Update made on 2020-03-01 at 12:10:52 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P227509 = RIME & 06-09 & 11-13 & 15, ex. 01; RIME & 09 & 18, ex.01; RIME, ex. 6; RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
1. [sar-um-GI]
2. [_lugal_]
3. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
4. [_maszkim_]
5. [{d}inanna]
6. _lugal# kisz#_
7. _gudu4 an-na_
8. _lugal#_
9. _kalam#-ma#_
10. _ensi2-gal_
11. {d}en-lil2
12. _iri unu{ki}_
13. _e-hul_
14. _bad3#-bi_
15. _e-ga-si3#_
16. _lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da_
17. _{gesz}tukul_
18. _e#-da-sag3_
19. _aga3-kar2_
20. _e-ni-[se3]_
21. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
22. _[lugal]_
23. _[unug{ki}-ga-da]_
24. _{gesz#}tukul_
25. _[e]-da#-[sag3]_
26. _e#-ga-dab5_
27. _{gesz}si-gar-ta_
28. _ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3_
29. _e#-tum2#_
30. [sar-um-GI]
31. _lugal#_
32. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
33. _lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da_
34. _{gesz}tukul#_
35. _e-da-sag3_
36. _aga3-kar2_
37. _e-ni-se3_
38. _iri-ni_
39. _e-hul_
# erased GA-GA between E and HUL
40. _bad3-bi_
41. _e-ga-si3#_
42. _e2_ {d}nin-mar{ki}
43. _e-hul_
44. _bad3-bi_
45. _e-ga-si3#_
46. _gu2 kalam-bi_
47. lagasz{ki}-ta
48. _a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne_
49. _e-hul_
50. _{gesz}tukul-ni_
51. _a-ab-ba-ka_
52. _i3-luh_
53. _lu2 umma{ki}-da#_
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
2. _[lugal]_
3. [a-ka3-de3{ki}]
4. _[maszkim-gi4]_
5. [{d}inanna]
6. _[lugal kisz]_
7. _[pa4-szesz an]_
8. _lugal#_
9. _kalam-ma{ki}_
10. _ensi2_
11. {d}en-lil2
12. _iri{ki}_
# an erasure between the two signs
13. _unu{ki}_
# an erasure between the two signs
14. _sag-gesz-ra_
15. u3
16. _bad3_-su
17. _i3-gul-gul_
18. in _REC169_
19. unu{ki}
20. [isz11-ar]
21. _[iri{ki}]_
22. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
23. [lugal]-za3#-ge-si
24. _lugal#_
25. unu#{ki}
26. in _REC169_
27. _szu-du8-a_
28. in _si-gar_-rim3
29. a-na _ka2_
30. {d}en-lil2
31. u-ru-us2
32. sar-ru-GI
33. _lugal_
34. a-ka3-de3{ki}
35. in _REC169_
36. uri2{ki}
37. isz11-ar
38. u3
39. iti{ki}
40. _sag-gesz-ra_
41. u3
42. _bad3_-su
43. _i3-gul-gul_
44. e2-nin-mar{ki}
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
46. u3
47. _bad3_-su
48. _i3#-gul#-gul#_
49. u3#
50. _kalam-ma{ki}_-su
51. u3
52. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR.RI|){ki}
53. a-di3-ma
54. ti-a-am-tim
55. _sag-gesz-ra_
56. _{gesz}tukul_-ki2-su
57. in ti-a-am-tim
58. _i3-luh_
59. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
60. in# _REC169#_
61. [isz11-ar]
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. [sar-um-GI]
2. _lugal_
3. _kalam-ma-ra_
4. _{d}en-lil2-le_
5. _lu2-erim2#_
6. _nu-na-szum2_
7. _a-ab-[ba]_
8. _igi-nim-ma-ta_
9. _a-ab-ba_
10. _sig-sig#-sze3_
11. _{d}en-lil2-le_
12. _[mu-na-szum2]_
13. _[u3]_
14. _[a-ab]-ba_
15. _[sig-sig]-ta_
16. _[dumu] dumu#_
17. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
18. _nam#-[ensi2]_
19. _mu-kin#?-[x]_
20. _lu2_ ma-[ri2{ki}]
21. _lu2 elam[{ki}]_
$ 1 erased line
22. _igi_ sar-um#-GI#
23. _lugal_
24. _kalam-ma-ka-sze3_
25. _i3-su8-ge-esz2_
26. sar-um-GI
27. _lugal_
28. _kalam-ma-ke4_
29. kisz{ki}
30. _ki-be2_
31. _bi2-gi4_
32. _iri-bi_
33. _ki-gub e-na-ba_
34. _lu2 mu-sar-ra-e_
35. _ab-ha-lam-e-a_
36. _{d}utu_
37. _suhusz-a-ni_
38. _he2-bu3-re6_
39. _numun-na-ni_
40. _he2-ga-ri-ri-ge_
$ (Colophon)
41. _mu-sar-ra_
42. _ki-gal-ba_
$ (Caption 1')
43. sar-ru-GI
44. _lugal_
45. _kalam-ma{ki}_
46. _ka#?-x
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. [sar-ru-GI]
2. _lugal#_
3. _kalam#-ma{[ki]}_
4. {d}en-lil2
5. ma-[hi-ra]
6. [la i-di3-sum6]
7. [ti-a-am-tam2]
8. [a-li2-tam2]
9. [u3]
10. [sa-pil]-tam2
11. {d#}en-lil2
12. i-di3-nu-sum6
13. is2-tum-ma
14. ti-a-am-tim
15. sa-pil#-tim
16. _dumu dumu_
17. a-ka3#-de3#{ki}
18. [u]-ka3-lu
19. _ensi2_-ku8-a-tim
20. ma-ri2{ki}
21. u3
22. elam{ki}
23. mah-ri2-is2
24. sar-ru#-GI#
25. _lugal_
26. _kalam-ma{ki}_
27. i-za-zu-ni
28. sar#-ru#-GI#
29. _lugal_
30. _kalam-ma{ki}_
31. kisz{ki}
2. a-sza-ri2-su
33. i-ni
34. _iri{ki}_-lam
35. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
36. sza _dub_
37. su4#-a
38. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
39. {d}utu
40. _suhusz_-su
41. li-su2-uh
42. u3 _sze-numun_-su
43. li-il-qu3-ut
$ single ruling
$ (Colophon)
44. _mu-sar-ra#_
45. _ki#-[gal]-ba#_
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1)
46. sar#-um#-GI#
47. _lugal_
48. unu{ki}
$ (Caption 2)
49. mes-e2
50. _ensi2_
51. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
$ rest broken
@column 5
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [sar-um-GI]
5. _[lugal]_
6. _kisz#_
7. [3(u@c) 4(asz)] _SAHAR#?-ra_
8. _[aga]-kar2# bi2-se3_
9. _bad3-bi_
10. _i3-gul-gul_
11. _za3 a-ab-ba-ka-sze3_
12. _ma2_ me-luh-ha{ki}
13. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
14. _ma2 tilmun{ki}_
15. _kar ag-ge-de3{ki}-ka_
16. _bi2-kesz2_
17. sar#-um-GI
18. _lugal#_
19. _du8-du8-li#{ki}-a_
20. _{d}da-gan-ra_
21. _ki-a mu-na-za_
22. _szu12 mu-na#-sza4#_
23. _kalam igi-nim_
24. _mu-na-sum2_
25. ma-ri2{ki}
26. ia3-ar-mu-ti{ki}
27. eb-la{ki}
28. _tir_
29. _{gesz}erin
30. _hur-sag_
31. _ku3-ga-sze3_
32. sar-um-GI
33. _lugal_
34. {d#}en-lil2-le
35. _lu2 gaba-ru_
36. _nu-mu-ni-tuku_
37. 1(szar2) 3(gesz2@90) _erin2_
38. _u4-szu2-sze3_
39. _igi#-ni-sze3_
40. _ninda i3-gu7-e_
41. _lu2 mu-sar#-ra#-e#
42. _ab#-ha-lam-e-a_
43. _an-ne2_
44. _mu-ni_
45. _he2-ha-lam-e_
46. _{d}en-lil2-le_
47. _numun-a-ni_
48. _he2-til-le_
49. _{d}inanna-ke4_
40. [...]-e?
$ rest broken
@column 6
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. sar-ru#-GI#
5. _lugal_
6. _kisz_
7. 3(u@c)! 4(asz) _REC169_
8. isz11-ar
9. _bad3 bad3_
10. _i3-gul-gul_
11. a-di3-ma
12. pu-ti
13. ti-a-am-tim
14. _ma2_ me-luh-ha
15. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
16. _ma2_ dilmun{ki}
17. in ka3-ri2-im
18. szi a-ka3-de3{ki}
19. ir3-ku-us
20. sar-ru#-GI#
21. _lugal#_
22. in tu-tu-li{ki}
23. a-na
24. {d}da-gan
25. us2-ka3-en
26. ik-ru-ub
27. ma-tam2#
28. a-li2-tam2
29. i-di3-sum6
30. ma-ri2-am{ki}
31. ia3-ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}
32. eb-la{ki}
33. a-di3-ma
34. _{gesz}tir_
35. _{gesz}erin_
36. u3
37. _kur kur_
38. _ku3_
39. sar-ru-GI
40. _lugal_
41. szu {d}en-lil2
42. ma-hi-ra
43. la i-di3-sum6
44. 9(gesz'u) _gurusz_
45. u-um-sum6
46. ma-har-su
47. _ninda gu7_
#tr.en: ate bread.
$ (Colophon)
48. mu#-sar#-ra# alan#-na
49. ki-gal-bi nu-sar
$ blank space
50. il3-a-ba4
51. il-su
52. sar-ru-GI
53. _lugal_
54. _kisz_
55. in 9(asz)
56. ki-s,e2-ri2
57. a-ka3-de3{ki}
58. _iri{ki}_
59. [unu]{ki}
60. _[sag-gesz]-ra#_
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. u3
2. 5(u@c)# _ensi2_
3. u3
4. _lugal_
5. su4-ma
6. _szu-du8-a_
7. u3
8. in na-GUR8-za-am{ki}
9. _REC169_
10. isz-ni-a-ma
11. is2-ku8-na-ma
12. isz11-ar
13. u3
14. in# uri2{ki}
15.  us2-x-ta2-li2-sa-ma
16. im6-ta2-ah-s,a-ma
17. isz11-ar
18. u3
19. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
20. in _REC169_
21. isz11-ar
22. u3
23. _iri{ki}_
24. _sag-gesz#-ra_
25. u3
26. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|){ki}
27. in _REC169_
28. [isz11-ar]
29. u3#
30. _{gesz}[tukul-ki-su]
31. in# [ti-a-am-tim]
32. _i3-[luh]_
$ single ruling
$ (Colophon)
33. mu#-[sar-ra alan-na]
34. ki-gal-[bi nu-sar]
$ single ruling
35. x [...]
36. x [...]
37. [...]
38. [...]
39. [...]
40. [...]
41. [sar-ru]-GI#
42. _lugal_
43. a-ka3-de3{ki}
44. _maszkim-gi4_
45. {d}inanna
46. _lugal kisz_
47. _pa4-szesz an_
48. _lugal_
49. _kalam-ma{ki}_
50. _ensi2_
51. {d}en-lil2
52. in _REC169#_
53. unu{ki}
54. isz11-ar
55. u3
56. 5(u@c) _ensi2_
57. in _szita2_
58. il3-a-ba4
59. u3
60. _iri{ki}_
61. _sag#-gesz-[ra]_
62. [u3]
@column 8
1. _bad3#_-[su]
2. _i3-gul#-gul#_
3. u3
4. lugal-za3-ge-si
5. _lugal_
6. unu{ki}
7. in _REC169_
8. _szu-du8-a_
9. in _si-gar_-im
10. a-na _ka2_
11. {d}en-lil2
12. u-ru-us2
13. sar-ru-GI
14. _lugal_
15. a-ka3-de3{ki}
16. in# _REC169_
17. uri2{ki}
18. isz11-ar
19. u3#
20. _iri{ki}_
21. _sag-gesz-ra_
22. u3#
23. _bad3#_-[su]
24. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
25. [e2-nin-mar{ki}]
26. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
27. [u3]
28. _bad3_-su#
29. _[i3]-gul-gul_
30. u3
31. _[kalam]-ma#{ki}_-su
32. u3
33. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|)#{ki}
34. [a]-di3-ma
35. [ti-a]-am-tim
36. _[sag]-gesz-ra_
37. _[{gesz}tukul]_-ki2-su
38. [in] ti#-a-am-tim#
39. _i3-[luh]_
40. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
41. in _REC169#_
42. isz11-ar
43. u3
44. _iri{ki}_
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
46. u3
47. _bad3_-su#
48. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
49. sar#-[ru]-GI#
50. _lugal_
51. _[kalam-ma]{ki}_
52. [szu {d}en]-lil2
53. [ma-hi]-ra
54. la i#-di#-nu#-sum6
55. ti-a-am#-tam2#
56. a-li2-tam2#
57. u3#
58. sa-pil2#-[tam2]
59. [i-di3-sum6]
60. [isz-tum-ma]
61. [ti-a-am-tim]
62. [sa-pil2-tim]
@column 9
1. [a-di3-ma]
2. [ti-a-am]-tim#
3. [a-li2]-tim
4. _[dumu] dumu_
5. a-ka3-de3{ki}
6. _ensi2_-ku8-a-a-tim
7. u-ka3-lu2
8. ma-ri2{ki}
9. u3
10. elam{ki}
11. mah-ri2-is2
12. sar-ru-GI
13. _lugal_
14. _kalam-ma{ki}_
15. i-za-zu-ni
16. sar-ru-GI
17. _lugal_
18. _kalam-ma{ki}_
19. kisz#{ki}
20. [a]-sza-ri2-su
21. i-ni
22. u3
23. _iri{ki}_-lam
24. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
25. [sza] _dub#_
26. su4-a
27. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
28. {d}en-lil2
29. u3
30. {d}utu
31. _suhusz_-su
32. li-su2-ha
33. u3
34. _sze-numun_-su
35. li-il-qu3-ta2
36. ma-ma-na
37. _dul3_
38. su4-a#
39. u-a-ha#-ru#
40. {d}en#-lil2
41. _mu_-su
42. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)#
43. _{gesz}tukul_-su
44. li-isz-bir5
45. mah-ri-is2
46. {d}en#-lil#
47. e _du_
$ (Colophon)
48. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
49. _igi lugal-za3-ge-si-sze3 a-ab-sar_
50. sar-ru-GI
51. _lugal_
52. a-ka3-de3{ki}
53. _maszkim-gi4_
54. {d#}inanna#
55. _[lugal] kisz#_
56. _[pa4]-szesz# an_
57. _ensi2_
58. {d}en-lil2
@column 10
1. i3-[nu]
2. {d}en#-lil2
3. _di-ku5_-su
4. i-di3#-nu-ma#
5. u3
6. unu{ki}
7. __sag-gesz-[ra_-ni]
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. x [...]
12. x [...]
13. a-[na]
14. {[d]}en#-[lil2]
15. _[a] mu#-ru_
16. u3
17. nibru{ki}
18. a-na
19. {d}en-lil2
20. u-li-il
$ (Caption 1)
21. sar-ru-GI
22. _lugal_
23. _kalam-ma{ki}_
24. szu {d}en-lil2
25. ma-hi-ra
26. la i-di3-nu-sum6
$ (Colophon 1)
27. _mu#-[sar-ra]_
28. _ki#-[gal]-la
29. _a-ab-sar_
$ (Caption 2)
30. lugal-za3-ge-si
31. _en_
32. szu unu{ki}
33. _lugal_
34. szu uri2{ki}
$ (Curse formula)
35. sza _dub_
36. su4-a#
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-[ni]
38. {d}en-lil2#
39. u3
40. {d}utu
41. _suhusz_-su
42. li-su2-ha#
43. u3
44. _sze-numun_-su
45. li-il-qu3-ta2
46. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
47. _dul3_
48. su4-a
49. u-a#-ha#-ru
50. {d}en-lil2
51. _mu_-su
52. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU|)
53. _{gesz}tukul_-su
54. li-isz-bir5
55. mah-ri2-is2
56. {d}en-lil2
57. e# _du_
$ (Colophon 2)
58. _mu-sar-ra_
59. _murgu_ lugal-za3-ge-si
60. sar-ru-GI
61. _lugal#_
62. a-ka3#-de3{ki}
@column 11
1. _[iri{ki}]_
2. unu#{ki}
3. _sag#?-[gesz-ra]_
4. [u3]
5. [in _REC169_]
6. [isz11-ar]
7. [u3]
8. [5(u@c)] _ensi2#_
9. u3#
10. _lugal#_
11. su4#-ma
12. _szu-du8-a_
13. sza _dub_ su4-a
14. u-sa-sa3-ku-<ni>
15. {d}en-lil2
16. u3
17. {d}utu
18. _suhusz_-su
19. li-su2-ha
20. u3
21. _sze-numun_-su
22. li-il-qu3-ta2
23. ma-ma-na
24. _dul3_
25. su4-a
# 1 or 2 erased signs between SU4 and A
26. u#-a#-ha#-ru#
27. {d}en-lil2
28. _mu_-su
29. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)?
30. _{gesz}tukul_-su
31. li-isz-bir5
32. mah-ri2-is2
33. {d}en-lil2
34. e# _du_
$ (Colophon)
35. _[mu-sar-ra] alan#-na_
36. [...] x
37. sar-ru-GI
38. _lugal_
39. _kisz_
40. _sag#-gesz-ra_
41. elam#{ki}
42. u3
43. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
44. sza _dub_
45. su4-a
46. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
47. {d}en-lil2
48. {d}utu
49. u3
50. {d}inanna
51. _suhusz_-su
52. li-su2-ha
53. u3
54. _sze-numun_-su
55. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon 1)
56. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba#_
$ (Caption 1)
57. _a2# gub3!_ [...]
58. nim#[{ki} ...]
59. x [...]
60. [...]
@column 12
$ (Caption 2)
1. [sar-ru-GI]
2. _[lugal]_
3. _[kisz]_
4. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
5. [elam]{ki}
6. u3
7. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
$ (Colophon 2)
8. _za3-ga-na gub-ba_
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 3)
9. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
10. uru18{ki}
$ (Caption 4)
11. sa-NAM-si-mu-ut
12. _ensi2_
13. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 5)
14. lu-uh-isz-an
15. _dumu_ hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
16. _lugal_
17. elam{ki}
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 6)
18. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
19. sa-li-a-mu{ki}
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 7)
20. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
21. kar3-de3-de3#{ki#}
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 8)
22. ul-ul#
23. _szagina#_
24. pa2-ra-ah-sum#{[ki]}
$ (Caption 9)
25. da-gu
26. _szesz lugal_
27. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
$ (Caption 10)
28. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
29. HE2-ni{ki}
$ (Caption 11)
30. _nig2-|LA+IB|#_
31. bu-un-ba-an{ki}
$ (Caption 12)
32. zi-na
33. _ensi2_
34. hu-zi#-[x-x{ki}]
$ (Caption 13)
35. hi-da-ri2-da-[x]
36. _ensi2#_
37. gu-ni-la-ha{ki#}
$ (Caption 14)
38. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
39. sa-bum#{ki#}
$ (Caption 15)
40. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
41. a-wa-an{ki#}
$ (Caption 16)
42. si-id#-ga-u3
43. _szagina_
44. pa2-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
$ (Caption 17)
45. kun3-du-pum
46. _di-ku5_
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
$ (Caption 18)
48. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
49. su-si-im{ki}
$ (Colophon 3)
50. _ki-gal-ba szu du3#-a_
$ double ruling
51. sar#?-[ru-GI]
52. [...]
53. [...]
54. [...]
55. [...]
@column 13
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. x [...] x [...]
6. DA AN
7. {d}en-lil2
8. u-kal2-lim
9. ma-ma-na
10. pa2-ni-su
11. u3-la
12. u-ba-al
13. ti-a-am-tam2
14. a-li2-tam2
15. u3
16. sa-pil2-[tam2]
17. i-di3-sum6
18. sar-ru-GI
19. _lugal_
20. _kisz_
21. ra#?-x [x x]
22. [_szagina_-su]
$ (Colophon)
23. [mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba]
$ n lines broken
$ 2 lines traces
$ n lines broken
1'. 3(u@c)#? 4(asz)#? _[REC169]_
2'. isz11-ar#
3'. _iri{ki#} iri{[ki]}_
4'. sa3-ar-ru-tim#
5'. u ID x
$ blank space
6'. x [...]
$ rest broken
@column 14
$ beginning broken
0'. [_ma2_ me-luh-ha]
1'. _ma2#_ [ma2-gan2{ki}]
2'. _ma2#_  [dilmun{ki}]
3'. in# [ka3-ri2-im]
4'. szi a#-[ka3-de3{ki}]
5'. ir-[ku-us]
6'. sar-[ru-GI]
7'. _lugal#_
8'. [in tu-tu-li{ki}]
9'. [a-na]
10'. [{d}da-gan]
11'. [us2-ka3-en]
12'. [ik-ru-ub]
13'. [ma]-tam2#
14'. a-li2-tam2
15'. i-di3-sum6
16'. ma-ri2-am{[ki]}
17'. ia3-[ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}]
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. sar-ru#-[GI]
2'. _lugal#_
3'. _[kisz]_
$ n lines broken
4'. {d#}en#-[lil2]
5'. _{gesz#}gidri#_
6'. i-di3-sum6#-[ma]
7'. _gesztu2_
$ n lines broken
8'. u-kal2!-[lim]
9'. ma-ma-na
10'. pa2-ni-su
11'. u3-la
12'. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
13'. _suhusz_ x-[x]
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. _suhusz#_-[su]
7. li#-[su2-ha]
8. [u3]
9. _sze-numun#_-[su]
10. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
$ n lines broken
$ 4-5 lines traces
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1')
1'. x-su-uh-ru
2'. _ensi2_
3'. szi-ri2-hi-im{ki#}
$ (Caption 2')
4'. si-id-ga-u3#
5'. _szagina_
6'. pa2-ra-ah-sum{[ki]}
$ (Caption 3')
7'. sa-NAM-si-mu#-[ut]
8'. _szagina#_
9'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 4')
10'. lu-uh-isz-an
11'. _dumu_ hi-si-ib#-ra#-si#-ni#
12'. _lugal_
13'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 5')
14'. kun3?-du-pum
15'. _di#-[ku5]_
16'. [pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}]
$ (Caption 6')
17'. [...]
18'. 8(disz) _lu2_ [...]
19'. 2(disz)? bal?-bal#?-[x]
20'. 1(u)? 1(asz)? {gesz#}tukul {gesz}erin!_
$ (Caption 7')
21'. hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
22'. _lugal_
23'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 8')
24'.  _x-ra-ne-ne a-al-dab5_
25'. _szu-du3-ba a-ab-ri_
26'. ib-ba-le
$ (Ccolophon 2)
27'. sza3-bi an-na?
28'. ki-gal-ba! {d?}en!-lil2! {d}inanna#?
29'. ri2-mu-[us2]
30'. _lugal#_
31'. _[kisz]_
32'. [su2-ra-ma]
33'. sar-[ru-tam2]
34'. {d}en-[lil2]
35'. i-di3-nu-[sum6]
36'. _REC169#_
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. _lugal_
5. uri2{ki}
6. _szu-du8-a_
7. u3
8. _ensi2 ensi2_-su
9. _szu-du8-a_
10. u3
11. a2-ra-[ab]-su!-[nu]
12. a-di3-ma
13. ti-a-am-tim
14. sa-pil2-tim
15. il#-qu3#-ut#
16. u3
17. 1(gesz'u@v)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
18. in _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_
19. szu-me-ri2-im
20. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
21. a-na
22. ka3-ra-si-im
23. is2-kun3
24. u3
25. _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_-su-nu
26. _sag-gesz-ra_
27. u3
28. _bad3-bad3_-su-nu
29. _i3-gul-gul_
30. u-lum
31. in tu3-a-ri2-su
32. ka-za-lu{ki}
33. na-ki-ir-ma
34. _sag-gesz-ra_
35. in#! qar#-bi2#
36. ka-za-lu{ki}
37. 2(gesz'u@v)? 5(u) 2(asz) _gurusz-gurusz_
39. u-sa-am-qi4-it
40. _1(gesz'u@v) la2! 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz)_
41. _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
42. _szu-du8-a_
43. u3
44. a-sza-re2-ed
45. _ensi2_
46. ka-za-lu{ki}
47. _szu-du8-a_
48. u3
49. _bad3_-su
50. _i3-gul-gul_
51. _szunigin? 1(szar2) 3(gesz'u@v) 2(u) 1(u) 6(asz) gurusz gurusz_
52. [a-di3 mi]-qi4-tim#
53. [a-di3] _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)#
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. i3-[nu]
6. _REC169_ su4#-[a]
7. _dul3_-su4#
8. ib-ni-ma
9. a-na
10. {d}en-lil2
11. sa-li2-mi-su
12. _a mu-ru_
13. sza _dub_
14. su4#-a#
15. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
16. {d}en-lil2
17. u3
18. {d}utu
19. _suhusz_-su
20. li-su2-ha
21. u3
22. _sze-numun_-su
23. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon 1)
24. ki-gal an-ta igi-ni-sze3 a-ab-sar
$ (Curse formula)
25. ma-na-ma
26. _mu_
27. ri2-mu-us2
28. _lugal_
29. _kisz_
30. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
31. al _dul3_
32. ri2-mu-us2
33. _mu_-su
34. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
35. _dul3_-mi-me
36. i-[qa2-bi]-u3#
37. {[d]}en#-lil2#
38. be-al
39. _dul3_ su4-a
40. u3
41. {d}utu
42. _suhusz_-su
43. li-su3-ha
44. u3
45. _sze-numun_-su
46. li-il-qu3-ta2
47. _nita#_
48. [a] i-di3-na-sum6
49. mah#-ri2-is2
50. [i3]-li2-su
51. [e] _du_
$ (Colophon 2)
52. lugal#? [x]-ra?-ni?-sze3? a#-[ab]-sar#
$ (Caption 1)
53. {d}[...]
54. a2-li2-[ik]
55. mah-[ri2-su]
$ (Caption 2)
56. a-sza-[re2-ed]
57. _ensi2#_
58. ka#-[zal-lu{ki}]
$ rest broken
@column 5
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
$ (Caption 1')
5. en#-[...]
6. _ensi2#_
7. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki#}
$ (Caption 2')
8. {d}u-um
9. a2-li2-ik
10. mah#-ri2-su
$ (Caption 3')
11. KA-ku3
12. _lugal_
13. uri2{ki}
$ (Colophon)
12. ki-gal-ba egir lu2-{d}da-mu
13. ri2-mu-us2
14. _lugal_
15. _kisz_
16. in _REC169_
17. uri2#{ki}
18. u3
19. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki}
20. isz11-ar
21. u3
22. 1(gesz'u@v) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2@90) _gurusz_
23. u-sa#-am-qi2#-it
24. 9(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
25. _szu-du8-a_
26. u3
27. KA-ku3
28. _lugal_
29. uri2{ki}
30. _szu-du8-a_
31. u3
32. [ki]-tusz#-i7
33. _[ensi2]_
34. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki#}
35. _[szu-du8]-a_
36. u3#
37. [_iri{ki}_-su]-ni
38. _[sag-gesz]-ra_
39. u3#
40. [_bad3_-su]-ni
41. _[i3-gul]-gul#_
42. [u3]
43. [in _iri{ki}_-su]-ni
44. 1(gesz'u@v)#? [la2 1(u) 5(asz)] _gurusz#_
45. u-su-s,i2#-[am-ma]
46. a-na
47. ka3-ra-si-im
48. is2-kun3
49. sza _dub_
50. su4-a
51. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
52. {d}en-lil2
53. u3
54. {d}utu
55. _suhusz_-su
56. li-su2-ha
57. u3#
$ rest broken
@column 6
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [in] _REC169#_
6. ka-za-lu{ki}
7. 2(gesz'u@v) 5(u@c)# [2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_]
8. u-sa-[am]-qi2-it
9. 1(gesz'u@v) la2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
10. _szu-du8-[a]_
11. u3
12. a-sza-[re2-ed]
13. _ensi2#_
14. [ka3-za]-lu{ki}
15. _[szu]-du8-a_
16. u3
17. _bad3_-su
18. _i3-gul-gul_
19. sza _dub_
20. su4-[a]
21. u-sa-sa3-ku#-ni
22. {d}en-lil2
23. u3#
24. {d}utu#
25. _suhusz_-su
26. li-su2#-ha
27. u3#
28. _sze-numun_-su#
29. li-il#-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon)
30. _musz3 ki-gal ki-ta a2 zi-da-na
31. ri2#-mu#-us2
32. _lugal#_
33. _[kisz]_
34. [in _REC169_]
35. [adab{ki}]
36. [u3]
37. [zabala3{ki}]
38. isz11-[ar]
39. [u3]
40. 2(gesz'u@v)# 1(szar2)# 2(gesz2)# la2 2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
41. u-sa-am-qi2-it
42. 2(gesz'u@v)# 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) la2 4(asz)#? szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
43. _szu-du8-a_
44. u3
45. mes-ki-gal-la
46. _ensi2_
47. adab{ki}
48. _szu-du8-a_
49. u3
50. lugal-gal-zu
51. _ensi2_
52. zabala3{ki}
53. _szu-du8-a_
54. _iri{ki}_-su-ni
55. _sag#-gesz#-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. [...]
2. [n(disz) _gurusz gurusz_]
3. u-su#-s,i2#-am#-ma
4. a-na
5. ka-ra-si2-im
6. is2-kun3
7. sza _dub#_
8. su4-a
9. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
10. {d}en-lil2
11. u3
12. {[d]}utu
13. [_suhusz_-su]
14. [li-su2-ha]
15. u3
16. _sze-numun#_-su
17. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
$ (Colophon)
18. _musz3 ki-gal ki-[ta]_
19. _egir-ra-ni#-sze3#_
20. ri2-mu-us2
21. _lugal#_
22. _kisz_
23. in _REC169_
24. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
25. u3#
26. KI-AN{ki}
26. |KI.AN|{ki}
27. isz11-ar#
28. u3
29. [1(gesz'u@v)] 6(gesz'u)# la2 1(gesz2) 4(u@c) _gurusz gurusz_
30. [u]-sa-am#-qi2-it#
31. 6(gesz'u) la2# 2(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
32. _[szu-du8-a]_
33. [u3]
34. [en-x]
35. [_ensi2_ ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}]
36. _[szu-du8-a]_
37. u3
38. lugal-KA
39. _ensi2_
40. KI-AN{ki}
40. |KI.AN|{ki}
41. _szu-du8-a_
42. u3
43. _iri{ki}_-[su-ni]
44. _sag-gesz-[ra]_
45. u3
46. _bad3_-su-ni
47. _i3-gul-gul_
48. u3
49. in _iri{ki}_-su-ni
50. 6(gesz'u) _gurusz gurusz_
51. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
52. a-na
53. ka3-ra-si-im
54. is2-kun3
55. sza _dub_
56. su4-a
57. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
58. {d}en-lil2
59. u3
60. {d}[utu]
$ rest broken
@column 8
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
$ (Colophon 1)
4. musz3# ki-gal ki-ta# gub3-bu#-ni#-sze3
$ (Caption 1)
5. zi-nu-ba
6. _szesz_
7. _ensi2_
$ (Caption 2)
8. a-sza-ar-mu-pi5
9. _sukkal_-su
$ (Caption 3)
10. lugal#-gal-zu#*
11. _ensi2#_
12. zabala3{ki}
$ (Caption 4)
13. ur-{d}suen
14. _sukkal_-su
$ (Caption 5)
15. lugal#-KA
16. _ensi2#_
17. KI-AN{ki}
17. |KI.AN|{ki}
$ (Caption 6)
18. gesz-sza3
19. _gal-sukkal_-su
$ (Caption 7)
20. ki-tusz-i7
21. _ensi2_
22. lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|){ki}
$ (Caption 8)
23. ad-da
24. _szagina_
$ (Colophon 2)
25. ki-gal ki-ta szub-ba-mesz
$ (Caption 9)
26. ri2-mu-us2
27. _lugal#_
28. _kisz#_
29. szu [{d}en-lil2]
30. ma#-[hi-ra]
31. la# [i-di3-sum6]
$ (Colophon 3)
32. _[mu-sar-ra]_
33. _[za3-ga-na]
$ blank space
$ double ruling
34. ri2-mu-us2
35. _lugal_
36. _kisz_
37. in _REC169_
38. a-ba-al-ga-masz
39. _lugal#_
40. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
41. isz11-ar
42. u3
43. za-ha-ra{ki}
44. u3
45. elam{ki}
46. in qab3-li
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
48. a-na
49. _REC169_
50. ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
51. isz11-ar
52. u3
53. 2(gesz'u@v) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
54. u-sa-am-qi4-it
55. 7(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
56. _[szu-du8-a]_
$ rest broken
@column 9
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [u3 si-id-ga]-u3#
3'. _szagina_
4'. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
5'. _szu-du8-a_
6'. u3
7'. sar-GA-PI
8'. _szagina#_
9'. za-[ha-ra]{ki}
10'. _szu-du8#-[a]_
11'. in ba-ri2-ti
12'. a-wa-an{ki}
13'. u3
14'. su-si-im{ki}
15'. in _i7_
16'. qab2-li2-tim
17'. u3
18'. bi2-ru-tam2
19'. in a-sza-ar _iri_
20'. al-su#-nu
21'. is2-pu#-uk
22'. u3
23'. _iri{ki} iri{ki}_
24'. elam{ki}
25'. _sag-gesz-ra_
26'. u3
27'. _bad3 bad3_-su-nu
28'. _i3-gul-gul_
29'. u3
30'. _suhusz_
31'. pa2#-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
32'. [in _kalam_]
33'. [elam{ki}]
34'. [i-su2-uh-ma]
35'. [ri2-mu-usz2]
36'. [_lugal_]
37'. _kisz#_
38'. elam{ki}
39'. i-be-al
40'. {d}en-lil2
41'. u-kal2-lim
42'. in sa-an-tim
43'. sa-li2-is2-tim
44'. sza-ti
45'. {d}en-lil2
46'. sar-rux(URU18)-tam2
47'. i-di3-nu-sum
48'. szunigin 1(gesz'u@v) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
49'. a-di3 mi-qi4-tim
50'. a-di3 szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
51'. {d}utu
52'. u3
53'. il3-a-ba4
54'. u2-ma2
55'. la su2-ra-tim
56'. lu ki2-ni-is2-[ma]
$ rest broken
@column 10
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. {d}utu
10. _suhusz_-su
11. li-su2-ha
12. u3#
13. _sze-numun#_-su#
14. li-[il]-qu3-ta2#
$ (Colophon 1)
15. _ki-gal a2#-gub3#-ni#-sze3 [a]-ab-sar_
$ (Curse formula)
16. ma-na-ma
17. _mu_
18. ri2-mu#-us2
19. _lugal_
20. _kisz_
21. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
22. al _dul3_
23. ri2-mu-us2
24. _mu_-su
25. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
26. _dul3_-mi-me
27. i-qa2-bi3-u3
28. {d}en-lil2
29. be-al
30. _dul3_ su4-a
31. u3
32. {d}utu
33. _suhusz_-su
34. li-su2-ha
35. u3#
36. [_sze-numun_-su]
37. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
38. _[nita]_
39. [a i-di3]-na-sum6
40. mah#-ri2-is
41. i3-li2-su
42. e# _du_
$ double ruling
43. 3(u@c) _ma-na_
44. _ku3-sig17_
45. 1(szar2) _ma-na_
46. _uruda_
47. 5(gesz2) _ARAD2 geme2_
48. i3-nu
49. elam{ki}
50. u3
51. pa2-ra-ah#-sum{ki}
52. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
53. u-ru-a-am-ma
54. [a]-na
55. {d}en-lil2
56. _[a] mu-ru_
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _[...]-bi#-sze3 [a-ab]-sar#_
$ rest broken
@column 11
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. ka3#-la#-ma#
10. i-di3-sum6
11. ti-a-am-tam2
12. a-li2-tam2
13. u3
14. sa#-pil2-tam2
15. u3
16. _[sa]-tu_-e
17. ka3-la-su-nu-ma
18. a-na
19. {d}en-lil2
20. u-ka3-al
21. sza _dub_
22. su4-a
23. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
24. {d}en-lil2
25. u3
26. {d}utu
27. _suhusz_-su
28. li-su2-ha#
29. u3
30. _sze-numun#_-su
31. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon 1)
32. mu-sar-ra ki#-gal-ba
$ (Caption)
33. ri2-mu-us2
34. _lugal_
35. _kisz_
36. _sag-gesz-ra#_
37. elam#{ki}
38. [u3]
39. pa2#-ra#-[ah-sum{ki}]
$ (Colophon 2)
40. za3#-ga#-[na a-ab-sar]
41. ri2-mu#-[us2]
42. _lugal#_
43. _kisz#_
44. in _[REC169]_
45. a-ba-[al-ga-masz]
46. _lugal#_
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
48. isz11-ar
49. u3
50. si-id-ga-u3
51. _szagina_-su
52. _szu-du8-a_
53. in ba-ri2#-[ti]
54. [a]-wa-an{ki}
55. u3
56. su-si#-im#{ki}
57. in _i7#_
58. qab3-li3-[tim]
59. [u3]
60. bi2-ru#-[tam2]
61. in a-sza#-[ar _iri_]
$ rest broken
@column 12
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. {d}utu
12. u3
13. il3-a-ba4
14. u2-ma2
15. la su2-ra-tum8
16. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma
17. sza _dub_
18. su4-a
19. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
20. {d}en-lil2
21. u3
22. {d}utu
23. _suhusz_-su
24. li-su2-ha
25. u3
26. _sze-numun_-su
27. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon)
28. _mu-sar-ra szen za-hum_
29. ma-an-is2-tu-su
30. _lugal_
31. _kisz_
32. i3-nu
33. an-sza-an{ki}
34. u3
35. szi4-ri2-hu-um{ki}
36. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
37. ti-a-am-tam3
38. sza-pil2-tam2
39. _ma2 ma2 gesz-la_-e
40. [u-sa]-bi3#-ir
41. _[iri{ki} iri{ki}]_
42. a#-bar#-ti#
43. ti-a-am-tim
44. 3(u@c) 2(asz) a-na
45. _REC169_
46. ip-hu-ru-nim-ma
47. isz11-ar
48. u3
49. _iri{ki} iri{ki}-su-nu
50. _sag-gesz-ra_
51. _en en#_-[su-nu]
52. [u-sa]-am#!-[qi2-it]
53. [u3]
54. is2#-[tum-ma]
55. id#-[ke2-as-su-nu-ni-ma]
56. a-di3-ma
57. hu-ri2{ki}
58. il2-qu3-ut
59. _sa#-tu_-e
60. a-bar-ti
61. ti-a-am-tim
62. sa-pil2-tim
63. _na4 na4_-su#-nu _ge6_
64. [i-pu]-lam#-[ma]
65. [in _ma2 ma2_]
66. i#-[s,a-na-ma]
$ rest broken
@column 13
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. la ib#-ni
9. ri2-mu-us2
10. _lugal_
11. _kisz_
12. _dul3_-su sza _ku3-an_
$ erased line
13. ib-ni-ma
14. _igi_-me
15. {d}en-lil2
16. i-za-az
17. _da_-is2 i3-li
18. _mu_-su
19. u-sa-mi-id
20. sza _dub_
21. su4-a
22. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
23. {d}en-lil2
24. u3
25. {d}utu
26. _suhusz_-su
27. li-su2-ha
28. u3
29. _sze-numun_-su
30. li-il-qu3-ta2
31. x-x-[x]
32. _a mu-ru#_
33. {d}utu
34. u3
35. il3-a-ba4
36. u2-ma2
37. la su2-ra-tum
38. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma#
39. sza _dub_
40. su4-a
41. i-sa-sa3-ku-ni
42. {d}en#-lil2
43. u3#
44. {d}[utu]
45. _suhusz_-su#
46. li-su2-ha#
47. u3
48. _sze-numun_-su
49. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
$ (Colophon 1)
50. [mu]-sar#-ra# [ki-gal]-ba#?
$ (Dedicatory label)
51. ma#-an#-is2-[tu]-su
52. _lugal#_
53. _[kisz]_
54. a-na#
55. {d}en-lil2#
56. _a mu-ru_
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
@column 14
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. _nu#-ta#-dim2#_
9. ri2#-mu-us2
10. _lugal_
11. _kisz_
12. _alan-na-ni (x) an#-na-kam_
13. _i3#-dim2_
14. _igi {[d]}en-lil2-[la2]-sze3#_
15. _i3-gub_
16. _i3-du7_
17. _dingir-re-ne-ka_
18. _me-te-ni_
19. _i3-szid_
20. (x) _lu2_
21. _im-sar-ra-e_
22. _ab-ha-lam-me-a_
23. {d}en-lil2
24. {d}utu-bi
25. _suhusz-sa-ni_
26. _he2-pad-re6-ne#_
27. _numun#!-[na-ni]_
28. _[he2-ri-ri-ge-ne]_
$ (Colophon 1)
29. _mu-sar-ra# {uruda}szen_ za-hum-ma#
$ single ruling
30. {d}en-lil2
31. ma-an-is2-tu-su
32. _lugal_
33. _kisz_
34. {d}en-lil2
35. u-sa-ar-bi2-su
36. _mu_-su
37. i-bi2
38. u3
39. _[{gesz}gidri]_
40. [sar-ru-tim]
41. [i-di3]-sum6#
42. sza _dub_
43. su4-a
44. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
45. {d}en-lil2
46. u3
47. {d}utu
48. _suhusz#_-su
49. [li-su2]-ha#
50. [u3]
51. [_sze-numun_-su]
52. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
53. [...]
54. [...] x x
55. [...] x
56. [...] x
57. [...]
@column 1
1. [...] sar-ru-GI
2. [...] x ri2-mu-us2
3. [...] x ma-an-is2-[tu]-su#
4. [...]-na#
@column 2
1. _sza3 e2-kur-ra_
2. _a-na me-a-bi_
3. [(...)]
Update made on 2017-03-03 at 10:22:26 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P227509 = RIME & 06-09 & 11-13 & 15, ex. 01; RIME & 09 & 18, ex.01; RIME, ex. 6; RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
1. [sar-um-GI]
2. [_lugal_]
3. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
4. [_maszkim_]
5. [{d}inanna]
6. _lugal# kisz#_
7. _gudu4 an-na_
8. _lugal#_
9. _kalam#-ma#_
10. _ensi2-gal_
11. {d}en-lil2
12. _iri unu{ki}_
13. _e-hul_
14. _bad3#-bi_
15. _e-ga-si3#_
16. _lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da_
17. _{gesz}tukul_
18. _e#-da-sag3_
19. _aga3-kar2_
20. _e-ni-[se3]_
21. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
22. _[lugal]_
23. _[unug{ki}-ga-da]_
24. _{gesz#}tukul_
25. _[e]-da#-[sag3]_
26. _e#-ga-dab5_
27. _{gesz}si-gar-ta_
28. _ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3_
29. _e#-tum2#_
30. [sar-um-GI]
31. _lugal#_
32. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
33. _lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da_
34. _{gesz}tukul#_
35. _e-da-sag3_
36. _aga3-kar2_
37. _e-ni-se3_
38. _iri-ni_
39. _e-hul_
# erased GA-GA between E and HUL
40. _bad3-bi_
41. _e-ga-si3#_
42. _e2_ {d}nin-mar{ki}
43. _e-hul_
44. _bad3-bi_
45. _e-ga-si3#_
46. _gu2 kalam-bi_
47. lagasz{ki}-ta
48. _a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne_
49. _e-hul_
50. _{gesz}tukul-ni_
51. _a-ab-ba-ka_
52. _i3-luh_
53. _lu2 umma{ki}-da#_
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
2. _[lugal]_
3. [a-ka3-de3{ki}]
4. _[maszkim-gi4]_
5. [{d}inanna]
6. _[lugal kisz]_
7. _[pa4-szesz an]_
8. _lugal#_
9. _kalam-ma{ki}_
10. _ensi2_
11. {d}en-lil2
12. _iri{ki}_
# an erasure between the two signs
13. _unu{ki}_
# an erasure between the two signs
14. _sag-gesz-ra_
15. u3
16. _bad3_-su
17. _i3-gul-gul_
18. in _REC169_
19. unu{ki}
20. [isz11-ar]
21. _[iri{ki}]_
22. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
23. [lugal]-za3#-ge-si
24. _lugal#_
25. unu#{ki}
26. in _REC169_
27. _szu-du8-a_
28. in _si-gar_-rim3
29. a-na _ka2_
30. {d}en-lil2
31. u-ru-us2
32. sar-ru-GI
33. _lugal_
34. a-ka3-de3{ki}
35. in _REC169_
36. uri2{ki}
37. isz11-ar
38. u3
39. iti{ki}
40. _sag-gesz-ra_
41. u3
42. _bad3_-su
43. _i3-gul-gul_
44. e2-nin-mar{ki}
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
46. u3
47. _bad3_-su
48. _i3#-gul#-gul#_
49. u3#
50. _kalam-ma{ki}_-su
51. u3
52. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR.RI|){ki}
53. a-di3-ma
54. ti-a-am-tim
55. _sag-gesz-ra_
56. _{gesz}tukul_-ki2-su
57. in ti-a-am-tim
58. _i3-luh_
59. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
60. in# _REC169#_
61. [isz11-ar]
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. [sar-um-GI]
2. _lugal_
3. _kalam-ma-ra_
4. _{d}en-lil2-le_
5. _lu2-erim2#_
6. _nu-na-szum2_
7. _a-ab-[ba]_
8. _igi-nim-ma-ta_
9. _a-ab-ba_
10. _sig-sig#-sze3_
11. _{d}en-lil2-le_
12. _[mu-na-szum2]_
13. _[u3]_
14. _[a-ab]-ba_
15. _[sig-sig]-ta_
16. _[dumu] dumu#_
17. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
18. _nam#-[ensi2]_
19. _mu-kin#?-[x]_
20. _lu2_ ma-[ri2{ki}]
21. _lu2 elam[{ki}]_
$ 1 erased line
22. _igi_ sar-um#-GI#
23. _lugal_
24. _kalam-ma-ka-sze3_
25. _i3-su8-ge-esz2_
26. sar-um-GI
27. _lugal_
28. _kalam-ma-ke4_
29. kisz{ki}
30. _ki-be2_
31. _bi2-gi4_
32. _iri-bi_
33. _ki-gub e-na-ba_
34. _lu2 mu-sar-ra-e_
35. _ab-ha-lam-e-a_
36. _{d}utu_
37. _suhusz-a-ni_
38. _he2-bu3-re6_
39. _numun-na-ni_
40. _he2-ga-ri-ri-ge_
$ (Colophon)
41. _mu-sar-ra_
42. _ki-gal-ba_
$ (Caption 1')
43. sar-ru-GI
44. _lugal_
45. _kalam-ma{ki}_
46. _ka#?-x
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. [sar-ru-GI]
2. _lugal#_
3. _kalam#-ma{[ki]}_
4. {d}en-lil2
5. ma-[hi-ra]
6. [la i-di3-sum6]
7. [ti-a-am-tam2]
8. [a-li2-tam2]
9. [u3]
10. [sa-pil]-tam2
11. {d#}en-lil2
12. i-di3-nu-sum6
13. is2-tum-ma
14. ti-a-am-tim
15. sa-pil#-tim
16. _dumu dumu_
17. a-ka3#-de3#{ki}
18. [u]-ka3-lu
19. _ensi2_-ku8-a-tim
20. ma-ri2{ki}
21. u3
22. elam{ki}
23. mah-ri2-is2
24. sar-ru#-GI#
25. _lugal_
26. _kalam-ma{ki}_
27. i-za-zu-ni
28. sar#-ru#-GI#
29. _lugal_
30. _kalam-ma{ki}_
31. kisz{ki}
2. a-sza-ri2-su
33. i-ni
34. _iri{ki}_-lam
35. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
36. sza _dub_
37. su4#-a
38. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
39. {d}utu
40. _suhusz_-su
41. li-su2-uh
42. u3 _sze-numun_-su
43. li-il-qu3-ut
$ single ruling
$ (Colophon)
44. _mu-sar-ra#_
45. _ki#-[gal]-ba#_
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1)
46. sar#-um#-GI#
47. _lugal_
48. unu{ki}
$ (Caption 2)
49. mes-e2
50. _ensi2_
51. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
$ rest broken
@column 5
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [sar-um-GI]
5. _[lugal]_
6. _kisz#_
7. [3(u@c) 4(asz)] _SAHAR#?-ra_
8. _[aga]-kar2# bi2-se3_
9. _bad3-bi_
10. _i3-gul-gul_
11. _za3 a-ab-ba-ka-sze3_
12. _ma2_ me-luh-ha{ki}
13. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
14. _ma2 tilmun{ki}_
15. _kar ag-ge-de3{ki}-ka_
16. _bi2-kesz2_
17. sar#-um-GI
18. _lugal#_
19. _du8-du8-li#{ki}-a_
20. _{d}da-gan-ra_
21. _ki-a mu-na-za_
22. _szu12 mu-na#-sza4#_
23. _kalam igi-nim_
24. _mu-na-sum2_
25. ma-ri2{ki}
26. ia3-ar-mu-ti{ki}
27. eb-la{ki}
28. _tir_
29. _{gesz}erin
30. _hur-sag_
31. _ku3-ga-sze3_
32. sar-um-GI
33. _lugal_
34. {d#}en-lil2-le
35. _lu2 gaba-ru_
36. _nu-mu-ni-tuku_
37. 1(szar2) 3(gesz2@90) _erin2_
38. _u4-szu2-sze3_
39. _igi#-ni-sze3_
40. _ninda i3-gu7-e_
41. _lu2 mu-sar#-ra#-e#
42. _ab#-ha-lam-e-a_
43. _an-ne2_
44. _mu-ni_
45. _he2-ha-lam-e_
46. _{d}en-lil2-le_
47. _numun-a-ni_
48. _he2-til-le_
49. _{d}inanna-ke4_
40. [...]-e?
