d}isz-ha-ra be-let da-ad2-me
 en: The Scorpion, Išhara, goddess of all inhabited regions.
30. _disz {mul}gaba gir2-tab_ {d}li9-si4 {d}AK
 en: The Breast of the Scorpion: Lisi, Nabȗ.
31. _disz 2(disz) mul-mesz_ sza2 ina zi-qit _{mul}gir2-tab gub-mesz_-zu
 en: The two stars which stand in the sting of the Scorpion:
32. {d}szar2-ur4 u {d}szar2-gaz
 en: Šarur and Šargaz.
33. _disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2-nu _gub_-zu {mul}pa-bil-sag
 en: The star which stands behind them: Pabilsag.
34. _disz {mul}ma2-gur8 u {mul}suhur-masz2{ku6}_
 en: The Bark and the Goat-Fish.
  single ruling
35. _1(u) 5(disz) mul-mesz_ szu-ut {d}e2-a
 en: 15 stars of Ea.
  single ruling
36. disz ina _{iti}bara2 u4 1(disz)-kam {mul}lu2-hun-ga2 igi-la2_
 en: On the 1st of Nisannu the Hired Man becomes visible.
37. disz ina _{iti}bara2 u4 2(u) {mul}gam3 igi-la2_
 en: On the 20th of Nisannu the Crook becomes visble.
38. disz ina _{iti}gu4 u4 1(disz)-kam mul-mul igi-la2_
 en: On the 1st of Ajjaru the Stars become visible.
39. disz ina _{iti}gu4 u4 2(u)-kam_ {mul}is le-e _igi-la2_
 en: On the 20th of Ajjaru the Jaw of the Bull becomes visible.
40. disz ina _{iti}sig4 u4 1(u)-kam {mul}sipa-zi-an-na u {mul}masz-tab-ba-gal-gal igi-me_
 en: On the 10th of Simanu the True Shepherd of Anuy and the Great Twins become visible
41. disz ina _{iti}szu u4 5(disz)-kam {mul}masz-tab-ba-tur-tur u {mul}al-lub igi-me_
 en: On the 5th of Du'uzu the Little Twins and the Crab become visible.
42. disz ina _{iti}szu u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}kak-si-sa2 {mul}musz u {mul}ur-gu-la_
 en: On the 15th of Du'uzu the Arrow, the Snake, and the Lion
43. _igi-me_-ma _4(disz) ma-na en-nun_ u4-me _2(disz) ma-na en-nun gi6_
 en: become visible; 4 minas is a daytime watch, 2 minas is a nighttime watch.
44. disz ina _{iti}NE u4 5(disz)-kam {mul}ban u {mul}lugal igi-me_
 en: On the 5th of Abu the Bow and the King become visible.
45. disz ina _{iti}kin u4 1(u)-kam {mul}eridu{ki} u {mul}uga{muszen} igi-me_
 en: On the 10th of Ululu the star of Eridu and the Raven become visible.
46. disz ina _{iti}kin u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}SZU-PA {d}en-lil2 [igi_]
 en: On the 15th of Ululu ŠU-PA, Enlil, becomes visible.
47. disz ina _{iti#}[kin] u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}ab-sin2 [igi_]
 en: On the 25th of Ululu the Furrow becomes visible.
column 1
1. [disz ina _{iti}du6 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ {mul}zi-ba-ni-tu4 _{mul}ur-idim {mul}en-te-na-bar-hum_]
 en: On the 15th of Tešritu the Scales, the Mad Dog, entena-barhum
2. [u {mul}ur-gi7 igi-me-ma 3(disz) ma-na en-nun_ u4-mi _3(disz) ma-na en-nun gi6_]
 en: and the Dog become visible; 3 minas is a daytime watch, 3 minas is a nighttime watch.
3. disz ina [_{iti}apin u4 5(disz)-kam] {mul#}gir2#-[tab igi_]
 en: On the 5th of Araḫsamnu the Scorpion becomes visible.
4. disz ina _{iti}apin u4 1(u) 5(disz)#-kam {mul}ud5 u {mul}[gaba-bir2-tab igi-me_]
 en: On the 15th of Araḫsamnu the She-Goat and the Breast of the Scorpion become visible.
5. disz ina _{iti}gan u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}u4-ka-du8-a {mul}ti8{muszen}
 en: On the 15th of Kislimu the Panther, the Eagle,
6. u _{mul}pa-bil-sag igi-me_
 en: and Pabilsag become visible.
