RIME 3/ (Laws of Ur-Namma) composite (P432130)

Official or display artifact excavated in Nippur (mod. Nuffar), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period

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Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)


Nippur (mod. Nuffar)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)

Official or display (composite votive inscription)






object composite text
surface a
1. {d}en-lil2
 en: To Enlil,
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
 en: the king of all the lands,
3. alan ur-{d}namma
 en: a statue of Ur-Namma,
4. nita2 kal-ga
 en: the strong man,
5. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
 en: king of Ur
6. lugal ki-en-gi
 en: king of Sumer
7. ki-uri-ka
 en: and Akkad,
8. na4-bi
 en: whose stone
9. {na4}esi-am3
 en: is diorite,
10. ur-{d}namma
 en: I, Ur-Namma,
11. nita2 kal-ga
 en: the strong man,
12. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
 en: king of Ur
13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
 en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
14. e2 {d}nanna
 en: when the temple of Nanna
15. lugal-ga2 mu-du3-a
 en: my master I built,
16. ma2 ma2-gan{ki}
 en: and the boats of Magan,
17. di nig2-gi-na
 en: by the true verdict
18. {d}utu-ta szu-na
 en: of Utu, to his control
19. mu-ni-gi4?-a
 en: I returned,
20. a mu-na-ru
 en: I dedicated it to him.
21. u4-ba
 en: At that time,
22. e2? {d}en-lil2
 en: within the temple of Enlil
23. lugal-ga2-ta
 en: my master,
24. alan ur-{d}namma-ke4?
 en: for the statue of Ur-Namma
25. nidba? iti-da
 en: a monthly food offering of
26. 1(gesz2) 3(u) sze gur
 en: 90 gur of barley,
27. 3(u) udu
 en: 30 sheep,
28. 3(u) sila3 i3-nun
 en: and 30 sila3 of ghee,
29. sa2-du11-sze3
 en: as regular offerings
30. mu-na-ni-gar
 en: I established there for him.
31. u4 an-ne2
 en: When An
32. {d}en-lil2-le
 en: and Enlil
33. {d}nanna-ar
 en: to Nanna
34. nam-lugal uri5{ki}-ma
 en: the kingship of Ur
35. mu-na-szum2-mu-usz-a-ba
 en: did grant,
36. u4-ba ur-{d}namma
 en: at that time, for me, Ur-Namma,
37. dumu tu-da
 en: the son born
38. {d}nin-sun2-ka
 en: of Ninsuna,
39. emedu2
 en: her house-born slave
40. ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
 en: beloved,
41. nig2-si-sa2-ni-sze3
 en: according to his justice,
42. nig2-gi-na-ni-sze3
 en: according to his righteousness,
43. a2? [...] ba?-ag2?
 en: the orders(?) were issued(?),
44. nam?-lugal?
 en: and the kingship
45. uri5?{ki}-ma
 en: of Ur
46. hu-mu-na-szum2?
 en: was given to him.
47. si? x [...]
 en: ...
48. ba-x-[...]
 en: ...
49. 2(disz) x [...]
 en: 2 ...
50. 2(disz) x [...]
 en: 2 ...
51. nam?-[...]
 en: ...
52. [...]
 en: ...
53. [...]
 en: ...
54. [...]
 en: ...
55. [...]
 en: ...
56. [...]
 en: ...
57. [...]
 en: ...
58. [...]
 en: ...
59. [...]
 en: ...
60. [...]
 en: ...
61. [...]
 en: ...
62. [...]
 en: ...
63. [...]
 en: ...
64. [...]
 en: ...
65. [...]
 en: ...
66. [...]
 en: ...
67. [...]
 en: ...
68. [...]
 en: ...
69. [...]
 en: ...
70. [...]
 en: ...
71. a2 {d}nanna
 en: By the might of Nanna
72. lugal-ga2-ta
 en: my master,
73. abul imin-bi
 en: its seven gates
74. gal2 mu-un-da-an-taka4
 en: I(?) opened.
75. nam-ha-ni
 en: Namḫani
76. ensi2
 en: to governor
77. lagasz{ki}
 en: of Lagaš
78. he2-mi-il2
 en: I elevated.
79. ki-sar-ra
 en: To the ki-sar-ra
80. ma2 ma-gan{ki}-na
 en: the Magan ships
81. {d}nanna
 en: of Nanna,
82. a2 {d}nanna
 en: by the might of Nanna
83. lugal-ga2-ta
 en: my master,
84. he2-mi-gi4
 en: I returned.
85. uri5{ki}-ma
 en: In Ur
86. ha-ba-zalag
 en: I made them shine.
87. u4-ba
 en: At that time,
88. a-sza3 ni-is-qum
 en: for fields select (officials)
89. i3-gal2-la-am3
 en: there were;
90. nam-ga-esz8
 en: for long-distance trade
91. ma2-lah5-gal
 en: chief boat captains
92. i3-gal2-la-am3
 en: there were;
93. utul4-e
 en: the chief herdsmen
94. gu4 dab5 udu dab5
 en: for those who take cattle, take sheep,
95. ansze dab5
 en: or take donkeys
96. i3-gal2-la-am3
 en: there were.
97. [...] x
 en: ...
98. [...]
 en: ...
99. [...]
 en: ...
100. [...]
 en: ...
101. [...]
 en: ...
102. [...]
 en: ...
103. u4-ba?