$ rest broken
@column 6
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. sar-ru#-GI#
5. _lugal_
6. _kisz_
7. 3(u@c)! 4(asz) _REC169_
8. isz11-ar
9. _bad3 bad3_
10. _i3-gul-gul_
11. a-di3-ma
12. pu-ti
13. ti-a-am-tim
14. _ma2_ me-luh-ha
15. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
16. _ma2_ dilmun{ki}
17. in ka3-ri2-im
18. szi a-ka3-de3{ki}
19. ir3-ku-us
20. sar-ru#-GI#
21. _lugal#_
22. in tu-tu-li{ki}
23. a-na
24. {d}da-gan
25. us2-ka3-en
26. ik-ru-ub
27. ma-tam2#
28. a-li2-tam2
29. i-di3-sum6
30. ma-ri2-am{ki}
31. ia3-ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}
32. eb-la{ki}
33. a-di3-ma
34. _{gesz}tir_
35. _{gesz}erin_
36. u3
37. _kur kur_
38. _ku3_
39. sar-ru-GI
40. _lugal_
41. szu {d}en-lil2
42. ma-hi-ra
43. la i-di3-sum6
44. 9(gesz'u) _gurusz_
45. u-um-sum6
46. ma-har-su
47. _ninda gu7_
#tr.en: ate bread.
$ (Colophon)
48. mu#-sar#-ra# alan#-na
49. ki-gal-bi nu-sar
$ blank space
50. il3-a-ba4
51. il-su
52. sar-ru-GI
53. _lugal_
54. _kisz_
55. in 9(asz)
56. ki-s,e2-ri2
57. a-ka3-de3{ki}
58. _iri{ki}_
59. [unu]{ki}
60. _[sag-gesz]-ra#_
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. u3
2. 5(u@c)# _ensi2_
3. u3
4. _lugal_
5. su4-ma
6. _szu-du8-a_
7. u3
8. in na-GUR8-za-am{ki}
9. _REC169_
10. isz-ni-a-ma
11. is2-ku8-na-ma
12. isz11-ar
13. u3
14. in# uri2{ki}
15.  us2-x-ta2-li2-sa-ma
16. im6-ta2-ah-s,a-ma
17. isz11-ar
18. u3
19. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
20. in _REC169_
21. isz11-ar
22. u3
23. _iri{ki}_
24. _sag-gesz#-ra_
25. u3
26. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|){ki}
27. in _REC169_
28. [isz11-ar]
29. u3#
30. _{gesz}[tukul-ki-su]
31. in# [ti-a-am-tim]
32. _i3-[luh]_
$ single ruling
$ (Colophon)
33. mu#-[sar-ra alan-na]
34. ki-gal-[bi nu-sar]
$ single ruling
35. x [...]
36. x [...]
37. [...]
38. [...]
39. [...]
40. [...]
41. [sar-ru]-GI#
42. _lugal_
43. a-ka3-de3{ki}
44. _maszkim-gi4_
45. {d}inanna
46. _lugal kisz_
47. _pa4-szesz an_
48. _lugal_
49. _kalam-ma{ki}_
50. _ensi2_
51. {d}en-lil2
52. in _REC169#_
53. unu{ki}
54. isz11-ar
55. u3
56. 5(u@c) _ensi2_
57. in _szita2_
58. il3-a-ba4
59. u3
60. _iri{ki}_
61. _sag#-gesz-[ra]_
62. [u3]
@column 8
1. _bad3#_-[su]
2. _i3-gul#-gul#_
3. u3
4. lugal-za3-ge-si
5. _lugal_
6. unu{ki}
7. in _REC169_
8. _szu-du8-a_
9. in _si-gar_-im
10. a-na _ka2_
11. {d}en-lil2
12. u-ru-us2
13. sar-ru-GI
14. _lugal_
15. a-ka3-de3{ki}
16. in# _REC169_
17. uri2{ki}
18. isz11-ar
19. u3#
20. _iri{ki}_
21. _sag-gesz-ra_
22. u3#
23. _bad3#_-[su]
24. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
25. [e2-nin-mar{ki}]
26. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
27. [u3]
28. _bad3_-su#
29. _[i3]-gul-gul_
30. u3
31. _[kalam]-ma#{ki}_-su
32. u3
33. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|)#{ki}
34. [a]-di3-ma
35. [ti-a]-am-tim
36. _[sag]-gesz-ra_
37. _[{gesz}tukul]_-ki2-su
38. [in] ti#-a-am-tim#
39. _i3-[luh]_
40. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
41. in _REC169#_
42. isz11-ar
43. u3
44. _iri{ki}_
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
46. u3
47. _bad3_-su#
48. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
49. sar#-[ru]-GI#
50. _lugal_
51. _[kalam-ma]{ki}_
52. [szu {d}en]-lil2
53. [ma-hi]-ra
54. la i#-di#-nu#-sum6
55. ti-a-am#-tam2#
56. a-li2-tam2#
57. u3#
58. sa-pil2#-[tam2]
59. [i-di3-sum6]
60. [isz-tum-ma]
61. [ti-a-am-tim]
62. [sa-pil2-tim]
@column 9
1. [a-di3-ma]
2. [ti-a-am]-tim#
3. [a-li2]-tim
4. _[dumu] dumu_
5. a-ka3-de3{ki}
6. _ensi2_-ku8-a-a-tim
7. u-ka3-lu2
8. ma-ri2{ki}
9. u3
10. elam{ki}
11. mah-ri2-is2
12. sar-ru-GI
13. _lugal_
14. _kalam-ma{ki}_
15. i-za-zu-ni
16. sar-ru-GI
17. _lugal_
18. _kalam-ma{ki}_
19. kisz#{ki}
20. [a]-sza-ri2-su
21. i-ni
22. u3
23. _iri{ki}_-lam
24. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
25. [sza] _dub#_
26. su4-a
27. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
28. {d}en-lil2
29. u3
30. {d}utu
31. _suhusz_-su
32. li-su2-ha
33. u3
34. _sze-numun_-su
35. li-il-qu3-ta2
36. ma-ma-na
37. _dul3_
38. su4-a#
39. u-a-ha#-ru#
40. {d}en#-lil2
41. _mu_-su
42. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)#
43. _{gesz}tukul_-su
44. li-isz-bir5
45. mah-ri-is2
46. {d}en#-lil#
47. e _du_
$ (Colophon)
48. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
49. _igi lugal-za3-ge-si-sze3 a-ab-sar_
50. sar-ru-GI
51. _lugal_
52. a-ka3-de3{ki}
53. _maszkim-gi4_
54. {d#}inanna#
55. _[lugal] kisz#_
56. _[pa4]-szesz# an_
57. _ensi2_
58. {d}en-lil2
@column 10
1. i3-[nu]
2. {d}en#-lil2
3. _di-ku5_-su
4. i-di3#-nu-ma#
5. u3
6. unu{ki}
7. __sag-gesz-[ra_-ni]
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. x [...]
12. x [...]
13. a-[na]
14. {[d]}en#-[lil2]
15. _[a] mu#-ru_
16. u3
17. nibru{ki}
18. a-na
19. {d}en-lil2
20. u-li-il
$ (Caption 1)
21. sar-ru-GI
22. _lugal_
23. _kalam-ma{ki}_
24. szu {d}en-lil2
25. ma-hi-ra
26. la i-di3-nu-sum6
$ (Colophon 1)
27. _mu#-[sar-ra]_
28. _ki#-[gal]-la
29. _a-ab-sar_
$ (Caption 2)
30. lugal-za3-ge-si
31. _en_
32. szu unu{ki}
33. _lugal_
34. szu uri2{ki}
$ (Curse formula)
35. sza _dub_
36. su4-a#
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-[ni]
38. {d}en-lil2#
39. u3
40. {d}utu
41. _suhusz_-su
42. li-su2-ha#
43. u3
44. _sze-numun_-su
45. li-il-qu3-ta2
46. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
47. _dul3_
48. su4-a
49. u-a#-ha#-ru
50. {d}en-lil2
51. _mu_-su
52. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU|)
53. _{gesz}tukul_-su
54. li-isz-bir5
55. mah-ri2-is2
56. {d}en-lil2
57. e# _du_
$ (Colophon 2)
58. _mu-sar-ra_
59. _murgu_ lugal-za3-ge-si
60. sar-ru-GI
61. _lugal#_
62. a-ka3#-de3{ki}
@column 11
1. _[iri{ki}]_
2. unu#{ki}
3. _sag#?-[gesz-ra]_
4. [u3]
5. [in _REC169_]
6. [isz11-ar]
7. [u3]
8. [5(u@c)] _ensi2#_
9. u3#
10. _lugal#_
11. su4#-ma
12. _szu-du8-a_
13. sza _dub_ su4-a
14. u-sa-sa3-ku-<ni>
15. {d}en-lil2
16. u3
17. {d}utu
18. _suhusz_-su
19. li-su2-ha
20. u3
21. _sze-numun_-su
22. li-il-qu3-ta2
23. ma-ma-na
24. _dul3_
25. su4-a
# 1 or 2 erased signs between SU4 and A
26. u#-a#-ha#-ru#
27. {d}en-lil2
28. _mu_-su
29. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)?
30. _{gesz}tukul_-su
31. li-isz-bir5
32. mah-ri2-is2
33. {d}en-lil2
34. e# _du_
$ (Colophon)
35. _[mu-sar-ra] alan#-na_
36. [...] x
37. sar-ru-GI
38. _lugal_
39. _kisz_
40. _sag#-gesz-ra_
41. elam#{ki}
42. u3
43. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
44. sza _dub_
45. su4-a
46. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
47. {d}en-lil2
48. {d}utu
49. u3
50. {d}inanna
51. _suhusz_-su
52. li-su2-ha
53. u3
54. _sze-numun_-su
55. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon 1)
56. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba#_
$ (Caption 1)
57. _a2# gub3!_ [...]
58. nim#[{ki} ...]
59. x [...]
60. [...]
@column 12
$ (Caption 2)
1. [sar-ru-GI]
2. _[lugal]_
3. _[kisz]_
4. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
5. [elam]{ki}
6. u3
7. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
$ (Colophon 2)
8. _za3-ga-na gub-ba_
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 3)
9. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
10. uru18{ki}
$ (Caption 4)
11. sa-NAM-si-mu-ut
12. _ensi2_
13. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 5)
14. lu-uh-isz-an
15. _dumu_ hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
16. _lugal_
17. elam{ki}
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 6)
18. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
19. sa-li-a-mu{ki}
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 7)
20. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
21. kar3-de3-de3#{ki#}
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 8)
22. ul-ul#
23. _szagina#_
24. pa2-ra-ah-sum#{[ki]}
$ (Caption 9)
25. da-gu
26. _szesz lugal_
27. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
$ (Caption 10)
28. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
29. HE2-ni{ki}
$ (Caption 11)
30. _nig2-|LA+IB|#_
31. bu-un-ba-an{ki}
$ (Caption 12)
32. zi-na
33. _ensi2_
34. hu-zi#-[x-x{ki}]
$ (Caption 13)
35. hi-da-ri2-da-[x]
36. _ensi2#_
37. gu-ni-la-ha{ki#}
$ (Caption 14)
38. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
39. sa-bum#{ki#}
$ (Caption 15)
40. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
41. a-wa-an{ki#}
$ (Caption 16)
42. si-id#-ga-u3
43. _szagina_
44. pa2-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
$ (Caption 17)
45. kun3-du-pum
46. _di-ku5_
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
$ (Caption 18)
48. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
49. su-si-im{ki}
$ (Colophon 3)
50. _ki-gal-ba szu du3#-a_
$ double ruling
51. sar#?-[ru-GI]
52. [...]
53. [...]
54. [...]
55. [...]
@column 13
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. x [...] x [...]
6. DA AN
7. {d}en-lil2
8. u-kal2-lim
9. ma-ma-na
10. pa2-ni-su
11. u3-la
12. u-ba-al
13. ti-a-am-tam2
14. a-li2-tam2
15. u3
16. sa-pil2-[tam2]
17. i-di3-sum6
18. sar-ru-GI
19. _lugal_
20. _kisz_
21. ra#?-x [x x]
22. [_szagina_-su]
$ (Colophon)
23. [mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba]
$ n lines broken
$ 2 lines traces
$ n lines broken
1'. 3(u@c)#? 4(asz)#? _[REC169]_
2'. isz11-ar#
3'. _iri{ki#} iri{[ki]}_
4'. sa3-ar-ru-tim#
5'. u ID x
$ blank space
6'. x [...]
$ rest broken
@column 14
$ beginning broken
0'. [_ma2_ me-luh-ha]
1'. _ma2#_ [ma2-gan2{ki}]
2'. _ma2#_  [dilmun{ki}]
3'. in# [ka3-ri2-im]
4'. szi a#-[ka3-de3{ki}]
5'. ir-[ku-us]
6'. sar-[ru-GI]
7'. _lugal#_
8'. [in tu-tu-li{ki}]
9'. [a-na]
10'. [{d}da-gan]
11'. [us2-ka3-en]
12'. [ik-ru-ub]
13'. [ma]-tam2#
14'. a-li2-tam2
15'. i-di3-sum6
16'. ma-ri2-am{[ki]}
17'. ia3-[ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}]
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. sar-ru#-[GI]
2'. _lugal#_
3'. _[kisz]_
$ n lines broken
4'. {d#}en#-[lil2]
5'. _{gesz#}gidri#_
6'. i-di3-sum6#-[ma]
7'. _gesztu2_
$ n lines broken
8'. u-kal2!-[lim]
9'. ma-ma-na
10'. pa2-ni-su
11'. u3-la
12'. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
13'. _suhusz_ x-[x]
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. _suhusz#_-[su]
7. li#-[su2-ha]
8. [u3]
9. _sze-numun#_-[su]
10. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
$ n lines broken
$ 4-5 lines traces
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1')
1'. x-su-uh-ru
2'. _ensi2_
3'. szi-ri2-hi-im{ki#}
$ (Caption 2')
4'. si-id-ga-u3#
5'. _szagina_
6'. pa2-ra-ah-sum{[ki]}
$ (Caption 3')
7'. sa-NAM-si-mu#-[ut]
8'. _szagina#_
9'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 4')
10'. lu-uh-isz-an
11'. _dumu_ hi-si-ib#-ra#-si#-ni#
12'. _lugal_
13'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 5')
14'. kun3?-du-pum
15'. _di#-[ku5]_
16'. [pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}]
$ (Caption 6')
17'. [...]
18'. 8(disz) _lu2_ [...]
19'. 2(disz)? bal?-bal#?-[x]
20'. 1(u)? 1(asz)? {gesz#}tukul {gesz}erin!_
$ (Caption 7')
21'. hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
22'. _lugal_
23'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 8')
24'.  _x-ra-ne-ne a-al-dab5_
25'. _szu-du3-ba a-ab-ri_
26'. ib-ba-le
$ (Ccolophon 2)
27'. sza3-bi an-na?
28'. ki-gal-ba! {d?}en!-lil2! {d}inanna#?
29'. ri2-mu-[us2]
30'. _lugal#_
31'. _[kisz]_
32'. [su2-ra-ma]
33'. sar-[ru-tam2]
34'. {d}en-[lil2]
35'. i-di3-nu-[sum6]
36'. _REC169#_
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. _lugal_
5. uri2{ki}
6. _szu-du8-a_
7. u3
8. _ensi2 ensi2_-su
9. _szu-du8-a_
10. u3
11. a2-ra-[ab]-su!-[nu]
12. a-di3-ma
13. ti-a-am-tim
14. sa-pil2-tim
15. il#-qu3#-ut#
16. u3
17. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
17. 1(gesz'u@v)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
18. in _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_
19. szu-me-ri2-im
20. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
21. a-na
22. ka3-ra-si-im
23. is2-kun3
24. u3
25. _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_-su-nu
26. _sag-gesz-ra_
27. u3
28. _bad3-bad3_-su-nu
29. _i3-gul-gul_
30. u-lum
31. in tu3-a-ri2-su
32. ka-za-lu{ki}
33. na-ki-ir-ma
34. _sag-gesz-ra_
35. in#! qar#-bi2#
36. ka-za-lu{ki}
37. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)? 5(u) 2(asz) _gurusz-gurusz_
37. 2(gesz'u@v)? 5(u) 2(asz) _gurusz-gurusz_
39. u-sa-am-qi4-it
40. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2! 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz)
40. _1(gesz'u@v) la2! 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz)_
41. _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
42. _szu-du8-a_
43. u3
44. a-sza-re2-ed
45. _ensi2_
46. ka-za-lu{ki}
47. _szu-du8-a_
48. u3
49. _bad3_-su
50. _i3-gul-gul_
51. _(|SZU+NIGIN2|)_ 1(szar2) 3(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 2(u) 1(u) 6(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
51. _szunigin? 1(szar2) 3(gesz'u@v) 2(u) 1(u) 6(asz) gurusz gurusz_
52. [a-di3 mi]-qi4-tim#
53. [a-di3] _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)#
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. i3-[nu]
6. _REC169_ su4#-[a]
7. _dul3_-su4#
8. ib-ni-ma
9. a-na
10. {d}en-lil2
11. sa-li2-mi-su
12. _a mu-ru_
13. sza _dub_
14. su4#-a#
15. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
16. {d}en-lil2
17. u3
18. {d}utu
19. _suhusz_-su
20. li-su2-ha
21. u3
22. _sze-numun_-su
23. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon 1)
24. ki-gal an-ta igi-ni-sze3 a-ab-sar
$ (Curse formula)
25. ma-na-ma
26. _mu_
27. ri2-mu-us2
28. _lugal_
29. _kisz_
30. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
31. al _dul3_
32. ri2-mu-us2
33. _mu_-su
34. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
35. _dul3_-mi-me
36. i-[qa2-bi]-u3#
37. {[d]}en#-lil2#
38. be-al
39. _dul3_ su4-a
40. u3
41. {d}utu
42. _suhusz_-su
43. li-su3-ha
44. u3
45. _sze-numun_-su
46. li-il-qu3-ta2
47. _nita#_
48. [a] i-di3-na-sum6
49. mah#-ri2-is2
50. [i3]-li2-su
51. [e] _du_
$ (Colophon 2)
52. lugal#? [x]-ra?-ni?-sze3? a#-[ab]-sar#
$ (Caption 1)
53. {d}[...]
54. a2-li2-[ik]
55. mah-[ri2-su]
$ (Caption 2)
56. a-sza-[re2-ed]
57. _ensi2#_
58. ka#-[zal-lu{ki}]
$ rest broken
@column 5
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
$ (Caption 1')
5. en#-[...]
6. _ensi2#_
7. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki#}
$ (Caption 2')
8. {d}u-um
9. a2-li2-ik
10. mah#-ri2-su
$ (Caption 3')
11. KA-ku3
12. _lugal_
13. uri2{ki}
$ (Colophon)
12. ki-gal-ba egir lu2-{d}da-mu
13. ri2-mu-us2
14. _lugal_
15. _kisz_
16. in _REC169_
17. uri2#{ki}
18. u3
19. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki}
20. isz11-ar
21. u3
22. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2@90) _gurusz_
22. 1(gesz'u@v) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2@90) _gurusz_
23. u-sa#-am-qi2#-it
24. 9(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
25. _szu-du8-a_
26. u3
27. KA-ku3
28. _lugal_
29. uri2{ki}
30. _szu-du8-a_
31. u3
32. [ki]-tusz#-i7
33. _[ensi2]_
34. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki#}
35. _[szu-du8]-a_
36. u3#
37. [_iri{ki}_-su]-ni
38. _[sag-gesz]-ra_
39. u3#
40. [_bad3_-su]-ni
41. _[i3-gul]-gul#_
42. [u3]
43. [in _iri{ki}_-su]-ni
44. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? [la2 1(u) 5(asz)] _gurusz#_
44. 1(gesz'u@v)#? [la2 1(u) 5(asz)] _gurusz#_
45. u-su-s,i2#-[am-ma]
46. a-na
47. ka3-ra-si-im
48. is2-kun3
49. sza _dub_
50. su4-a
51. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
52. {d}en-lil2
53. u3
54. {d}utu
55. _suhusz_-su
56. li-su2-ha
57. u3#
$ rest broken
@column 6
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [in] _REC169#_
6. ka-za-lu{ki}
7. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 5(u@c)# [2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_]
7. 2(gesz'u@v) 5(u@c)# [2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_]
8. u-sa-[am]-qi2-it
9. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
9. 1(gesz'u@v) la2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
10. _szu-du8-[a]_
11. u3
12. a-sza-[re2-ed]
13. _ensi2#_
14. [ka3-za]-lu{ki}
15. _[szu]-du8-a_
16. u3
17. _bad3_-su
18. _i3-gul-gul_
19. sza _dub_
20. su4-[a]
21. u-sa-sa3-ku#-ni
22. {d}en-lil2
23. u3#
24. {d}utu#
25. _suhusz_-su
26. li-su2#-ha
27. u3#
28. _sze-numun_-su#
29. li-il#-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon)
30. _musz3 ki-gal ki-ta a2 zi-da-na
31. ri2#-mu#-us2
32. _lugal#_
33. _[kisz]_
34. [in _REC169_]
35. [adab{ki}]
36. [u3]
37. [zabala3{ki}]
38. isz11-[ar]
39. [u3]
40. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 1(szar2)# 2(gesz2)# la2 2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
40. 2(gesz'u@v)# 1(szar2)# 2(gesz2)# la2 2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
41. u-sa-am-qi2-it
42. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) la2 4(asz)#? szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
42. 2(gesz'u@v)# 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) la2 4(asz)#? szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
43. _szu-du8-a_
44. u3
45. mes-ki-gal-la
46. _ensi2_
47. adab{ki}
48. _szu-du8-a_
49. u3
50. lugal-gal-zu
51. _ensi2_
52. zabala3{ki}
53. _szu-du8-a_
54. _iri{ki}_-su-ni
55. _sag#-gesz#-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. [...]
2. [n(disz) _gurusz gurusz_]
3. u-su#-s,i2#-am#-ma
4. a-na
5. ka-ra-si2-im
6. is2-kun3
7. sza _dub#_
8. su4-a
9. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
10. {d}en-lil2
11. u3
12. {[d]}utu
13. [_suhusz_-su]
14. [li-su2-ha]
15. u3
16. _sze-numun#_-su
17. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
$ (Colophon)
18. _musz3 ki-gal ki-[ta]_
19. _egir-ra-ni#-sze3#_
20. ri2-mu-us2
21. _lugal#_
22. _kisz_
23. in _REC169_
24. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
25. u3#
26. KI-AN{ki}
27. isz11-ar#
28. u3
29. [1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)] 6(gesz'u)# la2 1(gesz2) 4(u@c) _gurusz gurusz_
29. [1(gesz'u@v)] 6(gesz'u)# la2 1(gesz2) 4(u@c) _gurusz gurusz_
30. [u]-sa-am#-qi2-it#
31. 6(gesz'u) la2# 2(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
32. _[szu-du8-a]_
33. [u3]
34. [en-x]
35. [_ensi2_ ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}]
36. _[szu-du8-a]_
37. u3
38. lugal-KA
39. _ensi2_
40. KI-AN{ki}
41. _szu-du8-a_
42. u3
43. _iri{ki}_-[su-ni]
44. _sag-gesz-[ra]_
45. u3
46. _bad3_-su-ni
47. _i3-gul-gul_
48. u3
49. in _iri{ki}_-su-ni
50. 6(gesz'u) _gurusz gurusz_
51. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
52. a-na
53. ka3-ra-si-im
54. is2-kun3
55. sza _dub_
56. su4-a
57. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
58. {d}en-lil2
59. u3
60. {d}[utu]
$ rest broken
@column 8
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
$ (Colophon 1)
4. musz3# ki-gal ki-ta# gub3-bu#-ni#-sze3
$ (Caption 1)
5. zi-nu-ba
6. _szesz_
7. _ensi2_
$ (Caption 2)
8. a-sza-ar-mu-pi5
9. _sukkal_-su
$ (Caption 3)
10. lugal#-gal-zu#*
11. _ensi2#_
12. zabala3{ki}
$ (Caption 4)
13. ur-{d}suen
14. _sukkal_-su
$ (Caption 5)
15. lugal#-KA
16. _ensi2#_
17. KI-AN{ki}
$ (Caption 6)
18. gesz-sza3
19. _gal-sukkal_-su
$ (Caption 7)
20. ki-tusz-i7
21. _ensi2_
22. lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|){ki}
$ (Caption 8)
23. ad-da
24. _szagina_
$ (Colophon 2)
25. ki-gal ki-ta szub-ba-mesz
$ (Caption 9)
26. ri2-mu-us2
27. _lugal#_
28. _kisz#_
29. szu [{d}en-lil2]
30. ma#-[hi-ra]
31. la# [i-di3-sum6]
$ (Colophon 3)
32. _[mu-sar-ra]_
33. _[za3-ga-na]
$ blank space
$ double ruling
34. ri2-mu-us2
35. _lugal_
36. _kisz_
37. in _REC169_
38. a-ba-al-ga-masz
39. _lugal#_
40. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
41. isz11-ar
42. u3
43. za-ha-ra{ki}
44. u3
45. elam{ki}
46. in qab3-li
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
48. a-na
49. _REC169_
50. ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
51. isz11-ar
52. u3
53. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
53. 2(gesz'u@v) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
54. u-sa-am-qi4-it
55. 7(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
56. _[szu-du8-a]_
$ rest broken
@column 9
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [u3 si-id-ga]-u3#
3'. _szagina_
4'. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
5'. _szu-du8-a_
6'. u3
7'. sar-GA-PI
8'. _szagina#_
9'. za-[ha-ra]{ki}
10'. _szu-du8#-[a]_
11'. in ba-ri2-ti
12'. a-wa-an{ki}
13'. u3
14'. su-si-im{ki}
15'. in _i7_
16'. qab2-li2-tim
17'. u3
18'. bi2-ru-tam2
19'. in a-sza-ar _iri_
20'. al-su#-nu
21'. is2-pu#-uk
22'. u3
23'. _iri{ki} iri{ki}_
24'. elam{ki}
25'. _sag-gesz-ra_
26'. u3
27'. _bad3 bad3_-su-nu
28'. _i3-gul-gul_
29'. u3
30'. _suhusz_
31'. pa2#-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
32'. [in _kalam_]
33'. [elam{ki}]
34'. [i-su2-uh-ma]
35'. [ri2-mu-usz2]
36'. [_lugal_]
37'. _kisz#_
38'. elam{ki}
39'. i-be-al
40'. {d}en-lil2
41'. u-kal2-lim
42'. in sa-an-tim
43'. sa-li2-is2-tim
44'. sza-ti
45'. {d}en-lil2
46'. sar-rux(URU18)-tam2
47'. i-di3-nu-sum
48'. |SZU+NIGIN2| 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
48'. szunigin 1(gesz'u@v) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
49'. a-di3 mi-qi4-tim
50'. a-di3 szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
51'. {d}utu
52'. u3
53'. il3-a-ba4
54'. u2-ma2
55'. la su2-ra-tim
56'. lu ki2-ni-is2-[ma]
$ rest broken
@column 10
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. {d}utu
10. _suhusz_-su
11. li-su2-ha
12. u3#
13. _sze-numun#_-su#
14. li-[il]-qu3-ta2#
$ (Colophon 1)
15. _ki-gal a2#-gub3#-ni#-sze3 [a]-ab-sar_
$ (Curse formula)
16. ma-na-ma
17. _mu_
18. ri2-mu#-us2
19. _lugal_
20. _kisz_
21. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
22. al _dul3_
23. ri2-mu-us2
24. _mu_-su
25. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
26. _dul3_-mi-me
27. i-qa2-bi3-u3
28. {d}en-lil2
29. be-al
30. _dul3_ su4-a
31. u3
32. {d}utu
33. _suhusz_-su
34. li-su2-ha
35. u3#
36. [_sze-numun_-su]
37. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
38. _[nita]_
39. [a i-di3]-na-sum6
40. mah#-ri2-is
41. i3-li2-su
42. e# _du_
$ double ruling
43. 3(u@c) _ma-na_
44. _ku3-sig17_
45. 1(szar2) _ma-na_
46. _uruda_
47. 5(gesz2) _ARAD2 geme2_
48. i3-nu
49. elam{ki}
50. u3
51. pa2-ra-ah#-sum{ki}
52. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
53. u-ru-a-am-ma
54. [a]-na
55. {d}en-lil2
56. _[a] mu-ru_
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _[...]-bi#-sze3 [a-ab]-sar#_
$ rest broken
@column 11
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. ka3#-la#-ma#
10. i-di3-sum6
11. ti-a-am-tam2
12. a-li2-tam2
13. u3
14. sa#-pil2-tam2
15. u3
16. _[sa]-tu_-e
17. ka3-la-su-nu-ma
18. a-na
19. {d}en-lil2
20. u-ka3-al
21. sza _dub_
22. su4-a
23. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
24. {d}en-lil2
25. u3
26. {d}utu
27. _suhusz_-su
28. li-su2-ha#
29. u3
30. _sze-numun#_-su
31. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon 1)
32. mu-sar-ra ki#-gal-ba
$ (Caption)
33. ri2-mu-us2
34. _lugal_
35. _kisz_
36. _sag-gesz-ra#_
37. elam#{ki}
38. [u3]
39. pa2#-ra#-[ah-sum{ki}]
$ (Colophon 2)
40. za3#-ga#-[na a-ab-sar]
41. ri2-mu#-[us2]
42. _lugal#_
43. _kisz#_
44. in _[REC169]_
45. a-ba-[al-ga-masz]
46. _lugal#_
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
48. isz11-ar
49. u3
50. si-id-ga-u3
51. _szagina_-su
52. _szu-du8-a_
53. in ba-ri2#-[ti]
54. [a]-wa-an{ki}
55. u3
56. su-si#-im#{ki}
57. in _i7#_
58. qab3-li3-[tim]
59. [u3]
60. bi2-ru#-[tam2]
61. in a-sza#-[ar _iri_]
$ rest broken
@column 12
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. {d}utu
12. u3
13. il3-a-ba4
14. u2-ma2
15. la su2-ra-tum8
16. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma
17. sza _dub_
18. su4-a
19. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
20. {d}en-lil2
21. u3
22. {d}utu
23. _suhusz_-su
24. li-su2-ha
25. u3
26. _sze-numun_-su
27. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon)
28. _mu-sar-ra szen za-hum_
29. ma-an-is2-tu-su
30. _lugal_
31. _kisz_
32. i3-nu
33. an-sza-an{ki}
34. u3
35. szi4-ri2-hu-um{ki}
36. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
37. ti-a-am-tam3
38. sza-pil2-tam2
39. _ma2 ma2 gesz-la_-e
40. [u-sa]-bi3#-ir
41. _[iri{ki} iri{ki}]_
42. a#-bar#-ti#
43. ti-a-am-tim
44. 3(u@c) 2(asz) a-na
45. _REC169_
46. ip-hu-ru-nim-ma
47. isz11-ar
48. u3
49. _iri{ki} iri{ki}-su-nu
50. _sag-gesz-ra_
51. _en en#_-[su-nu]
52. [u-sa]-am#!-[qi2-it]
53. [u3]
54. is2#-[tum-ma]
55. id#-[ke2-as-su-nu-ni-ma]
56. a-di3-ma
57. hu-ri2{ki}
58. il2-qu3-ut
59. _sa#-tu_-e
60. a-bar-ti
61. ti-a-am-tim
62. sa-pil2-tim
63. _na4 na4_-su#-nu _ge6_
64. [i-pu]-lam#-[ma]
65. [in _ma2 ma2_]
66. i#-[s,a-na-ma]
$ rest broken
@column 13
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. la ib#-ni
9. ri2-mu-us2
10. _lugal_
11. _kisz_
12. _dul3_-su sza _ku3-an_
$ erased line
13. ib-ni-ma
14. _igi_-me
15. {d}en-lil2
16. i-za-az
17. _da_-is2 i3-li
18. _mu_-su
19. u-sa-mi-id
20. sza _dub_
21. su4-a
22. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
23. {d}en-lil2
24. u3
25. {d}utu
26. _suhusz_-su
27. li-su2-ha
28. u3
29. _sze-numun_-su
30. li-il-qu3-ta2
31. x-x-[x]
32. _a mu-ru#_
33. {d}utu
34. u3
35. il3-a-ba4
36. u2-ma2
37. la su2-ra-tum
38. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma#
39. sza _dub_
40. su4-a
41. i-sa-sa3-ku-ni
42. {d}en#-lil2
43. u3#
44. {d}[utu]
45. _suhusz_-su#
46. li-su2-ha#
47. u3
48. _sze-numun_-su
49. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
$ (Colophon 1)
50. [mu]-sar#-ra# [ki-gal]-ba#?
$ (Dedicatory label)
51. ma#-an#-is2-[tu]-su
52. _lugal#_
53. _[kisz]_
54. a-na#
55. {d}en-lil2#
56. _a mu-ru_
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
@column 14
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. _nu#-ta#-dim2#_
9. ri2#-mu-us2
10. _lugal_
11. _kisz_
12. _alan-na-ni (x) an#-na-kam_
13. _i3#-dim2_
14. _igi {[d]}en-lil2-[la2]-sze3#_
15. _i3-gub_
16. _i3-du7_
17. _dingir-re-ne-ka_
18. _me-te-ni_
19. _i3-szid_
20. (x) _lu2_
21. _im-sar-ra-e_
22. _ab-ha-lam-me-a_
23. {d}en-lil2
24. {d}utu-bi
25. _suhusz-sa-ni_
26. _he2-pad-re6-ne#_
27. _numun#!-[na-ni]_
28. _[he2-ri-ri-ge-ne]_
$ (Colophon 1)
29. _mu-sar-ra# {uruda}szen_ za-hum-ma#
$ single ruling
30. {d}en-lil2
31. ma-an-is2-tu-su
32. _lugal_
33. _kisz_
34. {d}en-lil2
35. u-sa-ar-bi2-su
36. _mu_-su
37. i-bi2
38. u3
39. _[{gesz}gidri]_
40. [sar-ru-tim]
41. [i-di3]-sum6#
42. sza _dub_
43. su4-a
44. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
45. {d}en-lil2
46. u3
47. {d}utu
48. _suhusz#_-su
49. [li-su2]-ha#
50. [u3]
51. [_sze-numun_-su]
52. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
53. [...]
54. [...] x x
55. [...] x
56. [...] x
57. [...]
@column 1
1. [...] sar-ru-GI
2. [...] x ri2-mu-us2
3. [...] x ma-an-is2-[tu]-su#
4. [...]-na#
@column 2
1. _sza3 e2-kur-ra_
2. _a-na me-a-bi_
3. [(...)]
Update made on 2015-07-15 at 13:07:50 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P227509 = RIME & 06-09 & 11-13 & 15, ex. 01; RIME & 09 & 18, ex.01; RIME, ex. 6; RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
1. [sar-um-GI]
2. [_lugal_]
3. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
4. [_maszkim_]
5. [{d}inanna]
6. _lugal# kisz#_
7. _gudu4 an-na_
8. _lugal#_
9. _kalam#-ma#_
10. _ensi2-gal_
11. {d}en-lil2
12. _iri unu{ki}_
13. _e-hul_
14. _bad3#-bi_
15. _e-ga-si3#_
16. _lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da_
17. _{gesz}tukul_
18. _e#-da-sag3_
19. _aga3-kar2_
20. _e-ni-[se3]_
21. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
22. _[lugal]_
23. _[unug{ki}-ga-da]_
24. _{gesz#}tukul_
25. _[e]-da#-[sag3]_
26. _e#-ga-dab5_
27. _{gesz}si-gar-ta_
28. _ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3_
29. _e#-tum2#_
30. [sar-um-GI]
31. _lugal#_
32. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
33. _lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da_
34. _{gesz}tukul#_
35. _e-da-sag3_
36. _aga3-kar2_
37. _e-ni-se3_
38. _iri-ni_
39. _e-hul_
# erased GA-GA between E and HUL
40. _bad3-bi_
41. _e-ga-si3#_
42. _e2_ {d}nin-mar{ki}
43. _e-hul_
44. _bad3-bi_
45. _e-ga-si3#_
46. _gu2 kalam-bi_
47. lagasz{ki}-ta
48. _a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne_
49. _e-hul_
50. _{gesz}tukul-ni_
51. _a-ab-ba-ka_
52. _i3-luh_
53. _lu2 umma{ki}-da#_
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
2. _[lugal]_
3. [a-ka3-de3{ki}]
4. _[maszkim-gi4]_
5. [{d}inanna]
6. _[lugal kisz]_
7. _[pa4-szesz an]_
8. _lugal#_
9. _kalam-ma{ki}_
10. _ensi2_
11. {d}en-lil2
12. _iri{ki}_
# an erasure between the two signs
13. _unu{ki}_
# an erasure between the two signs
14. _sag-gesz-ra_
15. u3
16. _bad3_-su
17. _i3-gul-gul_
18. in _REC169_
19. unu{ki}
20. [isz11-ar]
21. _[iri{ki}]_
22. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
23. [lugal]-za3#-ge-si
24. _lugal#_
25. unu#{ki}
26. in _REC169_
27. _szu-du8-a_
28. in _si-gar_-rim3
29. a-na _ka2_
30. {d}en-lil2
31. u-ru-us2
32. sar-ru-GI
33. _lugal_
34. a-ka3-de3{ki}
35. in _REC169_
36. uri2{ki}
37. isz11-ar
38. u3
39. iti{ki}
40. _sag-gesz-ra_
41. u3
42. _bad3_-su
43. _i3-gul-gul_
44. e2-nin-mar{ki}
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
46. u3
47. _bad3_-su
48. _i3#-gul#-gul#_
49. u3#
50. _kalam-ma{ki}_-su
51. u3
52. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR.RI|){ki}
53. a-di3-ma
54. ti-a-am-tim
55. _sag-gesz-ra_
56. _{gesz}tukul_-ki2-su
57. in ti-a-am-tim
58. _i3-luh_
59. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
60. in# _REC169#_
61. [isz11-ar]
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. [sar-um-GI]
2. _lugal_
3. _kalam-ma-ra_
4. _{d}en-lil2-le_
5. _lu2-erim2#_
6. _nu-na-szum2_
7. _a-ab-[ba]_
8. _igi-nim-ma-ta_
9. _a-ab-ba_
10. _sig-sig#-sze3_
11. _{d}en-lil2-le_
12. _[mu-na-szum2]_
13. _[u3]_
14. _[a-ab]-ba_
15. _[sig-sig]-ta_
16. _[dumu] dumu#_
17. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
18. _nam#-[ensi2]_
19. _mu-kin#?-[x]_
20. _lu2_ ma-[ri2{ki}]
21. _lu2 elam[{ki}]_
$ 1 erased line
22. _igi_ sar-um#-GI#
23. _lugal_
24. _kalam-ma-ka-sze3_
25. _i3-su8-ge-esz2_
26. sar-um-GI
27. _lugal_
28. _kalam-ma-ke4_
29. kisz{ki}
30. _ki-be2_
31. _bi2-gi4_
32. _iri-bi_
33. _ki-gub e-na-ba_
34. _lu2 mu-sar-ra-e_
35. _ab-ha-lam-e-a_
36. _{d}utu_
37. _suhusz-a-ni_
38. _he2-bu3-re6_
39. _numun-na-ni_
40. _he2-ga-ri-ri-ge_
$ (Colophon)
41. _mu-sar-ra_
42. _ki-gal-ba_
$ (Caption 1')
43. sar-ru-GI
44. _lugal_
45. _kalam-ma{ki}_
46. _ka#?-x
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. [sar-ru-GI]
2. _lugal#_
3. _kalam#-ma{[ki]}_
4. {d}en-lil2
5. ma-[hi-ra]
6. [la i-di3-sum6]
7. [ti-a-am-tam2]
8. [a-li2-tam2]
9. [u3]
10. [sa-pil]-tam2
11. {d#}en-lil2
12. i-di3-nu-sum6
13. is2-tum-ma
14. ti-a-am-tim
15. sa-pil#-tim
16. _dumu dumu_
17. a-ka3#-de3#{ki}
18. [u]-ka3-lu
19. _ensi2_-ku8-a-tim
20. ma-ri2{ki}
21. u3
22. elam{ki}
23. mah-ri2-is2
24. sar-ru#-GI#
25. _lugal_
26. _kalam-ma{ki}_
27. i-za-zu-ni
28. sar#-ru#-GI#
29. _lugal_
30. _kalam-ma{ki}_
31. kisz{ki}
2. a-sza-ri2-su
33. i-ni
34. _iri{ki}_-lam
35. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
36. sza _dub_
37. su4#-a
38. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
39. {d}utu
40. _suhusz_-su
41. li-su2-uh
42. u3 _sze-numun_-su
43. li-il-qu3-ut
$ single ruling
$ (Colophon)
44. _mu-sar-ra#_
45. _ki#-[gal]-ba#_
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1)
46. sar#-um#-GI#
47. _lugal_
48. unu{ki}
$ (Caption 2)
49. mes-e2
50. _ensi2_
51. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
$ rest broken
@column 5
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [sar-um-GI]
5. _[lugal]_
6. _kisz#_
7. [3(u@c) 4(asz)] _SAHAR#?-ra_
8. _[aga]-kar2# bi2-se3_
9. _bad3-bi_
10. _i3-gul-gul_
11. _za3 a-ab-ba-ka-sze3_
12. _ma2_ me-luh-ha{ki}
13. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
14. _ma2 tilmun{ki}_
15. _kar ag-ge-de3{ki}-ka_
16. _bi2-kesz2_
17. sar#-um-GI
18. _lugal#_
19. _du8-du8-li#{ki}-a_
20. _{d}da-gan-ra_
21. _ki-a mu-na-za_
22. _szu12 mu-na#-sza4#_
23. _kalam igi-nim_
24. _mu-na-sum2_
25. ma-ri2{ki}
26. ia3-ar-mu-ti{ki}
27. eb-la{ki}
28. _tir_
29. _{gesz}erin
30. _hur-sag_
31. _ku3-ga-sze3_
32. sar-um-GI
33. _lugal_
34. {d#}en-lil2-le
35. _lu2 gaba-ru_
36. _nu-mu-ni-tuku_
37. 1(szar2) 3(gesz2@90) _erin2_
38. _u4-szu2-sze3_
39. _igi#-ni-sze3_
40. _ninda i3-gu7-e_
41. _lu2 mu-sar#-ra#-e#
42. _ab#-ha-lam-e-a_
43. _an-ne2_
44. _mu-ni_
45. _he2-ha-lam-e_
46. _{d}en-lil2-le_
47. _numun-a-ni_
48. _he2-til-le_
49. _{d}inanna-ke4_
40. [...]-e?
$ rest broken
@column 6
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. sar-ru#-GI#
5. _lugal_
6. _kisz_
7. 3(u@c)! 4(asz) _REC169_
8. isz11-ar
9. _bad3 bad3_
10. _i3-gul-gul_
11. a-di3-ma
12. pu-ti
13. ti-a-am-tim
14. _ma2_ me-luh-ha
15. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
16. _ma2_ dilmun{ki}
17. in ka3-ri2-im
18. szi a-ka3-de3{ki}
19. ir3-ku-us
20. sar-ru#-GI#
21. _lugal#_
22. in tu-tu-li{ki}
23. a-na
24. {d}da-gan
25. us2-ka3-en
26. ik-ru-ub
27. ma-tam2#
28. a-li2-tam2
29. i-di3-sum6
30. ma-ri2-am{ki}
31. ia3-ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}
32. eb-la{ki}
33. a-di3-ma
34. _{gesz}tir_
35. _{gesz}erin_
36. u3
37. _kur kur_
38. _ku3_
39. sar-ru-GI
40. _lugal_
41. szu {d}en-lil2
42. ma-hi-ra
43. la i-di3-sum6
44. 9(gesz'u) _gurusz_
45. u-um-sum6
46. ma-har-su
47. _ninda gu7_
#tr.en: ate bread.