7. disz ina _{iti}ab u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}sim-mah {mul}szi-nu-nu-tu4 {mul}im-szesz_
 en: On the 15th of Tebetu SIM-MAH (i.e.) the Swallow (or) IM-ŠEŠ,
8. ina _gesz-nim igi-la2 u {mul}kak-si-sa2_ ina li-la-a-ti
 en: becomes visible in the East, and in the evening the Arrow
9. _igi-la2_-ma _2(disz) ma-na en-nun u4_-me _4(disz) ma-na en-nun gi6_
 en: becomes visible; 2 minas is a daytime watch, 4 minas is a nighttime watch.
10. disz ina _{iti}udru u4 5(disz)-kam {mul}gu-la {mul}asz-iku u {mul}lu-lim igi-mesz_
 en: On the 5th of Šabaṭu the Great One, the Field, and a Stag become visible.
11. disz ina _{iti}udru u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_ {mul}a-nu-ni-tu4 _igi-la2_
 en: On the 25th of Šabaṭu Anunitu becomes visible.
12. disz ina _{iti}sze u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}ku6 u {mul}szu-gi igi-la2-me_
 en: On the 15th of Addaru the Fish ad the Old Man become visible.
  single ruling
13. _disz mul-mul kur_-ma _{mul}gir2-tab szu2_-bi
 en: The Stars rise and the Scorpion sets.
14. _disz {mul}gir2-tab kur_-ma _mul-mul szu2_-bi
 en: The Scorpion rises and the Stars set.
15. _disz {mul}gu4-an-na kur_-ma _{mul}SZU-PA szu2_-bi
 en: The Bull of Heaven rises and ŠU-PA sets.
16. _disz {mul}sipa-zi-an-na kur_-ma {mul}pa-bil-sag _szu2_-bi
 en: The True Shepherd of Anu rises and Pabilsag sets.
17. _disz {mul}kak-si-sa2 {mul}{d}nirah u {mul}ur-gu-la kur-me_-ma
 en: The Arrow, the Snake, and the Lion rise, and
18. _{mul}gu-la u {mul}ti8{muszen} szu2-mesz_
 en: the Great One and the Eagle set.
19. _disz {mul}ban u {mul}lugal kur-me_-ma _{mul}ud5 szu2_-bi
 en: The Bow and the King rise, and the She-Goat sets.
20. _disz {mul}eridu{ki} u {mul}uga{muszen} kur-mesz_-ma _{mul}u4-ka-du8-a szu2_-bi
 en: The Star of Eridu and the Raven rise, and the Panther sets.
21. _disz {mul}SZU-PA_ {d}en-lil2 _kur_-ma _{mul}asz-iku szu2_-bi
 en: ŠU-PA, Enlil, rises and the Field sets.
22. _disz {mul}nin-mah kur_-ma {mul}a-nu-ni-tu4 _szu2_-bi
 en: Ninmah rises and Anunitu sets.
23. disz {mul}zi-ba-ni-tu4 _{mul}ur-idim u {mul}en-te-na-bar-hum_
 en: The Scales, the Mad Dog, and Entena-barhum
24. _kur-me_-ma _{mul}lu2-hun-ga2 szu2_-bi
 en: rise, and the Hired Man sets.
25. _disz {mul}gir2-tab u {mul}ur-gi7 kur-me_-ma _{mul}eridu{ki} u mul-mul szu2_-bi
 en: Th Scorpion and the Dog rise, and the Star of Eridu and the Stars set.
26. _disz {mul}gaba gir2-tab u {mul}ud5 kur-mesz_-ma _{mul}szu-gi u {mul}sipa-zi-an-na szu2-mesz_
 en: The breast of the Scorpion and the She-Goat rise, and the Old Man and the True Shepherd of Anu set.
27. disz {mul}pa-bil-sag {mul}za-ba4-ba4 u _dingir-gub-ba-mesz kur-mesz_-ma
 en: Pabilsag, Zababa, and the Standing Gods rise, and
28. _{mul}kak-si-sa2 {mul}ban u {mul}gam3 szu2-mesz_
 en: the Arrow, the Bow and the Crook set,
29. _disz {mul}u4-ka-du8-a u {mul}ti8{muszen} kur-mesz_-ma
 en: The Panther and the Eagle rise, and
30. _{mul}masz-tab-ba-gal-gal u {mul}masz-tab-ba-tur-tur szu2-mesz_
 en: the Great Twins and the Little Twins set.
31. _disz {mul}asz-iku {mul}gu-la u {mul}lu-lim kur-mesz_-ma
 en: The Field, the Great One, and the Stag rise, and
32. _{mul}ur-gu-la {mul}{d}nirah u {mul}en-te-na-bar-hum szu2-mesz_
 en: the Lion, the Snake, and Entena-barhum set.
