CDLI Literary 000628 (Inanna G) composite (P478857)

Literary artifact dated to the Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) period

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Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)



Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)

Literary (ETCSL 4.07.07 Inanna G (composite))






object composite text
surface a
1. di-da-mu-ne di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going, when I was going.
2. ga-sza-an-ir9{+i-ra}-ra mu-lu2-u3?-ne
 en: When I, the almighty lady of all mankind(?)
3. ga-sza-an-gen abzu-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: - I am the lady - was going to the Abzu.
4. ga-sza-an-an-na-gen abzu-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I - I am the lady of heaven - was going to the Abzu.
5. abzu e2-nun-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to the Abzu, the prince(ly) house.
6. uru2-ze2-eb{ki}-ze2-eb-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to sweet Eridu.
7. e2-engur-ra-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to the House-of-the-Sweet-Waters.
8. e2-an-na e2 {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to the House-of-Heaven, the house of Enlil.
9. ne-sag u4-de3 sza3-ge pa3?-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to where the first-fruit offerings are brought in daily.
10. bur-gal-gal an-ne2 su8-ga-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to where large bowls have been placed outdoors.
11. bur szu-sikil-e ze2-eg3-ga2-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to where jars have been offered by a pure hand.
12. a mu-lu-zi-de3 szu e3-ba-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to where the righteous man raised (his) hand.
13. u3-mu-un {d}am-an-ki szu e3-ba-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to where the lord Enki raised (his) hand.
14. {d}dam-gal-nun-na-ke4 szu e3-ba-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to where Damgalnuna raised (her) hand.
15. {d}asar-e abzu?-ke4? szu e-ba-sze3 di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going to where Asar (in?) the Abzu? raised (his) hand.
16. ur mu-da-ri PIRIG? mu-da-ri
 en: (then) I brought a dog along with me, I brought a lion? along with me.
17. {gisz}taskarin mu-da-ri {gesz}ha-lu-ub2 mu-da-ri
 en: I brought boxwood along with me, I brought halub-wood along with me.
18. ga-sza-an-an-na-gen im-tur-tur-e szu i-im-ti
 en: I am the Lady-of-Heaven, I accepted the breezes(?).
19. e-re7{+re}-da-mu-ne e-re7-da-mu-ne
 en: When I bring it along (with me), when I bring it along (with me).
20. a-e3 me-e gen-na a-e3 me-e gen-na
 en: Gushing water I am indeed, gushing water I am indeed.
21. ga-sza-an-gen ambar-ra di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I - I am the lady - was strolling about the marshes,
22. ambar{+a-bar-ra}-ra a12?-ra2?-bu{muszen}-bi me-e gen-na
 en: I am indeed the arabu?-bird of the marshes.
23. ka-me3-ka di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I was going at the opening of the battle,
24. u4 u4 u4 e3-a-bi gen-na
 en: I am forthcoming day-day-daylight.
25. igi-me3-ka di-da-mu-ne
 en: When I am going in front of the battle,
26. u4 u4 e3-a-bi gen-na
 en: I am forthcoming day-daylight.
27. egir-me3-ka us2-sa-mu-ne
 en: When I was following the battle,
28. kusz7 em3 hul-bi ze2-ba? gen-na
 en: I am devastation that rose up wickedly.
29. e2-{d}mu-ul-lil2-la2 ku4-ra-mu-ne
 en: When I was entering the house of Enlil,
30. munus kur-ra diri-ga-bi gen-na
 en: I am a woman who is surpassing the mountain.
31. kur-kur-ra KA me-ri ba-ni-in-ne
 en: Against the mountain ranges I(?) speak angry words(?).
32. mu-ud-da-na-mu igi-ma3 ba-e-tusz
 en: My husband took his place in front of me.
33. e2-de3? {d}utu?-de3 a-da-min3 mu-un-de3-ne
 en: Against(?) the house, against Utu(?), they take part in combat.
34. {d}utu-de3 {d}nanna-de3 a-da-min3 mu-de3-ne
 en: Against Utu (and) Nanna they take part in combat.
35. {d}sud3 ASZ a-{uruda}szen-dilim2-ku3-ga-ta a-da-min3 mu-de3-ne
 en: Against Sud, the one, with the water of the holy dish they take part in combat.
36. i7-de3 i7-de3 i7-diri-gin7 dam-gin7 ze2-eb uru2-gin7 ze2-eb ur5-gin7 ze2-eb nu-gal2
 en: On the river, on the river, like sailing (on the) river - like the spouse sweet, like the town sweet, such a sweet (thing) does not exist! -