$ (Colophon)
48. mu#-sar#-ra# alan#-na
49. ki-gal-bi nu-sar
$ blank space
50. il3-a-ba4
51. il-su
52. sar-ru-GI
53. _lugal_
54. _kisz_
55. in 9(asz)
56. ki-s,e2-ri2
57. a-ka3-de3{ki}
58. _iri{ki}_
59. [unu]{ki}
60. _[sag-gesz]-ra#_
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. u3
2. 5(u@c)# _ensi2_
3. u3
4. _lugal_
5. su4-ma
6. _szu-du8-a_
7. u3
8. in na-GUR8-za-am{ki}
9. _REC169_
10. isz-ni-a-ma
11. is2-ku8-na-ma
12. isz11-ar
13. u3
14. in# uri2{ki}
15.  us2-x-ta2-li2-sa-ma
16. im6-ta2-ah-s,a-ma
17. isz11-ar
18. u3
19. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
20. in _REC169_
21. isz11-ar
22. u3
23. _iri{ki}_
24. _sag-gesz#-ra_
25. u3
26. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|){ki}
27. in _REC169_
28. [isz11-ar]
29. u3#
30. _{gesz}[tukul-ki-su]
31. in# [ti-a-am-tim]
32. _i3-[luh]_
$ single ruling
$ (Colophon)
33. mu#-[sar-ra alan-na]
34. ki-gal-[bi nu-sar]
$ single ruling
35. x [...]
36. x [...]
37. [...]
38. [...]
39. [...]
40. [...]
41. [sar-ru]-GI#
42. _lugal_
43. a-ka3-de3{ki}
44. _maszkim-gi4_
45. {d}inanna
46. _lugal kisz_
47. _pa4-szesz an_
48. _lugal_
49. _kalam-ma{ki}_
50. _ensi2_
51. {d}en-lil2
52. in _REC169#_
53. unu{ki}
54. isz11-ar
55. u3
56. 5(u@c) _ensi2_
57. in _szita2_
58. il3-a-ba4
59. u3
60. _iri{ki}_
61. _sag#-gesz-[ra]_
62. [u3]
@column 8
1. _bad3#_-[su]
2. _i3-gul#-gul#_
3. u3
4. lugal-za3-ge-si
5. _lugal_
6. unu{ki}
7. in _REC169_
8. _szu-du8-a_
9. in _si-gar_-im
10. a-na _ka2_
11. {d}en-lil2
12. u-ru-us2
13. sar-ru-GI
14. _lugal_
15. a-ka3-de3{ki}
16. in# _REC169_
17. uri2{ki}
18. isz11-ar
19. u3#
20. _iri{ki}_
21. _sag-gesz-ra_
22. u3#
23. _bad3#_-[su]
24. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
25. [e2-nin-mar{ki}]
26. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
27. [u3]
28. _bad3_-su#
29. _[i3]-gul-gul_
30. u3
31. _[kalam]-ma#{ki}_-su
32. u3
33. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|)#{ki}
34. [a]-di3-ma
35. [ti-a]-am-tim
36. _[sag]-gesz-ra_
37. _[{gesz}tukul]_-ki2-su
38. [in] ti#-a-am-tim#
39. _i3-[luh]_
40. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
41. in _REC169#_
42. isz11-ar
43. u3
44. _iri{ki}_
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
46. u3
47. _bad3_-su#
48. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
49. sar#-[ru]-GI#
50. _lugal_
51. _[kalam-ma]{ki}_
52. [szu {d}en]-lil2
53. [ma-hi]-ra
54. la i#-di#-nu#-sum6
55. ti-a-am#-tam2#
56. a-li2-tam2#
57. u3#
58. sa-pil2#-[tam2]
59. [i-di3-sum6]
60. [isz-tum-ma]
61. [ti-a-am-tim]
62. [sa-pil2-tim]
@column 9
1. [a-di3-ma]
2. [ti-a-am]-tim#
3. [a-li2]-tim
4. _[dumu] dumu_
5. a-ka3-de3{ki}
6. _ensi2_-ku8-a-a-tim
7. u-ka3-lu2
8. ma-ri2{ki}
9. u3
10. elam{ki}
11. mah-ri2-is2
12. sar-ru-GI
13. _lugal_
14. _kalam-ma{ki}_
15. i-za-zu-ni
16. sar-ru-GI
17. _lugal_
18. _kalam-ma{ki}_
19. kisz#{ki}
20. [a]-sza-ri2-su
21. i-ni
22. u3
23. _iri{ki}_-lam
24. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
25. [sza] _dub#_
26. su4-a
27. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
28. {d}en-lil2
29. u3
30. {d}utu
31. _suhusz_-su
32. li-su2-ha
33. u3
34. _sze-numun_-su
35. li-il-qu3-ta2
36. ma-ma-na
37. _dul3_
38. su4-a#
39. u-a-ha#-ru#
40. {d}en#-lil2
41. _mu_-su
42. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)#
43. _{gesz}tukul_-su
44. li-isz-bir5
45. mah-ri-is2
46. {d}en#-lil#
47. e _du_
$ (Colophon)
48. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
49. _igi lugal-za3-ge-si-sze3 a-ab-sar_
50. sar-ru-GI
51. _lugal_
52. a-ka3-de3{ki}
53. _maszkim-gi4_
54. {d#}inanna#
55. _[lugal] kisz#_
56. _[pa4]-szesz# an_
57. _ensi2_
58. {d}en-lil2
@column 10
1. i3-[nu]
2. {d}en#-lil2
3. _di-ku5_-su
4. i-di3#-nu-ma#
5. u3
6. unu{ki}
7. __sag-gesz-[ra_-ni]
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. x [...]
12. x [...]
13. a-[na]
14. {[d]}en#-[lil2]
15. _[a] mu#-ru_
16. u3
17. nibru{ki}
18. a-na
19. {d}en-lil2
20. u-li-il
$ (Caption 1)
21. sar-ru-GI
22. _lugal_
23. _kalam-ma{ki}_
24. szu {d}en-lil2
25. ma-hi-ra
26. la i-di3-nu-sum6
$ (Colophon 1)
27. _mu#-[sar-ra]_
28. _ki#-[gal]-la
29. _a-ab-sar_
$ (Caption 2)
30. lugal-za3-ge-si
31. _en_
32. szu unu{ki}
33. _lugal_
34. szu uri2{ki}
$ (Curse formula)
35. sza _dub_
36. su4-a#
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-[ni]
38. {d}en-lil2#
39. u3
40. {d}utu
41. _suhusz_-su
42. li-su2-ha#
43. u3
44. _sze-numun_-su
45. li-il-qu3-ta2
46. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
47. _dul3_
48. su4-a
49. u-a#-ha#-ru
50. {d}en-lil2
51. _mu_-su
52. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU|)
53. _{gesz}tukul_-su
54. li-isz-bir5
55. mah-ri2-is2
56. {d}en-lil2
57. e# _du_
$ (Colophon 2)
58. _mu-sar-ra_
59. _murgu_ lugal-za3-ge-si
60. sar-ru-GI
61. _lugal#_
62. a-ka3#-de3{ki}
@column 11
1. _[iri{ki}]_
2. unu#{ki}
3. _sag#?-[gesz-ra]_
4. [u3]
5. [in _REC169_]
6. [isz11-ar]
7. [u3]
8. [5(u@c)] _ensi2#_
9. u3#
10. _lugal#_
11. su4#-ma
12. _szu-du8-a_
13. sza _dub_ su4-a
14. u-sa-sa3-ku-<ni>
15. {d}en-lil2
16. u3
17. {d}utu
18. _suhusz_-su
19. li-su2-ha
20. u3
21. _sze-numun_-su
22. li-il-qu3-ta2
23. ma-ma-na
24. _dul3_
25. su4-a
# 1 or 2 erased signs between SU4 and A
26. u#-a#-ha#-ru#
27. {d}en-lil2
28. _mu_-su
29. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)?
30. _{gesz}tukul_-su
31. li-isz-bir5
32. mah-ri2-is2
33. {d}en-lil2
34. e# _du_
$ (Colophon)
35. _[mu-sar-ra] alan#-na_
36. [...] x
37. sar-ru-GI
38. _lugal_
39. _kisz_
40. _sag#-gesz-ra_
41. elam#{ki}
42. u3
43. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
44. sza _dub_
45. su4-a
46. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
47. {d}en-lil2
48. {d}utu
49. u3
50. {d}inanna
51. _suhusz_-su
52. li-su2-ha
53. u3
54. _sze-numun_-su
55. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon 1)
56. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba#_
$ (Caption 1)
57. _a2# gub3!_ [...]
58. nim#[{ki} ...]
59. x [...]
60. [...]
@column 12
$ (Caption 2)
1. [sar-ru-GI]
2. _[lugal]_
3. _[kisz]_
4. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
5. [elam]{ki}
6. u3
7. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
$ (Colophon 2)
8. _za3-ga-na gub-ba_
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 3)
9. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
10. uru18{ki}
$ (Caption 4)
11. sa-NAM-si-mu-ut
12. _ensi2_
13. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 5)
14. lu-uh-isz-an
15. _dumu_ hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
16. _lugal_
17. elam{ki}
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 6)
18. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
19. sa-li-a-mu{ki}
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 7)
20. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
21. kar3-de3-de3#{ki#}
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 8)
22. ul-ul#
23. _szagina#_
24. pa2-ra-ah-sum#{[ki]}
$ (Caption 9)
25. da-gu
26. _szesz lugal_
27. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
$ (Caption 10)
28. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
29. HE2-ni{ki}
$ (Caption 11)
30. _nig2-|LA+IB|#_
31. bu-un-ba-an{ki}
$ (Caption 12)
32. zi-na
33. _ensi2_
34. hu-zi#-[x-x{ki}]
$ (Caption 13)
35. hi-da-ri2-da-[x]
36. _ensi2#_
37. gu-ni-la-ha{ki#}
$ (Caption 14)
38. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
39. sa-bum#{ki#}
$ (Caption 15)
40. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
41. a-wa-an{ki#}
$ (Caption 16)
42. si-id#-ga-u3
43. _szagina_
44. pa2-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
$ (Caption 17)
45. kun3-du-pum
46. _di-ku4_
46. _di-ku5_
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
$ (Caption 18)
48. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
49. su-si-im{ki}
$ (Colophon 3)
50. _ki-gal-ba szu du3#-a_
$ double ruling
51. sar#?-[ru-GI]
52. [...]
53. [...]
54. [...]
55. [...]
@column 13
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. x [...] x [...]
6. DA AN
7. {d}en-lil2
8. u-kal2-lim
9. ma-ma-na
10. pa2-ni-su
11. u3-la
12. u-ba-al
13. ti-a-am-tam2
14. a-li2-tam2
15. u3
16. sa-pil2-[tam2]
17. i-di3-sum6
18. sar-ru-GI
19. _lugal_
20. _kisz_
21. ra#?-x [x x]
22. [_szagina_-su]
$ (Colophon)
23. [mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba]
$ n lines broken
$ 2 lines traces
$ n lines broken
1'. 3(u@c)#? 4(asz)#? _[REC169]_
2'. isz11-ar#
3'. _iri{ki#} iri{[ki]}_
4'. sa3-ar-ru-tim#
5'. u ID x
$ blank space
6'. x [...]
$ rest broken
@column 14
$ beginning broken
0'. [_ma2_ me-luh-ha]
1'. _ma2#_ [ma2-gan2{ki}]
2'. _ma2#_  [dilmun{ki}]
3'. in# [ka3-ri2-im]
4'. szi a#-[ka3-de3{ki}]
5'. ir-[ku-us]
6'. sar-[ru-GI]
7'. _lugal#_
8'. [in tu-tu-li{ki}]
9'. [a-na]
10'. [{d}da-gan]
11'. [us2-ka3-en]
12'. [ik-ru-ub]
13'. [ma]-tam2#
14'. a-li2-tam2
15'. i-di3-sum6
16'. ma-ri2-am{[ki]}
17'. ia3-[ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}]
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. sar-ru#-[GI]
2'. _lugal#_
3'. _[kisz]_
$ n lines broken
4'. {d#}en#-[lil2]
5'. _{gesz#}gidri#_
6'. i-di3-sum6#-[ma]
7'. _gesztu2_
$ n lines broken
8'. u-kal2!-[lim]
9'. ma-ma-na
10'. pa2-ni-su
11'. u3-la
12'. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
13'. _suhusz_ x-[x]
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. _suhusz#_-[su]
7. li#-[su2-ha]
8. [u3]
9. _sze-numun#_-[su]
10. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
$ n lines broken
$ 4-5 lines traces
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1')
1'. x-su-uh-ru
2'. _ensi2_
3'. szi-ri2-hi-im{ki#}
$ (Caption 2')
4'. si-id-ga-u3#
5'. _szagina_
6'. pa2-ra-ah-sum{[ki]}
$ (Caption 3')
7'. sa-NAM-si-mu#-[ut]
8'. _szagina#_
9'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 4')
10'. lu-uh-isz-an
11'. _dumu_ hi-si-ib#-ra#-si#-ni#
12'. _lugal_
13'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 5')
14'. kun3?-du-pum
15'. _di#-[ku5]_
16'. [pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}]
$ (Caption 6')
17'. [...]
18'. 8(disz) _lu2_ [...]
19'. 2(disz)? bal?-bal#?-[x]
20'. 1(u)? 1(asz)? {gesz#}tukul {gesz}erin!_
$ (Caption 7')
21'. hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
22'. _lugal_
23'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 8')
24'.  _x-ra-ne-ne a-al-dab5_
25'. _szu-du3-ba a-ab-ri_
26'. ib-ba-le
$ (Ccolophon 2)
27'. sza3-bi an-na?
28'. ki-gal-ba! {d?}en!-lil2! {d}inanna#?
29'. ri2-mu-[us2]
30'. _lugal#_
31'. _[kisz]_
32'. [su2-ra-ma]
33'. sar-[ru-tam2]
34'. {d}en-[lil2]
35'. i-di3-nu-[sum6]
36'. _REC169#_
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. _lugal_
5. uri2{ki}
6. _szu-du8-a_
7. u3
8. _ensi2 ensi2_-su
9. _szu-du8-a_
10. u3
11. a2-ra-[ab]-su!-[nu]
12. a-di3-ma
13. ti-a-am-tim
14. sa-pil2-tim
15. il#-qu3#-ut#
16. u3
17. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
18. in _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_
19. szu-me-ri2-im
20. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
21. a-na
22. ka3-ra-si-im
23. is2-kun3
24. u3
25. _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_-su-nu
26. _sag-gesz-ra_
27. u3
28. _bad3-bad3_-su-nu
29. _i3-gul-gul_
30. u-lum
31. in tu3-a-ri2-su
32. ka-za-lu{ki}
33. na-ki-ir-ma
34. _sag-gesz-ra_
35. in#! qar#-bi2#
36. ka-za-lu{ki}
37. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)? 5(u) 2(asz) _gurusz-gurusz_
39. u-sa-am-qi4-it
40. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2! 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz)
41. _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
42. _szu-du8-a_
43. u3
44. a-sza-re2-ed
45. _ensi2_
46. ka-za-lu{ki}
47. _szu-du8-a_
48. u3
49. _bad3_-su
50. _i3-gul-gul_
51. _(|SZU+NIGIN2|)_ 1(szar2) 3(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 2(u) 1(u) 6(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
52. [a-di3 mi]-qi4-tim#
53. [a-di3] _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)#
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. i3-[nu]
6. _REC169_ su4#-[a]
7. _dul3_-su4#
8. ib-ni-ma
9. a-na
10. {d}en-lil2
11. sa-li2-mi-su
12. _a mu-ru_
13. sza _dub_
14. su4#-a#
15. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
16. {d}en-lil2
17. u3
18. {d}utu
19. _suhusz_-su
20. li-su2-ha
21. u3
22. _sze-numun_-su
23. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon 1)
24. ki-gal an-ta igi-ni-sze3 a-ab-sar
$ (Curse formula)
25. ma-na-ma
26. _mu_
27. ri2-mu-us2
28. _lugal_
29. _kisz_
30. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
31. al _dul3_
32. ri2-mu-us2
33. _mu_-su
34. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
35. _dul3_-mi-me
36. i-[qa2-bi]-u3#
37. {[d]}en#-lil2#
38. be-al
39. _dul3_ su4-a
40. u3
41. {d}utu
42. _suhusz_-su
43. li-su3-ha
44. u3
45. _sze-numun_-su
46. li-il-qu3-ta2
47. _nita#_
48. [a] i-di3-na-sum6
49. mah#-ri2-is2
50. [i3]-li2-su
51. [e] _du_
$ (Colophon 2)
52. lugal#? [x]-ra?-ni?-sze3? a#-[ab]-sar#
$ (Caption 1)
53. {d}[...]
54. a2-li2-[ik]
55. mah-[ri2-su]
$ (Caption 2)
56. a-sza-[re2-ed]
57. _ensi2#_
58. ka#-[zal-lu{ki}]
$ rest broken
@column 5
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
$ (Caption 1')
5. en#-[...]
6. _ensi2#_
7. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki#}
$ (Caption 2')
8. {d}u-um
9. a2-li2-ik
10. mah#-ri2-su
$ (Caption 3')
11. KA-ku3
12. _lugal_
13. uri2{ki}
$ (Colophon)
12. ki-gal-ba egir lu2-{d}da-mu
13. ri2-mu-us2
14. _lugal_
15. _kisz_
16. in _REC169_
17. uri2#{ki}
18. u3
19. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki}
20. isz11-ar
21. u3
22. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2@90) _gurusz_
23. u-sa#-am-qi2#-it
24. 9(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
25. _szu-du8-a_
26. u3
27. KA-ku3
28. _lugal_
29. uri2{ki}
30. _szu-du8-a_
31. u3
32. [ki]-tusz#-i7
33. _[ensi2]_
34. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki#}
35. _[szu-du8]-a_
36. u3#
37. [_iri{ki}_-su]-ni
38. _[sag-gesz]-ra_
39. u3#
40. [_bad3_-su]-ni
41. _[i3-gul]-gul#_
42. [u3]
43. [in _iri{ki}_-su]-ni
44. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? [la2 1(u) 5(asz)] _gurusz#_
45. u-su-s,i2#-[am-ma]
46. a-na
47. ka3-ra-si-im
48. is2-kun3
49. sza _dub_
50. su4-a
51. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
52. {d}en-lil2
53. u3
54. {d}utu
55. _suhusz_-su
56. li-su2-ha
57. u3#
$ rest broken
@column 6
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [in] _REC169#_
6. ka-za-lu{ki}
7. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 5(u@c)# [2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_]
8. u-sa-[am]-qi2-it
9. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
10. _szu-du8-[a]_
11. u3
12. a-sza-[re2-ed]
13. _ensi2#_
14. [ka3-za]-lu{ki}
15. _[szu]-du8-a_
16. u3
17. _bad3_-su
18. _i3-gul-gul_
19. sza _dub_
20. su4-[a]
21. u-sa-sa3-ku#-ni
22. {d}en-lil2
23. u3#
24. {d}utu#
25. _suhusz_-su
26. li-su2#-ha
27. u3#
28. _sze-numun_-su#
29. li-il#-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon)
30. _musz3 ki-gal ki-ta a2 zi-da-na
31. ri2#-mu#-us2
32. _lugal#_
33. _[kisz]_
34. [in _REC169_]
35. [adab{ki}]
36. [u3]
37. [zabala3{ki}]
38. isz11-[ar]
39. [u3]
40. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 1(szar2)# 2(gesz2)# la2 2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
41. u-sa-am-qi2-it
42. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) la2 4(asz)#? szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
43. _szu-du8-a_
44. u3
45. mes-ki-gal-la
46. _ensi2_
47. adab{ki}
48. _szu-du8-a_
49. u3
50. lugal-gal-zu
51. _ensi2_
52. zabala3{ki}
53. _szu-du8-a_
54. _iri{ki}_-su-ni
55. _sag#-gesz#-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. [...]
2. [n(disz) _gurusz gurusz_]
3. u-su#-s,i2#-am#-ma
4. a-na
5. ka-ra-si2-im
6. is2-kun3
7. sza _dub#_
8. su4-a
9. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
10. {d}en-lil2
11. u3
12. {[d]}utu
13. [_suhusz_-su]
14. [li-su2-ha]
15. u3
16. _sze-numun#_-su
17. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
$ (Colophon)
18. _musz3 ki-gal ki-[ta]_
19. _egir-ra-ni#-sze3#_
20. ri2-mu-us2
21. _lugal#_
22. _kisz_
23. in _REC169_
24. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
25. u3#
26. KI-AN{ki}
27. isz11-ar#
28. u3
29. [1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)] 6(gesz'u)# la2 1(gesz2) 4(u@c) _gurusz gurusz_
30. [u]-sa-am#-qi2-it#
31. 6(gesz'u) la2# 2(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
32. _[szu-du8-a]_
33. [u3]
34. [en-x]
35. [_ensi2_ ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}]
36. _[szu-du8-a]_
37. u3
38. lugal-KA
39. _ensi2_
40. KI-AN{ki}
41. _szu-du8-a_
42. u3
43. _iri{ki}_-[su-ni]
44. _sag-gesz-[ra]_
45. u3
46. _bad3_-su-ni
47. _i3-gul-gul_
48. u3
49. in _iri{ki}_-su-ni
50. 6(gesz'u) _gurusz gurusz_
51. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
52. a-na
53. ka3-ra-si-im
54. is2-kun3
55. sza _dub_
56. su4-a
57. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
58. {d}en-lil2
59. u3
60. {d}[utu]
$ rest broken
@column 8
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
$ (Colophon 1)
4. musz3# ki-gal ki-ta# gub3-bu#-ni#-sze3
$ (Caption 1)
5. zi-nu-ba
6. _szesz_
7. _ensi2_
$ (Caption 2)
8. a-sza-ar-mu-pi5
9. _sukkal_-su
$ (Caption 3)
10. lugal#-gal-zu#*
11. _ensi2#_
12. zabala3{ki}
$ (Caption 4)
13. ur-{d}suen
14. _sukkal_-su
$ (Caption 5)
15. lugal#-KA
16. _ensi2#_
17. KI-AN{ki}
$ (Caption 6)
18. gesz-sza3
19. _gal-sukkal_-su
$ (Caption 7)
20. ki-tusz-i7
21. _ensi2_
22. lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|){ki}
$ (Caption 8)
23. ad-da
24. _szagina_
$ (Colophon 2)
25. ki-gal ki-ta szub-ba-mesz
$ (Caption 9)
26. ri2-mu-us2
27. _lugal#_
28. _kisz#_
29. szu [{d}en-lil2]
30. ma#-[hi-ra]
31. la# [i-di3-sum6]
$ (Colophon 3)
32. _[mu-sar-ra]_
33. _[za3-ga-na]
$ blank space
$ double ruling
34. ri2-mu-us2
35. _lugal_
36. _kisz_
37. in _REC169_
38. a-ba-al-ga-masz
39. _lugal#_
40. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
41. isz11-ar
42. u3
43. za-ha-ra{ki}
44. u3
45. elam{ki}
46. in qab3-li
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
48. a-na
49. _REC169_
50. ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
51. isz11-ar
52. u3
53. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
54. u-sa-am-qi4-it
55. 7(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
56. _[szu-du8-a]_
$ rest broken
@column 9
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [u3 si-id-ga]-u3#
3'. _szagina_
4'. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
5'. _szu-du8-a_
6'. u3
7'. sar-GA-PI
8'. _szagina#_
9'. za-[ha-ra]{ki}
10'. _szu-du8#-[a]_
11'. in ba-ri2-ti
12'. a-wa-an{ki}
13'. u3
14'. su-si-im{ki}
15'. in _i7_
16'. qab2-li2-tim
17'. u3
18'. bi2-ru-tam2
19'. in a-sza-ar _iri_
20'. al-su#-nu
21'. is2-pu#-uk
22'. u3
23'. _iri{ki} iri{ki}_
24'. elam{ki}
25'. _sag-gesz-ra_
26'. u3
27'. _bad3 bad3_-su-nu
28'. _i3-gul-gul_
29'. u3
30'. _suhusz_
31'. pa2#-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
32'. [in _kalam_]
33'. [elam{ki}]
34'. [i-su2-uh-ma]
35'. [ri2-mu-usz2]
36'. [_lugal_]
37'. _kisz#_
38'. elam{ki}
39'. i-be-al
40'. {d}en-lil2
41'. u-kal2-lim
42'. in sa-an-tim
43'. sa-li2-is2-tim
44'. sza-ti
45'. {d}en-lil2
46'. sar-rux(URU18)-tam2
47'. i-di3-nu-sum
48'. |SZU+NIGIN2| 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
49'. a-di3 mi-qi4-tim
50'. a-di3 szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
51'. {d}utu
52'. u3
53'. il3-a-ba4
54'. u2-ma2
55'. la su2-ra-tim
56'. lu ki2-ni-is2-[ma]
$ rest broken
@column 10
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. {d}utu
10. _suhusz_-su
11. li-su2-ha
12. u3#
13. _sze-numun#_-su#
14. li-[il]-qu3-ta2#
$ (Colophon 1)
15. _ki-gal a2#-gub3#-ni#-sze3 [a]-ab-sar_
$ (Curse formula)
16. ma-na-ma
17. _mu_
18. ri2-mu#-us2
19. _lugal_
20. _kisz_
21. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
22. al _dul3_
23. ri2-mu-us2
24. _mu_-su
25. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
26. _dul3_-mi-me
27. i-qa2-bi3-u3
28. {d}en-lil2
29. be-al
30. _dul3_ su4-a
31. u3
32. {d}utu
33. _suhusz_-su
34. li-su2-ha
35. u3#
36. [_sze-numun_-su]
37. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
38. _[nita]_
39. [a i-di3]-na-sum6
40. mah#-ri2-is
41. i3-li2-su
42. e# _du_
$ double ruling
43. 3(u@c) _ma-na_
44. _ku3-sig17_
45. 1(szar2) _ma-na_
46. _uruda_
47. 5(gesz2) _ARAD2 geme2_
48. i3-nu
49. elam{ki}
50. u3
51. pa2-ra-ah#-sum{ki}
52. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
53. u-ru-a-am-ma
54. [a]-na
55. {d}en-lil2
56. _[a] mu-ru_
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _[...]-bi#-sze3 [a-ab]-sar#_
$ rest broken
@column 11
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. ka3#-la#-ma#
10. i-di3-sum6
11. ti-a-am-tam2
12. a-li2-tam2
13. u3
14. sa#-pil2-tam2
15. u3
16. _[sa]-tu_-e
17. ka3-la-su-nu-ma
18. a-na
19. {d}en-lil2
20. u-ka3-al
21. sza _dub_
22. su4-a
23. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
24. {d}en-lil2
25. u3
26. {d}utu
27. _suhusz_-su
28. li-su2-ha#
29. u3
30. _sze-numun#_-su
31. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon 1)
32. mu-sar-ra ki#-gal-ba
$ (Caption)
33. ri2-mu-us2
34. _lugal_
35. _kisz_
36. _sag-gesz-ra#_
37. elam#{ki}
38. [u3]
39. pa2#-ra#-[ah-sum{ki}]
$ (Colophon 2)
40. za3#-ga#-[na a-ab-sar]
41. ri2-mu#-[us2]
42. _lugal#_
43. _kisz#_
44. in _[REC169]_
45. a-ba-[al-ga-masz]
46. _lugal#_
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
48. isz11-ar
49. u3
50. si-id-ga-u3
51. _szagina_-su
52. _szu-du8-a_
53. in ba-ri2#-[ti]
54. [a]-wa-an{ki}
55. u3
56. su-si#-im#{ki}
57. in _i7#_
58. qab3-li3-[tim]
59. [u3]
60. bi2-ru#-[tam2]
61. in a-sza#-[ar _iri_]
$ rest broken
@column 12
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. {d}utu
12. u3
13. il3-a-ba4
14. u2-ma2
15. la su2-ra-tum8
16. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma
17. sza _dub_
18. su4-a
19. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
20. {d}en-lil2
21. u3
22. {d}utu
23. _suhusz_-su
24. li-su2-ha
25. u3
26. _sze-numun_-su
27. li-il-qu3-ta2
$ (Colophon)
28. _mu-sar-ra szen za-hum_
29. ma-an-is2-tu-su
30. _lugal_
31. _kisz_
32. i3-nu
33. an-sza-an{ki}
34. u3
35. szi4-ri2-hu-um{ki}
36. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
37. ti-a-am-tam3
38. sza-pil2-tam2
39. _ma2 ma2 gesz-la_-e
40. [u-sa]-bi3#-ir
41. _[iri{ki} iri{ki}]_
42. a#-bar#-ti#
43. ti-a-am-tim
44. 3(u@c) 2(asz) a-na
45. _REC169_
46. ip-hu-ru-nim-ma
47. isz11-ar
48. u3
49. _iri{ki} iri{ki}-su-nu
50. _sag-gesz-ra_
51. _en en#_-[su-nu]
52. [u-sa]-am#!-[qi2-it]
53. [u3]
54. is2#-[tum-ma]
55. id#-[ke2-as-su-nu-ni-ma]
56. a-di3-ma
57. hu-ri2{ki}
58. il2-qu3-ut
59. _sa#-tu_-e
60. a-bar-ti
61. ti-a-am-tim
62. sa-pil2-tim
63. _na4 na4_-su#-nu _ge6_
64. [i-pu]-lam#-[ma]
65. [in _ma2 ma2_]
66. i#-[s,a-na-ma]
$ rest broken
@column 13
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. la ib#-ni
9. ri2-mu-us2
10. _lugal_
11. _kisz_
12. _dul3_-su sza _ku3-an_
$ erased line
13. ib-ni-ma
14. _igi_-me
15. {d}en-lil2
16. i-za-az
17. _da_-is2 i3-li
18. _mu_-su
19. u-sa-mi-id
20. sza _dub_
21. su4-a
22. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
23. {d}en-lil2
24. u3
25. {d}utu
26. _suhusz_-su
27. li-su2-ha
28. u3
29. _sze-numun_-su
30. li-il-qu3-ta2
31. x-x-[x]
32. _a mu-ru#_
33. {d}utu
34. u3
35. il3-a-ba4
36. u2-ma2
37. la su2-ra-tum
38. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma#
39. sza _dub_
40. su4-a
41. i-sa-sa3-ku-ni
42. {d}en#-lil2
43. u3#
44. {d}[utu]
45. _suhusz_-su#
46. li-su2-ha#
47. u3
48. _sze-numun_-su
49. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
$ (Colophon 1)
50. [mu]-sar#-ra# [ki-gal]-ba#?
$ (Dedicatory label)
51. ma#-an#-is2-[tu]-su
52. _lugal#_
53. _[kisz]_
54. a-na#
55. {d}en-lil2#
56. _a mu-ru_
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
@column 14
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. _nu#-ta#-dim2#_
9. ri2#-mu-us2
10. _lugal_
11. _kisz_
12. _alan-na-ni (x) an#-na-kam_
13. _i3#-dim2_
14. _igi {[d]}en-lil2-[la2]-sze3#_
15. _i3-gub_
16. _i3-du7_
17. _dingir-re-ne-ka_
18. _me-te-ni_
19. _i3-szid_
20. (x) _lu2_
21. _im-sar-ra-e_
22. _ab-ha-lam-me-a_
23. {d}en-lil2
24. {d}utu-bi
25. _suhusz-sa-ni_
26. _he2-pad-re6-ne#_
27. _numun#!-[na-ni]_
28. _[he2-ri-ri-ge-ne]_
$ (Colophon 1)
29. _mu-sar-ra# {uruda}szen_ za-hum-ma#
$ single ruling
30. {d}en-lil2
31. ma-an-is2-tu-su
32. _lugal_
33. _kisz_
34. {d}en-lil2
35. u-sa-ar-bi2-su
36. _mu_-su
37. i-bi2
38. u3
39. _[{gesz}gidri]_
40. [sar-ru-tim]
41. [i-di3]-sum6#
42. sza _dub_
43. su4-a
44. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
45. {d}en-lil2
46. u3
47. {d}utu
48. _suhusz#_-su
49. [li-su2]-ha#
50. [u3]
51. [_sze-numun_-su]
52. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
53. [...]
54. [...] x x
55. [...] x
56. [...] x
57. [...]
@column 1
1. [...] sar-ru-GI
2. [...] x ri2-mu-us2
3. [...] x ma-an-is2-[tu]-su#
4. [...]-na#
@column 2
1. _sza3 e2-kur-ra_
2. _a-na me-a-bi_
3. [(...)]
Update made on 2014-07-12 at 04:50:51 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P227509 = RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01  & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 06 & RIME, ex. 01
&P227509 = RIME & 06-09 & 11-13 & 15, ex. 01; RIME & 09 & 18, ex.01; RIME, ex. 6; RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. [_lugal_]
#tr.en: king
3. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. [_maszkim_]
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of the goddess Ištar,
6. _lugal# kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _gudu4 an-na_
#tr.en: anointed priest of the god An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam#-ma#_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2-gal_
#tr.en: chief governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil,
12. _iri unu{ki}_
#tr.en: the city of Uruk
13. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
14. _bad3#-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
15. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
16. _lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da_
#tr.en: With the Man of Uruk
17. _{gesz}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
18. _e#-da-sag3_
#tr.en: he made clash,
19. _aga3-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
20. _e-ni-[se3]_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
21. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
#tr.en: With Lugalzagesi,
22. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: the king
23. _[unug{ki}-ga-da]_
#tr.en: of Uruk,
24. _{gesz#}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
25. _[e]-da#-[sag3]_
#tr.en: he made clash
26. _e#-ga-dab5_
#tr.en: and then seized him.
27. _{gesz}si-gar-ta_
#tr.en: In a neck stock
28. _ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3_
#tr.en: to the gate of Enlil
29. _e#-tum2#_
#tr.en: he brought him.
30. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
31. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
32. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
33. _lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da_
#tr.en: with the Man of Ur
34. _{gesz}tukul#_
#tr.en: weapons
35. _e-da-sag3_
#tr.en: he made clash
36. _aga3-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
37. _e-ni-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
38. _iri-ni_
#tr.en: His city
39. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
# erased GA-GA between E and HUL
40. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
41. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
42. _e2_ {d}nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The temple of the goddess Ninmar
43. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
44. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
45. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
46. _gu2 kalam-bi_
#tr.en: All those countries
47. lagasz{ki}-ta
#tr.en: from Lagaš
48. _a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne_
#tr.en: to the sea, their ...
49. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
50. _{gesz}tukul-ni_
#tr.en: and his weapons
51. _a-ab-ba-ka_
#tr.en: in the sea
52. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
53. _lu2 umma{ki}-da#_
#tr.en: With the Man of Umma
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. [a-ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. _[maszkim-gi4]_
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of Ištar,
6. _[lugal kisz]_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _[pa4-szesz an]_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
12. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
# an erasure between the two signs
13. _unu{ki}_
#tr.en: of Uruk
# an erasure between the two signs
14. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
17. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
18. in _REC169_
#tr.en: In battle
19. unu{ki}
#tr.en: over Uruk
20. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
21. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the city
22. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered.
23. [lugal]-za3#-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
24. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
25. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
26. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
27. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
28. in _si-gar_-rim3
#tr.en: and in a neck stock
29. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil
31. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
32. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
34. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
35. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
36. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
37. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. iti{ki}
#tr.en: the city
40. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
41. u3
#tr.en: and
42. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
43. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
44. e2-nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3#-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
49. u3#
#tr.en: and
50. _kalam-ma{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
51. u3
#tr.en: and
52. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR.RI|){ki}
#tr.en: the city Lagaš
53. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
54. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
55. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
56. _{gesz}tukul_-ki2-su
#tr.en: His weapons
57. in ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: in the sea
58. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
59. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over the city Umma
60. in# _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
61. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: To Sargon,
2. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
3. _kalam-ma-ra_
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
5. _lu2-erim2#_
#tr.en: an enemy
6. _nu-na-szum2_
#tr.en: he did not give him.
7. _a-ab-[ba]_
#tr.en: From the Sea
8. _igi-nim-ma-ta_
#tr.en: the Upper
9. _a-ab-ba_
#tr.en: to the Sea
10. _sig-sig#-sze3_
#tr.en: the Lower
11. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
12. _[mu-na-szum2]_
#tr.en: gave (that territory) to him.
13. _[u3]_
#tr.en: Further,
14. _[a-ab]-ba_
#tr.en: from the Sea
15. _[sig-sig]-ta_
#tr.en: the Lower <to the Upper Sea>
16. _[dumu] dumu#_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
17. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
18. _nam#-[ensi2]_
#tr.en: the governorships (of that territory)
19. _mu-kin#?-[x]_
#tr.en: did exercise.
20. _lu2_ ma-[ri2{ki}]
#tr.en: The Man of Mari
21. _lu2 elam[{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the Man of Elam
$ 1 erased line
22. _igi_ sar-um#-GI#
#tr.en: before Sargon,
23. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
24. _kalam-ma-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: of the nation,
25. _i3-su8-ge-esz2_
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
26. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
27. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
28. _kalam-ma-ke4_
#tr.en: of the nation,
29. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: Kiš
30. _ki-be2_
#tr.en: to its (former) place
31. _bi2-gi4_
#tr.en: he restored,
32. _iri-bi_
#tr.en: and its (two?) cities
33. _ki-gub e-na-ba_
#tr.en: were apportioned to him as a (single) station(?).
34. _lu2 mu-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
35. _ab-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
36. _{d}utu_
#tr.en: may Šamaš
37. _suhusz-a-ni_
#tr.en: his foundation
38. _he2-bu3-re6_
#tr.en: tear out,
39. _numun-na-ni_
#tr.en: and his seed
40. _he2-ga-ri-ri-ge_
#tr.en: may he then pluck out.
$ (Colophon)
41. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
42. _ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: on its socle.
$ (Caption 1')
43. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
46. _ka#?-x
#tr.en: ...
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
3. _kalam#-ma{[ki]}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
5. ma-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
6. [la i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give to him.
7. [ti-a-am-tam2]
#tr.en: The Sea(s)
8. [a-li2-tam2]
#tr.en: the Upper
9. [u3]
#tr.en: and
10. [sa-pil]-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
11. {d#}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
12. i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: gave to him,
13. is2-tum-ma
#tr.en: so that from
14. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
15. sa-pil#-tim
#tr.en: the Lower (to the Upper),
16. _dumu dumu_
#tr.en: citizens
17. a-ka3#-de3#{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
18. [u]-ka3-lu
#tr.en: held
19. _ensi2_-ku8-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships (of the nation).
20. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
23. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
24. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
25. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
26. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
27. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
28. sar#-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
29. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
30. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
31. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
32. a-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its (two?) places
2. a-sza-ri2-su
33. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed (back as before)
34. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: and (as one) city)
35. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made it be occupied(?).
36. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
37. su4#-a
#tr.en: this
38. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
39. {d}utu
#tr.en: may Šamaš
40. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
41. li-su2-uh
#tr.en: tear out
42. u3 _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: and his seed
43. li-il-qu3-ut
#tr.en: may he pluck up.
$ single ruling
$ (Colophon)
44. _mu-sar-ra#_
#tr.en: Inscription
45. _ki#-[gal]-ba#_
#tr.en: on its socle.
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1)
46. sar#-um#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
47. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
48. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
$ (Caption 2
$ (Caption 2)
49. mes-e2
#tr.en: Mes'e,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
51. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: of Umma.
$ rest broken
@column 5
$ about 3 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. [3(u@c) 4(asz)] _SAHAR#?-ra_
#tr.en: upon 34 ...
8. _[aga]-kar2# bi2-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed defeat,
9. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and their walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. _za3 a-ab-ba-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: all the way to the edge of the sea.
12. _ma2_ me-luh-ha{ki}
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
13. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
14. _ma2 tilmun{ki}_
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
15. _kar ag-ge-de3{ki}-ka_
#tr.en: at the quay of Agade
16. _bi2-kesz2_
#tr.en: he moored.
17. sar#-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon
18. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king
19. _du8-du8-li#{ki}-a_
#tr.en: in Tuttul
20. _{d}da-gan-ra_
#tr.en: before the god Dagān
21. _ki-a mu-na-za_
#tr.en: prostrated himself
22. _szu12 mu-na#-sza4#_
#tr.en: and prayed to him.
23. _kalam igi-nim_
#tr.en: The upper country
24. _mu-na-sum2_
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him,
25. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: (namely) Mari,
26. ia3-ar-mu-ti{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
27. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: Ebla,
28. _tir_
#tr.en: up to the Forest
29. _{gesz}erin
#tr.en: of Cedars
30. _hur-sag_
#tr.en: and the Mountains
31. _ku3-ga-sze3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
32. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king:
34. {d#}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: Enlil
35. _lu2 gaba-ru_
#tr.en: a rival
36. _nu-mu-ni-tuku_
#tr.en: he did not permit him to have:
37. 1(szar2) 3(gesz2@90) _erin2_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
38. _u4-szu2-sze3_
#tr.en: daily
39. _igi#-ni-sze3_
#tr.en: before him
40. _ninda i3-gu7-e_
#tr.en: he let eat bread.
41. _lu2 mu-sar#-ra#-e#
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
42. _ab#-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
43. _an-ne2_
#tr.en: may the god An
44. _mu-ni_
#tr.en: his name
45. _he2-ha-lam-e_
#tr.en: obliterate.
46. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: May the god Enlil
47. _numun-a-ni_
#tr.en: his seed
48. _he2-til-le_
#tr.en: bring to an end.
49. _{d}inanna-ke4_
#tr.en: May the goddess Ištar
40. [...]-e?
#tr.en: ...
$ rest broken
@column 6
$ about 3 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. 3(u@c)! 4(asz) _REC169_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
8. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
9. _bad3 bad3_
#tr.en: City walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
12. pu-ti
#tr.en: the shore
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: of the sea.
14. _ma2_ me-luh-ha
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
15. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
16. _ma2_ dilmun{ki}
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
17. in ka3-ri2-im
#tr.en: at the quay
18. szi a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
19. ir3-ku-us
#tr.en: he moored.
20. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
22. in tu-tu-li{ki}
#tr.en: in Tuttul
23. a-na
#tr.en: to
24. {d}da-gan
#tr.en: Dagān
25. us2-ka3-en
#tr.en: he prostrated himself
26. ik-ru-ub
#tr.en: and prayed.
27. ma-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
28. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
29. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him:
30. ma-ri2-am{ki}
#tr.en: Mari,
31. ia3-ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
32. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: and Ebla,
33. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
34. _{gesz}tir_
#tr.en: the Forest
35. _{gesz}erin_
#tr.en: of Cedars
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _kur kur_
#tr.en: the Mountains
38. _ku3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
39. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
40. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
41. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
42. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
43. la i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
44. 9(gesz'u) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
45. u-um-sum6
#tr.en: daily
46. ma-har-su
#tr.en: before him
47. _ninda gu7_
#tr.en: ate bread.
$ (Colophon)
48. mu#-sar#-ra# alan#-na
#tr.en: Inscription on the statue.
49. ki-gal-bi nu-sar
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ blank space
50. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
51. il-su
#tr.en: is his (personal) god.
52. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
53. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
54. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
55. in 9(asz)
#tr.en: with nine
56. ki-s,e2-ri2
#tr.en: military contingents
57. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
58. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
59. [unu]{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
60. _[sag-gesz]-ra#_
#tr.en: he conquered.
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. u3
#tr.en: and
2. 5(u@c)# _ensi2_
#tr.en: (he captured) fifty governors
3. u3
#tr.en: and
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
5. su4-ma
#tr.en: he personally
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
7. u3
#tr.en: Further,
8. in na-GUR8-za-am{ki}
#tr.en: in NaGURzam
9. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
10. isz-ni-a-ma
#tr.en: he again
11. is2-ku8-na-ma
#tr.en: engaged and
12. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
13. u3
#tr.en: Further,
14. in# uri2{ki}
#tr.en: at Ur
15.  us2-x-ta2-li2-sa-ma
#tr.en: for a third time
16. im6-ta2-ah-s,a-ma
#tr.en: the two of them fought each other,
17. isz11-ar
#tr.en: and he was victorious.
18. u3
#tr.en: Further
19. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: over Umma
20. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
21. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
24. _sag-gesz#-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
25. u3
#tr.en: Further,
26. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|){ki}
#tr.en: over Lagaš
27. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
28. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
29. u3#
#tr.en: and
30. _{gesz}[tukul-ki-su]
#tr.en: his weapons
31. in# [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: in the sea
32. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
$ single ruling
$ (Colophon)
33. mu#-[sar-ra alan-na]
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
34. ki-gal-[bi nu-sar]
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ single ruling
35. x [...]
36. x [...]
$ about 4 lines broken
37. [...]
38. [...]
39. [...]
40. [...]
41. [sar-ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
42. _lugal_
43. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
44. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
45. {d}inanna
#tr.en: of Ištar,
46. _lugal kisz_
#tr.en: king of the world,
47. _pa4-szesz an_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of the god An,
48. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
49. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
51. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
52. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
53. unu{ki}
#tr.en: with Uruk
54. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. 5(u@c) _ensi2_
#tr.en: fifty governors
57. in _szita2_
#tr.en: by the weapon
58. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: of the god Ilaba
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city (of Uruk)
61. _sag#-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
62. [u3]
#tr.en: and
@column 8
1. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: its walls
2. _i3-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
3. u3
#tr.en: Further,
4. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
7. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
8. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
9. in _si-gar_-im
#tr.en: and in a (neck) stock
10. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of the god Enlil
12. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
13. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
16. in# _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
19. u3#
#tr.en: and
20. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
21. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
22. u3#
#tr.en: and
23. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: its walls
24. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
25. [e2-nin-mar{ki}]
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
26. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
27. [u3]
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its wlls
29. _[i3]-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
30. u3
#tr.en: and
31. _[kalam]-ma#{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
32. u3
#tr.en: and
33. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|)#{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
34. [a]-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
35. [ti-a]-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
36. _[sag]-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. _[{gesz}tukul]_-ki2-su
#tr.en: and his weapons
38. [in] ti#-a-am-tim#
#tr.en: in the sea
39. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
40. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over Umma
41. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
42. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
49. sar#-[ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
50. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
51. _[kalam-ma]{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
52. [szu {d}en]-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
53. [ma-hi]-ra
#tr.en: a rival
54. la i#-di#-nu#-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
55. ti-a-am#-tam2#
#tr.en: the Sea(s),
56. a-li2-tam2#
#tr.en: the Upper
57. u3#
#tr.en: and
58. sa-pil2#-[tam2]
#tr.en: the Lower
59. [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: (Enlil) gave to him.
60. [isz-tum-ma]
#tr.en: And from
61. [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: the Sea
62. [sa-pil2-tim]
#tr.en: the Lower
@column 9
1. [a-di3-ma]
#tr.en: as far as
2. [ti-a-am]-tim#
#tr.en: the Sea
3. [a-li2]-tim
#tr.en: the Upper
4. _[dumu] dumu_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
5. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
6. _ensi2_-ku8-a-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships
7. u-ka3-lu2
#tr.en: held.
8. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
9. u3
#tr.en: and
10. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
11. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
12. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
13. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
14. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
15. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: stood (to serve).
16. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
17. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
18. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
19. kisz#{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
20. [a]-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its places
21. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed,
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: a (single) city
24. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made them occupy(?).
25. [sza] _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
26. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
27. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamas
31. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
32. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
35. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
36. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
37. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
38. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
39. u-a-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
40. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
41. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
42. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)#
#tr.en: set aside,
43. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
44. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
45. mah-ri-is2
#tr.en: Before
46. {d}en#-lil#
#tr.en: Enlil
47. e _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon)
48. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
49. _igi lugal-za3-ge-si-sze3 a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written in front of Lugalzagesi.
50. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
51. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
52. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
53. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
54. {d#}inanna#
#tr.en: of Ištar,
55. _[lugal] kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
56. _[pa4]-szesz# an_
#tr.en: pašeš-priest An,
57. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for Enlil:
@column 10
1. i3-[nu]
#tr.en: When
2. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
3. _di-ku5_-su
#tr.en: a verdict for him
4. i-di3#-nu-ma#
#tr.en: rendered,
5. u3
#tr.en: and
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
7. __sag-gesz-[ra_-ni]
#tr.en: he conquered,
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. x [...]
12. x [...]
13. a-[na]
#tr.en: to
14. {[d]}en#-[lil2]
#tr.en: Enlil
15. _[a] mu#-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it,
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: Nippur
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-li-il
#tr.en: he purified.
$ (Caption 1)
21. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
22. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
23. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
24. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: he to whom Enlil
25. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
26. la i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: did not give.
$ (Colophon 1)
27. _mu#-[sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
28. _ki#-[gal]-la
#tr.en: which on the socle
29. _a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: was written.
$ (Caption 2)
30. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
31. _en_
#tr.en: lord
32. szu unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: and king
34. szu uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
$ (Curse formula)
35. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
36. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-[ni]
#tr.en: shall remove,
38. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil
39. u3
#tr.en: and
40. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
41. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
42. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
45. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
46. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
47. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
48. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
49. u-a#-ha#-ru
#tr.en: shall set aside,
50. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
51. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
52. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU|)
#tr.en: set aside,
53. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
54. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
55. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
56. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
57. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon 2)
58. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
59. _murgu_ lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: on the back of Lugalzagesi.
60. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
61. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
62. a-ka3#-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
@column 11
1. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: the city of
2. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
3. _sag#?-[gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
4. [u3]
#tr.en: and
5. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
6. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious.
7. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
8. [5(u@c)] _ensi2#_
#tr.en: fifty governors
9. u3#
#tr.en: and
10. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
11. su4#-ma
#tr.en: he himself
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
13. sza _dub_ su4-a
#tr.en: The one who this inscription
14. u-sa-sa3-ku-<ni>
#tr.en: shall remove,
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
18. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
19. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
22. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck out.
23. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
24. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
25. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
# 1-2 erased signs between SU4 and A
# 1 or 2 erased signs between SU4 and A
26. u#-a#-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
27. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
28. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
29. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)?
#tr.en: set aside,
30. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
31. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
32. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
33. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
34. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon)
35. _[mu-sar-ra] alan#-na_
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
36. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
37. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
38. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
39. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
40. _sag#-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: conqueror
41. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
42. u3
#tr.en: and
43. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
44. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
45. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
46. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
47. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil,
48. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. {d}inanna
#tr.en: Ištar
51. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
52. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
55. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
56. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba#_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ (Caption 1)
57. _a2# gub3!_ [...]
#tr.en: (On the) left arm...
58. nim#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: Elam ...
59. x [...]
60. [...]
@column 12
$ (Caption 2)
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
4. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: conqueror
5. [elam]{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
6. u3
#tr.en: and
7. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
$ (Colophon 2)
8. _za3-ga-na gub-ba_
#tr.en: Standing at his (right) side.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 3)
9. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
10. uru18{ki}
#tr.en: of Arawa.
$ (Caption 4)
11. sa-NAM-si-mu-ut
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
12. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
13. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ (Caption 5)
14. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an
15. _dumu_ hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
16. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
17. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 6)
18. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
19. sa-li-a-mu{ki}
#tr.en: of Sali'amu.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 7)
20. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
21. kar3-de3-de3#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Kardede.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 8)
22. ul-ul#
#tr.en: Ulul,
23. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
24. pa2-ra-ah-sum#{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 9)
25. da-gu
#tr.en: Dagu,
26. _szesz lugal_
#tr.en: brother of the king
27. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 10)
28. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
29. HE2-ni{ki}
#tr.en: of HEni.
$ (Caption 11)
30. _nig2-|LA+IB|#_
#tr.en: Booty
31. bu-un-ba-an{ki}
#tr.en: of Bunban.
$ (Caption 12)
32. zi-na
#tr.en: Zina,
33. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
34. hu-zi#-[x-x{ki}]
#tr.en: of Huzi-...
$ (Caption 13)
35. hi-da-ri2-da-[x]
#tr.en: Hidarida-x,
36. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
37. gu-ni-la-ha{ki#}
#tr.en: of Gunilaha.
$ (Caption 14)
38. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
39. sa-bum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Sabum.
$ (Caption 15)
40. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
41. a-wa-an{ki#}
#tr.en: of Awan.
$ (Caption 16)
42. si-id#-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
43. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
44. pa2-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 17)
45. kun3-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum,
46. _di-ku4_
#tr.en: judge
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 18)
48. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
49. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: of Susa.
$ (Colophon 3)
50. _ki-gal-ba szu du3#-a_
#tr.en: The ones with bound hands, on its socle.
$ double ruling
51. sar#?-[ru-GI]
$ about 4 lines broken
52. [...]
53. [...]
54. [...]
55. [...]
@column 13
$ about 4 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
6. DA AN
#tr.en: ...
7. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
8. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: instructed (him),
9. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: (and) to anyone
10. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
11. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
12. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
13. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea(s),
14. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. sa-pil2-[tam2]
#tr.en: Lower,
17. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
18. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. ra#?-x [x x]
#tr.en: Ra-[...]
22. [_szagina_-su]
#tr.en: (is) his general.
$ (Colophon)
22. [mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba]
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
23. [mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba]
$ n lines broken
$ 2 lines traces
$ 11-12 lines broken
$ n lines broken
1'. 3(u@c)#? 4(asz)#? _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
2'. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: he was victorious.
3'. _iri{ki#} iri{[ki]}_
#tr.en: All the cities
4'. sa3-ar-ru-tim#
#tr.en: which were rebellious
5'. u ID x
#tr.en: he ...
$ blank space
6'. x [...]
$ rest broken
@column 14
$ about 6 lines broken
$ beginning broken
0'. [_ma2_ me-luh-ha]
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
1'. _ma2#_ [ma2-gan2{ki}]
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
2'. _ma2#_  [dilmun{ki}]
#tr.en: and the boats of Tilmun
3'. in# [ka3-ri2-im]
#tr.en: at the quay
4'. szi a#-[ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
5'. ir-[ku-us]
#tr.en: he moored.
6'. sar-[ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
7'. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
8'. [in tu-tu-li{ki}]
#tr.en: in Tuttul
9'. [a-na]
#tr.en: to
10'. [{d}da-gan]
#tr.en: the god Dagān
11'. [us2-ka3-en]
#tr.en: prostrated himself
12'. [ik-ru-ub]
#tr.en: and prayed.
13'. [ma]-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
14'. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15'. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
16'. ma-ri2-am{[ki]}
#tr.en: The cities of Mari,
17'. ia3-[ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}]
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ about 19 lines broken
$ beginning broken
20. sar-ru#-[GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
$ about 11 lines broken
33. {d#}en#-[lil2]
#tr.en: (When) the god Enlil
34. _{gesz#}gidri#_
#tr.en: the scepter
35. i-di3-sum6#-[ma]
#tr.en: did give to him,
36. _gesztu2_
#tr.en: and intellignce
$ 6 lines broken
43. u-kal2!-[lim]
#tr.en: (Enlil) instructed (him),
44. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: and to anyone
45. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
46. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
47. u-ba-al
1'. sar-ru#-[GI]
2'. _lugal#_
3'. _[kisz]_
$ n lines broken
4'. {d#}en#-[lil2]
5'. _{gesz#}gidri#_
6'. i-di3-sum6#-[ma]
7'. _gesztu2_
$ n lines broken
8'. u-kal2!-[lim]
9'. ma-ma-na
10'. pa2-ni-su
11'. u3-la
12'. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
48. _suhusz_ x-[x]
#tr.en: The foundation ...
13'. _suhusz_ x-[x]
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ about 5 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. _suhusz#_-[su]
#tr.en: his foundation
7. li#-[su2-ha]
#tr.en: may they both tear out,
8. [u3]
#tr.en: and
9. _sze-numun#_-[su]
#tr.en: his seed
10. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ about 7 lines broken
$ n lines broken
$ 4-5 lines traces
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1')
23. x-su-uh-ru
#tr.en: X-suhru,
24. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
25. szi-ri2-hi-im{ki#}
#tr.en: of Širihum.
1'. x-su-uh-ru
2'. _ensi2_
3'. szi-ri2-hi-im{ki#}
$ (Caption 2')
26. si-id-ga-u3#
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
27. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
28. pa2-ra-ah-sum{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
4'. si-id-ga-u3#
5'. _szagina_
6'. pa2-ra-ah-sum{[ki]}
$ (Caption 3')
29. sa-NAM-si-mu#-[ut]
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
30. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
7'. sa-NAM-si-mu#-[ut]
8'. _szagina#_
9'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 4')
32. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an,
33. _dumu_ hi-si-ib#-ra#-si#-ni#
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
10'. lu-uh-isz-an
11'. _dumu_ hi-si-ib#-ra#-si#-ni#
12'. _lugal_
13'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 5')
36. kun3?-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum
37. _di#-[ku5]_
#tr.en: judge
38. [pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
14'. kun3?-du-pum
15'. _di#-[ku5]_
16'. [pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}]
$ (Caption 6')
39. [...]
#tr.en: ...
40. 8(disz) _lu2_ [...]
#tr.en: Eight ... men,
41. 2(disz)? bal?-bal#?-[x]
#tr.en: two ...,
42. 1(u)? 1(asz)? {gesz#}tukul {gesz}erin!_
#tr.en: (and) eleven(?) cedar-wood weapons.
17'. [...]
18'. 8(disz) _lu2_ [...]
19'. 2(disz)? bal?-bal#?-[x]
20'. 1(u)? 1(asz)? {gesz#}tukul {gesz}erin!_
$ (Caption 7')
43. hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: Hišibrasini,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
21'. hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
22'. _lugal_
23'. elam{ki}
$ (Caption 8')
46.  _x-ra-ne-ne a-al-dab5_
#tr.en: Their ... are captured.
47. _szu-du3-ba a-ab-ri_
#tr.en: They are (shown) oppressed in their handcuffs,
48. ib-ba-le
#tr.en: and doing ...
24'.  _x-ra-ne-ne a-al-dab5_
25'. _szu-du3-ba a-ab-ri_
26'. ib-ba-le
$ (Ccolophon 2)
49. sza3-bi an-na?
#tr.en: The middle of it, up high.
50. ki-gal-ba! {d?}en!-lil2! {d}inanna#?
#tr.en: On its socle: the gods Enlil and Ištar.
27'. sza3-bi an-na?
28'. ki-gal-ba! {d?}en!-lil2! {d}inanna#?
51. ri2-mu-[us2]
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. [su2-ra-ma]
#tr.en: assuredly
55. sar-[ru-tam2]
#tr.en: the kingship
56. {d}en-[lil2]
#tr.en: the god Enlil
57. i-di3-nu-[sum6]
#tr.en: gave to him.
58. _REC169#_
#tr.en: Battle
29'. ri2-mu-[us2]
30'. _lugal#_
31'. _[kisz]_
32'. [su2-ra-ma]
33'. sar-[ru-tam2]
34'. {d}en-[lil2]
35'. i-di3-nu-[sum6]
36'. _REC169#_
$ rest broken
@column 3
$ 3 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: (KA-ku) the king
5. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
7. u3
#tr.en: and
8. _ensi2 ensi2_-su
#tr.en: his governors
9. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
10. u3
#tr.en: and
11. a2-ra-[ab]-su!-[nu]
#tr.en: their tribute
12. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
14. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: Lower
15. il#-qu3#-ut#
#tr.en: he took away.
16. u3
#tr.en: Further,
17. 1(|GES'UxKASKAL|)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 7805(?) (RIME: 14,100) men
17. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
18. in _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_
#tr.en: from the cities
19. szu-me-ri2-im
#tr.en: of Sumer
20. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he expelled, and
21. a-na
#tr.en: to
22. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
23. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
26. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
27. u3
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3-bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
29. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
30. u-lum
#tr.en: Thereupon,
31. in tu3-a-ri2-su
#tr.en: on his return,
32. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu
33. na-ki-ir-ma
#tr.en: became hostile.
34. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: He conquered it,
35. in#! qar#-bi2#
#tr.en: and in the middle of
36. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu (itself)
37. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)? 5(u) 2(asz) _gurusz-gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,052 (so RIME) men
39. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down.
40. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2! 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz)
#tr.en: 5,862 (so RIME)
41. _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: captives
42. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
43. u3
#tr.en: Further,
44. a-sza-re2-ed
#tr.en: Ašared,
45. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
46. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu,
47. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
48. u3
#tr.en: and
49. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
50. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
51. _(|SZU+NIGIN2|)_ 1(szar2) 3(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 2(u) 1(u) 6(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: In total 54,016 (so RIME) men
52. [a-di3 mi]-qi4-tim#
#tr.en: including the fallen
53. [a-di3] _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)#
#tr.en: and including captives
$ rest broken
@column 4
$ about 4 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. i3-[nu]
#tr.en: At the time
6. _REC169_ su4#-[a]
#tr.en: of this battle
7. _dul3_-su4#
#tr.en: a statue of himself
8. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: he created, and
9. a-na
#tr.en: to
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
11. sa-li2-mi-su
#tr.en: for his well-being
12. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
13. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
14. su4#-a#
#tr.en: this one
15. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
16. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
17. u3
#tr.en: and
18. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
19. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
20. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
23. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
24. ki-gal an-ta igi-ni-sze3 a-ab-sar
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, above, in front of him.
$ (Curse formula)
25. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
26. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
27. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
30. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
31. al _dul3_
#tr.en: upon the statue
32. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš
33. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
34. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
35. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
36. i-[qa2-bi]-u3#
#tr.en: shall say,
37. {[d]}en#-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil,
38. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
39. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
40. u3
#tr.en: and
41. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
42. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
43. li-su3-ha
#tr.en: tear out
44. u3
#tr.en: and
45. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
46. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
47. _nita#_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
48. [a] i-di3-na-sum6
#tr.en: may they not give to him,
49. mah#-ri2-is2
#tr.en: and before
50. [i3]-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
51. [e] _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon 2)
52. lugal#? [x]-ra?-ni?-sze3? a#-[ab]-sar#
#tr.en: It was written on ... the king.
$ (Caption 1)
53. {d}[...]
#tr.en: The god ...,
54. a2-li2-[ik]
#tr.en: who goes
55. mah-[ri2-su]
#tr.en: before him.
$ (Caption 2)
56. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
57. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
58. ka#-[zal-lu{ki}]
#tr.en: of Kazallu.
$ rest broken
@column 5
$ about 4 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
$ (Caption 1')
5. en#-[...]
#tr.en: En-[...],
6. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
7. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki#}
#tr.en: of Umma.
$ (Caption 2')
8. {d}u-um
#tr.en: The god Ūm
9. a2-li2-ik
#tr.en: who goes
10. mah#-ri2-su
#tr.en: before him.
$ (Caption 3')
11. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
12. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
13. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
$ (Colophon)
12. ki-gal-ba egir lu2-{d}da-mu
#tr.en: On its socle, behind Lu-Damu.
13. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
16. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2#{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. u3
#tr.en: and
19. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
20. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2@90) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 8040 (so RIME) men
23. u-sa#-am-qi2#-it
#tr.en: struck down,
24. 9(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 5460 captives
25. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
26. u3
#tr.en: Further,
27. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur,
30. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. [ki]-tusz#-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
33. _[ensi2]_
#tr.en: governor
34. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki#}
#tr.en: of Lagaš
35. _[szu-du8]-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
36. u3#
#tr.en: Further,
37. [_iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their two cities
38. _[sag-gesz]-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
39. u3#
#tr.en: and
40. [_bad3_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their walls
41. _[i3-gul]-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
42. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
43. [in _iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: from their two cities
44. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? [la2 1(u) 5(asz)] _gurusz#_
#tr.en: 5985 (so RIME) men
45. u-su-s,i2#-[am-ma]
#tr.en: he expelled, and
46. a-na
#tr.en: to
47. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
48. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
49. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
50. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
51. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
52. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
55. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
56. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
57. u3#
#tr.en: and (his seed pluck up).
$ rest broken
@column 6
$ 4 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [in] _REC169#_
#tr.en: in the battle
6. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: with Kazallu
7. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 5(u@c)# [2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: 12,052 men
8. u-sa-[am]-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
9. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: and 5,864 captives
10. _szu-du8-[a]_
#tr.en: he took.
11. u3
#tr.en: Further,
12. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
13. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
14. [ka3-za]-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu,
15. _[szu]-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: his walls
18. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
19. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
20. su4-[a]
#tr.en: this one
21. u-sa-sa3-ku#-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
22. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
23. u3#
#tr.en: and
24. {d}utu#
#tr.en: Šamaš
25. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
26. li-su2#-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
27. u3#
#tr.en: and
28. _sze-numun_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
29. li-il#-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon)
30. _musz3 ki-gal ki-ta a2 zi-da-na
#tr.en: The flat space(?) on the lower socle, on his right side.
31. ri2#-mu#-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
32. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
33. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
34. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
35. [adab{ki}]
#tr.en: over Adab
36. [u3]
#tr.en: and
37. [zabala3{ki}]
#tr.en: Zabalam
38. isz11-[ar]
#tr.en: was victorious,
39. [u3]
#tr.en: and
40. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 1(szar2)# 2(gesz2)# la2 2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 15718 men
41. u-sa-am-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
42. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) la2 4(asz)#? szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 14,576 captives
43. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
44. u3
#tr.en: Further,
45. mes-ki-gal-la
#tr.en: Meskigala,
46. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
47. adab{ki}
#tr.en: of Adab,
48. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. lugal-gal-zu
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu,
51. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
52. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam,
53. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
54. _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: their cities
55. _sag#-gesz#-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. [...]
2. [n(disz) _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: n men (from their two cities)
3. u-su#-s,i2#-am#-ma
#tr.en: he expelled and
4. a-na
#tr.en: to
5. ka-ra-si2-im
#tr.en: annihilation
6. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
7. sza _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
8. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
9. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
11. u3
#tr.en: and
12. {[d]}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
13. [_suhusz_-su]
#tr.en: his foundation
14. [li-su2-ha]
#tr.en: tear out,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
17. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon)
18. _musz3 ki-gal ki-[ta]_
#tr.en: The flat surface(?) (of) the socle, below,
19. _egir-ra-ni#-sze3#_
#tr.en: to his rear.
20. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
23. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
24. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: over the cities of Umma
25. u3#
#tr.en: and
26. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: KI-AN,
27. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: was victorious,
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. [1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)] 6(gesz'u)# la2 1(gesz2) 4(u@c) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 8900 men
30. [u]-sa-am#-qi2-it#
#tr.en: he struck down,
31. 6(gesz'u) la2# 2(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 3480 captives
32. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
33. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
34. [en-x]
#tr.en: En-x,
35. [_ensi2_ ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}]
#tr.en: governor of Umma,
36. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he captured,
37. u3
#tr.en: and
38. lugal-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA,
39. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
40. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN
41. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. _iri{ki}_-[su-ni]
#tr.en: their cities
44. _sag-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
45. u3
#tr.en: and
46. _bad3_-su-ni
#tr.en: their walls
47. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. in _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: in their cities
50. 6(gesz'u) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 3600 men
51. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he expelled, and
52. a-na
#tr.en: to
53. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
54. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
55. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
56. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
57. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš (tear out his foundation)
$ rest broken
@column 8
$ about 3 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
$ (Colophon 1)
4. musz3# ki-gal ki-ta# gub3-bu#-ni#-sze3
#tr.en: Flat space(?), the socle, below, at his left.
$ (Caption 1)
5. zi-nu-ba
#tr.en: Zinuba,
6. _szesz_
#tr.en: brother
7. _ensi2_
#tr.en: of the governor.
$ (Caption 2)
8. a-sza-ar-mu-pi5
#tr.en: Ašarmupi,
9. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
$ (Caption 3)
10. lugal#-gal-zu#*
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu
11. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: the governor
12. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam.
$ (Caption 4)
13. ur-{d}suen
#tr.en: Ur-Suen,
14. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
$ (Caption 5)
15. lugal#-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA
16. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
17. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN.
$ (Caption 6)
18. gesz-sza3
#tr.en: Gešša,
19. _gal-sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his chief minister.
$ (Caption 7)
20. ki-tusz-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
21. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
22. lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|){ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš.
$ (Caption 8)
23. ad-da
#tr.en: Adda,
24. _szagina_
#tr.en: the general.
$ (Colophon 2)
25. ki-gal ki-ta szub-ba-mesz
#tr.en: The socle, below, the ones struck down.
$ (Caption 9)
26. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
27. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
28. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
29. szu [{d}en-lil2]
#tr.en: he to whom Enlil
30. ma#-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
31. la# [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give.
$ (Colophon 3)
32. _[mu-sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
33. _[za3-ga-na]
#tr.en: on his shoulder.
$ blank space
$ double ruling
34. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
35. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
36. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
37. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
38. a-ba-al-ga-masz
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
39. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
40. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
41. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. za-ha-ra{ki}
#tr.en: Zaḫara
44. u3
#tr.en: and
45. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
46. in qab3-li
#tr.en: in the center
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum
48. a-na
#tr.en: for
49. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
50. ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
#tr.en: had assembled, but
51. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was (again) victorious,
52. u3
#tr.en: and
53. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,221(?) men
54. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
55. 7(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 4,216 captives
56. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
$ rest broken
@column 9
$ about 7 lines broken
8. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
9. [u3 si-id-ga]-u3#
#tr.en: Further, Sidga'u,
10. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
11. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sar-GA-PI
#tr.en: Šar-GA-PI,
15. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
16. za-[ha-ra]{ki}
#tr.en: of Zaḫara,
17. _szu-du8#-[a]_
#tr.en: he captured
18. in ba-ri2-ti
#tr.en: in between
19. a-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: Susa,
22. in _i7_
#tr.en: at the River
23. qab2-li2-tim
#tr.en: Middle.
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. bi2-ru-tam2
#tr.en: a burial mound
26. in a-sza-ar _iri_
#tr.en: in the city's area
27. al-su#-nu
#tr.en: over them
28. is2-pu#-uk
#tr.en: he heaped up.
29. u3
#tr.en: Further,
30. _iri{ki} iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the cities
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
32. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _bad3 bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
35. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _suhusz_
#tr.en: the foundations
38. pa2#-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum
$ 5 lines broken
45. _kisz#_
#tr.en: (Rīmuš, king) of the world,
46. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
47. i-be-al
#tr.en: he ruled.
48. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
49. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: showed him (the way).
50. in sa-an-tim
#tr.en: In year
51. sa-li2-is2-tim
#tr.en: three
52. sza-ti
#tr.en: the one in which
53. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
54. sar-rux(URU18)-tam2
#tr.en: kingship
55. i-di3-nu-sum
#tr.en: gave to him,
56. |SZU+NIGIN2| 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: (there was) a total of 9,624 men (defeated)
57. a-di3 mi-qi4-tim
#tr.en: including the fallen
58. a-di3 szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: (and) including the captives.
59. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
60. u3
#tr.en: and
61. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
62. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
63. la su2-ra-tim
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods
64. lu ki2-ni-is2-[ma]
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [u3 si-id-ga]-u3#
3'. _szagina_
4'. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
5'. _szu-du8-a_
6'. u3
7'. sar-GA-PI
8'. _szagina#_
9'. za-[ha-ra]{ki}
10'. _szu-du8#-[a]_
11'. in ba-ri2-ti
12'. a-wa-an{ki}
13'. u3
14'. su-si-im{ki}
15'. in _i7_
16'. qab2-li2-tim
17'. u3
18'. bi2-ru-tam2
19'. in a-sza-ar _iri_
20'. al-su#-nu
21'. is2-pu#-uk
22'. u3
23'. _iri{ki} iri{ki}_
24'. elam{ki}
25'. _sag-gesz-ra_
26'. u3
27'. _bad3 bad3_-su-nu
28'. _i3-gul-gul_
29'. u3
30'. _suhusz_
31'. pa2#-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
32'. [in _kalam_]
33'. [elam{ki}]
34'. [i-su2-uh-ma]
35'. [ri2-mu-usz2]
36'. [_lugal_]
37'. _kisz#_
38'. elam{ki}
39'. i-be-al
40'. {d}en-lil2
41'. u-kal2-lim
42'. in sa-an-tim
43'. sa-li2-is2-tim
44'. sza-ti
45'. {d}en-lil2
46'. sar-rux(URU18)-tam2
47'. i-di3-nu-sum
48'. |SZU+NIGIN2| 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
49'. a-di3 mi-qi4-tim
50'. a-di3 szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
51'. {d}utu
52'. u3
53'. il3-a-ba4
54'. u2-ma2
55'. la su2-ra-tim
56'. lu ki2-ni-is2-[ma]
$ rest broken
@column 10
$ about 8 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. {d}utu
#tr.en:  (May the gods Enlil and) Šamaš
10. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
11. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
12. u3#
#tr.en: and
13. _sze-numun#_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
14. li-[il]-qu3-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
15. _ki-gal a2#-gub3#-ni#-sze3 [a]-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, at his left side.
$ (Curse formula)
16. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
17. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
18. ri2-mu#-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
22. al _dul3_
#tr.en: on the statue
23. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš
24. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
25. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
26. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
27. i-qa2-bi3-u3
#tr.en: shall say,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil,
29. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
30. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. {d}utu
#tr.en: the god Šamaš
33. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
34. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
35. u3#
#tr.en: and
36. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
37. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
38. _[nita]_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
39. [a i-di3]-na-sum6
#tr.en: may they not give to him,
40. mah#-ri2-is
#tr.en: and before
41. i3-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
42. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ double ruling
43. 3(u@c) _ma-na_
#tr.en:  30 minas
44. _ku3-sig17_
#tr.en: of gold,
45. 1(szar2) _ma-na_
#tr.en: 3600 minas
46. _uruda_
#tr.en: of copper,
47. 5(gesz2) _ARAD2 geme2_
#tr.en: 300 male and female slaves,
48. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
49. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
50. u3
#tr.en: and
51. pa2-ra-ah#-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Paraḫšum
52. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
53. u-ru-a-am-ma
#tr.en: he brought out, and
54. [a]-na
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
56. _[a] mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated them.
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _[...]-bi#-sze3 [a-ab]-sar#_
#tr.en: It was written at its ...
$ rest broken
@column 11
$ about 8 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. ka3#-la#-ma#
#tr.en: (the land) all of it
10. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god Enlil) gave to him.
11. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea
12. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: the Upper
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sa#-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _[sa]-tu_-e
#tr.en: the mountain lands,
17. ka3-la-su-nu-ma
#tr.en: all of them,
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-ka3-al
#tr.en: he holds.
21. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
22. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
23. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
24. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
27. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
28. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
31. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
32. mu-sar-ra ki#-gal-ba
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ (Caption)
33. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
36. _sag-gesz-ra#_
#tr.en: conqueror
37. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
38. [u3]
#tr.en: and
39. pa2#-ra#-[ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
$ (Colophon 2)
40. za3#-ga#-[na a-ab-sar]
#tr.en: It was written on his shoulder.
41. ri2-mu#-[us2]
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
42. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
43. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
44. in _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in battle
45. a-ba-[al-ga-masz]
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
46. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
48. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. si-id-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
51. _szagina_-su
#tr.en: his general,
52. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
53. in ba-ri2#-[ti]
#tr.en: in between
54. [a]-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. su-si#-im#{ki}
#tr.en: Susa
57. in _i7#_
#tr.en: by the River
58. qab3-li3-[tim]
#tr.en: Middle.
59. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
60. bi2-ru#-[tam2]
#tr.en: a funeral mound
61. in a-sza#-[ar _iri_]
#tr.en: in the area of the city (he heaped over him).
$ rest broken
@column 12
$ about 10 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
12. u3
#tr.en: and
13. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba,
14. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear that
15. la su2-ra-tum8
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
16. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma
#tr.en: but it is indeed true.
17. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
18. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
19. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
20. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
23. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
24. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
27. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon)
28. _mu-sar-ra szen za-hum_
#tr.en: Inscription on a šahu cauldron.
29. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
30. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
31. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
32. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
33. an-sza-an{ki}
#tr.en: Anšan
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. szi4-ri2-hu-um{ki}
#tr.en: Širihum
36. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. ti-a-am-tam3
#tr.en: the Sea
38. sza-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: Lower
39. _ma2 ma2 gesz-la_-e
#tr.en: boats of war(?)
40. [u-sa]-bi3#-ir
#tr.en: he made cross.
41. _[iri{ki} iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: The cities
42. a#-bar#-ti#
#tr.en: across
43. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea,
44. 3(u@c) 2(asz) a-na
#tr.en: 32 of them, for
45. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
46. ip-hu-ru-nim-ma
#tr.en: assembled (against him), but
47. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. _iri{ki} iri{ki}-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
50. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
51. _en en#_-[su-nu]
#tr.en: and their rulers
52. [u-sa]-am#!-[qi2-it]
#tr.en: he struck down.
53. [u3]
#tr.en: And
54. is2#-[tum-ma]
#tr.en: after
55. id#-[ke2-as-su-nu-ni-ma]
#tr.en: he rallied them (his troops), and
56. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
57. hu-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: the (Silver) Mines
58. il2-qu3-ut
#tr.en: he plundered.
59. _sa#-tu_-e
#tr.en: From the mountains
60. a-bar-ti
#tr.en: across
61. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
62. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: the Lower
63. _na4 na4_-su#-nu _ge6_
#tr.en: their black (diorite) stones
64. [i-pu]-lam#-[ma]
#tr.en: he quarried, and
65. [in _ma2 ma2_]
#tr.en: in boats
66. i#-[s,a-na-ma]
#tr.en: he loaded them, and
$ rest broken
@column 13
$ about 7 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. la ib#-ni
#tr.en: (anyone) had not created.
9. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rīmuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _dul3_-su sza _ku3-an_
#tr.en: a statue of himself of meteoric iron
$ erased line
13. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: created, and
14. _igi_-me
#tr.en: before
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
16. i-za-az
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
17. _da_-is2 i3-li
#tr.en: At the side of the gods
18. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
19. u-sa-mi-id
#tr.en: he placed.
20. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
21. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
22. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. u3
#tr.en: and
25. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
26. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
27. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
30. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
31. x-x-[x]
#tr.en: ...
32. _a mu-ru#_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
33. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
36. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
37. la su2-ra-tum
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
38. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma#
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
39. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
40. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
41. i-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
42. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
43. u3#
#tr.en: and
44. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš
45. _suhusz_-su#
#tr.en: his foundation
46. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
47. u3
#tr.en: and
48. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
49. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
50. [mu]-sar#-ra# [ki-gal]-ba#?
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ (Dedicatory label)
51. ma#-an#-is2-[tu]-su
#tr.en: Maništušu,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. a-na#
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: Enlil
56. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: dedicated it (this object).
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@column 14
$ about 7 lines broken
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. [...]
6. [...]
7. [...]
8. _nu#-ta#-dim2#_
#tr.en: (no one) had fashioned.
9. ri2#-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rīmuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _alan-na-ni (x) an#-na-kam_
#tr.en: a statue of himself, it was of meteoric iron,
13. _i3#-dim2_
#tr.en: he did fashion,
14. _igi {[d]}en-lil2-[la2]-sze3#_
#tr.en: and before the god Enlil
15. _i3-gub_
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
16. _i3-du7_
#tr.en: In the cultic chamber(?)
17. _dingir-re-ne-ka_
#tr.en: of the gods
18. _me-te-ni_
#tr.en: as a thing befitting(?) him
19. _i3-szid_
#tr.en: it is reckoned(?).
20. (x) _lu2_
#tr.en: A person who
21. _im-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: this inscription
22. _ab-ha-lam-me-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. {d}utu-bi
#tr.en: and Šamaš
25. _suhusz-sa-ni_
#tr.en: his foundation
26. _he2-pad-re6-ne#_
#tr.en: smash
27. _numun#!-[na-ni]_
#tr.en: and his seed
28. _[he2-ri-ri-ge-ne]_
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
29. _mu-sar-ra# {uruda}szen_ za-hum-ma#
#tr.en: Inscription of a šahu cauldron.
$ single ruling
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil:
31. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
32. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
33. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world:
34. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
35. u-sa-ar-bi2-su
#tr.en: made him great,
36. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
37. i-bi2
#tr.en: called,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. _[{gesz}gidri]_
#tr.en: the scepter
40. [sar-ru-tim]
#tr.en: of kingship
41. [i-di3]-sum6#
#tr.en: gave to him.
42. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
43. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
44. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
45. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
48. _suhusz#_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
49. [li-su2]-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
50. [u3]
#tr.en: and
51. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
52. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: pluck up.
53. [...]
#tr.en: ...
54. [...] x x
#tr.en: ...
55. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
56. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
57. [...]
#tr.en: ...
@column 1
1. [...] sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: ... (of) Sargon,
2. [...] x ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: ... (of) Rīmuš
3. [...] x ma-an-is2-[tu]-su#
#tr.en: ... (of) Man-ištušu,
4. [...]-na#
#tr.en: ...
@column 2
1. _sza3 e2-kur-ra_
#tr.en: in the Ekur temple,
2. _a-na me-a-bi_
#tr.en: whatever there was.
3. [(...)]
Update made on 2014-07-10 at 14:43:34 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P227509 = RIME & 06-09 & 11-13 & 15, ex. 01; RIME & 09 & 18, ex.01; RIME, ex. 6; RIME, ex. 01
&P227509 = RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01  & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 06 & RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. [_lugal_]
#tr.en: king
3. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. [_maszkim_]
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of the goddess Ištar,
6. _lugal# kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _gudu4 an-na_
#tr.en: anointed priest of the god An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam#-ma#_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2-gal_
#tr.en: chief governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil,
12. _iri unu{ki}_
#tr.en: the city of Uruk
13. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
14. _bad3#-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
15. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
16. _lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da_
#tr.en: With the Man of Uruk
17. _{gesz}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
18. _e#-da-sag3_
#tr.en: he made clash,
19. _aga3-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
20. _e-ni-[se3]_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
21. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
#tr.en: With Lugalzagesi,
22. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: the king
23. _[unug{ki}-ga-da]_
#tr.en: of Uruk,
24. _{gesz#}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
25. _[e]-da#-[sag3]_
#tr.en: he made clash
26. _e#-ga-dab5_
#tr.en: and then seized him.
27. _{gesz}si-gar-ta_
#tr.en: In a neck stock
28. _ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3_
#tr.en: to the gate of Enlil
29. _e#-tum2#_
#tr.en: he brought him.
30. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
31. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
32. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
33. _lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da_
#tr.en: with the Man of Ur
34. _{gesz}tukul#_
#tr.en: weapons
35. _e-da-sag3_
#tr.en: he made clash
36. _aga3-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
37. _e-ni-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
38. _iri-ni_
#tr.en: His city
39. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
# erased GA-GA between E and HUL
40. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
41. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
42. _e2_ {d}nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The temple of the goddess Ninmar
43. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
44. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
45. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
46. _gu2 kalam-bi_
#tr.en: All those countries
47. lagasz{ki}-ta
#tr.en: from Lagaš
48. _a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne_
#tr.en: to the sea, their ...
49. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
50. _{gesz}tukul-ni_
#tr.en: and his weapons
51. _a-ab-ba-ka_
#tr.en: in the sea
52. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
53. _lu2 umma{ki}-da#_
#tr.en: With the Man of Umma
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. [a-ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. _[maszkim-gi4]_
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of Ištar,
6. _[lugal kisz]_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _[pa4-szesz an]_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
12. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
# an erasure between the two signs
13. _unu{ki}_
#tr.en: of Uruk
# an erasure between the two signs
14. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
17. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
18. in _REC169_
#tr.en: In battle
19. unu{ki}
#tr.en: over Uruk
20. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
21. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the city
22. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered.
23. [lugal]-za3#-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
24. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
25. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
26. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
27. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
28. in _si-gar_-rim3
#tr.en: and in a neck stock
29. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil
31. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
32. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
34. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
35. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
36. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
37. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. iti{ki}
#tr.en: the city
40. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
41. u3
#tr.en: and
42. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
43. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
44. e2-nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3#-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
49. u3#
#tr.en: and
50. _kalam-ma{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
51. u3
#tr.en: and
52. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR.RI|){ki}
#tr.en: the city Lagaš
53. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
54. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
55. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
56. _{gesz}tukul_-ki2-su
#tr.en: His weapons
57. in ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: in the sea
58. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
59. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over the city Umma
60. in# _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
61. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: To Sargon,
2. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
3. _kalam-ma-ra_
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
5. _lu2-erim2#_
#tr.en: an enemy
6. _nu-na-szum2_
#tr.en: he did not give him.
7. _a-ab-[ba]_
#tr.en: From the Sea
8. _igi-nim-ma-ta_
#tr.en: the Upper
9. _a-ab-ba_
#tr.en: to the Sea
10. _sig-sig#-sze3_
#tr.en: the Lower
11. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
12. _[mu-na-szum2]_
#tr.en: gave (that territory) to him.
13. _[u3]_
#tr.en: Further,
14. _[a-ab]-ba_
#tr.en: from the Sea
15. _[sig-sig]-ta_
#tr.en: the Lower <to the Upper Sea>
16. _[dumu] dumu#_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
17. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
18. _nam#-[ensi2]_
#tr.en: the governorships (of that territory)
19. _mu-kin#?-[x]_
#tr.en: did exercise.
20. _lu2_ ma-[ri2{ki}]
#tr.en: The Man of Mari
21. _lu2 elam[{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the Man of Elam
$ 1 erased line
22. _igi_ sar-um#-GI#
#tr.en: before Sargon,
23. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
24. _kalam-ma-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: of the nation,
25. _i3-su8-ge-esz2_
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
26. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
27. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
28. _kalam-ma-ke4_
#tr.en: of the nation,
29. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: Kiš
30. _ki-be2_
#tr.en: to its (former) place
31. _bi2-gi4_
#tr.en: he restored,
32. _iri-bi_
#tr.en: and its (two?) cities
33. _ki-gub e-na-ba_
#tr.en: were apportioned to him as a (single) station(?).
34. _lu2 mu-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
35. _ab-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
36. _{d}utu_
#tr.en: may Šamaš
37. _suhusz-a-ni_
#tr.en: his foundation
38. _he2-bu3-re6_
#tr.en: tear out,
39. _numun-na-ni_
#tr.en: and his seed
40. _he2-ga-ri-ri-ge_
#tr.en: may he then pluck out.
$ (Colophon)
41. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
42. _ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: on its socle.
$ (Caption 1')
43. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
46. _ka#?-x
#tr.en: ...
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
3. _kalam#-ma{[ki]}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
5. ma-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
6. [la i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give to him.
7. [ti-a-am-tam2]
#tr.en: The Sea(s)
8. [a-li2-tam2]
#tr.en: the Upper
9. [u3]
#tr.en: and
10. [sa-pil]-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
11. {d#}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
12. i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: gave to him,
13. is2-tum-ma
#tr.en: so that from
14. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
15. sa-pil#-tim
#tr.en: the Lower (to the Upper),
16. _dumu dumu_
#tr.en: citizens
17. a-ka3#-de3#{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
18. [u]-ka3-lu
#tr.en: held
19. _ensi2_-ku8-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships (of the nation).
20. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
23. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
24. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
25. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
26. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
27. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
28. sar#-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
29. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
30. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
31. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
32. a-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its (two?) places
33. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed (back as before)
34. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: and (as one) city)
35. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made it be occupied(?).
36. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
37. su4#-a
#tr.en: this
38. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
39. {d}utu
#tr.en: may Šamaš
40. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
41. li-su2-uh
#tr.en: tear out
42. u3 _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: and his seed
43. li-il-qu3-ut
#tr.en: may he pluck up.
$ single ruling
$ (Colophon)
44. _mu-sar-ra#_
#tr.en: Inscription
45. _ki#-[gal]-ba#_
#tr.en: on its socle.
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1)
46. sar#-um#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
47. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
48. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
$ (Caption 2
49. mes-e2
#tr.en: Mes'e,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
51. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: of Umma.
$ rest broken
@column 5
$ about 3 lines broken
4. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. [3(u@c) 4(asz)] _SAHAR#?-ra_
#tr.en: upon 34 ...
8. _[aga]-kar2# bi2-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed defeat,
9. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and their walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. _za3 a-ab-ba-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: all the way to the edge of the sea.
12. _ma2_ me-luh-ha{ki}
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
13. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
14. _ma2 tilmun{ki}_
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
15. _kar ag-ge-de3{ki}-ka_
#tr.en: at the quay of Agade
16. _bi2-kesz2_
#tr.en: he moored.
17. sar#-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon
18. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king
19. _du8-du8-li#{ki}-a_
#tr.en: in Tuttul
20. _{d}da-gan-ra_
#tr.en: before the god Dagān
21. _ki-a mu-na-za_
#tr.en: prostrated himself
22. _szu12 mu-na#-sza4#_
#tr.en: and prayed to him.
23. _kalam igi-nim_
#tr.en: The upper country
24. _mu-na-sum2_
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him,
25. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: (namely) Mari,
26. ia3-ar-mu-ti{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
27. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: Ebla,
28. _tir_
#tr.en: up to the Forest
29. _{gesz}erin
#tr.en: of Cedars
30. _hur-sag_
#tr.en: and the Mountains
31. _ku3-ga-sze3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
32. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king:
34. {d#}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: Enlil
35. _lu2 gaba-ru_
#tr.en: a rival
36. _nu-mu-ni-tuku_
#tr.en: he did not permit him to have:
37. 1(szar2) 3(gesz2@90) _erin2_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
38. _u4-szu2-sze3_
#tr.en: daily
39. _igi#-ni-sze3_
#tr.en: before him
40. _ninda i3-gu7-e_
#tr.en: he let eat bread.
41. _lu2 mu-sar#-ra#-e#
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
42. _ab#-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
43. _an-ne2_
#tr.en: may the god An
44. _mu-ni_
#tr.en: his name
45. _he2-ha-lam-e_
#tr.en: obliterate.
46. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: May the god Enlil
47. _numun-a-ni_
#tr.en: his seed
48. _he2-til-le_
#tr.en: bring to an end.
49. _{d}inanna-ke4_
#tr.en: May the goddess Ištar
40. [...]-e?
#tr.en: ...
$ rest broken
@column 6
$ about 3 lines broken
4. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. 3(u@c)! 4(asz) _REC169_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
8. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
9. _bad3 bad3_
#tr.en: City walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
12. pu-ti
#tr.en: the shore
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: of the sea.
14. _ma2_ me-luh-ha
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
15. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
16. _ma2_ dilmun{ki}
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
17. in ka3-ri2-im
#tr.en: at the quay
18. szi a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
19. ir3-ku-us
#tr.en: he moored.
20. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
22. in tu-tu-li{ki}
#tr.en: in Tuttul
23. a-na
#tr.en: to
24. {d}da-gan
#tr.en: Dagān
25. us2-ka3-en
#tr.en: he prostrated himself
26. ik-ru-ub
#tr.en: and prayed.
27. ma-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
28. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
29. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him:
30. ma-ri2-am{ki}
#tr.en: Mari,
31. ia3-ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
32. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: and Ebla,
33. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
34. _{gesz}tir_
#tr.en: the Forest
35. _{gesz}erin_
#tr.en: of Cedars
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _kur kur_
#tr.en: the Mountains
38. _ku3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
39. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
40. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
41. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
42. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
43. la i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
44. 9(gesz'u) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
45. u-um-sum6
#tr.en: daily
46. ma-har-su
#tr.en: before him
47. _ninda gu7_
#tr.en: ate bread.
$ (Colophon)
48. mu#-sar#-ra# alan#-na
#tr.en: Inscription on the statue.
49. ki-gal-bi nu-sar
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ blank space
50. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
51. il-su
#tr.en: is his (personal) god.
52. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
53. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
54. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
55. in 9(asz)
#tr.en: with nine
56. ki-s,e2-ri2
#tr.en: military contingents
57. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
58. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
59. [unu]{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
60. _[sag-gesz]-ra#_
#tr.en: he conquered.
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. u3
#tr.en: and
2. 5(u@c)# _ensi2_
#tr.en: (he captured) fifty governors
3. u3
#tr.en: and
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
5. su4-ma
#tr.en: he personally
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
7. u3
#tr.en: Further,
8. in na-GUR8-za-am{ki}
#tr.en: in NaGURzam
9. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
10. isz-ni-a-ma
#tr.en: he again
11. is2-ku8-na-ma
#tr.en: engaged and
12. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
13. u3
#tr.en: Further,
14. in# uri2{ki}
#tr.en: at Ur
15.  us2-x-ta2-li2-sa-ma
#tr.en: for a third time
16. im6-ta2-ah-s,a-ma
#tr.en: the two of them fought each other,
17. isz11-ar
#tr.en: and he was victorious.
18. u3
#tr.en: Further
19. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: over Umma
20. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
21. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
24. _sag-gesz#-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
25. u3
#tr.en: Further,
26. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|){ki}
#tr.en: over Lagaš
27. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
28. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
29. u3#
#tr.en: and
30. _{gesz}[tukul-ki-su]
#tr.en: his weapons
31. in# [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: in the sea
32. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
$ single ruling
$ (Colophon)
33. mu#-[sar-ra alan-na]
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
34. ki-gal-[bi nu-sar]
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ single ruling
35. x [...]
36. x [...]
$ about 4 lines broken
41. [sar-ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
42. _lugal_
43. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
44. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
45. {d}inanna
#tr.en: of Ištar,
46. _lugal kisz_
#tr.en: king of the world,
47. _pa4-szesz an_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of the god An,
48. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
49. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
51. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
52. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
53. unu{ki}
#tr.en: with Uruk
54. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. 5(u@c) _ensi2_
#tr.en: fifty governors
57. in _szita2_
#tr.en: by the weapon
58. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: of the god Ilaba
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city (of Uruk)
61. _sag#-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
62. [u3]
#tr.en: and
@column 8
1. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: its walls
2. _i3-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
3. u3
#tr.en: Further,
4. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
7. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
8. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
9. in _si-gar_-im
#tr.en: and in a (neck) stock
10. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of the god Enlil
12. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
13. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
16. in# _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
19. u3#
#tr.en: and
20. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
21. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
22. u3#
#tr.en: and
23. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: its walls
24. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
25. [e2-nin-mar{ki}]
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
26. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
27. [u3]
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its wlls
29. _[i3]-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
30. u3
#tr.en: and
31. _[kalam]-ma#{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
32. u3
#tr.en: and
33. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|)#{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
34. [a]-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
35. [ti-a]-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
36. _[sag]-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. _[{gesz}tukul]_-ki2-su
#tr.en: and his weapons
38. [in] ti#-a-am-tim#
#tr.en: in the sea
39. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
40. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over Umma
41. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
42. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
49. sar#-[ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
50. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
51. _[kalam-ma]{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
52. [szu {d}en]-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
53. [ma-hi]-ra
#tr.en: a rival
54. la i#-di#-nu#-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
55. ti-a-am#-tam2#
#tr.en: the Sea(s),
56. a-li2-tam2#
#tr.en: the Upper
57. u3#
#tr.en: and
58. sa-pil2#-[tam2]
#tr.en: the Lower
59. [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: (Enlil) gave to him.