 en: At that time,
104. ur-{d}namma
 en: I, Ur-Namma,
105. nita2 kal-ga
 en: the strong man,
106. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
 en: king of Ur
107. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
 en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
108. a2 {d}nanna
 en: by the might of Nanna
109. lugal-ga2-ta
 en: my master,
110. inim gi-na
 en: and by the lawful command
111. {d}utu-ta
 en: of Utu,
112. nig2-si-sa2
 en: justice
113. kalam-ma hu-mu-ni-gar
 en: in the country I did indeed establish.
114. [...] x
 en: ...
115. [...]
 en: ...
116. szu-ba he2-mi-gi4
 en: I returned to their own control.
117. nam-ga-esz8
 en: Long-distance trade
118. ma2-lah5-gal
 en: (independent? from) the chief sea-captains,
119. utul4-e
 en: the chief herdsmen,
120. gu4 dab5 udu dab5
 en: (independent? from) those who take cattle, take sheep,
121. ansze dab5
 en: or take donkeys,
122. uri lu2-gir5-ra
 en: and the Akkadians and foreigners
123. ki-en-gi ki-uri-a
 en: in Sumer and Akkad,
124. szu-ba he2-mi-gi4
 en: I returned to their own control.
125. u4-ba
 en: At that time,
126. umma{ki}
 en: Umma,
127a. mar2-da{ki}
 en: Marad,
127b. GIR2-kal{ki}
 en: GIRkal,
128a. ka-za-lu{ki}
 en: Kazallu
128b. u3 masz-kan2-pi2
 en: and Maškan-pî,
129. u2-s,a-ru-um{ki}
 en: and Uṣarum,
130a. nig2 an-sza-an{ki}-a
 en: upon which in Anšan
130b. nam-ARAD2 he2-eb-ak-e
 en: servitude was being imposed,
131. a2 {d}nanna
 en: by the might of Nanna
132. lugal-ga2-ta
 en: my master,
133. ama-ar-gi4-bi
 en: their freedom
134. hu-mu-gar
 en: I established.
135. {uruda}ba-ri2-ga
 en: A copper bariga vessel
136. hu-mu-gub
 en: I set up,
137. 1(gesz2) sila3-am3 he2-ni-ge-en
 en: and as 60 sila3 I standardized it.
138. {uruda}ba-an hu-mu-dim2
 en: A copper ban2 vessel I fashioned,
139. 1(u) sila3-am3 he2-ni-ge-en
 en: and as 10 sila3 I standardized it.
140. {uruda}ba-an si-sa2 lugal-la
 en: A just royal ban2
141. hu-mu-dim2
 en: I fashioned,
142. 6(disz)?-am3 he2-ni-ge-en
 en: and as 6 (ban2, in a barig measure) I standardized it.
143. 1(disz) sila3 zabar
 en: A 1 sila3 bronze (measure)
144. hu-mu-dim2
 en: I fashioned,
145. 1(disz) ma-na-am3
 en: and as 1 mina
146. he2-ni-ge-en
 en: I standardized it.
147. 1(disz) gin2 ku3 na4
 en: A 1 shekel of silver stone (weight)
148. za3 1(disz) ma-na-e
 en: all the way up to a 1 mina (weight)
149. he2-ni-ge-en
 en: I standardized.
150. u4-ba
 en: At that time,
151. gu2 {i7}idigna
 en: on the banks of the Tigris,
152. gu2 {i7}buranun
 en: on the banks of the Euphrates,
153. gu2 i7 du3-a-bi
 en: and on the banks of all the rivers,
154. nidba [...]
 en: nidba offerings, ...,
155. nesag sza3-ge-guru7
 en: and first-fruits and heart’s-desire offerings
156. x [...]
 en: ...
157. gesz he2-em-mi-in-tag
 en: I offered there.
158. {gesz}kiri6
 en: Orchards
159. he2-em-mi-gub
 en: I planted there,
160. ...
 en: ... (vacat)
  superfluous line, artifact of modern editions
161. szandana lugal-e he2-eb2-tuku
 en: and royal gardeners had charge of them.
162. nu-siki lu2 nig2-tuku-ra
 en: The orphan to the rich man
163. ba-ra-na-an-gar
 en: should not be made subordinate;
164. nu-mu-un-SU lu2 a2-tuku-ra
 en: the widow to the powerful man
165. ba-ra-na-an-gar
 en: should not be made subordinate;
166. lu2 1(disz) gin2-e
 en: the man of 1 shekel
167. lu2 1(disz) ma-na-ra
 en: to the man of 1 mina
168. ba-ra-na-an-gar
 en: should not be made subordinate;
169. lu2 1(disz) udu-ra
 en: the man of 1 sheep
170. lu2 1(disz) gu4-e
 en: to the man of 1 ox
171. ba-ra-na-an-gar
 en: should not be made subordinate.
172. szagina-szagina-mu-ne
 en: All my generals,
173. ama-mu nin9? szesz-szesz-mu
 en: my mother, my sister(s) and brothers,
174. su-a-su-a-mu-ne
 en: and all my relatives
175. sa2 ha-ba-an-gar-re-esz
 en: did indeed advise me.
176. a2-ag2-ga2-ne-ne-a
 en: Upon their orders
176a. ba-ra-ba-gub-be2-en
 en: I do not tread,
176b. kin ba-ra-ba-ni-gar
 en: and toil I did not set upon them.
177. nig2-erim2
 en: Evil,
178. nig2-a2-zi
 en: violence,
179. i-{d}utu u2-gu he2-ni-de2
 en: and complaint I made disappear;
180. nig2-si-sa2
 en: justice
181. kalam-ma hu-mu-ni-gar
 en: I established in the country.