37. i7-de3 i7-nun-e i7-diri-gin7
 en: On the river, on the Prince-canal, like sailing (on the) river.
38. i7-de3 {i7}buranun-na i7-diri-gin7
 en: On the river, on the Euphrates, like sailing (on the) river.
39. i7-{i7}buranun-na-ke4 i7-diri-gin7
 en: On the course of the Euphrates, like sailing (on the) river.
40. sza3? e2?-dim3?-ma?-sze3? im?-da?-gen?-na?-gin7?
 en: Like she(?) went to(?) the center(?) of Edim(?).
41. dim3?-me?-er mu-lu im?-da-gen-na-gin7 (x)
 en: Like the deity of man(kind) went with her(?).
42. dam-gin7 ze2-eb uru2-gin7 ze2-eb ur5-gin7 ze2-eb nu-gal2
 en: Like the spouse sweet, like the town sweet, such a sweet (thing) does not exist!
43. {d}am-an-ki am-uru2-ze2-ba im-da-gen-na-gin7 (x)
 en: Like Enki, the wild bull of the sweet town, went with her(?).
44. ama?-e2-mah-a {d}dam-gal-nun-na im-da-gen-na-gin7 (x)
 en: Like the mother of the Emah, Damgalnuna, went with her(?).
45. {d}asar-lu2-hi dumu-uru2-ze2-ba im-da-gen-na-gin7
 en: Like Asarluḫi, the child of the sweet town, went with her(?).
46. {d}mu-ul-lil2-le mu-un-gu7-a-gin7 mu-un-nag-a-gin7 dam-gin7 ze2-eb uru2-gin7 ze2-eb ur5-gin7 ze2-eb nu-gal2
 en: Like Enlil ate (and) like he drank - like the spouse sweet, like the town sweet, such a sweet (thing) does not exist!
47. SZA3? x NE ne-en sza3-mu ba-ma-al
 en: (...) my heart is placed.
48. a lu2-zi!-de3 szu e-ba-sze3
 en: To the house(?) where the righteous man raised (his) hand.
49. a-bi lu2-zi-de3 szu bi2-in-e3-ba-a-sze3
 en: To that house(?) where the righteous man raised (his) hand.
50. mu-lu-bi e2-sza3-ga {mu}nu2 gi-rin-ne bi2-in-ak
 en: In the Ešag that man set up a bed in flowers.
51. e2-an-na-ka gada-la2-e! na ba-e-na-ag2
 en: In the House-of-Heaven the linen-clad erected(?) a stone(?) for him.
52. u3-mu-un-ra a mu-un-ma-al mu-na-ab-be2-ne
 en: Addressing the lord, water was prepared.
53. ninda{+en-da} mu-un-ma-al mu-un-na-ab-be2-ne
 en: Addressing him, bread was prepared.
54. e2-gal-la NI2-te-en mu-un-na-ab-be2-ne
 en: They are telling him to refresh in the palace.
55. {d}dumu-zi e2-e-am3 ki-am3 u4-zalag-ga
 en: O Dumuzi, it is in(?) the house, a place bright as a day it is.
56. ama {d}inanna ama {d}inanna du6-zu du-zu
 en: Mother Inanna, Mother Inanna, your hill(?), your going(?).
57. ama {d}inanna {d}inanna-an-na tug2-zu tug2-zu
 en: Mother Inanna, Inanna-of-Heaven, your clothes, your clothes.
58. tug2-gi6-zu tug2-babbar-zu
 en: Your black clothes, your white clothes.
59. mu-lu e2-a gen-na-mu te-e-am3
 en: It is indeed(?) my man who strolled around the house.
60. i-lu te-am3 ad-sza4-sza3-ba
 en: It is indeed(?) a song, a heart’s lament.
61. me-e-bi te-am3 me ba-tusz-u3-ne
 en: Its me it is indeed. They (shall) place the me.
62. ki-bi te-am3 ki am3-gub-bu-ne
 en: Its place it is indeed. They (shall) set the (proper) place.
63. am3-mi-in-gub-bu-ne am3-mi-in-gub-bu-ne
 en: They (shall) place him, they (shall) place him.
64. {d}mu-ul-lil2 ki-ur3!-ra am3-mi-in-gub-bu-ne
 en: They (shall) place Enlil in the ki’ur.
65. am szi-ka-na-ag2-ga2 mu-lu2-bi de3-en-ti
 en: O lord, life of the land, I will revive that man.
66. em3 ni2-bi em3 ni2-bi de3-ak
 en: I will make things alone(?), things alone(?).
67. lu2-bi e2-nun-na KA inim-si-sa2 de3-bi2-in-ak
 en: For its men I will make a firm promise in the cella.
68. a-ga-e2-gal-la2-ka inim-si-sa2 im-be2-en-na
 en: (Whatever) it is that you say as firm promise in the rear part of the palace.
69. in-nin9 ubur-zu gan2-ne2-zu he2-a
 en: O Inanna, your breast is indeed your field.
70. {d}inanna ubur-zu gan2-ne2-zu he2-a
 en: O Inanna, your breast is indeed your field.
71. gan2-ne2 dagal-e gu de2-a-zu
 en: When you poured out flax in the wide field.
72. gan2-ne2 dagal-e sze de2-a-zu
 en: When you poured out barley in the wide field.
73. a bala-am3-ta mu-lu2 SZE gar-am3-ta
 en: (Then) draw water from there (and) establish(?) it for the men!
74. a bala-bala-am3-ta mu-lu2 gar-gar-am3-ta
 en: Draw much water from there (and) establish it plentifully for the men!
75. mu-lu du11-ga-ra u3-na-e-ni-du11
 en: After you have told it the man addressed,
76. ne-en ga-ra-na8-na8?
 en: I will drink that on your behalf(?).
77. szir3-nam-szub-{d}inanna-kam
 en: It is an incantation-song of Inanna,
78. 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) mu?-bi?-im?
 en: 76 are its lines.