60. [isz-tum-ma]
#tr.en: And from
61. [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: the Sea
62. [sa-pil2-tim]
#tr.en: the Lower
@column 9
1. [a-di3-ma]
#tr.en: as far as
2. [ti-a-am]-tim#
#tr.en: the Sea
3. [a-li2]-tim
#tr.en: the Upper
4. _[dumu] dumu_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
5. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
6. _ensi2_-ku8-a-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships
7. u-ka3-lu2
#tr.en: held.
8. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
9. u3
#tr.en: and
10. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
11. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
12. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
13. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
14. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
15. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: stood (to serve).
16. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
17. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
18. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
19. kisz#{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
20. [a]-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its places
21. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed,
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: a (single) city
24. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made them occupy(?).
25. [sza] _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
26. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
27. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamas
31. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
32. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
35. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
36. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
37. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
38. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
39. u-a-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
40. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
41. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
42. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)#
#tr.en: set aside,
43. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
44. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
45. mah-ri-is2
#tr.en: Before
46. {d}en#-lil#
#tr.en: Enlil
47. e _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon)
48. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
49. _igi lugal-za3-ge-si-sze3 a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written in front of Lugalzagesi.
50. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
51. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
52. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
53. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
54. {d#}inanna#
#tr.en: of Ištar,
55. _[lugal] kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
56. _[pa4]-szesz# an_
#tr.en: pašeš-priest An,
57. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for Enlil:
@column 10
1. i3-[nu]
#tr.en: When
2. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
3. _di-ku5_-su
#tr.en: a verdict for him
4. i-di3#-nu-ma#
#tr.en: rendered,
5. u3
#tr.en: and
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
7. __sag-gesz-[ra_-ni]
#tr.en: he conquered,
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. x [...]
12. x [...]
13. a-[na]
#tr.en: to
14. {[d]}en#-[lil2]
#tr.en: Enlil
15. _[a] mu#-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it,
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: Nippur
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-li-il
#tr.en: he purified.
$ (Caption 1)
21. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
22. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
23. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
24. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: he to whom Enlil
25. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
26. la i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: did not give.
$ (Colophon 1)
27. _mu#-[sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
28. _ki#-[gal]-la
#tr.en: which on the socle
29. _a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: was written.
$ (Caption 2)
30. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
31. _en_
#tr.en: lord
32. szu unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: and king
34. szu uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
$ (Curse formula)
35. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
36. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-[ni]
#tr.en: shall remove,
38. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil
39. u3
#tr.en: and
40. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
41. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
42. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
45. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
46. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
47. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
48. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
49. u-a#-ha#-ru
#tr.en: shall set aside,
50. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
51. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
52. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU|)
#tr.en: set aside,
53. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
54. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
55. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
56. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
57. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon 2)
58. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
59. _murgu_ lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: on the back of Lugalzagesi.
60. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
61. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
62. a-ka3#-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
@column 11
1. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: the city of
2. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
3. _sag#?-[gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
4. [u3]
#tr.en: and
5. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
6. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious.
7. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
8. [5(u@c)] _ensi2#_
#tr.en: fifty governors
9. u3#
#tr.en: and
10. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
11. su4#-ma
#tr.en: he himself
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
13. sza _dub_ su4-a
#tr.en: The one who this inscription
14. u-sa-sa3-ku-<ni>
#tr.en: shall remove,
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
18. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
19. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
22. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck out.
23. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
24. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
25. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
# 1-2 erased signs between SU4 and A
26. u#-a#-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
27. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
28. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
29. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)?
#tr.en: set aside,
30. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
31. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
32. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
33. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
34. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon)
35. _[mu-sar-ra] alan#-na_
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
36. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
37. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
38. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
39. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
40. _sag#-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: conqueror
41. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
42. u3
#tr.en: and
43. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
44. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
45. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
46. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
47. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil,
48. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. {d}inanna
#tr.en: Ištar
51. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
52. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
55. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
56. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba#_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ (Caption 1)
57. _a2# gub3!_ [...]
#tr.en: (On the) left arm...
58. nim#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: Elam ...
59. x [...]
60. [...]
@column 12
$ (Caption 2)
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
4. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: conqueror
5. [elam]{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
6. u3
#tr.en: and
7. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
$ (Colophon 2)
8. _za3-ga-na gub-ba_
#tr.en: Standing at his (right) side.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 3)
9. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
10. uru18{ki}
#tr.en: of Arawa.
$ (Caption 4)
11. sa-NAM-si-mu-ut
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
12. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
13. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ (Caption 5)
14. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an
15. _dumu_ hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
16. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
17. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 6)
18. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
19. sa-li-a-mu{ki}
#tr.en: of Sali'amu.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 7)
20. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
21. kar3-de3-de3#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Kardede.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 8)
22. ul-ul#
#tr.en: Ulul,
23. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
24. pa2-ra-ah-sum#{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 9)
25. da-gu
#tr.en: Dagu,
26. _szesz lugal_
#tr.en: brother of the king
27. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 10)
28. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
29. HE2-ni{ki}
#tr.en: of HEni.
$ (Caption 11)
30. _nig2-|LA+IB|#_
#tr.en: Booty
31. bu-un-ba-an{ki}
#tr.en: of Bunban.
$ (Caption 12)
32. zi-na
#tr.en: Zina,
33. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
34. hu-zi#-[x-x{ki}]
#tr.en: of Huzi-...
$ (Caption 13)
35. hi-da-ri2-da-[x]
#tr.en: Hidarida-x,
36. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
37. gu-ni-la-ha{ki#}
#tr.en: of Gunilaha.
$ (Caption 14)
38. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
39. sa-bum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Sabum.
$ (Caption 15)
40. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
41. a-wa-an{ki#}
#tr.en: of Awan.
$ (Caption 16)
42. si-id#-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
43. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
44. pa2-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 17)
45. kun3-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum,
46. _di-ku4_
#tr.en: judge
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 18)
48. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
49. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: of Susa.
$ (Colophon 3)
50. _ki-gal-ba szu du3#-a_
#tr.en: The ones with bound hands, on its socle.
$ double ruling
51. sar#?-[ru-GI]
$ about 4 lines broken
@column 13
$ about 4 lines broken
5. x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
6. DA AN
#tr.en: ...
7. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
8. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: instructed (him),
9. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: (and) to anyone
10. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
11. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
12. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
13. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea(s),
14. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. sa-pil2-[tam2]
#tr.en: Lower,
17. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
18. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. ra#?-x [x x]
#tr.en: Ra-[...]
22. [_szagina_-su]
#tr.en: (is) his general.
$ (Colophon)
22. [mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba]
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ n lines broken
$ 2 lines traces
$ 11-12 lines broken
1'. 3(u@c)#? 4(asz)#? _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
2'. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: he was victorious.
3'. _iri{ki#} iri{[ki]}_
#tr.en: All the cities
4'. sa3-ar-ru-tim#
#tr.en: which were rebellious
5'. u ID x
#tr.en: he ...
$ blank space
6'. x [...]
$ rest broken
@column 14
$ about 6 lines broken
0'. [_ma2_ me-luh-ha]
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
1'. _ma2#_ [ma2-gan2{ki}]
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
2'. _ma2#_  [dilmun{ki}]
#tr.en: and the boats of Tilmun
3'. in# [ka3-ri2-im]
#tr.en: at the quay
4'. szi a#-[ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
5'. ir-[ku-us]
#tr.en: he moored.
6'. sar-[ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
7'. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
8'. [in tu-tu-li{ki}]
#tr.en: in Tuttul
9'. [a-na]
#tr.en: to
10'. [{d}da-gan]
#tr.en: the god Dagān
11'. [us2-ka3-en]
#tr.en: prostrated himself
12'. [ik-ru-ub]
#tr.en: and prayed.
13'. [ma]-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
14'. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15'. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
16'. ma-ri2-am{[ki]}
#tr.en: The cities of Mari,
17'. ia3-[ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}]
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ about 19 lines broken
20. sar-ru#-[GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
$ about 11 lines broken
33. {d#}en#-[lil2]
#tr.en: (When) the god Enlil
34. _{gesz#}gidri#_
#tr.en: the scepter
35. i-di3-sum6#-[ma]
#tr.en: did give to him,
36. _gesztu2_
#tr.en: and intellignce
$ 6 lines broken
43. u-kal2!-[lim]
#tr.en: (Enlil) instructed (him),
44. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: and to anyone
45. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
46. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
47. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
48. _suhusz_ x-[x]
#tr.en: The foundation ...
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ about 5 lines broken
6. _suhusz#_-[su]
#tr.en: his foundation
7. li#-[su2-ha]
#tr.en: may they both tear out,
8. [u3]
#tr.en: and
9. _sze-numun#_-[su]
#tr.en: his seed
10. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ about 7 lines broken
$ 4-5 lines traces
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1')
23. x-su-uh-ru
#tr.en: X-suhru,
24. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
25. szi-ri2-hi-im{ki#}
#tr.en: of Širihum.
$ (Caption 2')
26. si-id-ga-u3#
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
27. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
28. pa2-ra-ah-sum{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 3')
29. sa-NAM-si-mu#-[ut]
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
30. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ (Caption 4')
32. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an,
33. _dumu_ hi-si-ib#-ra#-si#-ni#
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ (Caption 5')
36. kun3?-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum
37. _di#-[ku5]_
#tr.en: judge
38. [pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 6')
39. [...]
#tr.en: ...
40. 8(disz) _lu2_ [...]
#tr.en: Eight ... men,
41. 2(disz)? bal?-bal#?-[x]
#tr.en: two ...,
42. 1(u)? 1(asz)? {gesz#}tukul {gesz}erin!_
#tr.en: (and) eleven(?) cedar-wood weapons.
$ (Caption 7')
43. hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: Hišibrasini,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ (Caption 8')
46.  _x-ra-ne-ne a-al-dab5_
#tr.en: Their ... are captured.
47. _szu-du3-ba a-ab-ri_
#tr.en: They are (shown) oppressed in their handcuffs,
48. ib-ba-le
#tr.en: and doing ...
$ (Ccolophon 2)
49. sza3-bi an-na?
#tr.en: The middle of it, up high.
50. ki-gal-ba! {d?}en!-lil2! {d}inanna#?
#tr.en: On its socle: the gods Enlil and Ištar.
51. ri2-mu-[us2]
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. [su2-ra-ma]
#tr.en: assuredly
55. sar-[ru-tam2]
#tr.en: the kingship
56. {d}en-[lil2]
#tr.en: the god Enlil
57. i-di3-nu-[sum6]
#tr.en: gave to him.
58. _REC169#_
#tr.en: Battle
$ rest broken
@column 3
$ 3 lines broken
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: (KA-ku) the king
5. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
7. u3
#tr.en: and
8. _ensi2 ensi2_-su
#tr.en: his governors
9. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
10. u3
#tr.en: and
11. a2-ra-[ab]-su!-[nu]
#tr.en: their tribute
12. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
14. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: Lower
15. il#-qu3#-ut#
#tr.en: he took away.
16. u3
#tr.en: Further,
17. 1(|GES'UxKASKAL|)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 7805(?) (RIME: 14,100) men
18. in _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_
#tr.en: from the cities
19. szu-me-ri2-im
#tr.en: of Sumer
20. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he expelled, and
21. a-na
#tr.en: to
22. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
23. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
26. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
27. u3
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3-bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
29. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
30. u-lum
#tr.en: Thereupon,
31. in tu3-a-ri2-su
#tr.en: on his return,
32. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu
33. na-ki-ir-ma
#tr.en: became hostile.
34. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: He conquered it,
35. in#! qar#-bi2#
#tr.en: and in the middle of
36. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu (itself)
37. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)? 5(u) 2(asz) _gurusz-gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,052 (so RIME) men
39. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down.
40. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2! 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz)
#tr.en: 5,862 (so RIME)
41. _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: captives
42. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
43. u3
#tr.en: Further,
44. a-sza-re2-ed
#tr.en: Ašared,
45. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
46. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu,
47. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
48. u3
#tr.en: and
49. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
50. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
51. _(|SZU+NIGIN2|)_ 1(szar2) 3(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 2(u) 1(u) 6(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: In total 54,016 (so RIME) men
52. [a-di3 mi]-qi4-tim#
#tr.en: including the fallen
53. [a-di3] _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)#
#tr.en: and including captives
$ rest broken
@column 4
$ about 4 lines broken
5. i3-[nu]
#tr.en: At the time
6. _REC169_ su4#-[a]
#tr.en: of this battle
7. _dul3_-su4#
#tr.en: a statue of himself
8. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: he created, and
9. a-na
#tr.en: to
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
11. sa-li2-mi-su
#tr.en: for his well-being
12. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
13. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
14. su4#-a#
#tr.en: this one
15. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
16. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
17. u3
#tr.en: and
18. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
19. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
20. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
23. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
24. ki-gal an-ta igi-ni-sze3 a-ab-sar
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, above, in front of him.
$ (Curse formula)
25. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
26. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
27. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
30. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
31. al _dul3_
#tr.en: upon the statue
32. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš
33. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
34. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
35. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
36. i-[qa2-bi]-u3#
#tr.en: shall say,
37. {[d]}en#-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil,
38. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
39. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
40. u3
#tr.en: and
41. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
42. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
43. li-su3-ha
#tr.en: tear out
44. u3
#tr.en: and
45. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
46. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
47. _nita#_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
48. [a] i-di3-na-sum6
#tr.en: may they not give to him,
49. mah#-ri2-is2
#tr.en: and before
50. [i3]-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
51. [e] _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon 2)
52. lugal#? [x]-ra?-ni?-sze3? a#-[ab]-sar#
#tr.en: It was written on ... the king.
$ (Caption 1)
53. {d}[...]
#tr.en: The god ...,
54. a2-li2-[ik]
#tr.en: who goes
55. mah-[ri2-su]
#tr.en: before him.
$ (Caption 2)
56. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
57. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
58. ka#-[zal-lu{ki}]
#tr.en: of Kazallu.
$ rest broken
@column 5
$ about 4 lines broken
$ (Caption 1')
5. en#-[...]
#tr.en: En-[...],
6. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
7. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki#}
#tr.en: of Umma.
$ (Caption 2')
8. {d}u-um
#tr.en: The god Ūm
9. a2-li2-ik
#tr.en: who goes
10. mah#-ri2-su
#tr.en: before him.
$ (Caption 3')
11. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
12. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
13. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
$ (Colophon)
12. ki-gal-ba egir lu2-{d}da-mu
#tr.en: On its socle, behind Lu-Damu.
13. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
16. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2#{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. u3
#tr.en: and
19. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
20. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2@90) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 8040 (so RIME) men
23. u-sa#-am-qi2#-it
#tr.en: struck down,
24. 9(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 5460 captives
25. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
26. u3
#tr.en: Further,
27. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur,
30. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. [ki]-tusz#-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
33. _[ensi2]_
#tr.en: governor
34. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki#}
#tr.en: of Lagaš
35. _[szu-du8]-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
36. u3#
#tr.en: Further,
37. [_iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their two cities
38. _[sag-gesz]-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
39. u3#
#tr.en: and
40. [_bad3_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their walls
41. _[i3-gul]-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
42. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
43. [in _iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: from their two cities
44. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? [la2 1(u) 5(asz)] _gurusz#_
#tr.en: 5985 (so RIME) men
45. u-su-s,i2#-[am-ma]
#tr.en: he expelled, and
46. a-na
#tr.en: to
47. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
48. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
49. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
50. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
51. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
52. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
55. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
56. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
57. u3#
#tr.en: and (his seed pluck up).
$ rest broken
@column 6
$ 4 lines broken
5. [in] _REC169#_
#tr.en: in the battle
6. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: with Kazallu
7. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 5(u@c)# [2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: 12,052 men
8. u-sa-[am]-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
9. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: and 5,864 captives
10. _szu-du8-[a]_
#tr.en: he took.
11. u3
#tr.en: Further,
12. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
13. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
14. [ka3-za]-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu,
15. _[szu]-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: his walls
18. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
19. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
20. su4-[a]
#tr.en: this one
21. u-sa-sa3-ku#-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
22. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
23. u3#
#tr.en: and
24. {d}utu#
#tr.en: Šamaš
25. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
26. li-su2#-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
27. u3#
#tr.en: and
28. _sze-numun_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
29. li-il#-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon)
30. _musz3 ki-gal ki-ta a2 zi-da-na
#tr.en: The flat space(?) on the lower socle, on his right side.
31. ri2#-mu#-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
32. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
33. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
34. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
35. [adab{ki}]
#tr.en: over Adab
36. [u3]
#tr.en: and
37. [zabala3{ki}]
#tr.en: Zabalam
38. isz11-[ar]
#tr.en: was victorious,
39. [u3]
#tr.en: and
40. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 1(szar2)# 2(gesz2)# la2 2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 15718 men
41. u-sa-am-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
42. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) la2 4(asz)#? szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 14,576 captives
43. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
44. u3
#tr.en: Further,
45. mes-ki-gal-la
#tr.en: Meskigala,
46. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
47. adab{ki}
#tr.en: of Adab,
48. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. lugal-gal-zu
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu,
51. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
52. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam,
53. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
54. _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: their cities
55. _sag#-gesz#-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. [...]
2. [n(disz) _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: n men (from their two cities)
3. u-su#-s,i2#-am#-ma
#tr.en: he expelled and
4. a-na
#tr.en: to
5. ka-ra-si2-im
#tr.en: annihilation
6. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
7. sza _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
8. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
9. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
11. u3
#tr.en: and
12. {[d]}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
13. [_suhusz_-su]
#tr.en: his foundation
14. [li-su2-ha]
#tr.en: tear out,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
17. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon)
18. _musz3 ki-gal ki-[ta]_
#tr.en: The flat surface(?) (of) the socle, below,
19. _egir-ra-ni#-sze3#_
#tr.en: to his rear.
20. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
23. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
24. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: over the cities of Umma
25. u3#
#tr.en: and
26. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: KI-AN,
27. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: was victorious,
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. [1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)] 6(gesz'u)# la2 1(gesz2) 4(u@c) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 8900 men
30. [u]-sa-am#-qi2-it#
#tr.en: he struck down,
31. 6(gesz'u) la2# 2(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 3480 captives
32. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
33. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
34. [en-x]
#tr.en: En-x,
35. [_ensi2_ ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}]
#tr.en: governor of Umma,
36. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he captured,
37. u3
#tr.en: and
38. lugal-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA,
39. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
40. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN
41. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. _iri{ki}_-[su-ni]
#tr.en: their cities
44. _sag-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
45. u3
#tr.en: and
46. _bad3_-su-ni
#tr.en: their walls
47. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. in _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: in their cities
50. 6(gesz'u) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 3600 men
51. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he expelled, and
52. a-na
#tr.en: to
53. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
54. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
55. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
56. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
57. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš (tear out his foundation)
$ rest broken
@column 8
$ about 3 lines broken
$ (Colophon 1)
4. musz3# ki-gal ki-ta# gub3-bu#-ni#-sze3
#tr.en: Flat space(?), the socle, below, at his left.
$ (Caption 1)
5. zi-nu-ba
#tr.en: Zinuba,
6. _szesz_
#tr.en: brother
7. _ensi2_
#tr.en: of the governor.
$ (Caption 2)
8. a-sza-ar-mu-pi5
#tr.en: Ašarmupi,
9. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
$ (Caption 3)
10. lugal#-gal-zu#*
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu
11. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: the governor
12. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam.
$ (Caption 4)
13. ur-{d}suen
#tr.en: Ur-Suen,
14. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
$ (Caption 5)
15. lugal#-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA
16. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
17. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN.
$ (Caption 6)
18. gesz-sza3
#tr.en: Gešša,
19. _gal-sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his chief minister.
$ (Caption 7)
20. ki-tusz-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
21. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
22. lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|){ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš.
$ (Caption 8)
23. ad-da
#tr.en: Adda,
24. _szagina_
#tr.en: the general.
$ (Colophon 2)
25. ki-gal ki-ta szub-ba-mesz
#tr.en: The socle, below, the ones struck down.
$ (Caption 9)
26. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
27. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
28. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
29. szu [{d}en-lil2]
#tr.en: he to whom Enlil
30. ma#-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
31. la# [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give.
$ (Colophon 3)
32. _[mu-sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
33. _[za3-ga-na]
#tr.en: on his shoulder.
$ blank space
$ double ruling
34. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
35. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
36. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
37. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
38. a-ba-al-ga-masz
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
39. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
40. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
41. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. za-ha-ra{ki}
#tr.en: Zaḫara
44. u3
#tr.en: and
45. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
46. in qab3-li
#tr.en: in the center
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum
48. a-na
#tr.en: for
49. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
50. ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
#tr.en: had assembled, but
51. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was (again) victorious,
52. u3
#tr.en: and
53. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,221(?) men
54. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
55. 7(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 4,216 captives
56. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
$ rest broken
@column 9
$ about 7 lines broken
8. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
9. [u3 si-id-ga]-u3#
#tr.en: Further, Sidga'u,
10. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
11. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sar-GA-PI
#tr.en: Šar-GA-PI,
15. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
16. za-[ha-ra]{ki}
#tr.en: of Zaḫara,
17. _szu-du8#-[a]_
#tr.en: he captured
18. in ba-ri2-ti
#tr.en: in between
19. a-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: Susa,
22. in _i7_
#tr.en: at the River
23. qab2-li2-tim
#tr.en: Middle.
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. bi2-ru-tam2
#tr.en: a burial mound
26. in a-sza-ar _iri_
#tr.en: in the city's area
27. al-su#-nu
#tr.en: over them
28. is2-pu#-uk
#tr.en: he heaped up.
29. u3
#tr.en: Further,
30. _iri{ki} iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the cities
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
32. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _bad3 bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
35. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _suhusz_
#tr.en: the foundations
38. pa2#-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum
$ 5 lines broken
45. _kisz#_
#tr.en: (Rīmuš, king) of the world,
46. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
47. i-be-al
#tr.en: he ruled.
48. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
49. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: showed him (the way).
50. in sa-an-tim
#tr.en: In year
51. sa-li2-is2-tim
#tr.en: three
52. sza-ti
#tr.en: the one in which
53. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
54. sar-rux(URU18)-tam2
#tr.en: kingship
55. i-di3-nu-sum
#tr.en: gave to him,
56. |SZU+NIGIN2| 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: (there was) a total of 9,624 men (defeated)
57. a-di3 mi-qi4-tim
#tr.en: including the fallen
58. a-di3 szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: (and) including the captives.
59. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
60. u3
#tr.en: and
61. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
62. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
63. la su2-ra-tim
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods
64. lu ki2-ni-is2-[ma]
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
$ rest broken
@column 10
$ about 8 lines broken
9. {d}utu
#tr.en:  (May the gods Enlil and) Šamaš
10. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
11. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
12. u3#
#tr.en: and
13. _sze-numun#_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
14. li-[il]-qu3-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
15. _ki-gal a2#-gub3#-ni#-sze3 [a]-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, at his left side.
$ (Curse formula)
16. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
17. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
18. ri2-mu#-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
22. al _dul3_
#tr.en: on the statue
23. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš
24. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
25. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
26. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
27. i-qa2-bi3-u3
#tr.en: shall say,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil,
29. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
30. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. {d}utu
#tr.en: the god Šamaš
33. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
34. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
35. u3#
#tr.en: and
36. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
37. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
38. _[nita]_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
39. [a i-di3]-na-sum6
#tr.en: may they not give to him,
40. mah#-ri2-is
#tr.en: and before
41. i3-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
42. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ double ruling
43. 3(u@c) _ma-na_
#tr.en:  30 minas
44. _ku3-sig17_
#tr.en: of gold,
45. 1(szar2) _ma-na_
#tr.en: 3600 minas
46. _uruda_
#tr.en: of copper,
47. 5(gesz2) _ARAD2 geme2_
#tr.en: 300 male and female slaves,
48. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
49. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
50. u3
#tr.en: and
51. pa2-ra-ah#-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Paraḫšum
52. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
53. u-ru-a-am-ma
#tr.en: he brought out, and
54. [a]-na
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
56. _[a] mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated them.
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _[...]-bi#-sze3 [a-ab]-sar#_
#tr.en: It was written at its ...
$ rest broken
@column 11
$ about 8 lines broken
9. ka3#-la#-ma#
#tr.en: (the land) all of it
10. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god Enlil) gave to him.
11. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea
12. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: the Upper
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sa#-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _[sa]-tu_-e
#tr.en: the mountain lands,
17. ka3-la-su-nu-ma
#tr.en: all of them,
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-ka3-al
#tr.en: he holds.
21. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
22. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
23. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
24. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
27. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
28. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
31. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
32. mu-sar-ra ki#-gal-ba
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ (Caption)
33. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
36. _sag-gesz-ra#_
#tr.en: conqueror
37. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
38. [u3]
#tr.en: and
39. pa2#-ra#-[ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
$ (Colophon 2)
40. za3#-ga#-[na a-ab-sar]
#tr.en: It was written on his shoulder.
41. ri2-mu#-[us2]
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
42. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
43. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
44. in _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in battle
45. a-ba-[al-ga-masz]
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
46. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
48. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. si-id-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
51. _szagina_-su
#tr.en: his general,
52. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
53. in ba-ri2#-[ti]
#tr.en: in between
54. [a]-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. su-si#-im#{ki}
#tr.en: Susa
57. in _i7#_
#tr.en: by the River
58. qab3-li3-[tim]
#tr.en: Middle.
59. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
60. bi2-ru#-[tam2]
#tr.en: a funeral mound
61. in a-sza#-[ar _iri_]
#tr.en: in the area of the city (he heaped over him).
$ rest broken
@column 12
$ about 10 lines broken
11. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
12. u3
#tr.en: and
13. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba,
14. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear that
15. la su2-ra-tum8
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
16. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma
#tr.en: but it is indeed true.
17. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
18. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
19. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
20. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
23. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
24. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
27. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon)
28. _mu-sar-ra szen za-hum_
#tr.en: Inscription on a šahu cauldron.
29. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
30. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
31. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
32. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
33. an-sza-an{ki}
#tr.en: Anšan
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. szi4-ri2-hu-um{ki}
#tr.en: Širihum
36. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. ti-a-am-tam3
#tr.en: the Sea
38. sza-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: Lower
39. _ma2 ma2 gesz-la_-e
#tr.en: boats of war(?)
40. [u-sa]-bi3#-ir
#tr.en: he made cross.
41. _[iri{ki} iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: The cities
42. a#-bar#-ti#
#tr.en: across
43. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea,
44. 3(u@c) 2(asz) a-na
#tr.en: 32 of them, for
45. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
46. ip-hu-ru-nim-ma
#tr.en: assembled (against him), but
47. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. _iri{ki} iri{ki}-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
50. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
51. _en en#_-[su-nu]
#tr.en: and their rulers
52. [u-sa]-am#!-[qi2-it]
#tr.en: he struck down.
53. [u3]
#tr.en: And
54. is2#-[tum-ma]
#tr.en: after
55. id#-[ke2-as-su-nu-ni-ma]
#tr.en: he rallied them (his troops), and
56. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
57. hu-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: the (Silver) Mines
58. il2-qu3-ut
#tr.en: he plundered.
59. _sa#-tu_-e
#tr.en: From the mountains
60. a-bar-ti
#tr.en: across
61. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
62. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: the Lower
63. _na4 na4_-su#-nu _ge6_
#tr.en: their black (diorite) stones
64. [i-pu]-lam#-[ma]
#tr.en: he quarried, and
65. [in _ma2 ma2_]
#tr.en: in boats
66. i#-[s,a-na-ma]
#tr.en: he loaded them, and
$ rest broken
@column 13
$ about 7 lines broken
8. la ib#-ni
#tr.en: (anyone) had not created.
9. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rīmuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _dul3_-su sza _ku3-an_
#tr.en: a statue of himself of meteoric iron
$ erased line
13. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: created, and
14. _igi_-me
#tr.en: before
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
16. i-za-az
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
17. _da_-is2 i3-li
#tr.en: At the side of the gods
18. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
19. u-sa-mi-id
#tr.en: he placed.
20. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
21. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
22. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. u3
#tr.en: and
25. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
26. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
27. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
30. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
31. x-x-[x]
#tr.en: ...
32. _a mu-ru#_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
33. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
36. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
37. la su2-ra-tum
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
38. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma#
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
39. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
40. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
41. i-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
42. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
43. u3#
#tr.en: and
44. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš
45. _suhusz_-su#
#tr.en: his foundation
46. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
47. u3
#tr.en: and
48. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
49. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
50. [mu]-sar#-ra# [ki-gal]-ba#?
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ (Dedicatory label)
51. ma#-an#-is2-[tu]-su
#tr.en: Maništušu,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. a-na#
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: Enlil
56. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: dedicated it (this object).
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@column 14
$ about 7 lines broken
8. _nu#-ta#-dim2#_
#tr.en: (no one) had fashioned.
9. ri2#-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rīmuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _alan-na-ni (x) an#-na-kam_
#tr.en: a statue of himself, it was of meteoric iron,
13. _i3#-dim2_
#tr.en: he did fashion,
14. _igi {[d]}en-lil2-[la2]-sze3#_
#tr.en: and before the god Enlil
15. _i3-gub_
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
16. _i3-du7_
#tr.en: In the cultic chamber(?)
17. _dingir-re-ne-ka_
#tr.en: of the gods
18. _me-te-ni_
#tr.en: as a thing befitting(?) him
19. _i3-szid_
#tr.en: it is reckoned(?).
20. (x) _lu2_
#tr.en: A person who
21. _im-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: this inscription
22. _ab-ha-lam-me-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. {d}utu-bi
#tr.en: and Šamaš
25. _suhusz-sa-ni_
#tr.en: his foundation
26. _he2-pad-re6-ne#_
#tr.en: smash
27. _numun#!-[na-ni]_
#tr.en: and his seed
28. _[he2-ri-ri-ge-ne]_
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
29. _mu-sar-ra# {uruda}szen_ za-hum-ma#
#tr.en: Inscription of a šahu cauldron.
$ single ruling
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil:
31. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
32. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
33. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world:
34. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
35. u-sa-ar-bi2-su
#tr.en: made him great,
36. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
37. i-bi2
#tr.en: called,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. _[{gesz}gidri]_
#tr.en: the scepter
40. [sar-ru-tim]
#tr.en: of kingship
41. [i-di3]-sum6#
#tr.en: gave to him.
42. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
43. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
44. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
45. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
48. _suhusz#_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
49. [li-su2]-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
50. [u3]
#tr.en: and
51. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
52. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: pluck up.
53. [...]
#tr.en: ...
54. [...] x x
#tr.en: ...
55. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
56. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
57. [...]
#tr.en: ...
@column 1
1. [...] sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: ... (of) Sargon,
2. [...] x ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: ... (of) Rīmuš
3. [...] x ma-an-is2-[tu]-su#
#tr.en: ... (of) Man-ištušu,
4. [...]-na#
#tr.en: ...
@column 2
1. _sza3 e2-kur-ra_
#tr.en: in the Ekur temple,
2. _a-na me-a-bi_
#tr.en: whatever there was.
3. [(...)]
Update made on 2014-07-09 at 01:41:19 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P227509 = RIME & 06-09 & 11-13 & 15, ex. 01; RIME & 09 & 18, ex.01; RIME, ex. 6; RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. [_lugal_]
#tr.en: king
3. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. [_maszkim_]
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of the goddess Ištar,
6. _lugal# kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _gudu4 an-na_
#tr.en: anointed priest of the god An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam#-ma#_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2-gal_
#tr.en: chief governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil,
12. _iri unu{ki}_
#tr.en: the city of Uruk
13. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
14. _bad3#-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
15. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
16. _lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da_
#tr.en: With the Man of Uruk
17. _{gesz}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
18. _e#-da-sag3_
#tr.en: he made clash,
19. _aga-kar2_
19. _aga3-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
20. _e-ni-[se3]_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
21. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
#tr.en: With Lugalzagesi,
22. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: the king
23. _[unug{ki}-ga-da]_
#tr.en: of Uruk,
24. _{gesz#}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
25. _[e]-da#-[sag3]_
#tr.en: he made clash
26. _e#-ga-dab5_
#tr.en: and then seized him.
27. _{gesz}si-gar-ta_
#tr.en: In a neck stock
28. _ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3_
#tr.en: to the gate of Enlil
29. _e#-tum2#_
#tr.en: he brought him.
30. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
31. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
32. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
33. _lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da_
#tr.en: with the Man of Ur
34. _{gesz}tukul#_
#tr.en: weapons
35. _e-da-sig3_
35. _e-da-sag3_
#tr.en: he made clash
36. _aga-kar2_
36. _aga3-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
37. _e-ni-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
38. _iri-ni_
#tr.en: His city
39. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
# erased GA-GA between E and HUL
40. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
41. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
42. _e2_ {d}nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The temple of the goddess Ninmar
43. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
44. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
45. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
46. _gu2 kalam-bi_
#tr.en: All those countries
47. lagasz{ki}-ta
#tr.en: from Lagaš
48. _a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne_
#tr.en: to the sea, their ...
49. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
50. _{gesz}tukul-ni_
#tr.en: and his weapons
51. _a-ab-ba-ka_
#tr.en: in the sea
52. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
53. _lu2 umma{ki}-da#_
#tr.en: With the Man of Umma
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. [a-ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. _[maszkim-gi4]_
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of Ištar,
6. _[lugal kisz]_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _[pa4-szesz an]_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
12. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
# an erasure between the two signs
13. _unu{ki}_
#tr.en: of Uruk
# an erasure between the two signs
14. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
17. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
18. in _REC169_
#tr.en: In battle
19. unu{ki}
#tr.en: over Uruk
20. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
21. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the city
22. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered.
23. [lugal]-za3#-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
24. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
25. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
26. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
27. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
28. in _si-gar_-rim3
#tr.en: and in a neck stock
29. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil
31. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
32. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
34. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
35. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
36. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
37. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. iti{ki}
#tr.en: the city
40. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
41. u3
#tr.en: and
42. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
43. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
44. e2-nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3#-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
49. u3#
#tr.en: and
50. _kalam-ma{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
51. u3
#tr.en: and
52. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR.RI|){ki}
#tr.en: the city Lagaš
53. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
54. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
55. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
56. _{gesz}tukul_-ki2-su
#tr.en: His weapons
57. in ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: in the sea
58. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
59. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over the city Umma
60. in# _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
61. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: To Sargon,
2. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
3. _kalam-ma-ra_
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
5. _lu2-erim2#_
#tr.en: an enemy
6. _nu-na-szum2_
#tr.en: he did not give him.
7. _a-ab-[ba]_
#tr.en: From the Sea
8. _igi-nim-ma-ta_
#tr.en: the Upper
9. _a-ab-ba_
#tr.en: to the Sea
10. _sig-sig#-sze3_
#tr.en: the Lower
11. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
12. _[mu-na-szum2]_
#tr.en: gave (that territory) to him.
13. _[u3]_
#tr.en: Further,
14. _[a-ab]-ba_
#tr.en: from the Sea
15. _[sig-sig]-ta_
#tr.en: the Lower <to the Upper Sea>
16. _[dumu] dumu#_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
17. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
18. _nam#-[ensi2]_
#tr.en: the governorships (of that territory)
19. _mu-kin#?-[x]_
#tr.en: did exercise.
20. _lu2_ ma-[ri2{ki}]
#tr.en: The Man of Mari
21. _lu2 elam[{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the Man of Elam
$ 1 erased line
22. _igi_ sar-um#-GI#
#tr.en: before Sargon,
23. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
24. _kalam-ma-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: of the nation,
25. _i3-su8-ge-esz2_
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
26. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
27. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
28. _kalam-ma-ke4_
#tr.en: of the nation,
29. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: Kiš
30. _ki-be2_
#tr.en: to its (former) place
31. _bi2-gi4_
#tr.en: he restored,
32. _iri-bi_
#tr.en: and its (two?) cities
33. _ki-gub e-na-ba_
#tr.en: were apportioned to him as a (single) station(?).
34. _lu2 mu-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
35. _ab-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
36. _{d}utu_
#tr.en: may Šamaš
37. _suhusz-a-ni_
#tr.en: his foundation
38. _he2-bu3-re6_
#tr.en: tear out,
39. _numun-na-ni_
#tr.en: and his seed
40. _he2-ga-ri-ri-ge_
#tr.en: may he then pluck out.
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
41. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
42. _ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: on its socle.
@m=division caption 1'
$ (Caption 1')
43. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
46. _ka#?-x
#tr.en: ...
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
3. _kalam#-ma{[ki]}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
5. ma-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
6. [la i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give to him.
7. [ti-a-am-tam2]
#tr.en: The Sea(s)
8. [a-li2-tam2]
#tr.en: the Upper
9. [u3]
#tr.en: and
10. [sa-pil]-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
11. {d#}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
12. i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: gave to him,
13. is2-tum-ma
#tr.en: so that from
14. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
15. sa-pil#-tim
#tr.en: the Lower (to the Upper),
16. _dumu dumu_
#tr.en: citizens
17. a-ka3#-de3#{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
18. [u]-ka3-lu
#tr.en: held
19. _ensi2_-ku8-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships (of the nation).
20. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
23. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
24. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
25. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
26. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
27. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
28. sar#-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
29. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
30. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
31. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
32. a-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its (two?) places
33. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed (back as before)
34. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: and (as one) city)
35. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made it be occupied(?).
36. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
37. su4#-a
#tr.en: this
38. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
39. {d}utu
#tr.en: may Šamaš
40. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
41. li-su2-uh
#tr.en: tear out
42. u3 _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: and his seed
43. li-il-qu3-ut
#tr.en: may he pluck up.
$ single ruling
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
44. _mu-sar-ra#_
#tr.en: Inscription
45. _ki#-[gal]-ba#_
#tr.en: on its socle.
$ single ruling
@m=division caption 1
$ (Caption 1)
46. sar#-um#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
47. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
48. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
@m=division caption 2
$ (Caption 2
49. mes-e2
#tr.en: Mes'e,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
51. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: of Umma.
$ rest broken
@column 5
$ about 3 lines broken
4. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. [3(u@c) 4(asz)] _SAHAR#?-ra_
#tr.en: upon 34 ...
8. _[aga]-kar2# bi2-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed defeat,
9. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and their walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. _za3 a-ab-ba-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: all the way to the edge of the sea.
12. _ma2_ me-luh-ha{ki}
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
13. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
14. _ma2 tilmun{ki}_
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
15. _kar ag-ge-de3{ki}-ka_
#tr.en: at the quay of Agade
16. _bi2-kesz2_
#tr.en: he moored.
17. sar#-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon
18. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king
19. _du8-du8-li#{ki}-a_
#tr.en: in Tuttul
20. _{d}da-gan-ra_
#tr.en: before the god Dagan
#tr.en: before the god Dagān
21. _ki-a mu-na-za_
#tr.en: prostrated himself
22. _szu12 mu-na#-sza4#_
#tr.en: and prayed to him.
23. _kalam igi-nim_
#tr.en: The upper country
24. _mu-na-sum2_
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him,
25. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: (namely) Mari,
26. ia3-ar-mu-ti{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
27. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: Ebla,
28. _tir_
#tr.en: up to the Forest
29. _{gesz}erin
#tr.en: of Cedars
30. _hur-sag_
#tr.en: and the Mountains
31. _ku3-ga-sze3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
32. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king:
34. {d#}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: Enlil
35. _lu2 gaba-ru_
#tr.en: a rival
36. _nu-mu-ni-tuku_
#tr.en: he did not permit him to have:
37. 1(szar2) 3(gesz2@90) _erin2_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
38. _u4-szu2-sze3_
#tr.en: daily
39. _igi#-ni-sze3_
#tr.en: before him
40. _ninda i3-gu7-e_
#tr.en: he let eat bread.
41. _lu2 mu-sar#-ra#-e#
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
42. _ab#-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
43. _an-ne2_
#tr.en: may the god An
44. _mu-ni_
#tr.en: his name
45. _he2-ha-lam-e_
#tr.en: obliterate.
46. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: May the god Enlil
47. _numun-a-ni_
#tr.en: his seed
48. _he2-til-le_
#tr.en: bring to an end.
49. _{d}inanna-ke4_
#tr.en: May the goddess Ištar
40. [...]-e?
#tr.en: ...
$ rest broken
@column 6
$ about 3 lines broken
4. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. 3(u@c)! 4(asz) _REC169_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
8. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
9. _bad3 bad3_
#tr.en: City walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
12. pu-ti
#tr.en: the shore
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: of the sea.
14. _ma2_ me-luh-ha
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
15. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
16. _ma2_ dilmun{ki}
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
17. in ka3-ri2-im
#tr.en: at the quay
18. szi a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
19. ir3-ku-us
#tr.en: he moored.
20. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
22. in tu-tu-li{ki}
#tr.en: in Tuttul
23. a-na
#tr.en: to
24. {d}da-gan
#tr.en: Dagan
#tr.en: Dagān
25. us2-ka3-en
#tr.en: he prostrated himself
26. ik-ru-ub
#tr.en: and prayed.
27. ma-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
28. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
29. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him:
30. ma-ri2-am{ki}
#tr.en: Mari,
31. ia3-ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
32. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: and Ebla,
33. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
34. _{gesz}tir_
#tr.en: the Forest
35. _{gesz}erin_
#tr.en: of Cedars
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _kur kur_
#tr.en: the Mountains
38. _ku3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
39. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
40. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
41. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
42. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
43. la i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
44. 9(gesz'u) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
45. u-um-sum6
#tr.en: daily
46. ma-har-su
#tr.en: before him
47. _ninda gu7_
#tr.en: ate bread.
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
48. mu#-sar#-ra# alan#-na
#tr.en: Inscription on the statue.
49. ki-gal-bi nu-sar
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ blank space
50. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
51. il-su
#tr.en: is his (personal) god.
52. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
53. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
54. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
55. in 9(asz)
#tr.en: with nine
56. ki-s,e2-ri2
#tr.en: military contingents
57. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
58. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
59. [unu]{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
60. _[sag-gesz]-ra#_
#tr.en: he conquered.
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. u3
#tr.en: and
2. 5(u@c)# _ensi2_
#tr.en: (he captured) fifty governors
3. u3
#tr.en: and
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
5. su4-ma
#tr.en: he personally
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
7. u3
#tr.en: Further,
8. in na-GUR8-za-am{ki}
#tr.en: in NaGURzam
9. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
10. isz-ni-a-ma
#tr.en: he again
11. is2-ku8-na-ma
#tr.en: engaged and
12. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
13. u3
#tr.en: Further,
14. in# uri2{ki}
#tr.en: at Ur
15.  us2-x-ta2-li2-sa-ma
#tr.en: for a third time
16. im6-ta2-ah-s,a-ma
#tr.en: the two of them fought each other,
17. isz11-ar
#tr.en: and he was victorious.
18. u3
#tr.en: Further
19. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: over Umma
20. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
21. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
24. _sag-gesz#-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
25. u3
#tr.en: Further,
26. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|){ki}
#tr.en: over Lagaš
27. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
28. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
29. u3#
#tr.en: and
30. _{gesz}[tukul-ki-su]
#tr.en: his weapons
31. in# [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: in the sea
32. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
$ single ruling
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
33. mu#-[sar-ra alan-na]
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
34. ki-gal-[bi nu-sar]
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ single ruling
35. x [...]
36. x [...]
$ about 4 lines broken
41. [sar-ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
42. _lugal_
43. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
44. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
45. {d}inanna
#tr.en: of Ištar,
46. _lugal kisz_
#tr.en: king of the world,
47. _pa4-szesz an_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of the god An,
48. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
49. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
51. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
52. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
53. unu{ki}
#tr.en: with Uruk
54. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. 5(u@c) _ensi2_
#tr.en: fifty governors
57. in _szita2_
#tr.en: by the weapon
58. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: of the god Ilaba
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city (of Uruk)
61. _sag#-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
62. [u3]
#tr.en: and
@column 8
1. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: its walls
2. _i3-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
3. u3
#tr.en: Further,
4. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
7. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
8. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
9. in _si-gar_-im
#tr.en: and in a (neck) stock
10. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of the god Enlil
12. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
13. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
16. in# _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
19. u3#
#tr.en: and
20. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
21. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
22. u3#
#tr.en: and
23. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: its walls
24. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
25. [e2-nin-mar{ki}]
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
26. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
27. [u3]
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its wlls
29. _[i3]-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
30. u3
#tr.en: and
31. _[kalam]-ma#{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
32. u3
#tr.en: and
33. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|)#{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
34. [a]-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
35. [ti-a]-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
36. _[sag]-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. _[{gesz}tukul]_-ki2-su
#tr.en: and his weapons
38. [in] ti#-a-am-tim#
#tr.en: in the sea
39. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
40. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over Umma
41. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
42. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
49. sar#-[ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
50. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
51. _[kalam-ma]{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
52. [szu {d}en]-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
53. [ma-hi]-ra
#tr.en: a rival
54. la i#-di#-nu#-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
55. ti-a-am#-tam2#
#tr.en: the Sea(s),
56. a-li2-tam2#
#tr.en: the Upper
57. u3#
#tr.en: and
58. sa-pil2#-[tam2]
#tr.en: the Lower
59. [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: (Enlil) gave to him.
60. [isz-tum-ma]
#tr.en: And from
61. [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: the Sea
62. [sa-pil2-tim]
#tr.en: the Lower
@column 9
1. [a-di3-ma]
#tr.en: as far as
2. [ti-a-am]-tim#
#tr.en: the Sea
3. [a-li2]-tim
#tr.en: the Upper
4. _[dumu] dumu_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
5. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
6. _ensi2_-ku8-a-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships
7. u-ka3-lu2
#tr.en: held.
8. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
9. u3
#tr.en: and
10. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
11. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
12. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
13. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
14. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
15. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: stood (to serve).
16. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
17. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
18. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
19. kisz#{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
20. [a]-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its places
21. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed,
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: a (single) city
24. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made them occupy(?).
25. [sza] _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
26. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
27. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamas
31. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
32. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
35. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
36. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
37. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
38. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
39. u-a-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
40. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
41. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
42. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)#
#tr.en: set aside,
43. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
44. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
45. mah-ri-is2
#tr.en: Before
46. {d}en#-lil#
#tr.en: Enlil
47. e _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
48. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
49. _igi lugal-za3-ge-si-sze3 a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written in front of Lugalzagesi.
50. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
51. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
52. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
53. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
54. {d#}inanna#
#tr.en: of Ištar,
55. _[lugal] kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
56. _[pa4]-szesz# an_
#tr.en: pašeš-priest An,
57. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for Enlil:
@column 10
1. [i3]-nu
1. i3-[nu]
#tr.en: When
2. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
3. _di-ku5_-su
#tr.en: a verdict for him
4. i-di3#-nu-ma#
#tr.en: rendered,
5. u3
#tr.en: and
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
7. __sag-gesz-[ra]_
7. __sag-gesz-[ra_-ni]
#tr.en: he conquered,
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. x [...]
12. x [...]
13. a-[na]
#tr.en: to
14. {[d]}en#-lil2
14. {[d]}en#-[lil2]
#tr.en: Enlil
15. _[a] mu#-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it (this object),
#tr.en: he dedicated it,
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: Nippur
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-li-il
#tr.en: he purified.
$ (Caption 1)
21. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
22. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
23. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
24. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
#tr.en: he to whom Enlil
25. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
26. la i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: did not give.