181.a. u4-ba tukum-bi lu2-u3
 en: At that time: If a man
182. sag gesz bi2-in-ra
 en: has committed murder,
183. lu2-bi i3-gaz-e-dam
 en: that man is to be killed.
184. tukum-bi lu2-u3
 en: If a man
185. sa-gaz-sze3 in-ak in-gaz-e
 en: has acted like a robber, he shall be killed.
186. tukum-bi lu2-u3
 en: If a man
187. sze29-sze3 in-ak
 en: has made someone into a captive,
188. lu2-bi en-nu-ga2 i3-ti-le
 en: that man shall stay in jail
189. 1(u) 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e
 en: and pay 15 shekels of silver.
190. tukum-bi ARAD2-de3
 en: If a male slave
191. geme2 a2-asz2-a-ni in-tuku
 en: has married a female slave whom he desires,
192. ARAD2-bi ama-ar-gi4-ni i3-ga2-ga2
 en: and that male slave is set free,
193. e2-ta nu-ub-ta-e3
 en: she may not leave the household.
194. tukum-bi ARAD2-de3
 en: If a slave
195. dumu-gi7 in-tuku
 en: has married a free(d) citizen,
196. dumu-nita 1(disz)-am3 lugal-a-ni-ir
 en: and 1 son under his master
197. in-na-an-gub-bu
 en: he makes serve,
198. dumu lugal-a-ni-ir
 en: the son which under his master
199. in-na-ab-gub-bu-da
 en: he had to make serve:
200. nig2-gur11 e2 ad-da-na
 en: of the goods of his father’s estate
201. 1/2(disz)-bi e2-gar8 e2 ad-da-na i3-ba-e
 en: 1/2 of them, and his father’s physical house he shall share.
202. dumu dumu-gi7 lugal-da nu-me-a
 en: A son of a free(d) (female) citizen without a master’s agreement
203. nam-ARAD2-da-ni-sze3
 en: into one of his slaves
204. la-ba-an-ku4-re
 en: shall not be made.
205. tukum-bi
 en: If
206. dam gurusz-a a nu-gi4-a
 en: a young man’s (prospective) wife, not yet brought into a household,
207. nig2-a2-gar-sze3 lu2 in-ak-ma
 en: has been treated deceitfully by someone,
208. a bi2-in-gi4
 en: and he has brought her into (his) household,
209. nita2-bi i3-gaz-e
 en: that man shall be killed.
210. tukum-bi
 en: If
211. dam gurusz-a
 en: a young man’s (prospective) wife
212. ni2-te-a-ni-ta
 en: of her own free will
213. lu2 ba-an-us2-ma
 en: has gone after another man
214. ur2-ra-na ba-an-nu2
 en: and he has lain in her lap,
215. munus-bi
 en: and that woman
216. lu2 i3-gaz-e
 en: is killed by the man (her fiancé),
217. nita2-bi
 en: that man’s
218. ama-ar-gi4-ni
 en: freedom
219. i3-ga2-ga2
 en: shall be established.
220. tukum-bi
 en: If
221. geme2 lu2
 en: a man’s female slave
222. e2 nu-gi4-a
 en: not yet brought into a household
223. nig2-a2-gar-sze3
 en: has been seductively(?)
224. lu2 i3-ak
 en: treated by (another) man,
225. e2 bi2-gi4
 en: and he has brought her into a household,
226. lu2-bi
 en: that man
227. 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
 en: 5 shekels of silver
228. i3-la2-e
 en: shall pay.
229. tukum-bi lu2
 en: If a man
230. dam nita3-dam-a-ni
 en: his equal-ranking wife
231. i3-tak4-tak4
 en: divorces,
232. 1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
 en: 1 mina of silver
233. i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
234. tukum-bi
 en: If
235. nu-ma-SU
 en: a (previous) widow
236. i3-tak4-tak4
 en: he divorces,
237. 1/2(disz) ma-na ku3
 en: 1/2 mina of silver
238. i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
239. tukum-bi
 en: If
240. nu-ma-SU
 en: for the widow
241. dub ka-kesz2
 en: a contractual document
242. nu-me-a
 en: is lacking,
243. lu2 ur2-ra-na
 en: and the man in her lap
244. ba-an-nu2
 en: has lain,
245. ku3 nu-la2-e
 en: he shall not pay any silver.
246. ...
 en: ... (vacat)
  superfluous line, artifact of modern editions
247. tukum-bi
 en: If
248. erisz-dingir
 en: an eriš-dingir priestess
249. [...]-ba lu2 ur2-ra
 en: in ... a man in the lap
250. [...] ba-nu2
 en: ... has lain,
251. nu?-un?-zu? nita2-bi
 en: but he did not know(?) it, that man
252. i3-bi2-TUR?-ne-esz
 en: ...
253. tukum-bi
 en: If
254. nam-|KAxX|-zu
 en: of witchcraft(?)
255. lu2 lu2-ra
 en: one man has another man
256. in-da-ab-la2
 en: accused,
257. {d}i7-lu2-ru-gu2-sze3
 en: and to the Ordeal River
258. lu2 i3-tum2-mu
 en: he has the man brought,
259. {d}i7-lu2-ru-gu2
 en: and the Ordeal River
260. um-zalag-zalag
 en: has then cleared him,
261. lu2 in-tum2-mu
 en: the man who brings him
