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Uruk OB ir3-ne-ne
1 mu irda-ne-ne lugal Year Irdanene (became) king (BaM 2, 1963 11 17)
a mu alan ku3-sig17 dingir-am3 ad-da-na e2-{d}na-na-a-sze3 i-ni-in-ku4-re-en Year I (Irdanene) brought a statue in gold representing Dingiram his father into the temple of Nanaia (BaM 2, 1963 8)
ba mu dumu-nita2 dumu-munus nibru{ki} sza3 unug{ki}-ga u3 a2-dam-bi a-na-me-a-bi {d}en-lil2 sza3 nibru{ki}-sze3 szu in-na-bar-re-en Year I (Irdanene) freed for Enlil in Nippur the sons and daughters (of Nippur held) in Uruk and all those coming from the surrounding settlements (of Nippur) (BaM 2, 1963 9 8)
bb mu dumu-nita2 dumu-munus nibru{ki} sza3 unug{ki}-ga u3 ma-da-bi a-na-me-a-bi {d}en-lil2 sza3 nibru{ki}-sze3 u4-da-ri2-sze3 szu in-na-an-bar-re Year I (Irdanene) set free for Enlil in Nippur for ever (from the forced labour) the sons and daughters of Nippur (held) in Uruk, as many as they are (YBC 5398)
c mu {gisz}gigir mah ku3-sig17 szu-du7-a {na4}nir-musz-gir2 {na4}igi me-luh-ha ak-a an {d}inanna-ra mu-ne-en-ku4 Year (Irdanene) brought for An and Inanna in their temple a magnificent (procession) chariot adorned with gold, precious stones and pearls from Meluhha (BaM 2, 1963 10 12, YBC 8753)
d mu 2 {urudu}alan irda-ne-ne lugal ka2 gi6-par4 u3 2 {urudu}alan {d}na-asz-par2-tum ka2 musz-a-igi-gal2 a2-zi-da a2-gub3-bu-sze3 im-mi-ib-gir3 Year (Irdanene) placed 2 copper statues of Irdanene the king at the gate of the gipar / "nunnery" and 2 copper statues for the goddess Naszpartum right and left of the muszaigigala-gate (BaM 2, 1963 12 20)