33. _disz {mul}ku6 u {mul}szu-gi kur-mesz_-ma _{mul}ab-sin2 u {mul}ur-idim szu2-mesz_
 en: The Fish and the Old Man rise, and the Furrow and the Mad Dog set.
  single ruling
34. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}kak-si-sa2 5(u) 5(disz) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 {mul}eridu{ki}
 en: 55 days pass from the rising of the Arrow to the rising of the start of Eridu.
35. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}kak-si-sa2 1(gesz2)_-szu _u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 {mul}SZU-PA_
 en: 60 days pass from the rising of the Arrow to the rising of ŠU-PA.
36. _disz ta kur_ sza2 {mul}SZU-PA _1(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _{mul}ab-sin2_
 en: 10 days pass from the rising of ŠU-PA to the rising of the Furrow.
37. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}ab-sin2 2(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 {mul}zi-ba-ni-tu4
 en: 20 days pass from the rising of the furrow to the rising of the Scales.
38. _disz ta kur_ sza2 {mul}zi-ba-ni-tu4 _3(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _{mul}ud5_
 en: 30 days pass from the rising of the Scales to the rising of the She-goat.
39. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}ud5 3(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _{mul}u4-ka-du8-a_
 en: 30 days pass from the rising of the She-Goat to the rising of the Panther.
40. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}u4-ka-du8-a 3(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _{mul}sim-mah_
 en: 30 days pass from the rising of the Panther to the rising of the Swallow.
41. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}sim-mah 2(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _{mul}asz-iku_
 en: 20 days pass from the rising of the Swallow to the rising of the Field.
42. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}asz-iku 4(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _{mul}ku6_
 en: 40 days pass from the rising of the Field to the rising of the Fish.
43. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}ku6 3(u) 5(disz) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _{mul}gam3
 en: 35 days pass from the rising of the Fish to the rising of the Crook.
44. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}gam3 1(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _mul-mul_
 en: 10 days pass from the rising of the Crook to the rising of the Stars.
45. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _mul-mul 2(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _{mul}[gu4-an-na_]
 en: 20 days pass from the rising of the Stars to the rising of the Bull of Heaven
46. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}gu4-an-na 2(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _{mul}[sipa-zi-an-na_]
 en: 20 days pass from the rising of the Bull of Heaven to the rising of the True shepherd of Anu.
47. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}sipa-zi-an-na 3(u) 5(disz) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ [sza2 _{mul}kak-si-sa2_]
 en: 35 days pass from the rising of the True Shepherd of Anu to the rising of the Arrow.
48. _disz ta kur_ sza2 _{mul}kak-si-sa2 2(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _{mul}ban_
 en: 20 days pass from the rising of the Arrow to the rising of the Bow.
  single ruling
49. u4#-mu _1(disz) usz-ta-am3 mul-mesz_ ina szer3-ti# [ana _gi6 ku4-mesz_-ni]
 en: The stars enter into the night in the morning 1 UŠ each day.
50. u4#-mu _1(disz) usz-ta-am3 mul-mesz_ ina li-la-a-ti ana u4#-[me _e3-mesz_-ni]
 en: The stars come out into the day in the evening 1 UŠ each day.
  single ruling
column 2
1. _disz mul-mesz_ sza2 ziq-pi sza2 ina _kaskal_ szu-ut {d}en-lil2 ina [_murub4 an_-e]
 en: The ziqpu stars which stand in the path of Enli in the middle of the sky
2. ina _igi_-it _gaba_ sza2 _szesz an_-e _gub-mesz_-ma _gi6 kur_ [u _szu2_-bi]
 en: opposite the breast of the obsever of the sky, and
3. sza2 _mul-mesz_ ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu im-ma-ru#
 en: by means of whih he observes the rising and setting of the stars at night (are the following):
  single ruling
4. _disz {mul}SZU-PA mul bala-tesz2-a {mul}dingir-gub-ba-mesz {mul}ur-gi7_
 en: ŠU-PA, the star of Dignity, the Standing Gods, the Dog,
5. _{mul}ud5 {mul}u4-ka-du8-a {mul}lu-lim {mul}szu-gi {mul}gam3
 en: the She-Goat, the Panther, the Stag, the Old Man, the Crook,
6. _{mul}masz-tab-ba-gal-gal {mul}al-lub {mul}ur-gu-la {mul}e4-ru6 u {mul}he2-gal2-la-a-a_.
 en: the Great Twins, the Crab, the Lion, Eru, and the Abundant One.