262. 3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
 en: 3 shekels of silver
263. i3-la2-e
 en: shall pay.
264. tukum-bi
 en: If
265. dam gurusz-a-da
 en: a young man’s wife
266. ur2-ra
 en: of in a lap
267. nu2-a
 en: having lain
268. lu2 i3-da-la2
 en: a man has accused,
269. i7-de3
 en: but the River
270. u3-um-zalag-zalag
 en: having cleared him,
271. lu2 i3-da-la2-a
 en: the man who accused her
272. 1/3(disz){sza} ma-na ku3
 en: 1/3rd mina of silver
273. i3-la2-e
 en: shall pay.
274. tukum-bi
 en: If
275. mu10-us2-sa2-tur
 en: a son-in-law
276. e2 u2-ur3-ra-na-ka
 en: into the house of his father-in-law
277. i3-in-ku4
 en: has entered,
278. u2-ur3
 en: but the father-in-law
279. egir5-bi-ta
 en: afterwards
280. lu2 [...]
 en: to another man ...
281. ba-an-na-szum2
 en: has given her away,
282. nig2-mu10-us2-sa2
 en: the wedding gifts,
283. a-ra2 2(disz)-am3
 en: twofold,
284. i3-na-szum2
 en: he shall give to him.
285. tukum-bi
 en: If
286. [...]-a
 en: ...
287a. geme2 ARAD2? (x)
 en: a female or male slave
287b. ba-zah3
 en: has escaped,
288. ki-sur-ra iri-na-ka
 en: and the border of her town
289. ib2-te-bala
 en: she has crossed over,
290. lu2 im-mi-gur
 en: and someone has turned her in,
291. lugal sag-ga2-ke4
 en: the owner of the slave
292. lu2 im-mi-in-gur-ra
 en: to the man who turned her in
293. 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
 en: 2 shekels of silver
294. i3-na-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
295. tukum-bi
 en: If
296. giri3-pad-ra2
 en: a bone
297. [...]-a-ni
 en: his ...
298. lu2 in-ku5
 en: a man has cut,
299. 1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar
 en: 10 shekels of silver
300. i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
301. tukum-bi
 en: If
302. lu2 lu2-ra
 en: one man against another
303. {gesz}tukul-ta
 en: with a weapon
304. giri3-pad-ra2 al-mu-ra-ni
 en: his ... bone
305. in-zi-ir
 en: has broken,
306. 1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
 en: 1 mina of silver
307. i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
308. tukum-bi
 en: If
309. lu2 lu2-ra
 en: one man against another
310. geszbu2-ta
 en: through a fistfight
311. giri17-ni in-ku5
 en: has cut off his nose,
312. 2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
 en: 2/3rd mina of silver
313. i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
314. tukum-bi
 en: If
315. [...]-ta
 en: with a ...
316. giri3-pad-ra2
 en: a bone
317. in-[...]
 en: he has ...,
318. 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
 en: 2 shekels of silver
319. i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
320. tukum-bi geszbu2-ta
 en: If through a fistfight
321. ugu2 lu2 lu2
 en: one man the skull of another man
322. i3-ha-asz
 en: has split open
323. nig2 {gesz}tukul-a-gin7 1/3(disz) ma-na
 en: with something like a weapon, 1/3rd mina
324. i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
325. tukum-bi geszbu2-ta
 en: If through a fistfight
326. ugu2 lu2 lu2
 en: one man the skull of another man
327. i3-ha-asz
 en: has split open,
328. 3(gesz2) usan3 i3-ra-ra
 en: he shall be beaten with 180 lashes.
329. tukum-bi igi lu2
 en: If someone’s eye
330. lu2 im-ta-szub
 en: a man makes fall out,
331. 1/2(disz) ma-na i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay 1/2 mina.
332. tukum-bi lu2
 en: If a man
333. lu2 zu2-ni i3-ku5
 en: breaks another man’s tooth,
334. 1/2(disz) ma-na i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay 1/2 mina.
335. tukum-bi ARAD2-de3
 en: If a slave
336. dumu-gi7-ra i3-ni-ra
 en: has struck a free(d) citizen,
337. {ki}kiszi4-ni u3-ta-ak
 en: when half his head hair has been shaved off,
338. iri im-nigin2-nigin2
 en: he shall be paraded around the town.
339. tukum-bi dumu-gi7
 en: If a free(d) citizen
340. ARAD2-ra i3-ni-ra
 en: has beaten a slave,
341. 1(gesz2) a2-si 1(gesz2) nig
 en: 60 (times) with a strap and 60 (times) with a belt
342. i3-ra-ra
 en: he shall be beaten.
343. tukum-bi
 en: If
344. lu2 ba-usz2
 en: a man has died,
345. dam-ni ur2-a-na-sze3
 en: and his wife to her father-in-law’s (house)
346. i3-na-ni-tusz
 en: has gone to reside,
347. sag
 en: the slaves