$ (Colophon 1)
27. _mu#-[sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
28. _ki#-[gal]-la
#tr.en: which on the socle
29. _a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: was written.
$ (Caption 2)
30. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
31. _en_
#tr.en: lord
32. szu unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: and king
34. szu uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
$ (Curse formula)
35. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
36. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-[ni]
#tr.en: shall remove,
38. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil
39. u3
#tr.en: and
40. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
41. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
42. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
45. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
46. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
47. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
48. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
49. u-a#-ha#-ru
#tr.en: shall set aside,
50. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
51. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
52. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU|)
#tr.en: set aside,
53. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
54. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
55. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
56. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
57. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon 2)
58. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
59. _murgu_ lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: on the back of Lugalzagesi.
60. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
61. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
62. a-ka3#-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
@column 11
1. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: the city of
2. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
3. _sag#?-[gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
4. [u3]
#tr.en: and
5. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
6. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious.
7. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
8. [5(u@c)] _ensi2#_
#tr.en: fifty governors
9. u3#
#tr.en: and
10. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
11. su4#-ma
#tr.en: he himself
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
13. sza _dub_ su4-a
#tr.en: The one who this inscription
14. u-sa-sa3-ku-<ni>
#tr.en: shall remove,
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
18. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
19. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
22. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck out.
23. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
24. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
25. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
# 1-2 erased signs between SU4 and A
26. u#-a#-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
27. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
28. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
29. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)?
#tr.en: set aside,
30. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
31. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
32. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
33. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
34. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon)
35. _[mu-sar-ra] alan#-na_
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
36. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
37. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
38. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
39. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
40. _sag#-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: conqueror
41. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
42. u3
#tr.en: and
43. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
44. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
45. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
46. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
47. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil,
48. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. {d}inanna
#tr.en: Ištar
51. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
52. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
55. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
56. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba#_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@m=division caption 1
$ (Caption 1)
57. _a2# gub3!_ [...]
#tr.en: (On the) left arm...
58. nim#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: Elam ...
59. x [...]
60. [...]
@column 12
$ (Caption2)
$ (Caption 2)
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
4. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: conqueror
5. [elam]{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
6. u3
#tr.en: and
7. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
$ (Colophon 2)
8. _za3-ga-na gub-ba_
#tr.en: Standing at his (right) side.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 3)
9. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
10. uru18{ki}
#tr.en: of Arawa.
$ (Caption 4)
11. sa-NAM-si-mu-ut
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
12. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
13. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ (Caption 5)
14. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an
15. _dumu_ hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
16. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
17. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 6)
18. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
19. sa-li-a-mu{ki}
#tr.en: of Sali'amu.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 7)
20. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
21. kar3-de3-de#{ki#}
21. kar3-de3-de3#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Kardede.
$ double ruling
$ (Caption 8)
22. ul-ul#
#tr.en: Ulul,
23. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
24. pa2-ra-ah-sum#{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 9)
25. da-gu
#tr.en: Dagu,
26. _szesz lugal_
#tr.en: brother of the king
27. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 10)
28. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
29. HE2-ni{ki}
#tr.en: of HEni.
$ (Caption 11)
30. _nig2-|LA+IB|#_
#tr.en: Booty
31. bu-un-ba-an{ki}
#tr.en: of Bunban.
$ (Caption 12)
32. zi-na
#tr.en: Zina,
33. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
34. hu-zi#-[x-x{ki}]
#tr.en: of Huzi-...
$ (Caption 13)
35. hi-da-ri2-da-[x]
#tr.en: Hidarida-x,
36. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
37. gu-ni-la-ha{ki#}
#tr.en: of Gunilaha.
$ (Caption 14)
38. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
39. sa-bum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Sabum.
$ (Caption 15)
40. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
41. a-wa-an{ki#}
#tr.en: of Awan.
$ (Caption 16)
42. si-id#-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
43. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
44. pa2-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 17)
45. kun3-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum,
46. _di-ku4_
#tr.en: judge
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 18)
48. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
49. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: of Susa.
$ (Colophon 3)
50. _ki-gal-ba szu du3#-a_
#tr.en: The ones with bound hands, on its socle.
$ double ruling
51. sar#?-[ru-GI]
$ about 4 lines broken
@column 13
$ about 4 lines broken
5. x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
6. DA AN
#tr.en: ...
7. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
8. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: instructed (him),
9. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: (and) to anyone
10. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
11. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
12. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
13. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea(s),
14. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. sa-pil2-[tam2]
#tr.en: Lower,
17. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
18. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. ra#?-x [x x]
#tr.en: Ra-[...]
22. [_szagina_-su]
#tr.en: (is) his general.
$ (Colophon)
22. [mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba]
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ n lines broken
$ 2 lines traces
$ 11-12 lines broken
1'. 3(u@c)#? 4(asz)#? _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
2'. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: he was victorious.
3'. _iri{ki#} iri{[ki]}_
#tr.en: All the cities
4'. sa3-ar-ru-tim#
#tr.en: which were rebellious
5'. u ID x
#tr.en: he ...
$ blank space
6'. x [...]
$ rest broken
@column 14
$ about 6 lines broken
0'. [_ma2_ me-luh-ha]
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
1'. _ma2#_ [ma2-gan2{ki}]
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
2'. _ma2#_  [dilmun{ki}]
#tr.en: and the boats of Tilmun
3'. in# [ka3-ri2-im]
#tr.en: at the quay
4'. szi a#-[ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
5'. ir-[ku-us]
#tr.en: he moored.
6'. sar-[ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
7'. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
8'. [in tu-tu-li{ki}]
#tr.en: in Tuttul
9'. [a-na]
#tr.en: to
10'. [{d}da-gan]
#tr.en: the god Dagan
#tr.en: the god Dagān
11'. [us2-ka3-en]
#tr.en: prostrated himself
12'. [ik-ru-ub]
#tr.en: and prayed.
13'. [ma]-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
14'. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15'. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
16'. ma-ri2-am{[ki]}
#tr.en: The cities of Mari,
17'. ia3-[ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}]
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ about 19 lines broken
20. sar-ru#-[GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
$ about 11 lines broken
33. {d#}en#-[lil2]
#tr.en: (When) the god Enlil
34. _{gesz#}gidri#_
#tr.en: the scepter
35. i-di3-sum6#-[ma]
#tr.en: did give to him,
36. _gesztu2_
#tr.en: and intellignce
$ 6 lines broken
43. u-kal2!-[lim]
#tr.en: (Enlil) instructed (him),
44. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: and to anyone
45. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
46. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
47. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
48. _suhusz_ x-[x]
#tr.en: The foundation ...
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ about 5 lines missing
$ about 5 lines broken
6. _suhusz#_-[su]
#tr.en: his foundation
7. li#-[su2-ha]
#tr.en: may they both tear out,
8. [u3]
#tr.en: and
9. _sze-numun#_-[su]
#tr.en: his seed
10. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ about 7 lines broken
$ 4-5 lines traces
$ single ruling
$ (Caption 1')
23. x-su-uh-ru
#tr.en: X-suhru,
24. _ensi_
24. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
25. szi-ri2-hi-im{ki#}
#tr.en: of Širihum.
$ (Caption 2')
26. si-id-ga-u3#
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
27. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
28. pa2-ra-ah-sum{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 3')
29. sa-NAM-si-mu#-[ut]
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
30. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ (Caption 4')
32. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an,
33. _dumu_ hi-si-ib#-ra#-si#-ni#
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ (Caption 5')
36. kun3?-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum
37. _di#-[ku5]_
#tr.en: judge
38. [pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 6')
39. [...]
#tr.en: ...
40. 8(disz) _lu2_ [...]
#tr.en: Eight ... men,
41. 2(disz)? bal?-bal#?-[x]
#tr.en: two ...,
42. 1(u)? 1(asz)? {gesz#}tukul {gesz}erin!_
#tr.en: (and) eleven(?) cedar-wood weapons.
$ (Caption 7')
43. hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: Hišibrasini,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ (Caption 8')
46.  _x-ra-ne-ne a-al-dab5_
#tr.en: Their ... are captured.
47. _szu-du3-ba a-ab-ri_
#tr.en: They are (shown) oppressed in their handcuffs,
48. ib-ba-le
#tr.en: and doing ...
$ (Ccolophon 2)
49. sza3-bi an-na?
#tr.en: The middle of it, up high.
50. ki-gal-ba! {d?}en!-lil2! {d}inanna#?
#tr.en: On its socle: the gods Enlil and Ištar.
51. ri2-mu-[us2]
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. [su2-ra-ma]
#tr.en: assuredly
55. sar-[ru-tam2]
#tr.en: the kingship
56. {d}en-[lil2]
#tr.en: the god Enlil
57. i-di3-nu-[sum6]
#tr.en: gave to him.
58. _REC169#_
#tr.en: Battle
$ rest broken
@column 3
$ 3 lines broken
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: (KA-ku) the king
5. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
7. u3
#tr.en: and
8. _ensi2 ensi2_-su
#tr.en: his governors
9. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
10. u3
#tr.en: and
11. a2-ra-[ab]-su!-[nu]
#tr.en: their tribute
12. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
14. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: Lower
15. il#-qu3#-ut#
#tr.en: he took away.
16. u3
#tr.en: Further,
17. 1(|GES'UxKASKAL|)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 7805(?) (RIME: 14,100) men
18. in _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_
#tr.en: from the cities
19. szu-me-ri2-im
#tr.en: of Sumer
20. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he expelled, and
21. a-na
#tr.en: to
22. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
23. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
26. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
27. u3
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3-bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
29. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
30. u-lum
#tr.en: Thereupon,
31. in tu3-a-ri2-su
#tr.en: on his return,
32. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu
33. na-ki-ir-ma
#tr.en: became hostile.
34. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: He conquered it,
35. in#! qar#-bi2#
#tr.en: and in the middle of
36. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu (itself)
37. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)? 5(u) 2(asz) _gurusz-gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,052 (so RIME) men
39. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down.
40. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2! 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz)
#tr.en: 5,862 (so RIME)
41. _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: captives
42. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
43. u3
#tr.en: Further,
44. a-sza-re2-ed
#tr.en: Ašared,
45. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
46. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu,
47. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
48. u3
#tr.en: and
49. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
50. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
51. _(|SZU+NIGIN2|)_ 1(szar2) 3(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 2(u) 1(u) 6(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: In total 54,016 (so RIME) men
52. [a-di3 mi]-qi4-tim#
#tr.en: including the fallen
53. [a-di3] _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)#
#tr.en: and including captives
$ rest broken
@column 4
$ about 4 lines broken
5. i3-[nu]
#tr.en: At the time
6. _REC169_ su4#-[a]
#tr.en: of this battle
7. _dul3_-su4#
#tr.en: a statue of himself
8. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: he created, and
9. a-na
#tr.en: to
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
11. sa-li2-mi-su
#tr.en: for his well-being
12. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
13. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
14. su4#-a#
#tr.en: this one
15. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
16. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
17. u3
#tr.en: and
18. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
19. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
20. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
23. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
24. ki-gal an-ta igi-ni-sze3 a-ab-sar
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, above, in front of him.
$ (Curse formula)
25. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
26. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
27. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
30. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
31. al _dul3_
#tr.en: upon the statue
32. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš
33. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
34. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
35. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
36. i-[qa2-bi]-u3#
#tr.en: shall say,
37. {[d]}en#-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil,
38. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
39. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
40. u3
#tr.en: and
41. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
42. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
43. li-su3-ha
#tr.en: tear out
44. u3
#tr.en: and
45. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
46. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
47. _nita#_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
48. [a] i-di3-na-sum6
#tr.en: may they not give to him,
49. mah#-ri2-is2
#tr.en: and before
50. [i3]-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
51. [e] _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ (Colophon 2)
52. lugal#? [x]-ra?-ni?-sze3? a#-[ab]-sar#
#tr.en: It was written on ... the king.
$ (Caption 1)
53. {d}[...]
#tr.en: The god ...,
54. a2-li2-[ik]
#tr.en: who goes
55. mah-[ri2-su]
#tr.en: before him.
$ (Caption 2)
56. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
57. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
58. ka#-[zal-lu{ki}]
#tr.en: of Kazallu.
$ rest broken
@column 5
$ about 4 lines broken
$ (Caption 1')
5. en#-[...]
#tr.en: En-[...],
6. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
7. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki#}
#tr.en: of Umma.
$ (Caption 2')
8. {d}u-um
#tr.en: The god Ūm
9. a2-li2-ik
#tr.en: who goes
10. mah#-ri2-su
#tr.en: before him.
$ (Caption 3')
11. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
12. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
13. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
$ (Colophon)
12. ki-gal-ba egir lu2-{d}da-mu
#tr.en: On its socle, behind Lu-Damu.
13. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. _kisz_
#tr.en: of th world,
#tr.en: of the world,
16. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2#{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. u3
#tr.en: and
19. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
20. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2@90) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 8040 (so RIME) men
23. u-sa#-am-qi2#-it
#tr.en: struck down,
24. 9(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 5460 captives
25. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
26. u3
#tr.en: Further,
27. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur,
30. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. [ki]-tusz#-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
33. _[ensi2]_
#tr.en: governor
34. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki#}
#tr.en: of Lagaš
35. _[szu-du8]-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
36. u3#
#tr.en: Further,
37. [_iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their two cities
38. _[sag-gesz]-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
39. u3#
#tr.en: and
40. [_bad3_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their walls
41. _[i3-gul]-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
42. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
43. [in _iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: from their two cities
44. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? [la2 1(u) 5(asz)] _gurusz#_
#tr.en: 5985 (so RIME) men
45. u-su-s,i2#-[am-ma]
#tr.en: he expelled, and
46. a-na
#tr.en: to
47. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
48. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
49. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
50. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
51. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
52. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
55. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
56. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
57. u3#
#tr.en: and (his seed pluck up).
$ rest broken
@column 6
$ 4 lines broken
5. [in] _REC169#_
#tr.en: in the battle
6. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: with Kazallu
7. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 5(u@c)# [2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: 12,052 men
8. u-sa-[am]-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
9. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: and 5,864 captives
10. _szu-du8-[a]_
#tr.en: he took.
11. u3
#tr.en: Further,
12. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
13. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
14. [ka3-za]-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu,
15. _[szu]-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: his walls
18. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
19. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
20. su4-[a]
#tr.en: this one
21. u-sa-sa3-ku#-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
22. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
23. u3#
#tr.en: and
24. {d}utu#
#tr.en: Šamaš
25. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
26. li-su2#-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
27. u3#
#tr.en: and
28. _sze-numun_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
29. li-il#-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon)
30. _musz3 ki-gal ki-ta a2 zi-da-na
#tr.en: The flat space(?) on the lower socle, on his right side.
31. ri2#-mu#-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
32. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
33. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
34. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
35. [adab{ki}]
#tr.en: over Adab
36. [u3]
#tr.en: and
37. [zabala3{ki}]
#tr.en: Zabalam
38. isz11-[ar]
#tr.en: was victorious,
39. [u3]
#tr.en: and
40. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 1(szar2)# 2(gesz2)# la2 2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 15718 men
41. u-sa-am-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
42. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) la2 4(asz)#? szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 14,576 captives
43. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
44. u3
#tr.en: Further,
45. mes-ki-gal-la
#tr.en: Meskigala,
46. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
47. adab{ki}
#tr.en: of Adab,
48. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. lugal-gal-zu
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu,
51. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
52. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam,
53. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
54. u3
#tr.en: and
55. _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: he captured
54. _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: their cities
56. _sag#-gesz#-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered.
55. _sag#-gesz#-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. [...]
2. [n _gurusz gurusz_]
2. [n(disz) _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: n men (from their two cities)
3. u-su#-s,i2#-am#-ma
#tr.en: he expelled and
4. a-na
#tr.en: to
5. ka-ra-si2-im
#tr.en: annihilation
6. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
7. sza _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
8. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
9. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
11. u3
#tr.en: and
12. {[d]}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
13. [_suhusz_-su]
#tr.en: his foundation
14. [li-su2-ha]
#tr.en: tear out,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
17. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon)
18. _musz3 ki-gal ki-[ta]_
#tr.en: The flat surface(?) (of) the socle, below,
19. _egir-ra-ni#-sze3#_
#tr.en: to his rear.
20. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
23. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
24. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: over the cities of Umma
25. u3#
#tr.en: and
26. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: KI-AN,
27. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: was victorious,
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. [1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)] 6(gesz'u)# la2 1(gesz2) 4(u@c) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 8900 men
30. [u]-sa-am#-qi2-it#
#tr.en: he struck down,
31. 6(gesz'u) la2# 2(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 3480 captives
32. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
33. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
34. [en-x]
#tr.en: En-x,
35. [_ensi2_ ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}]
#tr.en: governor of Umma,
36. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he captured,
37. u3
#tr.en: and
38. lugal-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA,
39. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
40. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN
41. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. _iri{ki}_-[su-ni]
#tr.en: their cities
44. _sag-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
45. u3
#tr.en: and
46. _bad3_-su-ni
#tr.en: their walls
47. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. in _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: in their cities
50. 6(gesz'u) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 3600 men
51. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he expelled, and
52. a-na
#tr.en: to
53. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
54. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
55. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
56. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
57. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš (tear out his foundation)
$ rest broken
@column 8
$ about 3 lines broken
$ (Colophon 1)
4. musz3# ki-gal ki-ta# gub3-bu#-ni#-sze3
#tr.en: Flat space(?), the socle, below, at his left.
$ (Caption 1)
5. zi-nu-ba
#tr.en: Zinuba,
6. _szesz_
#tr.en: brother
7. _ensi2_
#tr.en: of the governor.
$ (Caption 2)
8. a-sza-ar-mu-pi5
#tr.en: Ašarmupi,
9. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
$ (Caption 3)
10. lugal#-gal-zu#*
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu
11. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: the governor
12. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam.
$ (Caption 4)
13. ur-{d}suen
#tr.en: Ur-Suen,
14. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
$ (Caption 5)
15. lugal#-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA
16. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
17. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN.
$ (Caption 6)
18. gesz-sza3
#tr.en: Gešša,
19. _gal-sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his chief minister.
$ (Caption 7)
20. ki-tusz-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
21. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
22. lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|){ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš.
$ (Caption 8)
23. ad-da
#tr.en: Adda,
24. _szagina_
#tr.en: the general.
$ (Colophon 2)
25. ki-gal ki-ta szub-ba-mesz
#tr.en: The socle, below, the ones felled.
$ (Caption 9
#tr.en: The socle, below, the ones struck down.
$ (Caption 9)
26. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
27. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
28. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
29. szu [{d}en-lil2]
#tr.en: he to whom Enlil
30. ma#-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
31. la# [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give.
$ (Colophon 3)
32. _[mu-sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
33. _[za3-ga-na]
#tr.en: on his shoulder.
$ blank space
$ double ruling
34. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
35. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
36. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
37. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
38. a-ba-al-ga-masz
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
39. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
40. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
41. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. za-ha-ra{ki}
#tr.en: Zaḫara
44. u3
#tr.en: and
45. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
46. in qab3-li
#tr.en: in the center
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum
48. a-na
#tr.en: for
49. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
50. ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
#tr.en: had assembled, but
51. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was (again) victorious,
52. u3
#tr.en: and
53. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,221(?) men
54. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
55. 7(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 4,216 captives
56. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
$ rest broken
@column 9
$ about 7 lines broken
8. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
9. [u3 si-id-ga]-u3#
#tr.en: Further, Sidga'u,
10. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
11. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sar-GA-PI
#tr.en: Šar-GA-PI,
15. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
16. za-[ha-ra]{ki}
#tr.en: of Zaḫara,
17. _szu-du8#-[a]_
#tr.en: he captured
18. in ba-ri2-ti
#tr.en: in between
19. a-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: Susa,
22. in _i7_
#tr.en: at the River
23. qab2-li2-tim
#tr.en: Middle.
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. bi2-ru-tam2
#tr.en: a burial mound
26. in a-sza-ar _iri_
#tr.en: in the city's area
27. al-su#-nu
#tr.en: over them
28. is2-pu#-uk
#tr.en: he heaped up.
29. u3
#tr.en: Further,
30. _iri{ki} iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the cities
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
32. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _bad3 bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
35. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _suhusz_
#tr.en: the foundations
38. pa2#-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum
$ 5 lines broken
45. _kisz#_
#tr.en: (Rīmuš, king) of the world,
46. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
47. i-be-al
#tr.en: he ruled.
48. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
49. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: showed him (the way).
50. in sa-an-tim
#tr.en: In year
51. sa-li2-is2-tim
#tr.en: three
52. sza-ti
#tr.en: the one in which
53. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
54. sar-rux(URU18)-tam2
#tr.en: kingship
55. i-di3-nu-sum
#tr.en: gave to him,
56. |SZU+NIGIN2| 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: (there was) a total of 9,624 men (defeated)
57. a-di3 mi-qi4-tim
#tr.en: including the fallen
58. a-di3 szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: (and) including the captives.
59. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
60. u3
#tr.en: and
61. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
62. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
63. la su2-ra-tim
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods
64. lu ki2-ni-is2-[ma]
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
$ rest broken
@column 10
$ about 8 lines broken
9. {d}utu
#tr.en:  (May the gods Enlil and) Šamaš
10. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
11. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
12. u3#
#tr.en: and
13. _sze-numun#_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
14. li-[il]-qu3-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
15. _ki-gal a2#-gub3#-ni#-sze3 [a]-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, at his left side.
$ (Curse formula)
16. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
17. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
18. ri2-mu#-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
22. al _dul3_
#tr.en: on the statue
23. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rīmuš
24. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
25. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
26. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
27. i-qa2-bi3-u3
#tr.en: shall say,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil,
29. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
30. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. {d}utu
#tr.en: the god Šamaš
33. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
34. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
35. u3#
#tr.en: and
36. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
37. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
38. _[nita]_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
39. [a i-di3]-na-sum6
#tr.en: may they not give to him,
40. mah#-ri2-is
#tr.en: and before
41. i3-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
42. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ double ruling
43. 3(u@c) _ma-na_
#tr.en:  30 minas
44. _ku3-sig17_
#tr.en: of gold,
45. 1(szar2) _ma-na_
#tr.en: 3600 minas
46. _uruda_
#tr.en: of copper,
47. 5(gesz2) _ARAD2 geme2_
#tr.en: 300 male and female slaves,
48. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
49. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
50. u3
#tr.en: and
51. pa2-ra-ah#-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Paraḫšum
52. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
53. u-ru-a-am-ma
#tr.en: he brought out, and
54. [a]-na
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
56. _[a] mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated them.
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _[...]-bi#-sze3 [a-ab]-sar#_
#tr.en: It was written at its ...
$ rest broken
@column 11
$ about 8 lines broken
9. ka3#-la#-ma#
#tr.en: (the land) all of it
10. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god Enlil) gave to him.
11. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea
12. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: the Upper
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sa#-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _[sa]-tu_-e
#tr.en: the mountain lands,
17. ka3-la-su-nu-ma
#tr.en: all of them,
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-ka3-al
#tr.en: he holds.
21. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
22. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
23. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
24. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
27. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
28. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
31. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
32. mu-sar-ra ki#-gal-ba
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ (Caption)
33. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
36. _sag-gesz-ra#_
#tr.en: conqueror
37. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
38. [u3]
#tr.en: and
39. pa2#-ra#-[ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
$ (Colophon 2)
40. za3#-ga#-[na a-ab-sar]
#tr.en: It was written on his shoulder.
41. ri2-mu#-[us2]
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
42. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
43. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
44. in _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in battle
45. a-ba-[al-ga-masz]
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
46. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
48. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. si-id-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
51. _szagina_-su
#tr.en: his general,
52. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
53. in ba-ri2#-[ti]
#tr.en: in between
54. [a]-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. su-si#-im#{ki}
#tr.en: Susa
57. in _i7#_
#tr.en: by the River
58. qab3-li3-[tim]
#tr.en: Middle.
59. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
60. bi2-ru#-[tam2]
#tr.en: a funeral mound
61. in a-sza#-[ar _iri_]
#tr.en: in the area of the city (he heaped over him).
$ rest broken
@column 12
$ about 10 lines broken
11. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
12. u3
#tr.en: and
13. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba,
14. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear that
15. la su2-ra-tum8
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
16. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma
#tr.en: but it is indeed true.
17. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
18. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
19. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
20. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
23. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
24. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
27. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon)
28. _mu-sar-ra szen za-hum_
#tr.en: Inscription on a šahu basin.
#tr.en: Inscription on a šahu cauldron.
29. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
30. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
31. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
32. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
33. an-sza-an{ki}
#tr.en: Anšan
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. szi4-ri2-hu-um{ki}
#tr.en: Širihum
36. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. ti-a-am-tam3
#tr.en: the Sea
38. sza-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: Lower
39. _ma2 ma2 gesz-la_-e
#tr.en: boats of war(?)
40. [u-sa]-bi3#-ir
#tr.en: he made cross.
41. _[iri{ki} iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: The cities
42. a#-bar#-ti#
#tr.en: across
43. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea,
44. 3(u@c) 2(asz) a-na
#tr.en: 32 of them, for
45. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
46. ip-hu-ru-nim-ma
#tr.en: assembled (against him), but
47. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. _iri{ki} iri{ki}-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
50. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
51. _en en#_-[su-nu]
#tr.en: and their rulers
52. [u-sa]-am#!-[qi2-it]
#tr.en: he struck down.
53. [u3]
#tr.en: And
54. is2#-[tum-ma]
#tr.en: after
55. id#-[ke2-as-su-nu-ni-ma]
#tr.en: he roused them (his troops)
#tr.en: he rallied them (his troops), and
56. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
57. hu-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: the (Silver) Mines
58. il2-qu3-ut
#tr.en: he plundered.
59. _sa#-tu_-e
#tr.en: From the mountains
60. a-bar-ti
#tr.en: across
61. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
62. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: the Lower
63. _na4 na4_-su#-nu _ge6_
#tr.en: their black (diorite) stones
64. [i-pu]-lam#-[ma]
#tr.en: he quarried, and
65. [in _ma2 ma2_]
#tr.en: in boats
66. i#-[s,a-na-ma]
#tr.en: he loaded them, and
$ rest broken
@column 13
$ about 7 lines broken
8. la ib#-ni
#tr.en: (anyone) had not created.
9. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rīmuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _dul3_-su sza _ku3-an_
#tr.en: a statue of himself of meteoric iron
$ erased line
13. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: created, and
14. _igi_-me
#tr.en: before
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
16. i-za-az
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
17. _da_-is2 i3-li
#tr.en: At the side of the gods
18. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
19. u-sa-mi-id
#tr.en: he placed.
20. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
21. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
22. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. u3
#tr.en: and
25. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
26. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
27. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
30. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
31. x-x-[x]
#tr.en: ...
32. _a mu-ru#_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
33. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
36. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
37. la su2-ra-tum
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
38. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma#
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
39. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
40. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
41. i-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
42. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
43. u3#
#tr.en: and
44. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš
45. _suhusz_-su#
#tr.en: his foundation
46. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
47. u3
#tr.en: and
48. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
49. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
50. [mu]-sar#-ra# [ki-gal]-ba#?
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ (Dedicatory label)
51. ma#-an#-is2-[tu]-su
#tr.en: Maništušu,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. a-na#
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: Enlil
56. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: dedicated it (this object).
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@column 14
$ about 7 lines broken
8. _nu#-ta#-dim2#_
#tr.en: (no one) had fashioned.
9. ri2#-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rīmuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _alan-na-ni (x) an#-na-kam_
#tr.en: a statue of himself, it was of meteoric iron,
13. _i3#-dim2_
#tr.en: he did fashion,
14. _igi {[d]}en-lil2-[la2]-sze3#_
#tr.en: and before the god Enlil
15. _i3-gub_
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
16. _i3-du7_
#tr.en: In the cultic chamber(?)
17. _dingir-re-ne-ka_
#tr.en: of the gods
18. _me-te-ni_
#tr.en: as a thing befitting(?) him
19. _i3-szid_
#tr.en: it is reckoned(?).
20. (x) _lu2_
#tr.en: A person who
21. _im-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: this inscription
22. _ab-ha-lam-me-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. {d}utu-bi
#tr.en: and Šamaš
25. _suhusz-sa-ni_
#tr.en: his foundation
26. _he2-pad-re6-ne#_
#tr.en: smash
27. _numun#!-[na-ni]_
#tr.en: and his seed
28. _[he2-ri-ri-ge-ne]_
#tr.en: pluck up.
$ (Colophon 1)
29. _mu-sar-ra# {uruda}szen_ za-hum-ma#
#tr.en: Inscription of a šahu basin.
#tr.en: Inscription of a šahu cauldron.
$ single ruling
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil:
31. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
32. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
33. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world:
34. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
35. u-sa-ar-bi2-su
#tr.en: made him great,
36. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
37. i-bi2
#tr.en: called,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. _[{gesz}gidri]_
#tr.en: the scepter
40. [sar-ru-tim]
#tr.en: of kingship
41. [i-di3]-sum6#
#tr.en: gave to him.
42. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
43. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
44. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
45. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
48. _suhusz#_-su
#tr.en: his foundation
49. [li-su2]-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
50. [u3]
#tr.en: and
51. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
52. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: pluck up.
53. [...]
54. [...] x x
55. [...] x
56. [...] x
57. [...]
@column 1
1. [...] sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: ... (of) Sargon,
2. [...] x ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: ... (of) Rīmuš
3. [...] x ma-an-is2-[tu]-su#
#tr.en: ... (of) Man-ištušu,
4. [...]-na#
#tr.en: ...
@column 2
1. _sza3 e2-kur-ra_
#tr.en: in the Ekur temple,
2. _a-na me-a-bi_
#tr.en: whatever there was.
3. [(...)]
Update made on 2014-07-06 at 15:33:27 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P227509 = RIME & 06-09 & 11-13 & 15, ex. 01; RIME & 09 & 18, ex.01; RIME, ex. 6; RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
# (= RIME
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. [_lugal_]
#tr.en: king
3. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. [_maszkim_]
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of the goddess Ištar,
6. _lugal# kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _gudu4 an-na_
#tr.en: anointed priest of the god An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam#-ma#_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2-gal_
#tr.en: chief governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil,
12. _iri unu{ki}_
#tr.en: the city of Uruk
13. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
14. _bad3#-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
15. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
16. _lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da_
#tr.en: With the Man of Uruk
17. _{gesz}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
18. _e#-da-sag3_
#tr.en: he made clash,
19. _aga-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
20. _e-ni-[se3]_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
21. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
#tr.en: With Lugalzagesi,
22. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: the king
23. _[unug{ki}-ga-da]_
#tr.en: of Uruk,
24. _{gesz#}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
25. _[e]-da#-[sag3]_
#tr.en: he made clash
26. _e#-ga-dab5_
#tr.en: and then seized him.
27. _{gesz}si-gar-ta_
#tr.en: In a neck stock
28. _ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3_
#tr.en: to the gate of Enlil
29. _e#-tum2#_
#tr.en: he brought him.
30. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
31. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
32. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
33. _lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da_
#tr.en: with the Man of Ur
34. _{gesz}tukul#_
#tr.en: weapons
35. _e-da-sig3_
#tr.en: he made clash
36. _aga-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
37. _e-ni-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
38. _iri-ni_
#tr.en: His city
39. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
# erased GA-GA between E and HUL
40. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
41. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
42. _e2_ {d}nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The temple of the goddess Ninmar
43. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
44. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
45. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
46. _gu2 kalam-bi_
#tr.en: All those countries
47. lagasz{ki}-ta
#tr.en: from Lagaš
48. _a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne_
#tr.en: to the sea, their ...
49. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
50. _{gesz}tukul-ni_
#tr.en: and his weapons
51. _a-ab-ba-ka_
#tr.en: in the sea
52. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
53. _lu2 umma{ki}-da#_
#tr.en: With the Man of Umma
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. [a-ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. _[maszkim-gi4]_
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of Ištar,
6. _[lugal kisz]_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _[pa4-szesz an]_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
12. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
# an erasure between the two signs
13. _unu{ki}_
#tr.en: of Uruk
# an erasure between the two signs
14. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
17. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
18. in _REC169_
#tr.en: In battle
19. unu{ki}
#tr.en: over Uruk
20. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
21. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the city
22. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered.
23. [lugal]-za3#-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
24. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
25. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
26. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
27. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
28. in _si-gar_-rim3
#tr.en: and in a neck stock
29. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil
31. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
32. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
34. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
35. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
36. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
37. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. iti{ki}
#tr.en: the city
40. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
41. u3
#tr.en: and
42. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
43. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
44. e2-nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3#-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
49. u3#
#tr.en: and
50. _kalam-ma{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
51. u3
#tr.en: and
52. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR.RI|){ki}
#tr.en: the city Lagaš
53. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
54. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
55. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
56. _{gesz}tukul_-ki2-su
#tr.en: His weapons
57. in ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: in the sea
58. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
59. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over the city Umma
60. in# _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
61. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: To Sargon,
2. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
3. _kalam-ma-ra_
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
5. _lu2-erim2#_
#tr.en: an enemy
6. _nu-na-szum2_
#tr.en: he did not give him.
7. _a-ab-[ba]_
#tr.en: From the Sea
8. _igi-nim-ma-ta_
#tr.en: the Upper
9. _a-ab-ba_
#tr.en: to the Sea
10. _sig-sig#-sze3_
#tr.en: the Lower
11. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
12. _[mu-na-szum2]_
#tr.en: gave (that territory) to him.
13. _[u3]_
#tr.en: Further,
14. _[a-ab]-ba_
#tr.en: from the Sea
15. _[sig-sig]-ta_
#tr.en: the Lower <to the Upper Sea>
16. _[dumu] dumu#_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
17. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
18. _nam#-[ensi2]_
#tr.en: the governorships (of that territory)
19. _mu-kin#?-[x]_
#tr.en: did exercise.
20. _lu2_ ma-[ri2{ki}]
#tr.en: The Man of Mari
21. _lu2 elam[{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the Man of Elam
$ 1 erased line
22. _igi_ sar-um#-GI#
#tr.en: before Sargon,
23. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
24. _kalam-ma-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: of the nation,
25. _i3-su8-ge-esz2_
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
26. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
27. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
28. _kalam-ma-ke4_
#tr.en: of the nation,
29. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: Kiš
30. _ki-be2_
#tr.en: to its (former) place
31. _bi2-gi4_
#tr.en: he restored,
32. _iri-bi_
#tr.en: and its (two?) cities
33. _ki-gub e-na-ba_
#tr.en: were apportioned to him as a (single) station(?).
34. _lu2 mu-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
35. _ab-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
36. _{d}utu_
#tr.en: may Šamaš
37. _suhusz-a-ni_
#tr.en: his foundation
38. _he2-bu3-re6_
#tr.en: tear out,
39. _numun-na-ni_
#tr.en: and his seed
40. _he2-ga-ri-ri-ge_
#tr.en: may he then pluck out.
@m=division colophon
41. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
42. _ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: on its socle.
@m=division caption 1'
43. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
46. _ka#?-x
#tr.en: ...
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
3. _kalam#-ma{[ki]}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
5. ma-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
6. [la i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give to him.
7. [ti-a-am-tam2]
#tr.en: The Sea(s)
8. [a-li2-tam2]
#tr.en: the Upper
9. [u3]
#tr.en: and
10. [sa-pil]-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
11. {d#}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
12. i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: gave to him,
13. is2-tum-ma
#tr.en: so that from
14. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
15. sa-pil#-tim
#tr.en: the Lower (to the Upper),
16. _dumu dumu_
#tr.en: citizens
17. a-ka3#-de3#{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
18. [u]-ka3-lu
#tr.en: held
19. _ensi2_-ku8-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships (of the nation).
20. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
23. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
24. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
25. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
26. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
27. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
28. sar#-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
29. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
30. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
31. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
32. a-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its (two?) places
33. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed (back as before)
34. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: and (as one) city)
35. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made it be occupied(?).
36. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
37. su4#-a
#tr.en: this
38. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
39. {d}utu
#tr.en: may Šamaš
40. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
41. li-su2-uh
#tr.en: tear out
42. u3 _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: and his seed
43. li-il-qu3-ut
#tr.en: may he pluck up.
$ single ruling
@m=division colophon
44. _mu-sar-ra#_
#tr.en: Inscription
45. _ki#-[gal]-ba#_
#tr.en: on its socle.
$ single ruling
@m=division caption 1
46. sar-ru-GI
46. sar#-um#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
47. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
48. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
@m=division caption 2
49. mes-e2
#tr.en: Mes'e,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
51. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: of Umma.
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 5
$ about 3 lines broken
4. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. [3(u@c) 4(asz)] _SAHAR#?-ra_
#tr.en: upon 34 ...
8. _[aga]-kar2# bi2-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed defeat,
9. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and their walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. _za3 a-ab-ba-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: all the way to the edge of the sea.
12. _ma2_ me-luh-ha{ki}
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
13. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
14. _ma2 tilmun{ki}_
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
15. _kar ag-ge-de3{ki}-ka_
#tr.en: at the quay of Agade
16. _bi2-kesz2_
#tr.en: he moored.
17. sar#-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon
18. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king
19. _du8-du8-li#{ki}-a_
#tr.en: in Tuttul
20. _{d}da-gan-ra_
#tr.en: before the god Dagan
21. _ki-a mu-na-za_
#tr.en: prostrated himself
22. _szu12 mu-na#-sza4#_
#tr.en: and prayed to him.
23. _kalam igi-nim_
#tr.en: The upper country
24. _mu-na-sum2_
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him,
25. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: (namely) Mari,
26. ia3-ar-mu-ti{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
27. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: Ebla,
28. _tir_
#tr.en: up to the Forest
29. _{gesz}erin
#tr.en: of Cedars
30. _hur-sag_
#tr.en: and the Mountains
31. _ku3-ga-sze3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
32. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
#tr.en: the king:
34. {d#}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: whom Enlil
#tr.en: Enlil
35. _lu2 gaba-ru_
#tr.en: a rival
36. _nu-mu-ni-tuku_
#tr.en: did not permit to have:
#tr.en: he did not permit him to have:
37. 1(szar2) 3(gesz2@90) _erin2_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
38. _u4-szu2-sze3_
#tr.en: daily
39. _igi#-ni-sze3_
#tr.en: before him
40. _ninda i3-gu7-e_
#tr.en: he let eat bread.
41. _lu2 mu-sar#-ra#-e#
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
42. _ab#-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
43. _an-ne2_
#tr.en: may the god An
44. _mu-ni_
#tr.en: his name
45. _he2-ha-lam-e_
#tr.en: obliterate.
46. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: May the god Enlil
47. _numun-a-ni_
#tr.en: his seed
48. _he2-til-le_
#tr.en: bring to an end.
49. _{d}inanna-ke4_
#tr.en: May the goddess Ištar
40. [...]-e?
#tr.en: ...
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 6
$ about 3 lines broken
4. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. 3(u@c)! 4(asz) _REC169_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
8. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
9. _bad3 bad3_
#tr.en: City walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
12. pu-ti
#tr.en: the shore
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: of the sea.
14. _ma2_ me-luh-ha
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
15. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
16. _ma2_ dilmun{ki}
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
17. in ka3-ri2-im
#tr.en: at the quay
18. szi a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
19. ir3-ku-us
#tr.en: he moored.
20. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
22. in tu-tu-li{ki}
#tr.en: in Tuttul
23. a-na
#tr.en: to
24. {d}da-gan
#tr.en: Dagan
25. us2-ka3-en
#tr.en: the prostrated himself
#tr.en: he prostrated himself
26. ik-ru-ub
#tr.en: and prayed.
27. ma-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
28. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
29. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him:
30. ma-ri2-am{ki}
#tr.en: Mari,
31. ia3-ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
32. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: and Ebla,
33. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
34. _{gesz}tir_
#tr.en: the Forest
35. _{gesz}erin_
#tr.en: of Cedars
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _kur kur_
#tr.en: the Mountains
38. _ku3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
39. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
40. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
41. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
42. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
43. la i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
44. 9(gesz'u) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
45. u-um-sum6
#tr.en: daily
46. ma-har-su
#tr.en: before him
47. _ninda gu7_
#tr.en: ate bread.
@m=division colophon
48. mu#-sar#-ra# alan#-na
#tr.en: Inscription on the statue.
49. ki-gal-bi nu-sar
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ blank space
# (= RIME
50. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
51. il-su
#tr.en: is his (personal) god.
52. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
53. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
54. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
55. in 9(asz)
#tr.en: with nine
56. ki-s,e2-ri2
#tr.en: military contingents
57. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
58. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
59. [unu]{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
60. _[sag-gesz]-ra#_
#tr.en: he conquered.
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. u3
#tr.en: and
2. 5(u@c)# _ensi2_
#tr.en: (he captured) fifty governors
3. u3
#tr.en: and
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
5. su4-ma
#tr.en: he personally
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
7. u3
#tr.en: Further,
8. in na-GUR8-za-am{ki}
#tr.en: in NaGURzam
9. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
10. isz-ni-a-ma
#tr.en: he again
11. is2-ku8-na-ma
#tr.en: engaged and
12. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
13. u3
#tr.en: Further,
14. in# uri2{ki}
#tr.en: at Ur
15.  us2-x-ta2-li2-sa-ma
#tr.en: for a third time
16. im6-ta2-ah-s,a-ma
#tr.en: the two of them fought each other,
17. isz11-ar
#tr.en: and he was victorious.
18. u3
#tr.en: Further
19. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: over Umma
20. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
21. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
24. _sag-gesz#-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
25. u3
#tr.en: Further,
26. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|){ki}
#tr.en: over Lagaš
27. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
28. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
29. u3#
#tr.en: and
30. _{gesz}[tukul-ki-su]
#tr.en: his weapons
31. in# [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: in the sea
32. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
$ single ruling
@m=division colophon
33. mu#-[sar-ra alan-na]
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
34. ki-gal-[bi nu-sar]
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ single ruling
35. x [...]
36. x [...]
$ about 4 lines broken
# (= RIME
41. [sar-ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
42. _lugal_
43. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
44. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
45. {d}inanna
#tr.en: of Ištar,
46. _lugal kisz_
#tr.en: king of the world,
47. _pa4-szesz an_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of the god An,
48. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
49. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
51. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
52. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
53. unu{ki}
#tr.en: with Uruk
54. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. 5(u@c) _ensi2_
#tr.en: fifty governors
57. in _SZITA2_
57. in _szita2_
#tr.en: by the weapon
58. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: of the god Ilaba
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city (of Uruk)
61. _sag#-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
62. [u3]
#tr.en: and
@column 8
1. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: its walls
2. _i3-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
3. u3
#tr.en: Further,
4. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
7. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
8. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
9. in _si-gar_-im
#tr.en: and in a (neck) stock
10. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of the god Enlil
12. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
13. sar-ra-GI
13. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
16. in# _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
19. u3#
#tr.en: and
20. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
21. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
22. u3#
#tr.en: and
23. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: its walls
24. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
25. [e2-nin-mar{ki}]
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
26. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
27. [u3]
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its wlls
29. _[i3]-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
30. u3
#tr.en: and
31. _[kalam]-ma#{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
32. u3
#tr.en: and
33. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|)#{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
34. [a]-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
35. [ti-a]-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
36. _[sag]-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. _[{gesz}tukul]_-ki2-su
#tr.en: and his weapons
38. [in] ti#-a-am-tim#
#tr.en: in the sea
39. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
40. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over Umma
41. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
42. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
49. sar#-[ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
50. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
51. _[kalam-ma]{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
52. [szu {d}en]-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
53. [ma-hi]-ra
#tr.en: a rival
54. la i#-di#-nu#-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
55. ti-a-am#-tam2#
#tr.en: the Sea(s),
56. a-li2-tam2#
#tr.en: the Upper
57. u3#
#tr.en: and
58. sa-pil2#-[tam2]
#tr.en: the Lower
59. [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: (Enlil) gave to him.
60. [isz-tum-ma]
#tr.en: And from
61. [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: the Sea
62. [sa-pil2-tim]
#tr.en: the Lower
@column 9
1. [a-di3-ma]
#tr.en: as far as
2. [ti-a-am]-tim#
#tr.en: the Sea
3. [a-li2]-tim
#tr.en: the Upper
4. _[dumu] dumu_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
5. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
6. _ensi2_-ku8-a-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships
7. u-ka3-lu2
#tr.en: held.
8. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
9. u3
#tr.en: and
10. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
11. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
12. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
13. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
14. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
15. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: stood (to serve).
16. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
17. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
18. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
19. kisz#{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
20. [a]-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its places
21. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed,
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: a (single) city
24. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made them occupy(?).
25. [sza] _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
26. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
27. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamas
31. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
32. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
35. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
36. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
37. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
38. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
39. u-a-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
40. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
41. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
42. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)#
#tr.en: set aside,
43. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
44. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
45. mah-ri-is2
#tr.en: Before
46. {d}en#-lil#
#tr.en: Enlil
47. e _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon
48. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
49. _igi lugal-za3-ge-si-sze3 a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written in front of Lugalzagesi.
# (= RIME
50. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
51. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
52. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
53. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
54. {d#}inanna#
#tr.en: of Ištar,
55. _[lugal] kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
56. _[pa4]-szesz# an_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of the god An,
#tr.en: pašeš-priest An,
57. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for Enlil:
@column 10
1. [i3]-nu
#tr.en: When
2. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
3. _di-ku5_-su
#tr.en: a verdict for him
4. i-di3#-nu-ma#
#tr.en: rendered,
5. u3
#tr.en: and
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
7. __sag-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. x [...]
12. x [...]
13. a-[na]
#tr.en: to
14. {[d]}en#-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
15. _[a] mu#-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it (this object).
#tr.en: he dedicated it (this object),
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: Nippur
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-li-il
#tr.en: he purified.
@m=division caption 1
$ (Caption 1)
21. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
22. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
23. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
24. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to whom the god Enlil
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
25. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
26. la i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: did not give.
@m=division colophon 1
$ (Colophon 1)
27. _mu#-[sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
28. _ki#-[gal]-la
#tr.en: which on the socle
29. _a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: was written.
@m=division caption 2
$ (Caption 2)
30. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
31. _en_
#tr.en: lord
32. szu unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: and king
34. szu uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
@m=division curse formula
$ (Curse formula)
35. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
36. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-[ni]
#tr.en: shall remove,
38. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil
39. u3
#tr.en: and
40. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
41. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
42. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
45. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
46. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
47. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
48. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
49. u-a#-ha#-ru
#tr.en: shall set aside,
50. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
51. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
52. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU|)
#tr.en: set aside,
53. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
54. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
55. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
56. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
57. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon 2
$ (Colophon 2)
58. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
59. _murgu_ lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: on the back of Lugalzagesi.
# (= RIME
60. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
61. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
62. a-ka3#-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
@column 11
1. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: the city of
2. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
3. _sag#?-[gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
4. [u3]
#tr.en: and
5. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
6. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious.
7. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
8. [5(u@c)] _ensi2#_
#tr.en: fifty governors
9. u3#
#tr.en: and
10. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
11. su4#-ma
#tr.en: he himself
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
13. sza _dub_ su4-a
#tr.en: The one who this inscription
14. u-sa-sa3-ku-<ni>
#tr.en: shall remove,
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
18. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
19. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
22. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck out.
23. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
24. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
25. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
# 1-2 erased signs between SU4 and A
26. u#-a#-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
27. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
28. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
29. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)?