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Consult word list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

  • Artifact type: Artifact type comments:

    composite text

  • Material:
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

    composite text

  • history: ETCSL, (1998-2006) 4.07.07 Inanna G

    [BlackETCSL] Black, Jeremy A. 1998-2006. “Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature.” 1998-2006.

  • Composite No.: Q000628
  • Museum No.:
  • Accession No.:

  • Provenience:
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No:
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2019-08-29 at 19:06:07 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2019-08-29 at 18:27:21 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-04-23 at 16:27:23 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2015-02-16 at 10:12:04 Dahl, Jacob L. Atf Dahl, Jacob L. CDLI approved View
2015-02-07 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact Foxvog, Daniel A.; Wagensonner, Klaus CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

    There is no external resource for this artifact yet.

This artifact is a composite text. View the score of CDLI Literary 000628 (Inanna G) composite. See below for a list of its witness(es):

Witness Period Provenience
CDLI Literary 000628, ex. 001 (P283740) Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) -

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes: -
Cite this Artifact
“CDLI Literary 000628 (Inanna G) Composite Artifact Entry.” 2015. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). February 7, 2015.
CDLI Literary 000628 (Inanna G) composite artifact entry (No. P478857). (2015, February 7). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI).
CDLI Literary 000628 (Inanna G) composite artifact entry (2015) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: (Accessed: April 25, 2024).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2024-04-25]},
	year = {2015},
	month = {feb 7},
	title = {CDLI {Literary} 000628 ({Inanna} {G}) composite artifact entry},
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DA  - 2015/2/7/
PY  - 2015
ID  - P478857
LB  - CDLI:P478857
M1  - 2024/4/25/
TI  - CDLI Literary 000628 (Inanna G) composite artifact entry
UR  -
ER  - 
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