  single ruling
7. _pap_ an-nu-tu _mul-mesz_ sza2 ziq-pi sza _kaskal_ szu-ut {d}en-lil2 sza2 ina _murub4 an_-e
 en: All these are the ziqpu stars in the path of the stars of Enlil which stand in the middle of the sky
8. ina _igi_-it _gaba_-ka _gub-me_-zu-ma _gi6 mu2-mesz u szu2-mesz_
 en: opposite your breast, and by means of which you observe
9. sza2 _mul-mesz_ ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu tam-ma-ru
 en: the risings and settings of the stars at night.
  single ruling
10. _be_-ma zi-iq-pa a-na a-ma-ri-ka ina _{iti}bara2 u4 2(u)-kam_
 en: If you are to observe the ziqpu, you stand
11. ina szer3-ti la-am {d}utu _kur_-ha _gub_-ma _za3_-ka _{im}mar-tu_
 en: in the morning before sunrise, West to your right,
12. _gub3_-ka _{im}kur-ra_ ni-isz _igi_-ka _{im}u18-lu_
 en: East to your left, your face directed towards South;
13. ku-ma-ru sza2 _{mul}u4-ka-du8-a_ ina _murub4 an_-e
 en: on the 20th of Nisannu the kumaru of the Panther in the middle of the sky
14. ina _igi_-it _gaba_-ka _gub_-ma _{mul}gam3 kur_-ha
 en: opposite your breast, and the Crook rises.
  single ruling
15. disz ina _{iti}gu4 u4 1(disz)-kam gaba_ sza _{mul}u4-ka-du8-a_ ina _murub4 an_-e
 en: On the 1st of Ajjaru, the Breast of the Panther stands in the middle of the sky
16. _igi_-it _gaba_-ka _gub_-ma _mul-mul kur_-ha
 en: oppostie your breast, and the Stars rise.
  single ruling
17. disz ina _{iti}gu4-ud u4 2(u)-kam_ ki-in-s,u sza2 _{mul}u4-ka-du8-a_
 en: On the 20th of Ajjaru, the Knee of the Panther
18. ina _murub4 an_-e _igi_-it _gaba_-ka _gub_-ma {mul}is le-e _kur_-ha
 en: stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Jaw of the Bull rises.
  single ruling
19. disz ina _{iti}sig4 u4 1(u)-kam_ a-si-du sza2 _{mul}u4-ka-du8-a_ ina _murub4 an_-e
 en: On the 10th of Simanu the Heel of the Panther stands in the middle of the sky
20. _igi_-it _gaba_-ka _gub_-ma _{mul}sipa-zi-an-na kur_-ha
 en: opposite your breast, and the Shepherd of Anu rises.
  single ruling
21. disz ina _{iti}szu u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam mul_ ne2-bu-u2 sza2 _{mul}szu-gi_ ina _murub4 an_-e _min min {mul}kak-si-sa2 kur_-ha
 en: On the 15th of Du'uzu the bright star of the Old Man (stand in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Arrow rises.
  single ruling
22-23. disz ina _{iti}NE u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam mul-mesz_ um-mu-lu-tu4 sza2 _{mul}szu-gi _min min {mul}ban kur_-ha
 en: On the 15th of Abu the dusky stars of the Old Man tand in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Bow riseen:
  single ruling
24. disz ina _{iti}kin u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}masz-tab-ba-gal-gal min min {mul}SZU-PA u {mul}eridu{ki} kur-mesz_-ni
 en: On the 15th of Ululu the Great Twins stand in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and ŠU-PA and the Star of Eridu rise.
  single ruling
25. disz ina _{iti}du6 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}ur-gu-la min min_ {mul}zi-ba-ni-tu4 _kur_-ha
 en: On the 15th of Tešritu the Lion stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Scales rise,
  single ruling
26. disz ina _{iti}apin u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}e4-ru6_ ina _murub4 an_-e min min {mul}ud5 kur_-ha
 en: On the 15th of Araḫsamnu Eru stands in the middle of the sky oppoite your breast, and the She-Goat rises.
  single ruling
27. [disz ina _{iti}]gan# u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}SZU-PA min min {mul}u4-ka-du8-a kur_-ha
 en: On the 15th of Kislimu ŠU-PA stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Panther rises.
  single ruling
28. [disz ina _{iti}]ab u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}dingir-gub-ba-mesz min min {mul}sim-mah kur_-ha
 en: On the 15th of Tebetu the Standing Gods stand in the middle of the sky opposite your breast and the Swallow rises.
  single ruling
29. [disz ina _{iti}]udru u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}ur-gi7 min min {mul}asz-iku kur_-ha
 en: On the 15th of Šabatu the Dog stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Field rises.
  single ruling
30. [disz ina _{iti}]sze u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam {mul}ud5 min min {mul}ku6 kur_-ha
 en: On the 15th of Addaru the She-Goat stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Fish rises.