348. a-ga-na
 en: of her legacy
349. ne-de2-a
 en: and the marriage gifts
350. ha-ba-an-tum2-mu
 en: she may take away.
351. tukum-bi
 en: If
352. geme2 nu-tuku
 en: she has no female slaves,
353. 1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar-am3
 en: 10 shekels of silver
354. he2-na-la2-e
 en: let her pay him.
355. tukum-bi
 en: If
356. ku3 nu-tuku
 en: she has no silver,
357. nig2-na-me
 en: nothing
358. nu-na-ab-szum2-mu
 en: shall she give to him.
359. tukum-bi
 en: If
360. geme2 lu2 nin-a-ni-gin7
 en: a female slave a person who as her mistress
361. dim2-ma-ar
 en: is acting
362. asz2 i3-ni-du11
 en: has cursed,
363. 1(disz) sila3 mun-am3
 en: indeed 1 sila3 of salt
364. ka-ka-ne2
 en: onto her mouth
365. i3-sub6-be2
 en: shall be rubbed.
366. tukum-bi
 en: If
367. geme2 lu2 nin-a-ni-gin7
 en: a female slave a person who as her mistress
368. dim2-ma-ar
 en: is acting
369. in-ni-ra
 en: has struck,
370. [...]
 en: ...
371. [...]
 en: ...
372. [...]
 en: ...
373. [...]
 en: ...
374. [...]
 en: ...
375. [...]
 en: ...
376. [...]
 en: ...
377. [...]
 en: ...
378. x [...] i3-la2-e
 en: ... he shall pay.
379. tukum-bi
 en: If
380. a2?-suh?
 en: with a forearm
381. dumu-munus
 en: the daughter
382. lu2-ka i-ni-in-ra
 en: of a man he has hit,
383. nig2 sza3-ga-na
 en: and the thing of her womb
384. szu mu-un-da-an-la2
 en: he has caused her to miscarry,
385. 1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
 en: 1/2 mina of silver
386. i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
387. tukum-bi
 en: If
388. ba-usz2
 en: she has died,
389. nita2-bi
 en: that man
390. i3-gaz-e
 en: shall be killed.
391. tukum-bi
 en: If
392. a2?-suh?
 en: with a forearm
393. geme2 lu2-ka
 en: a man’s female slave
394. i3-ni-in-ra
 en: he has hit,
395. ma-gig
 en: and an ‘it-has-hurt-me’ (~miscarriage)
  P257233 has instead ‘the thing of her womb’
396. i3-ni-du11
 en: he has done to her,
  P257233 has instead ‘he has caused her to miscarry’
397. 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
 en: 5 shekels of silver
  P250820 has instead ‘10 shekels’
398. i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
399. tukum-bi
 en: If
400. geme2 ba-usz2
 en: the female slave has died,
401. [...]
 en: ... (vacat)
  superfluous line, artifact of modern editions
402. sag sag-sze3 i3-gub-be2
 en: a slave for a slave shall serve.
403. tukum-bi
 en: If
404. lu2 lu2 ki-inim-ma-sze3
 en: a man as a witness
405. ib2-ta-e3
 en: came forth,
406. lu2 ni2-zuh
 en: and a thief
407. ba-an-ku4
 en: he was made out to be,
408. 1(u) 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar-am3
 en: 15 shekels of silver
409. i3-la2-e
 en: he shall pay.
410. tukum-bi
 en: If
411. lu2 lu2 ki-inim-ma-sze3
 en: a man as a witness
412. ib2-ta-e3
 en: came forth,
413. nam-erim2-ta im-ma-ra-a-gur
 en: but turned away from (taking) an oath,
414. nig2 di-ba en-na gal2-la
 en: the concern of that suit, as much as there be,
415. ib2-su-su
 en: he will compensate.
416. tukum-bi
 en: If
417. {a-sza3}asza5 lu2
 en: a man’s field
418. nig2-a2-gar-sze3
 en: by deception
419. lu2 i3-ak
 en: another man has worked,
420. ba-an-uru4
 en: and he has plowed it,
421. di bi2-du11
 en: and a trial has been held regarding it,
422. gu2 in-ni-gar
 en: and it was put to another’s account,
423. lu2-bi
 en: that man
424. a2-ni ib2-ta-an-e11-de3
 en: shall be forced to forfeit his labor.
425. tukum-bi
 en: If
426. {a-sza3}asza5 lu2
 en: a man’s field
427. lu2 a-da bi2-DU
 en: another man has flooded with water,
428. a-sza3 1(iku) GAN2
 en: per 1 iku of field
429. 3(asz) sze gur
 en: 3 gur of barley
430. i3-ag2-ge26
 en: he shall measure out.
431. tukum-bi
 en: If
432. lu2 lu2
 en: a man to another man
433. {a-sza3}asza5 apin-la2-sze3
 en: a field for cultivation
434. i3-na-szum2
 en: has given,
435. nu-un-uru4
 en: but he did not plow it,
436. sza3-su-ga
 en: and empty land
437. i3-gar
 en: he has left,
438. 1(iku) GAN2
 en: per 1 iku
439. 3(asz) sze gur
 en: 3 gur of barley
440. i3-ag2-ge26
 en: he shall measure out.
441. tukum-bi
 en: If
442. lu2 lu2 a-sza3 ki-duru5
 en: a man to another man a field on irrigable land
443. apin-la2-sze3