#tr.en: set aside,
30. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
31. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
32. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
33. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
34. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
35. _[mu-sar-ra] alan#-na_
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
36. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
# (= RIME
37. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
38. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
39. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
40. _sag#-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: conqueror
41. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
42. u3
#tr.en: and
43. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Parahšum.
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
44. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
45. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
46. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
47. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil,
48. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. {d}inanna
#tr.en: Ištar
51. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
52. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
55. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
$ (Colophon 1)
56. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba#_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@m=division caption 1
57. _a2# gub3!_ [...]
#tr.en: (On the) left arm...
58. nim#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: Elam ...
59. x [...]
60. [...]
@column 12
@m=division caption2
$ (Caption2)
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
4. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: conqueror
5. [elam]{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
6. u3
#tr.en: and
7. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Parahšum.
@m=division colophon 2
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
$ (Colophon 2)
8. _za3-ga-na gub-ba_
#tr.en: Standing at his right.
#tr.en: Standing at his (right) side.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 3
$ (Caption 3)
9. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
10. uru18{ki}
#tr.en: of Arawa.
@m=division caption 4
$ (Caption 4)
11. sa-NAM-si-mu-ut
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
12. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
13. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 5
$ (Caption 5)
14. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an
15. _dumu_ hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
16. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
17. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 6
$ (Caption 6)
18. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
19. sa-li-a-mu{ki}
#tr.en: of Sali'amu.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 7
$ (Caption 7)
20. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
21. kar3-de3-de#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Kardede.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 8
$ (Caption 8)
22. ul-ul#
#tr.en: Ulul,
23. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
24. pa2-ra-ah-sum#{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 9
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 9)
25. da-gu
#tr.en: Dagu,
26. _szesz lugal_
#tr.en: brother of the king
27. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 10
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 10)
28. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
29. HE2-ni{ki}
#tr.en: of HEni.
@m=division caption 11
$ (Caption 11)
30. _nig2-|LA+IB|#_
#tr.en: Booty
31. bu-un-ba-an{ki}
#tr.en: of Bunban.
@m=division caption 12
$ (Caption 12)
32. zi-na
#tr.en: Zina,
33. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
34. hu-zi#-[x-x{ki}]
#tr.en: of Huzi-...
@m=division caption 13
$ (Caption 13)
35. hi-da-ri2-da-[x]
#tr.en: Hidarida-x,
36. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
37. gu-ni-la-ha{ki#}
#tr.en: of Gunilaha.
@m=division caption 14
$ (Caption 14)
38. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
39. sa-bum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Sabum.
@m=division caption 15
$ (Caption 15)
40. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
41. a-wa-an{ki#}
#tr.en: of Awan.
@m=division caption 16
$ (Caption 16)
42. si-id#-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
43. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
44. pa2-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 17
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 17)
45. kun3-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum,
46. _di-ku4_
#tr.en: judge
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 18
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 18)
48. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
49. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: of Susa.
@m=division colophon 3
$ (Colophon 3)
50. _ki-gal-ba szu du3#-a_
#tr.en: Bound ones, on its socle.
#tr.en: The ones with bound hands, on its socle.
$ double ruling
# (= RIME
51. sar#?-[ru-GI]
$ about 4 lines broken
@column 13
$ about 4 lines broken
5. x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
6. DA AN
#tr.en: ...
7. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
8. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: instructed (him),
9. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: (and) to anyone
10. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
11. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
12. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
13. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea(s),
14. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. sa-pil2-[tam2]
#tr.en: Lower,
17. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
18. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. ra#?-x [x x]
#tr.en: Ra-[...]
22. [_szagina_-su]
#tr.en: (is) his general.
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
22. [mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba]
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ n lines broken
$ 2 lines traces
$ 11-12 lines broken
1'. 3(u@c)#? 4(asz)#? _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
2'. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: he was victorious.
3'. _iri{ki#} iri{[ki]}_
#tr.en: All the cities
4'. sa3-ar-ru-tim#
#tr.en: which were rebellious
5'. u ID x
#tr.en: he ...
$ blank space
6'. x [...]
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 14
$ about 6 lines broken
0'. [_ma2_ me-luh-ha]
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
1'. _ma2#_ [ma2-gan2{ki}]
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
2'. _ma2#_  [dilmun{ki}]
#tr.en: and the boats of Tilmun
3'. in# [ka3-ri2-im]
#tr.en: at the quay
4'. szi a#-[ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
5'. ir-[ku-us]
#tr.en: he moored.
6'. sar-[ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
7'. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
8'. [in tu-tu-li{ki}]
#tr.en: in Tuttul
9'. [a-na]
#tr.en: to
10'. [{d}da-gan]
#tr.en: the god Dagan
11'. [us2-ka3-en]
#tr.en: he prostrated himself
#tr.en: prostrated himself
12'. [ik-ru-ub]
#tr.en: and prayed.
13'. [ma]-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
14'. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15'. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
16'. ma-ri2-am{[ki]}
#tr.en: The cities of Mari,
17'. ia3-[ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}]
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ about 19 lines broken
# (= RIME
20. sar-ru#-[GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
$ about 11 lines broken
33. {d#}en#-[lil2]
#tr.en: (When) the god Enlil
34. _{gesz#}gidri#_
#tr.en: the scepter
35. i-di3-sum6#-[ma]
#tr.en: did give to him,
36. _gesztu2_
#tr.en: and intellignce
$ 6 lines broken
43. u-kal2!-[lim]
#tr.en: (Enlil) instructed (him),
44. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: and to anyone
45. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
46. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
47. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
48. _suhusz_ x-[x]
#tr.en: The foundation ...
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ about 5 lines missing
# (= RIME
6. _suhusz#_-[su]
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
7. li#-[su2-ha]
#tr.en: may they both tear out,
8. [u3]
#tr.en: and
9. _sze-numun#_-[su]
#tr.en: his seed
10. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ about 7 lines broken
$ 4-5 lines traces
$ single ruling
@m=division caption 1'
$ (Caption 1')
23. x-su-uh-ru
#tr.en: X-suhru,
24. _ensi_
#tr.en: governor
25. szi-ri2-hi-im{ki#}
#tr.en: of Širihum.
@m=division caption 2'
$ (Caption 2')
26. si-id-ga-u3#
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
27. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
28. pa2-ra-ah-sum{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 3'
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 3')
29. sa-NAM-si-mu#-[ut]
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
30. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 4'
$ (Caption 4')
32. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an,
33. _dumu_ hi-si-ib#-ra#-si#-ni#
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 5'
$ (Caption 5')
36. kun3?-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum
37. _di#-[ku5]_
#tr.en: judge
38. [pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 6'
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Caption 6')
39. [...]
#tr.en: ...
40. 8(disz) _lu2_ [...]
#tr.en: Eight ... men,
41. 2(disz)? bal?-bal#?-[x]
#tr.en: two ...,
42. 1(u)? 1(asz)? {gesz#}tukul {gesz}erin!_
#tr.en: (and) eleven(?) cedar-wood weapons.
@m=division caption 7'
$ (Caption 7')
43. hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: Hišibrasini,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 8'
$ (Caption 8')
46.  _x-ra-ne-ne a-al-dab5_
#tr.en: Their ... are captured.
47. _szu-du3-ba a-ab-ri_
#tr.en: They are (shown) oppressed in their handcuffs,
48. ib-ba-li
#tr.en: and ...
@m=division colophon 2
48. ib-ba-le
#tr.en: and doing ...
$ (Ccolophon 2)
49. sza3-bi an-na?
#tr.en: The middle of it, up high.
50. ki-gal-ba! {d?}en!-lil2! {d}inanna#?
#tr.en: On its socle (are) the gods Enlil and Ištar.
# (= RIME
#tr.en: On its socle: the gods Enlil and Ištar.
51. ri2-mu-[us2]
#tr.en: Rimuš,
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. [su2-ra-ma]
#tr.en: assuredly
55. sar-[ru-tam2]
#tr.en: the kingship
56. {d}en-[lil2]
#tr.en: the god Enlil
57. i-di3-nu-[sum6]
#tr.en: gave to him.
58. _REC169#_
#tr.en: Battle
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 3
$ 3 lines broken
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: (KA-ku) the king
5. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
7. u3
#tr.en: and
8. _ensi2 ensi2_-su
#tr.en: his governors
9. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
10. u3
#tr.en: and
11. a2-ra-[ab]-su!-[nu]
#tr.en: their tribute
12. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
14. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: Lower
15. il#-qu3#-ut#
#tr.en: he took away.
16. u3
#tr.en: Further,
17. 1(|GES'UxKASKAL|)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 7805(?) (RIME: 14,100) men
18. in _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_
#tr.en: from the cities
19. szu-me-ri2-im
#tr.en: of Sumer
20. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he expelled, and
21. a-na
#tr.en: to
22. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
23. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
26. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
27. u3
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3-bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
29. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
30. u-lum
#tr.en: Thereupon,
31. in tu3-a-ri2-su
#tr.en: on his return,
32. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu
33. na-ki-ir-ma
#tr.en: became hostile.
34. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: He conquered it,
35. in#! qar#-bi2#
#tr.en: and in the middle of
36. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu (itself)
37. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)? 5(u) 2(asz) _gurusz-gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,052 (so RIME) men
39. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down.
40. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2! 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz)
#tr.en: 5,862 (so RIME)
41. _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: captives
42. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
43. u3
#tr.en: Further,
44. a-sza-re2-ed
#tr.en: Ašared,
45. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
46. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu,
47. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
48. u3
#tr.en: and
49. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
50. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
51. _(|SZU+NIGIN2|)_ 1(szar2) 3(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 2(u) 1(u) 6(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: In total 54,016 (so RIME) men
52. [a-di3 mi]-qi4-tim#
#tr.en: including the fallen
53. [a-di3] _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)#
#tr.en: and including captives
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 4
$ about 4 lines broken
5. i3-[nu]
#tr.en: At the time
6. _REC169_ su4#-[a]
#tr.en: of this battle
7. _dul3_-su4#
#tr.en: a statue of himself
8. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: he created, and
9. a-na
#tr.en: to
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
11. sa-li2-mi-su
#tr.en: for his well-being
12. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
13. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
14. su4#-a#
#tr.en: this one
15. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
16. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
17. u3
#tr.en: and
18. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
19. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
20. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
23. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
$ (Colophon 1)
24. ki-gal an-ta igi-ni-sze3 a-ab-sar
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, above, in front of him.
@m=division curse formula
$ (Curse formula)
25. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
26. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
27. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš,
#tr.en: of Rīmuš,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
30. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
31. al _dul3_
#tr.en: upon the statue
32. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš
#tr.en: of Rīmuš
33. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
34. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
35. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
36. i-[qa2-bi]-u3#
#tr.en: shall say,
37. {[d]}en#-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil,
38. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
39. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
40. u3
#tr.en: and
41. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
42. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
43. li-su3-ha
#tr.en: tear out
44. u3
#tr.en: and
45. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
46. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
47. _nita#_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
48. [a] i-di3-na-sum6
#tr.en: may they not give to him,
49. mah#-ri2-is2
#tr.en: and before
50. [i3]-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
51. [e] _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon 2
$ (Colophon 2)
52. lugal#? [x]-ra?-ni?-sze3? a#-[ab]-sar#
#tr.en: It was written on ... the king.
@m=division caption 1
$ (Caption 1)
53. {d}[...]
#tr.en: The god ...,
54. a2-li2-[ik]
#tr.en: who goes
55. mah-[ri2-su]
#tr.en: before him.
@m=division caption 2
$ (Caption 2)
56. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
57. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
58. ka#-[zal-lu{ki}]
#tr.en: of Kazallu.
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 5
$ about 4 lines broken
@m=division caption 1'
$ (Caption 1')
5. en#-[...]
#tr.en: En-[...],
6. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
7. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki#}
#tr.en: of Umma.
@m=division caption 2'
$ (Caption 2')
8. {d}u-um
#tr.en: The god Um
#tr.en: The god Ūm
9. a2-li2-ik
#tr.en: who goes
10. mah#-ri2-su
#tr.en: before him.
@m=division caption 3'
$ (Caption 3')
11. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
12. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
13. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
12. ki-gal-ba egir lu2-{d}da-mu
#tr.en: On its socle, behind Lu-Damu.
# (= RIME
13. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. _kisz_
#tr.en: of th world,
16. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2#{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. u3
#tr.en: and
19. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
20. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2@90) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 8040 (so RIME) men
23. u-sa#-am-qi2#-it
#tr.en: struck down,
24. 9(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 5460 captives
25. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
26. u3
#tr.en: Further,
27. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur,
30. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. [ki]-tusz#-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
33. _[ensi2]_
#tr.en: governor
34. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki#}
#tr.en: of Lagaš
35. _[szu-du8]-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
36. u3#
#tr.en: Further,
37. [_iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their two cities
38. _[sag-gesz]-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
39. u3#
#tr.en: and
40. [_bad3_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their walls
41. _[i3-gul]-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
42. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
43. [in _iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: from their two cities
44. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? [la2 1(u) 5(asz)] _gurusz#_
#tr.en: 5985 (so RIME) men
45. u-su-s,i2#-[am-ma]
#tr.en: he expelled, and
46. a-na
#tr.en: to
47. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
48. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
49. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
50. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
51. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
52. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
55. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
56. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
57. u3#
#tr.en: and (his seed pluck up).
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 6
# (= RIME
$ 4 lines broken
5. [in] _REC169#_
#tr.en: in the battle
6. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: with Kazallu
7. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 5(u@c)# [2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: 12,052 men
8. u-sa-[am]-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
9. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: and 5,864 captives
10. _szu-du8-[a]_
#tr.en: he took.
11. u3
#tr.en: Further,
12. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
13. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
14. [ka3-za]-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu
#tr.en: of Kazallu,
15. _[szu]-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: his walls
18. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
19. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
20. su4-[a]
#tr.en: this one
21. u-sa-sa3-ku#-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
22. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
23. u3#
#tr.en: and
24. {d}utu#
#tr.en: Šamaš
25. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
26. li-su2#-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
27. u3#
#tr.en: and
28. _sze-numun_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
29. li-il#-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
30. _musz3 ki-gal ki-ta a2 zi-da-na
#tr.en: A flat space(?) on the lower socle, on his right side.
# (= RIME
#tr.en: The flat space(?) on the lower socle, on his right side.
31. ri2#-mu#-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
32. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
33. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
34. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
35. [adab{ki}]
#tr.en: over Adab
36. [u3]
#tr.en: and
37. [zabala3{ki}]
#tr.en: Zabalam
38. isz11-[ar]
#tr.en: was victorious,
39. [u3]
#tr.en: and
40. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 1(szar2)# 2(gesz2)# la2 2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 15718 men
41. u-sa-am-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
42. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) la2 4(asz)#? szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 14,576 captives
43. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
44. u3
#tr.en: Further,
45. mes-ki-gal-la
#tr.en: Meskigala,
46. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
47. adab{ki}
#tr.en: of Adab,
48. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. lugal-gal-zu
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu,
51. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
52. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam,
53. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
54. u3
#tr.en: and
55. _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: their cities
56. _sag#-gesz#-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered.
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. [...]
2. [n _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: n men (from their two cities)
3. u-su#-s,i2#-am#-ma
#tr.en: he expelled and
4. a-na
#tr.en: to
5. ka-ra-si2-im
#tr.en: annihilation
6. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
7. sza _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
8. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
9. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
11. u3
#tr.en: and
12. {[d]}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
13. [_suhusz_-su]
#tr.en: his foundation
14. [li-su2-ha]
#tr.en: tear out,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
17. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
18. _musz3 ki-gal ki-[ta]_
#tr.en: The flat surface(?) (of) the socle, below,
19. _egir-ra-ni#-sze3#_
#tr.en: behind him.
# (= RIME
#tr.en: to his rear.
20. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
23. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
24. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: over the cities of Umma
25. u3#
#tr.en: and
26. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: KI-AN,
27. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: was victorious,
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. [1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)] 6(gesz'u)# la2 1(gesz2) 4(u@c) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 8900 men
30. [u]-sa-am#-qi2-it#
#tr.en: he struck down,
31. 6(gesz'u) la2# 2(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 3480 captives
32. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
33. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
34. [en-x]
#tr.en: En-x,
35. [_ensi2_ ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}]
#tr.en: governor of Umma,
36. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he captured,
37. u3
#tr.en: and
38. lugal-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA,
39. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
40. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN
41. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. _iri{ki}_-[su-ni]
#tr.en: their cities
44. _sag-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
45. u3
#tr.en: and
46. _bad3_-su-ni
#tr.en: their walls
47. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. in _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: in their cities
50. 6(gesz'u) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 3600 men
51. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he struck down, and
#tr.en: he expelled, and
52. a-na
#tr.en: to
53. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
54. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
55. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
56. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
57. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš (tear out his foundations)
$ rest of column broken
#tr.en: Šamaš (tear out his foundation)
$ rest broken
@column 8
$ about 3 lines broken
@m=division colophon 1
$ (Colophon 1)
4. musz3# ki-gal ki-ta# gub3-bu#-ni#-sze3
#tr.en: Flat space(?), the socle, below, at his left.
@m=division caption 1
$ (Caption 1)
5. zi-nu-ba
#tr.en: Zinuba,
6. _szesz_
#tr.en: brother
7. _ensi2_
#tr.en: of the governor.
@m=division caption 2
$ (Caption 2)
8. a-sza-ar-mu-pi5
#tr.en: Ašarmupi,
9. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
@m=division caption 3
$ (Caption 3)
10. lugal#-gal-zu#*
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu
11. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: the governor
12. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam.
@m=division caption 4
$ (Caption 4)
13. ur-{d}suen
#tr.en: Ur-Suen,
14. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
@m=division caption 5
$ (Caption 5)
15. lugal#-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA
16. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
17. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN.
@m=division caption 6
$ (Caption 6)
18. gesz-sza3
#tr.en: Gešša,
19. _gal-sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his chief minister.
@m=division caption 7
$ (Caption 7)
20. ki-tusz-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
21. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
22. lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|){ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš.
@m=division caption 8
$ (Caption 8)
23. ad-da
#tr.en: Adda,
24. _szagina_
#tr.en: the general.
@m=division colophon 2
$ (Colophon 2)
25. ki-gal ki-ta szub-ba-mesz
#tr.en: Socle, below, the ones struck down.
@m=division caption 9
#tr.en: The socle, below, the ones felled.
$ (Caption 9
26. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
27. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
28. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
29. szu [{d}en-lil2]
#tr.en: the one to whom Enlil
#tr.en: he to whom Enlil
30. ma#-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
31. la# [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give.
@m=division colophon 3
$ (Colophon 3)
32. _[mu-sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
33. _[za3-ga-na]
#tr.en: on his shoulder.
$ blank space
$ double ruling
# (= RIME
34. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
35. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
36. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
37. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
38. a-ba-al-ga-masz
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
39. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
40. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum,
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
41. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. za-ha-ra{ki}
#tr.en: Zahara
43. elam{ki}
#tr.en: and Elam
44. in qab3-li
#tr.en: Zaḫara
44. u3
#tr.en: and
45. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
46. in qab3-li
#tr.en: in the center
45. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum
46. a-na
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum
48. a-na
#tr.en: for
47. _REC169_
49. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
48. ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
50. ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
#tr.en: had assembled, but
49. isz11-ar
51. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was (again) victorious,
50. u3
52. u3
#tr.en: and
51. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
53. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,221(?) men
52. u-sa-am-qi4-it
54. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
53. 7(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
55. 7(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 4,216 captives
54. _[szu-du8-a]_
56. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 9
$ about 7 lines broken
8. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
9. [u3 si-id-ga]-u3#
#tr.en: Further, Sidga'u,
10. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
11. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum,
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sar-GA-PI
#tr.en: Šar-GA-PI,
15. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
16. za-[ha-ra]{ki}
#tr.en: of Zahara,
#tr.en: of Zaḫara,
17. _szu-du8#-[a]_
#tr.en: he captured
18. in ba-ri2-ti
#tr.en: in between
19. a-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: Susa,
22. in _i7_
#tr.en: at the River
23. qab2-li2-tim
#tr.en: Middle.
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. bi2-ru-tam2
#tr.en: a burial mound
26. in a-sza-ar _iri_
#tr.en: in the city's area
27. al-su#-nu
#tr.en: over them
28. is2-pu#-uk
#tr.en: he heaped up.
29. u3
#tr.en: Further,
30. _iri{ki} iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the cities
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
32. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _bad3 bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
35. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _suhusz_
#tr.en: the foundations
38. pa2#-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Parahšum
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum
$ 5 lines broken
45. _kisz#_
#tr.en: (Rimuš, king) of the world,
#tr.en: (Rīmuš, king) of the world,
46. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
47. i-be-al
#tr.en: he ruled.
48. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
49. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: showed him (the way).
50. in sa-an-tim
#tr.en: In year
51. sa-li2-is2-tim
#tr.en: three
52. sza-ti
#tr.en: the one in which
53. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
54. sar-rux(URU18)-tam2
#tr.en: kingship
55. i-di3-nu-sum
#tr.en: gave to him,
56. |SZU+NIGIN2| 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: (there was) a total of 9,624 men (defeated)
57. a-di3 mi-qi4-tim
#tr.en: including the fallen
58. a-di3 szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: (and) including the captives.
59. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
60. u3
#tr.en: and
61. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
62. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
63. la su2-ra-tim
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods
64. lu ki2-ni-is2-[ma]
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 10
$ about 8 lines broken
9. {d}utu
#tr.en:  (May the gods Enlil and) Šamaš
10. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
11. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
12. u3#
#tr.en: and
13. _sze-numun#_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
14. li-[il]-qu3-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
$ (Colophon 1)
15. _ki-gal a2#-gub3#-ni#-sze3 [a]-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, at his left side.
@m=division curse formula
$ (Curse formula)
16. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
17. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
18. ri2-mu#-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš,
#tr.en: of Rīmuš,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
22. al _dul3_
#tr.en: on the statue
23. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš
#tr.en: of Rīmuš
24. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
25. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
26. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
27. i-qa2-bi3-u3
#tr.en: shall say,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil,
29. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
30. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. {d}utu
#tr.en: the god Šamaš
33. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
34. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
35. u3#
#tr.en: and
36. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
37. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
38. _[nita]_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
39. [a i-di3]-na-sum6
#tr.en: may the they not give to him,
#tr.en: may they not give to him,
40. mah#-ri2-is
#tr.en: and before
41. i3-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
42. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ double ruling
43. 3(u@c) _ma-na_
#tr.en:  30 minas
44. _ku3-sig17_
#tr.en: of gold,
45. 1(szar2) _ma-na_
#tr.en: 3600 minas
46. _uruda_
#tr.en: of copper,
47. 5(gesz2) _ARAD2 geme2_
#tr.en: 300 male and female slaves,
48. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
49. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
50. u3
#tr.en: and
51. pa2-ra-ah#-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Parahšum
#tr.en: Paraḫšum
52. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
53. u-ru-a-am-ma
#tr.en: he brought out, and
54. [a]-na
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
56. _[a] mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated them.
@m=division colophon 2
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _[...]-bi#-sze3 [a-ab]-sar#_
#tr.en: It was written at its ...
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 11
# (= RIME
$ about 8 lines broken
9. ka3#-la#-ma#
#tr.en: (the land) all of it
10. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god Enlil) gave to him.
11. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea
12. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: the Upper
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sa#-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _[sa]-tu_-e
#tr.en: the mountain lands,
17. ka3-la-su-nu-ma
#tr.en: all of them,
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-ka3-al
#tr.en: he holds.
21. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
22. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
23. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
24. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
27. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
28. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
31. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
$ (Colophon 1)
32. mu-sar-ra ki#-gal-ba
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@m=division caption
$ (Caption)
33. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
36. _sag-gesz-ra#_
#tr.en: conqueror
37. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
38. [u3]
#tr.en: and
39. pa2#-ra#-[ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: Parahšum.
@m=division colophon 2
#tr.en: Paraḫšum.
$ (Colophon 2)
40. za3#-ga#-[na a-ab-sar]
#tr.en: It was written on his shoulder.
# (= RIME
41. ri2-mu#-[us2]
#tr.en: Rimuš,
#tr.en: Rīmuš,
42. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
43. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
44. in _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in battle
45. a-ba-[al-ga-masz]
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
46. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum,
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum,
48. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. si-id-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
51. _szagina_-su
#tr.en: his general,
52. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
53. in ba-ri2#-[ti]
#tr.en: in between
54. [a]-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. su-si#-im#{ki}
#tr.en: Susa
57. in _i7#_
#tr.en: by the River
58. qab3-li3-[tim]
#tr.en: Middle.
59. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
60. bi2-ru#-[tam2]
#tr.en: a funeral mound
61. in a-sza#-[ar _iri_]
#tr.en: in the area of the city (he heaped over him).
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 12
$ about 10 lines broken
11. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
12. u3
#tr.en: and
13. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba,
14. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear that
15. la su2-ra-tum8
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
16. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma
#tr.en: but it is indeed true.
17. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
18. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
19. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
20. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
23. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
24. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
27. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon
$ (Colophon)
28. _mu-sar-ra szen za-hum_
#tr.en: Inscription on a šahu basin.
# (= RIME
29. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
30. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
31. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
32. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
33. an-sza-an{ki}
#tr.en: Anšan
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. szi4-ri2-hu-um{ki}
#tr.en: Širihum
36. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. ti-a-am-tam3
#tr.en: the Sea
38. sza-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: Lower
39. _ma2 ma2 gesz-la_-e
#tr.en: boats of war(?)
40. [u-sa]-bi3#-ir
#tr.en: he made cross.
41. _[iri{ki} iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: The cities
42. a#-bar#-ti#
#tr.en: across
43. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea,
44. 3(u@c) 2(asz) a-na
#tr.en: 32 of them, for
45. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
46. ip-hu-ru-nim-ma
#tr.en: assembled (against him), but
47. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. _iri{ki} iri{ki}-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
50. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
51. _en en#_-[su-nu]
#tr.en: and their rulers
52. [u-sa]-am#!-[qi2-it]
#tr.en: he struck down.
53. [u3]
#tr.en: And
54. is2#-[tum-ma]
#tr.en: after
55. id#-[ke2-as-su-nu-ni-ma]
#tr.en: he roused them (his troops)
56. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
57. hu-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: the (Silver) Mines
58. il2-qu3-ut
#tr.en: he plundered.
59. _sa#-tu_-e
#tr.en: From the mountains
60. a-bar-ti
#tr.en: across
61. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
62. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: the Lower
63. _na4 na4_-su#-nu _ge6_
#tr.en: their black (diorite) stones
64. [i-pu]-lam#-[ma]
#tr.en: he quarried, and
65. [in _ma2 ma2_]
#tr.en: in boats
66. i#-[s,a-na-ma]
#tr.en: he loaded them, and
$ rest of column broken
$ rest broken
@column 13
# (= RIME
$ about 7 lines broken
8. la ib#-ni
#tr.en: (anyone) had not created.
9. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rimuš,
#tr.en: (But) Rīmuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _dul3_-su sza _ku3-an_
#tr.en: a statue of himself of meteoric iron
$ erased line
13. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: created, and
14. _igi_-me
#tr.en: before
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
16. i-za-az
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
17. _da_-is2 i3-li
#tr.en: At the side of the gods
18. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
19. u-sa-mi-id
#tr.en: he placed.
20. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
21. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
22. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. u3
#tr.en: and
25. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
26. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
27. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
30. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
31. x-x-[x]
#tr.en: ...
32. _a mu-ru#_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
33. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
36. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
37. la su2-ra-tum
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
38. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma#
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
39. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
40. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
41. i-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
42. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
43. u3#
#tr.en: and
44. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš
45. _suhusz_-su#
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
46. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
47. u3
#tr.en: and
48. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
49. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
$ (Colophon 1)
50. [mu]-sar#-ra# [ki-gal]-ba#?
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@m=division dedicatory label
$ (Dedicatory label)
51. ma#-an#-is2-[tu]-su
#tr.en: Maništušu,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. a-na#
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: Enlil
56. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: dedicated it (this object).
@m=division colophon 2
$ (Colophon 2)
57. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@column 14
$ about 7 lines broken
8. _nu#-ta#-dim2#_
#tr.en: (no one) had fashioned.
9. ri2#-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rimuš,
#tr.en: (But) Rīmuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _alan-na-ni (x) an#-na-kam_
#tr.en: a statue of himself, it was of meteoric iron,
13. _i3#-dim2_
#tr.en: he did fashion,
14. _igi {[d]}en-lil2-[la2]-sze3#_
#tr.en: and before the god Enlil
15. _i3-gub_
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
16. _i3-du7_
#tr.en: In the cultic chamber(?)
17. _dingir-re-ne-ka_
#tr.en: of the gods
18. _me-te-ni_
#tr.en: as a thing befitting(?) him
19. _i3-szid_
#tr.en: it is reckoned(?).
20. (x) _lu2_
#tr.en: A person who
21. _im-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: this inscription
22. _ab-ha-lam-me-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. {d}utu-bi
#tr.en: and Šamaš
25. _suhusz-sa-ni_
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
26. _he2-pad-re6-ne#_
#tr.en: smash
27. _numun#!-[na-ni]_
#tr.en: and his seed
28. _[he2-ri-ri-ge-ne]_
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
$ (Colophon 1)
29. _mu-sar-ra# {uruda}szen_ za-hum-ma#
#tr.en: Inscription of a šahu basin.
$ single ruling
# (= RIME
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil:
31. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
32. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
33. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world:
34. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
35. u-sa-ar-bi2-su
#tr.en: made him great,
36. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
37. i-bi2
#tr.en: called,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. _[{gesz}gidri]_
#tr.en: the scepter
40. [sar-ru-tim]
#tr.en: of kingship
41. [i-di3]-sum6#
#tr.en: gave to him.
42. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
43. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
44. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
45. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
48. _suhusz#_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
#tr.en: his foundation
49. [li-su2]-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
50. [u3]
#tr.en: and
51. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
52. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: pluck up.
53. [...]
54. [...] x x
55. [...] x
56. [...] x
57. [...]
@column 1
1. [...] sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: ... (of) Sargon,
2. [...] x ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: ... (of) Rimuš
#tr.en: ... (of) Rīmuš
3. [...] x ma-an-is2-[tu]-su#
#tr.en: ... (of) Man-ištušu,
4. [...]-na#
#tr.en: ...
@column 2
1. _sza3 e2-kur-ra_
#tr.en: in the Ekur temple,
2. _a-na me-a-bi_
#tr.en: whatever there was.
3. [(...)]
Update made on 2012-11-20 at 10:55:36 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P227509 = RIME & 06-09 & 11-13 & 15, ex. 01; RIME & 09 & 18, ex.01; RIME, ex. 6; RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
# (= RIME
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. [_lugal_]
#tr.en: king
3. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. [_maszkim_]
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of the goddess Inanna,
#tr.en: of the goddess Ištar,
6. _lugal# kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _gudu4 an-na_
#tr.en: anointed priest of the god An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam#-ma#_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2-gal_
#tr.en: chief governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil,
12. _iri unu{ki}_
#tr.en: the city of Uruk
13. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
14. _bad3#-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
15. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
16. _lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da_
#tr.en: With the Man of Uruk
17. _{gesz}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
18. _e#-da-sag3_
#tr.en: he made clash,
19. _aga-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
20. _e-ni-[se3]_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
21. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
#tr.en: With Lugalzagesi,
22. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: the king
23. _[unug{ki}-ga-da]_
#tr.en: of Uruk,
24. _{gesz#}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
25. _[e]-da#-[sag3]_
#tr.en: he made clash
26. _e#-ga-dab5_
#tr.en: and then seized him.
27. _{gesz}si-gar-ta_
#tr.en: In a neck stock
28. _ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3_
#tr.en: to the gate of Enlil
29. _e#-tum2#_
#tr.en: he brought him.
30. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
31. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
32. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
33. _lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da_
#tr.en: with the Man of Ur
34. _{gesz}tukul#_
#tr.en: weapons
35. _e-da-sig3_
#tr.en: he made clash
36. _aga-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
37. _e-ni-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
38. _iri-ni_
#tr.en: His city
39. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
# erased GA-GA between E and HUL
40. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
41. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
42. _e2_ {d}nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The temple of the goddess Ninmar
43. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
44. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
45. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
46. _gu2 kalam-bi_
#tr.en: All those countries
47. lagasz{ki}-ta
#tr.en: from Lagaš
48. _a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne_
#tr.en: to the sea, their ...
49. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
50. _{gesz}tukul-ni_
#tr.en: and his weapons
51. _a-ab-ba-ka_
#tr.en: in the sea
52. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
53. _lu2 umma{ki}-da#_
#tr.en: With the Man of Umma
$ rest of column broken
@column 2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. [a-ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. _[maszkim-gi4]_
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of Ištar,
6. _[lugal kisz]_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _[pa4-szesz an]_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
12. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
# an erasure between the two signs
13. _unu{ki}_
#tr.en: of Uruk
# an erasure between the two signs
14. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
17. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
18. in _REC169_
#tr.en: In battle
19. unu{ki}
#tr.en: over Uruk
20. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
21. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the city
22. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered.
23. [lugal]-za3#-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
24. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
25. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
26. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
27. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
28. in _si-gar_-rim3
#tr.en: and in a neck stock
29. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil
31. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
32. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
34. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
35. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
36. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
37. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. iti{ki}
#tr.en: the city
40. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
41. u3
#tr.en: and
42. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
43. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
44. e2-nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3#-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
49. u3#
#tr.en: and
50. _kalam-ma{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
51. u3
#tr.en: and
52. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR.RI|){ki}
#tr.en: the city Lagaš
53. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
54. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
55. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
56. _{gesz}tukul_-ki2-su
#tr.en: His weapons
57. in ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: in the sea
58. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
59. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over the city Umma
60. in# _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
61. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
$ rest of column broken
@column 3
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: To Sargon,
2. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
3. _kalam-ma-ra_
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
5. _lu2-erim2#_
#tr.en: an enemy
6. _nu-na-szum2_
#tr.en: he did not give him.
7. _a-ab-[ba]_
#tr.en: From the Sea
8. _igi-nim-ma-ta_
#tr.en: the Upper
9. _a-ab-ba_
#tr.en: to the Sea
10. _sig-sig#-sze3_
#tr.en: the Lower
11. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
12. _[mu-na-szum2]_
#tr.en: gave (that territory) to him.
13. _[u3]_
#tr.en: Further,
14. _[a-ab]-ba_
#tr.en: from the Sea
15. _[sig-sig]-ta_
#tr.en: the Lower <to the Upper Sea>
16. _[dumu] dumu#_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
17. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
18. _nam#-[ensi2]_
#tr.en: the governorships (of that territory)
19. _mu-kin#?-[x]_
#tr.en: did exercise.
20. _lu2_ ma-[ri2{ki}]
#tr.en: The Man of Mari
21. _lu2 elam[{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the Man of Elam
$ 1 erased line
22. _igi_ sar-um#-gi#
22. _igi_ sar-um#-GI#
#tr.en: before Sargon,
23. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
24. _kalam-ma-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: of the nation,
25. _i3-su8-ge-esz2_
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
26. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
27. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
28. _kalam-ma-ke4_
#tr.en: of the nation,
29. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: Kiš
30. _ki-be2_
#tr.en: to its (former) place
31. _bi2-gi4_
#tr.en: he restored,
32. _iri-bi_
#tr.en: and its (two?) cities
33. _ki-gub e-na-ba_
#tr.en: were apportioned to him as a (single) station(?).
34. _lu2 mu-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
35. _ab-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
36. _{d}utu_
#tr.en: may Šamaš
37. _suhusz-a-ni_
#tr.en: his foundation
38. _he2-bu3-re6_
#tr.en: tear out,
39. _numun-na-ni_
#tr.en: and his seed
40. _he2-ga-ri-ri-ge_
#tr.en: may he then pluck out.
@m=division colophon
41. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
42. _ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: on its socle.
@m=division caption 1'
43. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. _kalam-ma{ki}
45. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
46. _ka#?-x
#tr.en: ...
$ rest of column broken
@column 4
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
3. _kalam#-ma{[ki]}
3. _kalam#-ma{[ki]}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
5. ma-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
6. [la i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give to him.
7. [ti-a-am-tam2]
#tr.en: The Sea(s)
8. [a-li2-tam2]
#tr.en: the Upper
9. [u3]
#tr.en: and
10. [sa-pil]-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
11. {d#}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
12. i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: gave to him,
13. is2-tum-ma
#tr.en: so that from
14. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
15. sa-pil#-tim
#tr.en: the Lower (to the Upper),
16. _dumu dumu_
#tr.en: citizens
17. a-ka3#-de3#{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
18. _ensi2_-ku8-a-tim
18. [u]-ka3-lu
#tr.en: held
19. _ensi2_-ku8-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships (of the nation).
19. ma-ri2{ki}
20. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
20. u3
21. u3
#tr.en: and
21. elam{ki}
22. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
22. mah-ri2-is2
23. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
23. sar-ru#-GI#
24. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
24. _lugal_
25. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
25. _kalam-ma{ki}_
26. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
26. i-za-zu-ni
27. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
27. sar#-ru#-GI#
28. sar#-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
28. _lugal_
29. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. _kalam-ma{ki}_
30. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
30. kisz{ki}
31. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
31. a-sza-ri2-su
32. a-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its (two?) places
32. i-ni
33. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed (back as before)
33. _iri{ki}_-lam
34. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: and (as one) city)
34. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
35. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made it be occupied(?).
35. sza _dub_
36. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
36. su4#-a
37. su4#-a
#tr.en: this
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
38. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
38. {d}utu
39. {d}utu
#tr.en: may Šamaš
39. _suhusz_-su
40. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
40. li-su2-uh
41. li-su2-uh
#tr.en: tear out
41. u3 _sze-numun_-su
42. u3 _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: and his seed
42. li-il-qu3-ut
43. li-il-qu3-ut
#tr.en: may he pluck up.
$ single ruling
@m=division colophon
43. _mu-sar-ra#_
44. _mu-sar-ra#_
#tr.en: Inscription
44. _ki#-[gal]-ba#_
45. _ki#-[gal]-ba#_
#tr.en: on its socle.
$ single ruling
@m=division caption 1
45. sar-ru-GI
46. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
46. _lugal_
47. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
47. unu{ki}
48. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
@m=division caption 2
48. mes-e2
#tr.en: Mese,
49. _ensi2_
49. mes-e2
#tr.en: Mes'e,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
50. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
51. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: of Umma.
$ rest of column broken
@column 5
$ about 3 lines broken
4. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. [3(u@c) 4(asz)] _SAHAR#?-ra_
#tr.en: upon 34 ...
8. _[aga]-kar2# bi2-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed defeat,
9. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and their walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. _za3 a-ab-ba-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: all the way to the edge of the sea.
12. _ma2_ me-luh-ha{ki}
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
13. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
14. _ma2 tilmun{ki}_
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
15. _kar ag-ge-de3{ki}-ka_
#tr.en: at the quay of Agade
16. _bi2-kesz2_
#tr.en: he moored.
17. sar#-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon
18. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king
19. _du8-du8-li#{ki}-a_
#tr.en: in Tuttul
20. _{d}da-gan-ra_
#tr.en: before the god Dagan
21. _ki-a mu-na-za_
#tr.en: prostrated himself
22. _szu12 mu-na#-sza4#_
#tr.en: and prayed to him.
23. _kalam igi-nim_
#tr.en: The upper country
24. _mu-na-sum2_
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him,
25. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: (namely) Mari,
26. ia3-ar-mu-ti{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
27. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: Ebla,
28. _tir_
#tr.en: up to the Forest
29. _{gesz}erin
#tr.en: of Cedars
30. _hur-sag_
#tr.en: and the Mountains
31. _ku3-ga-sze3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
32. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
34. {d#}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: whom Enlil
35. _lu2 gaba-ru_
#tr.en: a rival
36. _nu-mu-ni-tuku_
#tr.en: did not permit to have:
37. 1(szar2) 3(gesz2@90) _erin2_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
38. _u4-szu2-sze3_
#tr.en: daily
39. _igi#-ni-sze3_
#tr.en: before him
40. _ninda i3-gu7-e_
#tr.en: he let eat bread.
41. _lu2 mu-sar#-ra#-e#
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
42. _ab#-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
43. _an-ne2_
#tr.en: may the god An
44. _mu-ni_
#tr.en: his name
45. _he2-ha-lam-e_
#tr.en: obliterate.
46. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: May the god Enlil
47. _numun-a-ni_
#tr.en: his seed
48. _he2-til-le_
#tr.en: bring to an end.
49. _{d}inanna-ke4_
#tr.en: May the goddess Ištar
40. [...]-e?
#tr.en: ...
$ rest of column broken
@column 6
$ about 3 lines broken
4. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. 3(u@c)! 4(asz) _REC169_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
8. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
9. _bad3 bad3_
#tr.en: City walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
12. pu-ti
#tr.en: the shore
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: of the sea.
14. _ma2_ me-luh-ha
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
15. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
16. _ma2_ dilmun{ki}
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
17. in ka3-ri2-im
#tr.en: at the quay
18. szi a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
19. ir3-ku-us
#tr.en: he moored.
20. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
22. in tu-tu-li{ki}
#tr.en: in Tuttul
23. a-na
#tr.en: to
24. {d}da-gan
#tr.en: Dagan
25. us2-ka3-en
#tr.en: the prostrated himself
26. ik-ru-ub
#tr.en: and prayed.
27. ma-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
28. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
29. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him:
30. ma-ri2-am{ki}
#tr.en: Mari,
31. ia3-ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
32. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: and Ebla,
33. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
34. _{gesz}tir_
#tr.en: the Forest
35. _{gesz}erin_
#tr.en: of Cedars
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _kur kur_
#tr.en: the Mountains
38. _ku3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
39. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
40. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
41. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
42. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
43. la i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
44. 9(gesz'u) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
45. u-um-sum6
#tr.en: daily
46. ma-har-su
#tr.en: before him
47. _ninda gu7_
#tr.en: ate bread.
@m=division colophon
48. mu#-sar#-ra# alan#-na
#tr.en: Inscription on the statue.
49. ki-gal-bi nu-sar
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ blank space
# (= RIME
50. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
51. il-su
#tr.en: is his (personal) god.
52. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
53. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
54. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
55. in 9(asz)
#tr.en: with nine
56. ki-s,e2-ri2
#tr.en: military contingents
57. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
58. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
59. [unu]{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
60. _[sag-gesz]-ra#_
#tr.en: he conquered.
$ rest of column broken
@column 7
1. u3
#tr.en: and
2. 5(u@c)# _ensi2_
#tr.en: (he captured) fifty governors
3. u3
#tr.en: and
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
5. su4-ma
#tr.en: he personally
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
7. u3
#tr.en: Further,
8. in na-GUR8-za-am{ki}
#tr.en: in NaGURzam
9. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
10. isz-ni-a-ma
#tr.en: he again
11. is2-ku8-na-ma
#tr.en: engaged and
12. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
13. u3
#tr.en: Further,
14. in# uri2{ki}
#tr.en: at Ur
15.  us2-x-ta2-li2-sa-ma
#tr.en: for a third time
16. im6-ta2-ah-s,a-ma
#tr.en: the two of them fought each other,
17. isz11-ar
#tr.en: and he was victorious.
18. u3
#tr.en: Further
19. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: over Umma
20. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
21. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
24. _sag-gesz#-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
25. u3
#tr.en: Further,
26. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|){ki}
#tr.en: over Lagaš
27. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
28. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
29. u3#
#tr.en: and
30. _{gesz}[tukul-ki-su]
#tr.en: his weapons
31. in# [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: in the sea
32. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
$ single ruling
@m=division colophon
33. mu#-[sar-ra alan-na]
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
34. ki-gal-[bi nu-sar]
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ single ruling
35. x [...]
36. x [...]
$ about 4 lines broken
# (= RIME
41. [sar-ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
42. _lugal_
43. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
44. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
45. {d}inanna
#tr.en: of Ištar,
46. _lugal kisz_
#tr.en: king of the world,
47. _pa4-szesz an_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of the god An,
48. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
49. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
51. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
52. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
53. unu{ki}
#tr.en: with Uruk
54. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. 5(u@c) _ensi2_
#tr.en: fifty governors
57. in _SZITA2_
#tr.en: by the weapon
58. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: of the god Ilaba
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city (of Uruk)
61. _sag#-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
62. [u3]
#tr.en: and
@column 8
1. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: tts walls
#tr.en: its walls
2. _i3-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
3. u3
#tr.en: Further,
4. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
7. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
8. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
9. in _si-gar_-im
#tr.en: and in a (neck) stock
10. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of the god Enlil
12. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
13. sar-ra-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
16. in# _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
19. u3#
#tr.en: and
20. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
21. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
22. u3#
#tr.en: and
23. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: its walls
24. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
25. [e2-nin-mar{ki}]
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
26. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
27. [u3]
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its wlls
29. _[i3]-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
30. u3
#tr.en: and
31. _[kalam]-ma#{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
32. u3
#tr.en: and
33. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|)#{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
34. [a]-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
35. [ti-a]-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
36. _[sag]-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. _[{gesz}tukul]-ki2-su
37. _[{gesz}tukul]_-ki2-su
#tr.en: and his weapons
38. [in] ti#-a-am-tim#
#tr.en: in the sea
39. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
40. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over Umma
41. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
42. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. iri{ki}
44. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
49. sar#-[ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
50. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
51. _[kalam-ma]{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
52. [szu {d}en]-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
53. [ma-hi]-ra
#tr.en: a rival
54. la i#-di#-nu#-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
55. ti-a-am#-tam2#
#tr.en: the Sea(s),
56. a-li2-tam2#
#tr.en: the Upper
57. u3#
#tr.en: and
58. sa-pil2#-[tam2]
#tr.en: the Lower
59. [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: (Enlil) gave to him.
60. [isz-tum-ma]
#tr.en: And from
61. [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: the Sea
62. [sa-pil2-tim]
#tr.en: the Lower
@column 9
1. [a-di3-ma]
#tr.en: as far as
2. [ti-a-am]-tim#
#tr.en: the Sea
3. [a-li2]-tim
#tr.en: the Upper
4. _[dumu] dumu_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
5. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
6. _ensi2_-ku8-a-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships
7. u-ka3-lu2
#tr.en: held.
8. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
9. u3
#tr.en: and
10. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
11. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
12. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
13. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
14. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
15. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: stood (to serve).
16. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
17. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
18. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
19. kisz#{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
20. [a]-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its places
21. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed,
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: a (single) city
24. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made them occupy(?).
25. [sza] _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
26. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
27. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamas
31. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
32. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
35. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
36. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
37. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
38. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
39. u-a-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
40. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
41. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
42. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)#
#tr.en: set aside,
43. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
44. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
45. mah-ri-is2
#tr.en: Before
46. {d}en#-lil#
#tr.en: Enlil
47. e _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon
48. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba
#tr.en: Inscription on its soccle.
49. igi lugal-za3-ge-si-sze3 a-ab-sar
48. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
49. _igi lugal-za3-ge-si-sze3 a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written in front of Lugalzagesi.