31. [_dingir]-mesz_ sza i-na _kaskal_ {d}sin _gub-mesz_-ma {d}sin e-ma _iti_
 en: The gods who stand in the path of the Moon, through whose regions the Moon in the course of a month
32. [ina pi]-rik-szu2-nu _dib-mesz_-ma _tag-mesz_-szu2-nu-ti
 en: passes and whom he touches:
  single ruling
33. [x] _mul-mul {mul}gu4-an-na {mul}sipa-zi-an-na {mul}szu-gi_
 en: The Stars, the Bull of Heaven, the True Shepherd of Anu, the Old Man,
34. [_{mul}]gam3 {mul}masz-tab-ba-gal-gal {mul}al-lub {mul}ur-gu-la
 en: the Crook, the Great Twins, the Crab, the Lion,
35. [_{mul}ab2-sin_ {mul}]zi#-ba-ni-tu4 _{mul}gir2-tab_ {mul}pa-bil-sag
 en: the Furrow, the Scales, the Scorpion, Pabilsag,
36. [_{mul}suhur-masz] {mul#}gu-la kun-mesz {mul}sim-mah
 en: the Goat-Fish, the Great One, the Tails, the Swallow,
37. [{mul}a-nu-ni]-tu4# u _{mul}lu2-hun-ga2_
 en: Anunitu, and the Hired Man,
  single ruling
38. [_pap_ an-nu-tu4 _dingir-mesz_] sza2# ina _kaskal_ {d}sin _gub-mesz_-ma {d}sin e-ma _iti_
 en: All these are the gods who stand in the path of the Moon, through whose regions the Moon in the course of a month
  single ruling
39. [ina pi-rik-szu2-nu _dib]-mesz_-ma _tag-mesz_-szu2-nu-ti
 en: passes and whom he touches.
  single ruling
40. [disz _kaskal_ {d}sin _du_-ku {d}utu] _du#_-ak _dub 1(disz)-kam {mul}apin_
 en: [...] travels. Tablet 1 of MUL.APIN.
41. [...] x _sumun_-szu2 _sar#_-ma# _igi_
 en: [... According] to its original written and checked.
42. [...]
43. [...]

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC)
Consult word list of Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • primary: CT 33, pl. 1-8, BM 86378

    [King1912CT33] King, Leonard W. 1912. Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum 33. London: The Trustees of the British Museum.

  • history: MUL.APIN, text A

    [Hunger1989MUL.APIN] Hunger, Hermann, and David E. Pingree. 1989. Mul.Apin : An Astronomical Compendium in Cuneiform. Archiv Für Orientforschung. Beiheft 24. Horn, Austria : F. Berger.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: BM 086378
  • Accession No.: 1899-06-10, 0108

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2023-08-19 at 13:39:11 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Rattenborg, Rune; Smidt, Gustav Ryberg Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2023-01-20 at 12:10:25 Pagé-Perron, Émilie Artifact Földi, Zsombor J.; Jiménez, Enrique; Pagé-Perron, Émilie Electronic Babylonian Library Pagé-Perron, Émilie approved View
2021-03-13 at 12:57:08 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Carr, Christie CDLI approved View
2015-02-27 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact Firth, Richard; Hunger, Hermann CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes: -
Cite this Artifact
“CT 33, Pl. 01-08, BM 086378 Artifact Entry.” (2015) 2023. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). August 19, 2023. https://cdli.ucla.edu/P479385.
CT 33, pl. 01-08, BM 086378 artifact entry (No. P479385). (2023, August 19). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P479385 (Original work published 2015)
CT 33, pl. 01-08, BM 086378 artifact entry (2023) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: https://cdli.ucla.edu/P479385 (Accessed: April 19, 2024).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2024-04-19]},
	year = {2023},
	month = {aug 19},
	title = {CT 33, pl. 01-08, {BM} 086378 artifact entry},
	url = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P479385},
	howpublished = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P479385},

DA  - 2023/8/19/
PY  - 2023
ID  - P479385
LB  - CDLI:P479385
M1  - 2024/4/19/
TI  - CT 33, pl. 01-08, BM 086378 artifact entry
UR  - https://cdli.ucla.edu/P479385
ER  - 
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