 en: for cultivation
444. in-na-szum2
 en: has given,
445. 1(bur3) GAN2 masz-bi 2(disz) gin2-am3
 en: per 1 bur3 of field 2 shekels as its interest
446. a-sza3 in-da-gal2-am3
 en: the field will generate from him.
447. tukum-bi a-sza3 a2-x lu2 lu2 apin-la2-sze3 in-na-szum2
 en: If a man has given to another man a ... field for cultivation,
448. [...] n gin2-am3
 en: per ... n shekels
474. i3-na-la2-e
 en: he shall pay him.
  n lines broken
 en: ...
 en: If
 en: a man has hired oxen or cows for harrowing,
 en: for a 2 year’s hire of it
 en: he shall measure out to him 8 gur of barley;
 en: for the hire of oxen or cows for lead or middle (?),
 en: he shall measure out to him 6 gur of barley.
 en: If a man has died
 en: and has no sons,
 en: an umarried daughter
 en: shall become his heir.
 en: If a man has died,
 en: and his daughter ...,
 en: she shall inherit the goods of her father’s estate.
 en: A younger sister should share the inheritance of the estate,
 en: but the father’s subsistance allotments shall be shared by the (estate’s) workers.
 en: If a man has put barley into another man’s house,
 en: and that house has been broken into,
 en: when the owner of the barley has taken an oath,
 en: the owner of the house shall replace it.
 en: If a man has put barley into another man’s house,
 en: and the owner of the house has changed,
 en: after it has been verified,
 en: he shall put in for him twice as much barley as was therein.
 en: If a man has put barley into another man’s house,
 en: per 1 gur barley ... will be its nig2-diri levy.
 en: If a man who married a wife
 en: has left his wife behind,
 en: when she has stayed (waiting) 6 months for him
 en: the woman may be married by a husband of her choice.
 en: If a man married a wife,
 en: and his wife died,
 en: the man, until he remarries,
 en: his wife’s marriage gifts should be brought to him;
 en: but when the man marries a (new) wife,
 en: the marriage gifts should return to her people’s household.
 en: If a man has died,
 en: his wife, until she remarries,
 en: the house ...
  n lines broken
 en: in/of her ... will not be put.
 en: If the father has died,
 en: ... of his sons
 en: will be ...;
 en: ... the physical house is the elder brother’s.
 en: If an ox has been lost in its cattle pen,
 en: the cowherds
 en: shall replace it.
 en: If a sheep has been lost in its sheepfold,
 en: the shepherds
 en: shall replace it.
 en: If an ox, a sheep, a donkey, or a pig has been lost among the houses or in a well-pit of a city,
 en: the district (authorities)
 en: shall replace it.
 en: If a man has not lost anything,
 en: but he has declared: “I have lost something of mine;”
 en: when by the district
 en: it has been proved,
 en: that man shall be killed;
 en: the district shall take away his inheritance.
 en: The nig2-diri levy for 1 stolen ox is 1 barig;
 en: the nig-diri levy for 1 stolen donkey is 3 ban2;
 en: the nig-diri levy for 1 stolen sheep is 1 ban2, (due) at the new year.
 en: If a man takes another man to court,
 en: after he has made him proceed through (court) appearances regarding it for the 3rd time, the suit shall be ended.
 en: If in winter
 en: a man has hired a 60-gur boat,
 en: its nig2-diri levy will be 1 ban2,
 en: its hire rate for 1 day will be (blank).
 en: If a man has hired a 60-gur boat: for 30 double-miles, its nig2-diri levy will be 3 ban2 per 1 gur;
  apparently te-na = da-na
 en: for 20 double-miles its nig2-diri levy will be 2 ban2 per 1 gur;
 en: for 10 double-miles the nig2-diri levy will be 1 ban2 per 1 gur.
  n lines broken
 en: It is of barley; its silver is 1/3rd shekel.
 en: 1 day’s wages of a house-builder will be 3 ban2.
 en: For a carpenter, leatherworker, reed-mat maker, felt maker, metalsmith, fuller, goldsmith, or stone-cutter,
 en: their harvest-time wages will be 3 ban2 each;
 en: their winter ones will be 2 ban2 each.
 en: The barley for 3 ...-pots will be 1 ban2;
 en: the barley for 1 kurdu pot will be 1 ban2;
 en: for 1 lahtan pot of 1 gur (capacity) it will be 3 ban2;
 en: the barley for 1 oven will be 5 sila3.
 en: If a man has broken a leg bone,
 en: and a physician has made him well,
 en: the silver for that will be 5 shekels.
 en: If a man has been mauled by a lion,
 en: and a physician has made him well,
 en: the silver for that will be 5 shekels.
 en: If a physician has taken out a ‘stone,’
 en: the silver for that will be 5 shekels.
 en: If a physician has healed the eyesight,
 en: the silver for that will be 2 shekels.
 en: If a physician ... a man,
 en: the silver for that will be n shekels.
 en: The harvest-time wages of a ... will be 3 ban2;
 en: his winter ones will be 2 ban2.
 en: The harvest-time wages of the ... persons will be 1 ban2; the nig2-diri levy will be 1 barig;
 en: their winter ones will be ... and ... will be the nig2-diri levy.
 en: The daily wages of a female weaver when washing (fibers) will be n ban2;
 en: the daily wages of a senior female weaver will be 2 ban2;
 en: the daily wages of a female weaver of šudur-garments will be 2 ban2.
 en: The wages of the ... persons will be 6 sila3 of barley.
 en: The wages of the doorman’s helpers ... will be 1 sila3 of barley.
 en: If a female tavern-keeper in the harvest season
 en: has given 1 beer-jar to a person on credit,
 en: at the harvest season 5 ban2 of barley ...,
 en: and its nig2-diri levy will be ...;
 en: the winter’s will be ...
 en: If a man to another man
 en: has given 1 gur of barley as a loan,
 en: its interest for 1 year shall be 1 barig and 4 ban2 of barley.
 en: If a man to another man
 en: has given 10 shekels of silver as a loan,
 en: its interest for 1 year shall be 2 shekels.
 en: If a man to another man ...,
 en: and a robber in the house ...,
  n lines broken
 en: a robber in the house ...,
 en: he need not replace it.
 en: If a person has fed another person’s child milk,
 en: for 3 years her barley shall be 6 gur,
 en: her wool 30 minas,
 en: and her oil 30 sila3;
 en: it is a thing of the office of the nugig-women.
 en: The fee per year of a hired wet-nurse shall be 1 shekel.
 en: If, during the term of Gutium,
 en: a man sold a slave,
 en: but that slave someone detained,
 en: when the owner of the slave has taken an oath,
 en: he may take away the slave.
 en: If the man who did the selling has died,
 en: (only) when that man’s wife, or his son, or his witness
 en: has taken an oath
 en: may he take away the slave.
 en: During the reign of Ur-Namma, the king of the nig2-diri levy,
 en: after he had been elevated by Nanna over the people,
 en: at that time, if the man who had sold the slave
 en: be he the slave’s owner or ...,
 en: or be he its ..., the (relevant) ginabtum-officer
 en: if he has not brought in,
 en: that man is a thief.
 en: If a man has died, his equal-ranking wife should act as the 1st heir in the house.
 en: If a man marries the wife of his older brother,
 en: he shall be killed.
 en: If a slave marries his female owner, he shall be killed.
 en: If a man ... another man,
  n lines broken
 en: ...
 en: ... which is equivalent to the house ...
 en: If a man has bought 1 sar of a built house,
 en: its silver shall be n shekels.
 en: If a vacant lot of 1 sar
 en: a man has bought, its silver shall be 1 shekel.
 en: If 1 sar of a built house
 en: a man has rented for ..., he shall pay 1 shekel of silver.
 en: A person who erases this inscription and writes his own name on it,
 en: or because of this curse he incites another to do it,
 en: and the person who erases this inscription and has written for him a name which should not be written,
 en: whether that person be a king, or an en, or a governor, ...,
 en: may he who was seated on a throne sit down in the dust.
 en: May his people roam about among reed huts(?).
 en: May his city be a disagreeable city to Enlil.
 en: May the gates of his city stand open.
 en: May the young men of his city be blinded slaves.
 en: May the young women of his city be ones unable to bear.
 en: May the gods of his town, Enki, Iškur, and Ašnan,
 en: by the exalted might of Enlil ...
 en: ... did not ...
 en: May no one build the ... of cattle pens ...;
 en: may no one ... the ... of sheepfolds for him.
 en: ...
  n lines broken
 en: ...
 en: The city ...
 en: ... favorable ...
 en: may it ...
 en: Ur-Namma ...

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Consult word list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)

  • Artifact type: Artifact type comments:

    composite text

  • Material:
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

    composite text

  • primary: RIME 3/2, .01.01.20 (Laws of Ur-Namma) composite

    [Frayne1997RIME3/2] Frayne, Douglas R. 1997. Ur III Period (2112-2004 BC). Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Early Periods, vol. 3/2. University of Toronto Press.

  • history: ISET 2, 128-129, Ni 03191

    [Çig1976ISET2] Kramer, Samuel N., Muazzez İlmiye Çığ, and Hatice Kızılyay. 1976. Sumerian Literary Tablets and Fragments in the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul. Sumer Edebî Tablet ve Parçalari 2.

  • history: CUSAS 17, p.221-286, 107

    [Civil2011Ur-Namma] Civil, Miguel. 2011. “The Law Collection of Ur-Namma.” In Cuneiform Royal Inscriptions and Related Texts in the Schøyen Collection, edited by Andrew R. George, 221–86. Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS), Volume 17. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press.

  • history: Kramer, Samuel N., Or 23 (1953) 40-48,

    [sec111695] N.d.

  • history: Wilcke, Claus, Fs Krecher (2015) 529-573,

    [sec111698] N.d.

  • citation: AS 16, p.1-12, p. 11 UM 55-21-71

    [Civil1965law] Civil, Miguel. 1965. “New Sumerian Law Fragments.” In Studies in Honor of Benno Landsberger on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday, April 21, 1965, 1–12. Assyriological Studies 16. Chicago, Illinois: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

  • Composite No.: Q000947
  • Museum No.:
  • Accession No.:

  • Provenience: Nippur (mod. Nuffar)
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No:
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

  • Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
  • Dates Referenced: Ur-Namma.00.00.00
  • Alternative Years:
  • Date Comments:
  • Accounting Period: 0

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2023-06-01 at 20:47:06 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Novotny, Jamie Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2016-10-28 at 17:55:57 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2015-06-02 at 16:07:11 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2015-01-30 at 09:56:09 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-10-17 at 12:59:10 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-06-05 at 11:36:23 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View
2014-05-31 at 19:00:06 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-05-31 at 18:52:31 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-05-31 at 12:13:11 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-05-31 at 09:57:24 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-05-31 at 09:27:55 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-05-30 at 14:06:53 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View
2014-05-26 at 14:26:33 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View
2014-05-19 at 13:16:41 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View
2014-05-08 at 16:09:02 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View
2014-05-03 at 08:48:11 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-05-03 at 08:34:28 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-05-02 at 19:52:27 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2012-09-28 at 20:09:32 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2012-09-28 at 19:42:35 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2012-09-28 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

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Cite this Artifact
“RIME 3/ (Laws of Ur-Namma) Composite Artifact Entry.” (2012) 2023. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). June 1, 2023. https://cdli.ucla.edu/P432130.
RIME 3/ (Laws of Ur-Namma) composite artifact entry (No. P432130). (2023, June 1). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P432130 (Original work published 2012)
RIME 3/ (Laws of Ur-Namma) composite artifact entry (2023) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: https://cdli.ucla.edu/P432130 (Accessed: April 19, 2024).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2024-04-19]},
	year = {2023},
	month = {jun 1},
	title = {RIME 3/ ({Laws} of {Ur}-{Namma}) composite artifact entry},
	url = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P432130},
	howpublished = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P432130},

DA  - 2023/6/1/
PY  - 2023
ID  - P432130
LB  - CDLI:P432130
M1  - 2024/4/19/
TI  - RIME 3/ (Laws of Ur-Namma) composite artifact entry
UR  - https://cdli.ucla.edu/P432130
ER  - 
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