# (= RIME
50. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
51. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
52. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
53. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
54. {d#}inanna#
#tr.en: of Ištar,
55. _[lugal] kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
56. _[pa4]-szesz# an_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of the god An,
57. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for Enlil:
@column 10
1. [i3]-nu
#tr.en: When
2. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
3. _di-ku5_-su
#tr.en: a verdict for him
4. i-di3#-nu-ma#
#tr.en: rendered,
5. u3
#tr.en: and
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
7. __sag-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. x [...]
12. x [...]
13. a-[na]
#tr.en: to
14. {[d]}en#-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
15. _[a] mu#-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it (this object).
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: Nippur
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-li-il
#tr.en: he purified.
@m=division caption 1
21. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
22. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
23. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
24. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to whom the god Enlil
25. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
26. la i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: did not give.
@m=division colophon 1
27. _mu#-[sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
28. _ki#-[gal]-la
#tr.en: which on the socle
29. _a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: was written.
@m=division caption 2
30. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
31. _en_
#tr.en: lord
32. szu unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: and king
34. szu uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
@m=division curse formula
35. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
36. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-[ni]
#tr.en: shall remove,
38. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil
39. u3
#tr.en: and
40. {d}utu
#tr.en: Ištar
#tr.en: Šamaš
41. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
42. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
45. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
46. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
47. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
48. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
49. u-a#-ha#-ru
#tr.en: shall set aside,
50. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
51. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
52. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU|)
#tr.en: set aside,
53. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
54. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
55. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
56. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
57. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon 2
58. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
59. _murgu_ lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: on the back of Lugalzagesi.
# (= RIME
60. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
61. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
62. a-ka3#-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
@column 11
1. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: the city of
2. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
3. _sag#?-[gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
4. [u3]
#tr.en: and
5. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
6. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious.
7. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
8. [5(u@c)] _ensi2#_
#tr.en: fifty governors
9. u3#
#tr.en: and
10. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
11. su4#-ma
#tr.en: he himself
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
13. sza _dub_ su4-a
#tr.en: The one who this inscription
14. u-sa-sa3-ku-<ni>
#tr.en: shall remove,
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
18. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
19. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
22. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck out.
23. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
24. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
25. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
# 1-2 erased signs between SU4 and A
26. u#-a#-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
27. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
28. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
29. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)?
#tr.en: set aside,
30. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
31. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
32. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
33. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
34. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon
35. _[mu-sar-ra] alan#-na_
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
36. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
# (= RIME
37. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
38. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
39. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
40. _sag#-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: conqueror
41. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
42. u3
#tr.en: and
43. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Parahšum.
44. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
45. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
46. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
47. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil,
48. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. {d}inanna
#tr.en: Ištar
51. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
52. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
55. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
56. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba#_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@m=division caption 1
57. _a2# gub3!_ [...]
#tr.en: (On the) left ...
#tr.en: (On the) left arm...
58. nim#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: Elam ...
59. x [...]
60. [...]
@column 12
@m=division caption2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
4. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: conqueror
5. [elam]{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
6. u3
#tr.en: and
7. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Parahšum.
@m=division colophon 2
8. _za3-ga-na gub-ba_
#tr.en: Stationed at his right (side).
#tr.en: Standing at his right.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 3
9. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
10. uru18{ki}
#tr.en: of Arawa.
@m=division caption 4
11. sa-NAM-si-mu-ut
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
12. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
13. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 5
14. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an
15. _dumu_ hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
16. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
17. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 6
18. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
19. sa-li-a-mu{ki}
#tr.en: of Sali'amu.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 7
20. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
21. kar3-de3-de#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Kardede.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 8
22. ul-ul#
#tr.en: Ulul,
23. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
24. pa2-ra-ah-sum#{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 9
25. da-gu
#tr.en: Dagu,
26. _szesz lugal_
#tr.en: brother of the king
27. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 10
28. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
29. HE2-ni{ki}
#tr.en: of HEni.
@m=division caption 11
30. _nig2-|LA+IB|#_
#tr.en: Booty
31. bu-un-ba-an{ki}
#tr.en: of Bunban.
@m=division caption 12
32. zi-na
#tr.en: Zina,
33. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
34. hu-zi#-[x-x{ki}]
#tr.en: of Huzi-...
@m=division caption 13
35. hi-da-ri2-da-[x]
#tr.en: Hidarida-x,
36. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
37. gu-ni-la-ha{ki#}
#tr.en: of Gunilaha.
@m=division caption 14
38. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
39. sa-bum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Sabum.
@m=division caption 15
40. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
41. a-wa-an{ki#}
#tr.en: of Awan.
@m=division caption 16
42. si-id#-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
43. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
44. pa2-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 17
45. kun3-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum,
46. _di-ku4_
#tr.en: judge
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 18
48. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
49. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: of Susa.
@m=division colophon 3
50. _ki-gal-ba szu du3#-a_
#tr.en: Bound ones, on its socle.
$ double ruling
# (= RIME
51. sar#?-[ru-GI]
$ about 4 lines broken
@column 13
$ about 4 lines broken
5. x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
6. DA AN
#tr.en: ...
7. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
8. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: instructed (him),
9. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: (and) to anyone
10. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
11. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
12. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
13. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea(s),
14. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. sa-pil2-[tam2]
#tr.en: Lower,
17. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
18. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. ra#?-x [x x]
#tr.en: Ra-[...]
22. [_szagina_-su]
#tr.en: (is) his general.
@m=division colophon
22. [mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba]
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ n lines broken
$ 2 lines traces
$ 11-12 lines broken
1'. 3(u@c)#? 4(asz)#? _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
2'. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: he was victorious.
3'. _iri{ki#} iri{[ki]}_
#tr.en: All the cities
4'. sa3-ar-ru-tim#
#tr.en: which were rebellious
5'. u ID x
#tr.en: he ...
$ blank space
6'. x [...]
$ rest of column broken
@column 14
$ about 6 lines broken
0'. [_ma2_ me-luh-ha]
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
1'. _ma2#_ [ma2-gan2{ki}]
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
2'. _ma2#_  [dilmun{ki}]
#tr.en: and the boats of Tilmun
3'. in# [ka3-ri2-im]
#tr.en: at the quay
4'. szi a#-[ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
5'. ir-[ku-us]
#tr.en: he moored.
6'. sar-[ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
7'. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
8'. [in tu-tu-li{ki}]
#tr.en: in Tuttul
9'. [a-na]
#tr.en: to
10'. [{d}da-gan]
#tr.en: the god Dagan
11'. [us2-ka3-en]
#tr.en: he prostrated himself
12'. [ik-ru-ub]
#tr.en: and prayed.
13'. [ma]-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
14'. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15'. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
16'. ma-ri2-am{[ki]}
#tr.en: The cities of Mari,
17'. ia3-[ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}]
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
$ rest of column broken
@column 1
$ about 19 lines broken
# (= RIME
20. sar-ru#-[GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
$ about 11 lines broken
33. {d#}en#-[lil2]
#tr.en: (When) the god Enlil
34. _{gesz#}gidri#_
#tr.en: the scepter
35. i-di3-sum6#-[ma]
#tr.en: did give to him,
36. _gesztu2_
#tr.en: and intellignce
$ 6 lines broken
43. u-kal2!-[lim]
#tr.en: (Enlil) instructed (him),
44. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: and to anyone
45. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
46. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
47. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
48. _suhusz_ x-[x]
#tr.en: The foundation ...
$ rest of column broken
@column 2
$ about 5 lines missing
# (= RIME
6. _suhusz#_-[su]
#tr.en: his foundations
7. li#-[su2-ha]
#tr.en: may they both tear out,
8. [u3]
#tr.en: and
9. _sze-numun#_-[su]
#tr.en: his seed
10. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ about 7 lines broken
$ 4-5 lines traces
$ single ruling
@m=division caption 1'
23. x-su-uh-ru
#tr.en: X-suhru,
24. _ensi_
#tr.en: governor
25. szi-ri2-hi-im{ki#}
#tr.en: of Širihum.
@m=division caption 2'
26. si-id-ga-u3#
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
27. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
28. pa2-ra-ah-sum{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 3'
29. sa-NAM-si-mu#-[ut]
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
30. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 4'
32. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an,
33. _dumu_ hi-si-ib#-ra#-si#-ni#
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 5'
36. kun3?-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum
37. _di#-[ku5]_
#tr.en: judge
38. [pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 6'
39. [...]
#tr.en: ...
40. 8(disz) _lu2_ [...]
#tr.en: Eight ... men,
41. 2(disz)? bal?-bal#?-[x]
#tr.en: two ...,
42. 1(u)? 1(asz)? {gesz#}tukul {gesz}erin!_
#tr.en: (and) eleven(?) cedar-wood weapons.
@m=division caption 7'
43. hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: Hišibrasini,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 8'
46.  _x-ra-ne-ne a-al-dab5_
#tr.en: Their ... are captured.
47. _szu-du3-ba a-ab-ri_
#tr.en: They are (shown) oppressed in their handcuffs,
48. ib-ba-li
#tr.en: and ...
@m=division colophon 2
49. sza3-bi an-na?
#tr.en: The middle of it, up high.
50. ki-gal-ba! {d?}en!-lil2! {d}inanna#?
#tr.en: On its socle (are) the gods Enlil and Ištar.
# (= RIME
51. ri2-mu-[us2]
#tr.en: Rimuš,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. [su2-ra-ma]
#tr.en: assuredly
55. sar-[ru-tam2]
#tr.en: the kingship
56. {d}en-[lil2]
#tr.en: the god Enlil
57. i-di3-nu-[sum6]
#tr.en: gave to him.
58. _REC169#_
#tr.en: Battle
$ rest of column broken
@column 3
$ 3 lines broken
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: (KA-ku) the king
5. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
7. u3
#tr.en: and
8. _ensi2 ensi2_-su
#tr.en: his governors
9. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
10. u3
#tr.en: and
11. a2-ra-[ab]-su!-[nu]
#tr.en: their tribute
12. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
14. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: Lower
15. il#-qu3#-ut#
#tr.en: he took away.
16. u3
#tr.en: Further,
17. 1(|GES'UxKASKAL|)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 7805(?) (RIME: 14,100) men
18. in _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_
#tr.en: from the cities
19. szu-me-ri2-im
#tr.en: of Sumer
20. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he expelled, and
21. a-na
#tr.en: to
22. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
23. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
26. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
27. u3
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3-bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
29. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
30. u-lum
#tr.en: Thereupon,
31. in tu3-a-ri2-su
#tr.en: on his return,
32. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu
33. na-ki-ir-ma
#tr.en: became hostile.
34. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: He conquered it,
35. in#! qar#-bi2#
#tr.en: and in the middle of
36. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu (itself)
37. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)? 5(u) 2(asz) _gurusz-gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,052 (so RIME) men
39. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down.
40. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2! 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz)
#tr.en: 5,862 (so RIME)
41. _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: captives
42. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
43. u3
#tr.en: Further,
44. a-sza-re2-ed
#tr.en: Ašared,
45. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
46. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu,
47. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
48. u3
#tr.en: and
49. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
50. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
51. _(|SZU+NIGIN2|)_ 1(szar2) 3(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 2(u) 1(u) 6(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: In total 54,016 (so RIME) men
52. [a-di3 mi]-qi4-tim#
#tr.en: including the fallen
53. [a-di3] _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)#
#tr.en: and including captives
$ rest of column broken
@column 4
$ about 4 lines broken
5. i3-[nu]
#tr.en: At the time
6. _REC169_ su4#-[a]
#tr.en: of this battle
7. _dul3_-su4#
#tr.en: a statue of himself
8. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: he created, and
9. a-na
#tr.en: to
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
11. sa-li2-mi-su
#tr.en: for his well-being
12. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
13. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
14. su4#-a#
#tr.en: this one
15. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
16. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
17. u3
#tr.en: and
18. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
19. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
20. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
23. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
24. ki-gal an-ta igi-ni-sze3 a-ab-sar
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, above, in front of him.
@m=division curse formula
25. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
26. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
27. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
30. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
31. al _dul3_
#tr.en: upon the statue
32. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš
33. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
34. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
35. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
36. i-[qa2-bi]-u3#
#tr.en: shall say,
37. {[d]}en#-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil,
38. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
39. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
40. u3
#tr.en: and
41. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
42. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
43. li-su3-ha
#tr.en: tear out
44. u3
#tr.en: and
45. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
46. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
47. _nita#_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
48. [a] i-di3-na-sum6
#tr.en: may they not give to him,
49. mah#-ri2-is2
#tr.en: and before
50. [i3]-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
51. [e] _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon 2
52. lugal#? [x]-ra?-ni?-sze3? a#-[ab]-sar#
#tr.en: It was written on ... the king.
@m=division caption 1
53. {d}[...]
#tr.en: The god ...,
54. a2-li2-[ik]
#tr.en: who goes
55. mah-[ri2-su]
#tr.en: before him.
@m=division caption 2
56. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
57. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
58. ka#-[zal-lu{ki}]
#tr.en: of Kazallu.
$ rest of column broken
@column 5
$ about 4 lines broken
@m=division caption 1'
5. en#-[...]
#tr.en: En-[...],
6. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
7. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki#}
#tr.en: of Umma.
@m=division caption 2'
8. {d}u-um
#tr.en: The god Um
9. a2-li2-ik
#tr.en: who goes
10. mah#-ri2-su
#tr.en: before him.
@m=division caption 3'
11. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
12. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
13. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
@m=division colophon
12. ki-gal-ba egir lu2-{d}da-mu
#tr.en: On its socle, behind Lu-Damu.
# (= RIME
13. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. _kisz_
#tr.en: of th world,
16. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2#{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. u3
#tr.en: and
19. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
20. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2@90) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 8040 (so RIME) men
23. u-sa#-am-qi2#-it
#tr.en: struck down,
24. 9(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 5460 captives
25. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
26. u3
#tr.en: Further,
27. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur,
30. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. [ki]-tusz#-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
33. _[ensi2]_
#tr.en: governor
34. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki#}
#tr.en: of Lagaš
35. _[szu-du8]-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
36. u3#
#tr.en: Further,
37. [_iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their two cities
38. _[sag-gesz]-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
39. u3#
#tr.en: and
40. [_bad3_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their walls
41. _[i3-gul]-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
42. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
43. [in _iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: from their two cities
44. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? [la2 1(u) 5(asz)] _gurusz#_
#tr.en: 5985 (so RiME) men
#tr.en: 5985 (so RIME) men
45. u-su-s,i2#-[am-ma]
#tr.en: he expelled, and
46. a-na
#tr.en: to
47. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
48. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
49. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
50. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
51. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
52. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
55. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
56. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
57. u3#
#tr.en: and (his seed pluck up).
$ rest of column broken
@column 6
# (= RIME
$ 4 lines broken
5. [in] _REC169#_
#tr.en: in the battle
6. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: with Kazallu
7. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 5(u@c)# [2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: 12,052 men
8. u-sa-[am]-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
9. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: and 5,864 captives
10. _szu-du8-[a]_
#tr.en: he took.
11. u3
#tr.en: Further,
12. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
13. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
14. [ka3-za]-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu
15. _[szu]-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: his walls
18. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
19. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
20. su4-[a]
#tr.en: this one
21. u-sa-sa3-ku#-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
22. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
23. u3#
#tr.en: and
24. {d}utu#
#tr.en: Šamaš
25. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
26. li-su2#-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
27. u3#
#tr.en: and
28. _sze-numun_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
29. li-il#-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon
30. _musz3 ki-gal ki-ta a2 zi-da-na
#tr.en: A flat space(?) on the lower socle, on his right side.
# (= RIME
31. ri2#-mu#-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
32. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
33. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
34. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
35. [adab{ki}]
#tr.en: over Adab
36. [u3]
#tr.en: and
37. [zabala3{ki}]
#tr.en: Zabalam
38. isz11-[ar]
#tr.en: was victorious,
39. [u3]
#tr.en: and
40. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 1(szar2)# 2(gesz2)# la2 2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 15718 men
41. u-sa-am-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
42. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) la2 4(asz)#? szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 14,576 captives
43. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
44. u3
#tr.en: Further,
45. mes-ki-gal-la
#tr.en: Meskigala,
46. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
47. adab{ki}
#tr.en: of Adab,
48. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. lugal-gal-zu
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu,
51. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
52. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam,
53. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
54. u3
#tr.en: and
55. _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: their cities
56. _sag#-gesz#-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered.
$ rest of column broken
@column 7
1. [...]
2. [n _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: n men (from their two cities)
3. u-su#-s,i2#-am#-ma
#tr.en: he expelled
#tr.en: he expelled and
4. a-na
#tr.en: and
#tr.en: to
5. ka-ra-si2-im
#tr.en: to annihilation
#tr.en: annihilation
6. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
7. sza _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
8. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
9. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
11. u3
#tr.en: and
12. {[d]}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
13. [_suhusz_-su]
#tr.en: his foundation
14. [li-su2-ha]
#tr.en: tear out,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
17. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon
18. _musz3 ki-gal ki-[ta]_
#tr.en: The flat surface(?) (of) the socle, below,
19. _egir-ra-ni#-sze3#_
#tr.en: behind him.
# (= RIME
20. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
23. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
24. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: over the cities of Umma
25. u3#
#tr.en: and
26. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: KI-AN,
27. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: was victorious,
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. [1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)] 6(gesz'u)# la2 1(gesz2) 4(u@c) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 8900 men
30. [u]-sa-am#-qi2-it#
#tr.en: he struck down,
31. 6(gesz'u) la2# 2(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 3480 captives
32. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
33. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
34. [en-x]
#tr.en: En-x,
35. [_ensi2_ ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}]
#tr.en: governor of Umma,
36. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he captured,
37. u3
#tr.en: and
38. lugal-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA,
39. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
40. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN
41. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. _iri{ki}_-[su-ni]
#tr.en: their cities
44. _sag-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
45. u3
#tr.en: and
46. _bad3_-su-ni
#tr.en: their walls
47. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. in _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: in their cities
50. 6(gesz'u) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 3600 men
51. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he struck down, and
52. a-na
#tr.en: to
53. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
54. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
55. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
56. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
57. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš (tear out his foundations)
$ rest of column broken
@column 8
$ about 3 lines broken
@m=division colophon 1
4. musz3# ki-gal ki-ta# gub3-bu#-ni#-sze3
#tr.en: Flat space(?), the socle, below, at his left.
@m=division caption 1
5. zi-nu-ba
#tr.en: Zinuba,
6. _szesz_
#tr.en: brother
7. _ensi2_
#tr.en: of the governor.
@m=division caption 2
8. a-sza-ar-mu-pi5
#tr.en: Ašarmupi,
9. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
@m=division caption 3
10. lugal#-gal-zu#*
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu
11. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: the governor
12. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam.
@m=division caption 4
13. ur-{d}suen
#tr.en: Ur-Suen,
14. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
@m=division caption 5
15. lugal#-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA
16. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
17. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN.
@m=division caption 6
18. gesz-sza3
#tr.en: Gešša,
19. _gal-sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his chief minister.
@m=division caption 7
20. ki-tusz-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
21. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
22. lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|){ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš.
@m=division caption 8
23. ad-da
#tr.en: Adda,
24. _szagina_
#tr.en: the general.
@m=division colophon 2
25. ki-gal ki-ta szub-ba-mesz
#tr.en: Socle, below, the ones struck down.
@m=division caption 9
26. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
27. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
28. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
29. szu [{d}en-lil2]
#tr.en: the one to whom Enlil
30. ma#-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
31. la# [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give.
@m=division colophon 3
32. _[mu-sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
33. _[za3-ga-na]
#tr.en: on his shoulder.
$ blank space
$ double ruling
# (= RIME
34. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
35. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
36. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
37. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
38. a-ba-al-ga-masz
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
39. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
40. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum,
41. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. za-ha-ra{ki}
#tr.en: Zahara
43. elam{ki}
#tr.en: and Elam
44. in qab3-li
#tr.en: in the center
45. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum
46. a-na
#tr.en: for
47. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
48. ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
#tr.en: had assembled, but
49. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was (again) victorious,
50. u3
#tr.en: and
51. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,221(?) men
52. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
53. 7(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 4,216 captives
54. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
$ rest of column broken
@column 9
$ about 7 lines broken
8. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
9. [u3 si-id-ga]-u3#
#tr.en: Further, Sidga'u,
10. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
11. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum,
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sar-GA-PI
#tr.en: Šar-GA-PI,
15. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
16. za-[ha-ra]{ki}
#tr.en: of Zahara,
17. _szu-du8#-[a]_
#tr.en: he captured
18. in ba-ri2-ti
#tr.en: in between
19. a-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: Susa,
22. in _i7_
#tr.en: at the River
23. qab2-li2-tim
#tr.en: Middle.
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. bi2-ru-tam2
#tr.en: a burial mound
26. in a-sza-ar _iri_
#tr.en: in the city's area
27. al-su#-nu
#tr.en: over them
28. is2-pu#-uk
#tr.en: he heaped up.
29. u3
#tr.en: Further,
30. _iri{ki} iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the cities
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
32. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _bad3 bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
35. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _suhusz_
#tr.en: the foundations
38. pa2#-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Parahšum
$ 5 lines broken
45. _kisz#_
#tr.en: (Rimuš, king) of the world,
46. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
47. i-be-al
#tr.en: he ruled.
48. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
49. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: showed him (the way).
50. in sa-an-tim
#tr.en: In year
51. sa-li2-is2-tim
#tr.en: three
52. sza-ti
#tr.en: the one in which
53. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
54. sar-rux(URU18)-tam2
#tr.en: kingship
55. i-di3-nu-sum
#tr.en: gave to him,
56. |SZU+NIGIN2| 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: (there was) a total of 9,624 men (defeated)
57. a-di3 mi-qi4-tim
#tr.en: including the fallen
58. a-di3 szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: (and) including the captives.
59. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
60. u3
#tr.en: and
61. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
62. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
63. la su2-ra-tim
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods
64. lu ki2-ni-is2-[ma]
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
$ rest of column broken
@column 10
$ about 8 lines broken
9. {d}utu
#tr.en:  (May the gods Enlil and) Šamaš
10. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
11. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
12. u3#
#tr.en: and
13. _sze-numun#_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
14. li-[il]-qu3-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
15. _ki-gal a2#-gub3#-ni#-sze3 [a]-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, at his left side.
@m=division curse formula
16. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
17. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
18. ri2-mu#-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
22. al _dul3_
#tr.en: on the statue
23. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš
24. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
25. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
26. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
27. i-qa2-bi3-u3
#tr.en: shall say,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil,
29. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
30. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. {d}utu
#tr.en: the god Šamaš
33. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
34. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
35. u3#
#tr.en: and
36. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
37. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
38. _[nita]_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
39. [a i-di3]-na-sum6
#tr.en: may the they not give to him,
40. mah#-ri2-is
#tr.en: and before
41. i3-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
42. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ double ruling
43. 3(u@c) _ma-na_
#tr.en:  30 minas
44. _ku3-sig17_
#tr.en: of gold,
45. 1(szar2) _ma-na_
#tr.en: 3600 minas
46. _uruda_
#tr.en: of copper,
47. 5(gesz2) _ARAD2 geme2_
#tr.en: 300 male and female slaves,
48. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
49. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
50. u3
#tr.en: and
51. pa2-ra-ah#-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Parahšum
52. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
53. u-ru-a-am-ma
#tr.en: he brought out, and
54. [a]-na
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
56. _[a] mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated them.
@m=division colophon 2
57. _[...]-bi#-sze3 [a-ab]-sar#_
#tr.en: It was written at its ...
$ rest of column broken
@column 11
# (= RIME
$ about 8 lines broken
9. ka3#-la#-ma#
#tr.en: (the land) all of it
10. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god Enlil) gave to him.
11. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea
12. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: the Upper
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sa#-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _[sa]-tu_-e
#tr.en: the mountain lands,
17. ka3-la-su-nu-ma
#tr.en: all of them,
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-ka3-al
#tr.en: he holds.
21. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
22. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
23. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
24. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
27. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
28. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
31. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
32. mu-sar-ra ki#-gal-ba
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@m=division caption
33. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
36. _sag-gesz-ra#_
#tr.en: conqueror
37. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
38. [u3]
#tr.en: and
39. pa2#-ra#-[ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: Parahšum.
@m=division colophon 2
40. za3#-ga#-[na a-ab-sar]
#tr.en: It was written on his shoulder.
# (= RIME
41. ri2-mu#-[us2]
#tr.en: Rimuš,
42. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
43. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
44. in _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in battle
45. a-ba-[al-ga-masz]
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
46. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum,
48. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. si-id-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
51. _szagina_-su
#tr.en: his general,
52. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
53. in ba-ri2#-[ti]
#tr.en: in between
54. [a]-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. su-si#-im#{ki}
#tr.en: Susa
57. in _i7#_
#tr.en: by the River
58. qab3-li3-[tim]
#tr.en: Middle.
59. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
60. bi2-ru#-[tam2]
#tr.en: a funeral mound
61. in a-sza#-[ar _iri_]
#tr.en: in the area of the city (he heaped over him).
$ rest of column broken
@column 12
$ about 10 lines broken
11. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
12. u3
#tr.en: and
13. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba,
14. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear that
15. la su2-ra-tum8
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
16. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma
#tr.en: but it is indeed true.
17. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
18. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
19. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
20. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
23. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
24. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
27. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon
28. _mu-sar-ra szen_ za-hum
28. _mu-sar-ra szen za-hum_
#tr.en: Inscription on a šahu basin.
# (= RIME
29. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
30. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
31. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
32. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
33. an-sza-an{ki}
#tr.en: Anšan
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. szi4-ri2-hu-um{ki}
#tr.en: Širihum
36. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. ti-a-am-tam3
#tr.en: the Sea
38. sza-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: Lower
39. _ma2 ma2 gesz-la_-e
#tr.en: boats of war(?)
40. [u-sa]-bi3#-ir
#tr.en: he made cross.
41. _[iri{ki} iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: The cities
42. a#-bar#-ti#
#tr.en: across
43. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea,
44. 3(u@c) 2(asz) a-na
#tr.en: 32 of them, for
45. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
46. ip-hu-ru-nim-ma
#tr.en: assembled (against him), but
47. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. _iri{ki} iri{ki}-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
50. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
51. _en en#_-[su-nu]
#tr.en: and their rulers
52. [u-sa]-am#!-[qi2-it]
#tr.en: he struck down.
53. [u3]
#tr.en: And
54. is2#-[tum-ma]
#tr.en: after
55. id#-[ke2-as-su-nu-ni-ma]
#tr.en: he roused them (his troops)
56. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
57. hu-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: the (Silver) Mines
58. il2-qu3-ut
#tr.en: he plundered.
59. _sa#-tu_-e
#tr.en: From the mountains
60. a-bar-ti
#tr.en: across
61. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
62. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: the Lower
63. _na4 na4_-su#-nu _ge6_
#tr.en: their black (diorite) stones
64. [i-pu]-lam#-[ma]
#tr.en: he quarried, and
65. [in _ma2 ma2_]
#tr.en: in boats
66. i#-[s,a-na-ma]
#tr.en: he loaded them, and
$ rest of column broken
@column 13
# (= RIME
$ about 7 lines broken
8. la ib#-ni
#tr.en: (anyone) had not created.
9. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rimuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _dul3_-su sza _ku3-an_
#tr.en: a statue of himself of meteoric iron
$ erased line
13. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: created, and
14. _igi_-me
#tr.en: before
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
16. i-za-az
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
17. _da_-is2 i3-li
#tr.en: At the side of the gods
18. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
19. u-sa-mi-id
#tr.en: he placed.
20. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
21. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
22. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. u3
#tr.en: and
25. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
26. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
27. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
30. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
31. x-x-[x]
#tr.en: ...
32. _a mu-ru#_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
33. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
36. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
37. la su2-ra-tum
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
38. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma#
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
39. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
40. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
41. i-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
42. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
43. u3#
#tr.en: and
44. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš
45. _suhusz_-su#
#tr.en: his foundations
46. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
47. u3
#tr.en: and
48. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
49. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
50. [mu]-sar#-ra# [ki-gal]-ba#?
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@m=division dedicatory label
51. ma#-an#-is2-[tu]-su
#tr.en: Maništušu,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. a-na#
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: Enlil
56. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: dedicated it (this object).
@m=division colophon 2
57. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@column 14
$ about 7 lines broken
8. _nu#-ta#-dim2#_
#tr.en: (no one) had fashioned.
9. ri2#-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rimuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _alan-na-ni (x) an#-na-kam_
#tr.en: a statue of himself, it was of meteoric iron,
13. _i3#-dim2_
#tr.en: he did fashion,
14. _igi {[d]}en-lil2-[la2]-sze3#_
#tr.en: and before the god Enlil
15. _i3-gub_
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
16. _i3-du7_
#tr.en: In the cultic chamber(?)
17. _dingir-re-ne-ka_
#tr.en: of the gods
18. _me-te-ni_
#tr.en: as a thing befitting(?) him
19. _i3-szid_
#tr.en: it is reckoned(?).
20. (x) _lu2_
#tr.en: A person who
21. _im-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: this inscription
22. _ab-ha-lam-me-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. {d}utu-bi
#tr.en: and Šamaš
25. _suhusz-sa-ni_
#tr.en: his foundations
26. _he2-pad-re6-ne#_
#tr.en: smash
27. _numun#!-[na-ni]_
#tr.en: and his seed
28. _[he2-ri-ri-ge-ne]_
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
29. _mu-sar-ra# {uruda}szen_ za-hum-ma#
#tr.en: Inscription of a šahu basin.
$ single ruling
# (= RIME
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil:
31. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
32. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
33. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world:
34. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
35. u-sa-ar-bi2-su
#tr.en: made him great,
36. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
37. i-bi2
#tr.en: called,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. _[{gesz}gidri]_
#tr.en: the scepter
40. [sar-ru-tim]
#tr.en: of kingship
41. [i-di3]-sum6#
#tr.en: gave to him.
42. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
43. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
44. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
45. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
48. _suhusz#_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
49. [li-su2]-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
50. [u3]
#tr.en: and
51. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
52. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: pluck up.
53. [...]
54. [...] x x
55. [...] x
56. [...] x
57. [...]
@column 1
1. [...] sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: ... (of) Sargon,
2. [...] x ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: ... (of) Rimuš
3. [...] x ma-an-is2-[tu]-su#
#tr.en: ... (of) Man-ištušu,
4. [...]-na#
#tr.en: ...
@column 2
1. _sza3 e2-kur-ra_
#tr.en: in the Ekur temple,
2. _a-na me-a-bi_
#tr.en: whatever there was.
3. [(...)]
Update made on 2012-08-09 at 14:35:26 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P227509 = RIME 2, p. 009, E2.1.1.1 et al, ex. 1
#atf: lang sux
&P227509 = RIME & 06-09 & 11-13 & 15, ex. 01; RIME & 09 & 18, ex.01; RIME, ex. 6; RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang akk
1. lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da
@column 1
# (= RIME
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. [_lugal_]
#tr.en: king
3. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. [_maszkim_]
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of the goddess Inanna,
6. _lugal# kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _gudu4 an-na_
#tr.en: anointed priest of the god An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam#-ma#_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2-gal_
#tr.en: chief governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil,
12. _iri unu{ki}_
#tr.en: the city of Uruk
13. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
14. _bad3#-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
15. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
16. _lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da_
#tr.en: With the Man of Uruk
2. {gisz}tukul
17. _{gesz}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
3. e-da-sag3
18. _e#-da-sag3_
#tr.en: he made clash,
4. |GIN2.SZE3|
19. _aga-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
5. e-ni-[se3]
20. _e-ni-[se3]_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
6. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
21. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
#tr.en: With Lugalzagesi,
7. [lugal]
22. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: the king
8. [unug{ki}-ga-da]
23. _[unug{ki}-ga-da]_
#tr.en: of Uruk,
9. {gisz#}tukul
24. _{gesz#}tukul_
#tr.en: weapons
10. [e]-da#-[sag3]
25. _[e]-da#-[sag3]_
#tr.en: he made clash
11. e-ga-dab5
26. _e#-ga-dab5_
#tr.en: and then seized him.
12. {gisz}si-gar-ta
27. _{gesz}si-gar-ta_
#tr.en: In a neck stock
13. ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3
28. _ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3_
#tr.en: to the gate of Enlil
14. e-tum2
29. _e#-tum2#_
#tr.en: he brought him.
15. sar-um-gi
30. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
16. lugal
31. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
17. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
32. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
18. lu2 urim2{ki}-ma-da
#tr.en: with the Man or Ur
19. {gisz}tukul
33. _lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da_
#tr.en: with the Man of Ur
34. _{gesz}tukul#_
#tr.en: weapons
20. e-da-sag3
#tr.en: he made clash,
21. |GIN2.SZE3|
35. _e-da-sig3_
#tr.en: he made clash
36. _aga-kar2_
#tr.en: and defeat
22. e-ni-se3
37. _e-ni-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
23. uru-ni
38. _iri-ni_
#tr.en: His city
24. e-hulu
39. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
25. bad3-bi
#tr.en: and its wall
26. e-ga-si3
#tr.en: he also flattened.
27. e2-{d}nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: E-Ninmar
28. e-hulu
# erased GA-GA between E and HUL
40. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
41. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
42. _e2_ {d}nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The temple of the goddess Ninmar
43. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
29. bad3-bi
#tr.en: and its wall
30. e-ga-si3
#tr.en: he also flattened.
31. gu2 kalam-bi
44. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and its walls
45. _e-ga-si3#_
#tr.en: he then leveled.
46. _gu2 kalam-bi_
#tr.en: All those countries
32. lagasz{ki}-ta
47. lagasz{ki}-ta
#tr.en: from Lagaš
33. a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne
48. _a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne_
#tr.en: to the sea, their ...
34. e-hulu
49. _e-hul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
35. {gisz}tukul-ni
50. _{gesz}tukul-ni_
#tr.en: and his weapons
36. a-ab-ba-ka
#tr.en: in the waters of the sea
37. i3-luh
51. _a-ab-ba-ka_
#tr.en: in the sea
52. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
38. lu2 umma{ki}-da
53. _lu2 umma{ki}-da#_
#tr.en: With the Man of Umma
39. [{gisz}tukul]
#tr.en: weapons
40. [e-da-sag3]
#tr.en: he made clash,
41. [|GIN2.SZE3|]
#tr.en: and defeat
42. [e-ni-se3]
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
43. [uru-ni]
#tr.en: His city
44. [e-hulu]
$ rest of column broken
@column 2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. [a-ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade,
4. _[maszkim-gi4]_
#tr.en: bailiff
5. [{d}inanna]
#tr.en: of Ištar,
6. _[lugal kisz]_
#tr.en: king of the world,
7. _[pa4-szesz an]_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of An,
8. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
9. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
10. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
12. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
# an erasure between the two signs
13. _unu{ki}_
#tr.en: of Uruk
# an erasure between the two signs
14. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
17. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
18. in _REC169_
#tr.en: In battle
19. unu{ki}
#tr.en: over Uruk
20. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
21. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the city
22. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered.
23. [lugal]-za3#-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
24. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
25. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
26. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
27. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
28. in _si-gar_-rim3
#tr.en: and in a neck stock
29. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil
31. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
32. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
34. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
35. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
36. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
37. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. iti{ki}
#tr.en: the city
40. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
41. u3
#tr.en: and
42. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
43. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
44. e2-nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3#-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
45. [bad3-bi]
#tr.en: and its wall
46. [e-ga-si3]
#tr.en: he also flattened.
47. [sar-um-gi]
49. u3#
#tr.en: and
50. _kalam-ma{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
51. u3
#tr.en: and
52. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR.RI|){ki}
#tr.en: the city Lagaš
53. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
54. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
55. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
56. _{gesz}tukul_-ki2-su
#tr.en: His weapons
57. in ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: in the sea
58. _i3-luh_
#tr.en: he washed.
59. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over the city Umma
60. in# _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
61. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
$ rest of column broken
@column 3
1. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: To Sargon,
48. lugal
2. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
49. kalam-ma-ra
3. _kalam-ma-ra_
#tr.en: of the nation,
50. {d}en-lil2-le
4. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
51. lu2-erim2#
5. _lu2-erim2#_
#tr.en: an enemy
52. nu-na-szum2
6. _nu-na-szum2_
#tr.en: he did not give him.
53. a-ab-[ba]
7. _a-ab-[ba]_
#tr.en: From the Sea
54. igi-nim-ma-ta
8. _igi-nim-ma-ta_
#tr.en: the Upper
55. a-ab-ba
9. _a-ab-ba_
#tr.en: to the Sea
56. sig-sig-sze3
#tr.en: the Lower,
57. {d}en-lil2-le
10. _sig-sig#-sze3_
#tr.en: the Lower
11. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: Enlil
58. [mu-na-szum2]
#tr.en: gave it (that territory) to him.
59. [u3]
#tr.en: Furthermore,
60. [a-ab]-ba
12. _[mu-na-szum2]_
#tr.en: gave (that territory) to him.
13. _[u3]_
#tr.en: Further,
14. _[a-ab]-ba_
#tr.en: from the Sea
61. [sig-sig]-ta
15. _[sig-sig]-ta_
#tr.en: the Lower <to the Upper Sea>
62. [dumu]-dumu#
16. _[dumu] dumu#_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
63. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
17. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
64. nam#-[ensi2]
18. _nam#-[ensi2]_
#tr.en: the governorships (of that territory)
65. mu-kin#?-[x]
#tr.en: did exercise(?).
66. lu2 ma-[ri2{ki}]
19. _mu-kin#?-[x]_
#tr.en: did exercise.
20. _lu2_ ma-[ri2{ki}]
#tr.en: The Man of Mari
67. lu2 elam[{ki}]
21. _lu2 elam[{ki}]_
#tr.en: and the Man of Elam
$ 1 line blank
69. igi sar-um#-gi
$ 1 erased line
22. _igi_ sar-um#-gi#
#tr.en: before Sargon,
70. lugal
23. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
71. kalam-ma-ka-sze3
24. _kalam-ma-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: of the nation,
72. i3-su8-ge-esz2
#tr.en: they did stand (to serve).
73. sar-um-gi
25. _i3-su8-ge-esz2_
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
26. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
74. lugal
27. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
75. kalam-ma-ke4
28. _kalam-ma-ke4_
#tr.en: of the nation,
76. kisz{ki}
29. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: Kiš
77. ki-be2
30. _ki-be2_
#tr.en: to its (former) place
78. bi2-gi4
31. _bi2-gi4_
#tr.en: he restored,
79. uru-bi
#tr.en: and those cities
80. ki-gub e-na-ba
#tr.en: were allotted to him as a station(?).
81. lu2 mu-sar-ra-e
32. _iri-bi_
#tr.en: and its (two?) cities
33. _ki-gub e-na-ba_
#tr.en: were apportioned to him as a (single) station(?).
34. _lu2 mu-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
82. ab-ha-lam-e-a
35. _ab-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
83. {d}utu
36. _{d}utu_
#tr.en: may Šamaš
84. suhusz-a-ni
37. _suhusz-a-ni_
#tr.en: his foundation
85. he2-bu3-re6
38. _he2-bu3-re6_
#tr.en: tear out,
86. numun-na-ni
39. _numun-na-ni_
#tr.en: and his seed
87. he2-ga-de5-de5-ge
#tr.en: may he also pluck out.
40. _he2-ga-ri-ri-ge_
#tr.en: may he then pluck out.
@m=division colophon
41. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
42. _ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: on its socle.
@m=division caption 1'
43. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. _kalam-ma{ki}
#tr.en: of the nation,
46. _ka#?-x
#tr.en: ...
$ rest of column broken
@column 4
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
3. _kalam#-ma{[ki]}
#tr.en: of the nation,
4. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
5. ma-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
6. [la i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give to him.
7. [ti-a-am-tam2]
#tr.en: The Sea(s)
8. [a-li2-tam2]
#tr.en: the Upper
9. [u3]
#tr.en: and
10. [sa-pil]-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
11. {d#}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
12. i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: gave to him,
13. is2-tum-ma
#tr.en: so that from
14. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
15. sa-pil#-tim
#tr.en: the Lower (to the Upper),
16. _dumu dumu_
#tr.en: citizens
17. a-ka3#-de3#{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
18. _ensi2_-ku8-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships (of the nation).
19. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
22. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
23. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
24. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
25. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
26. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: they stood (to serve).
27. sar#-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
30. kisz{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
31. a-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its (two?) places
32. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed (back as before)
33. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: and (as one) city)
34. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made it be occupied(?).
35. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
36. su4#-a
#tr.en: this
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
38. {d}utu
#tr.en: may Šamaš
39. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
40. li-su2-uh
#tr.en: tear out
41. u3 _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: and his seed
42. li-il-qu3-ut
#tr.en: may he pluck up.
$ single ruling
@m=division colophon
43. _mu-sar-ra#_
#tr.en: Inscription
44. _ki#-[gal]-ba#_
#tr.en: on its socle.
$ single ruling
@m=division caption 1
45. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
46. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
47. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
@m=division caption 2
48. mes-e2
#tr.en: Mese,
49. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
50. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: of Umma.
$ rest of column broken
@column 5
$ about 3 lines broken
4. [sar-um-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. [3(u@c) 4(asz)] _SAHAR#?-ra_
#tr.en: upon 34 ...
8. _[aga]-kar2# bi2-se3_
#tr.en: he imposed defeat,
9. _bad3-bi_
#tr.en: and their walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. _za3 a-ab-ba-ka-sze3_
#tr.en: all the way to the edge of the sea.
12. _ma2_ me-luh-ha{ki}
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
13. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
14. _ma2 tilmun{ki}_
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
15. _kar ag-ge-de3{ki}-ka_
#tr.en: at the quay of Agade
16. _bi2-kesz2_
#tr.en: he moored.
17. sar#-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon
18. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king
19. _du8-du8-li#{ki}-a_
#tr.en: in Tuttul
20. _{d}da-gan-ra_
#tr.en: before the god Dagan
21. _ki-a mu-na-za_
#tr.en: prostrated himself
22. _szu12 mu-na#-sza4#_
#tr.en: and prayed to him.
23. _kalam igi-nim_
#tr.en: The upper country
24. _mu-na-sum2_
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him,
25. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: (namely) Mari,
26. ia3-ar-mu-ti{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
27. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: Ebla,
28. _tir_
#tr.en: up to the Forest
29. _{gesz}erin
#tr.en: of Cedars
30. _hur-sag_
#tr.en: and the Mountains
31. _ku3-ga-sze3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
32. sar-um-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
34. {d#}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: whom Enlil
35. _lu2 gaba-ru_
#tr.en: a rival
36. _nu-mu-ni-tuku_
#tr.en: did not permit to have:
37. 1(szar2) 3(gesz2@90) _erin2_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
38. _u4-szu2-sze3_
#tr.en: daily
39. _igi#-ni-sze3_
#tr.en: before him
40. _ninda i3-gu7-e_
#tr.en: he let eat bread.
41. _lu2 mu-sar#-ra#-e#
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
42. _ab#-ha-lam-e-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
43. _an-ne2_
#tr.en: may the god An
44. _mu-ni_
#tr.en: his name
45. _he2-ha-lam-e_
#tr.en: obliterate.
46. _{d}en-lil2-le_
#tr.en: May the god Enlil
47. _numun-a-ni_
#tr.en: his seed
48. _he2-til-le_
#tr.en: bring to an end.
49. _{d}inanna-ke4_
#tr.en: May the goddess Ištar
40. [...]-e?
#tr.en: ...
$ rest of column broken
@column 6
$ about 3 lines broken
4. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
6. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
7. 3(u@c)! 4(asz) _REC169_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
8. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
9. _bad3 bad3_
#tr.en: City walls
10. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed
11. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
12. pu-ti
#tr.en: the shore
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: of the sea.
14. _ma2_ me-luh-ha
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
15. _ma2_ ma2-gan{ki}
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
16. _ma2_ dilmun{ki}
#tr.en: and the boats of Dilmun
17. in ka3-ri2-im
#tr.en: at the quay
18. szi a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
19. ir3-ku-us
#tr.en: he moored.
20. sar-ru#-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
22. in tu-tu-li{ki}
#tr.en: in Tuttul
23. a-na
#tr.en: to
24. {d}da-gan
#tr.en: Dagan
25. us2-ka3-en
#tr.en: the prostrated himself
26. ik-ru-ub
#tr.en: and prayed.
27. ma-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
28. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
29. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him:
30. ma-ri2-am{ki}
#tr.en: Mari,
31. ia3-ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
32. eb-la{ki}
#tr.en: and Ebla,
33. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
34. _{gesz}tir_
#tr.en: the Forest
35. _{gesz}erin_
#tr.en: of Cedars
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _kur kur_
#tr.en: the Mountains
38. _ku3_
#tr.en: of Silver.
39. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
40. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
41. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
42. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
43. la i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
44. 9(gesz'u) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 5,400 men
45. u-um-sum6
#tr.en: daily
46. ma-har-su
#tr.en: before him
47. _ninda gu7_
#tr.en: ate bread.
@m=division colophon
48. mu#-sar#-ra# alan#-na
#tr.en: Inscription on the statue.
49. ki-gal-bi nu-sar
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ blank space
# (= RIME
50. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
51. il-su
#tr.en: is his (personal) god.
52. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
53. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
54. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
55. in 9(asz)
#tr.en: with nine
56. ki-s,e2-ri2
#tr.en: military contingents
57. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
58. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
59. [unu]{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
60. _[sag-gesz]-ra#_
#tr.en: he conquered.
$ rest of column broken
@column 7
1. u3
#tr.en: and
2. 5(u@c)# _ensi2_
#tr.en: (he captured) fifty governors
3. u3
#tr.en: and
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
5. su4-ma
#tr.en: he personally
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
7. u3
#tr.en: Further,
8. in na-GUR8-za-am{ki}
#tr.en: in NaGURzam
9. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
10. isz-ni-a-ma
#tr.en: he again
11. is2-ku8-na-ma
#tr.en: engaged and
12. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
13. u3
#tr.en: Further,
14. in# uri2{ki}
#tr.en: at Ur
15.  us2-x-ta2-li2-sa-ma
#tr.en: for a third time
16. im6-ta2-ah-s,a-ma
#tr.en: the two of them fought each other,
17. isz11-ar
#tr.en: and he was victorious.
18. u3
#tr.en: Further
19. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: over Umma
20. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
21. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
24. _sag-gesz#-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered.
25. u3
#tr.en: Further,
26. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|){ki}
#tr.en: over Lagaš
27. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
28. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious,
29. u3#
#tr.en: and
30. _{gesz}[tukul-ki-su]
#tr.en: his weapons
31. in# [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: in the sea
32. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
$ single ruling
@m=division colophon
33. mu#-[sar-ra alan-na]
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
34. ki-gal-[bi nu-sar]
#tr.en: Its socle is not inscribed.
$ single ruling
35. x [...]
36. x [...]
$ about 4 lines broken
# (= RIME
41. [sar-ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
42. _lugal_
43. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
44. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
45. {d}inanna
#tr.en: of Ištar,
46. _lugal kisz_
#tr.en: king of the world,
47. _pa4-szesz an_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of the god An,
48. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
49. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
50. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
51. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for the god Enlil,
52. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
53. unu{ki}
#tr.en: with Uruk
54. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. 5(u@c) _ensi2_
#tr.en: fifty governors
57. in _SZITA2_
#tr.en: by the weapon
58. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: of the god Ilaba
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city (of Uruk)
61. _sag#-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
62. [u3]
#tr.en: and
@column 8
1. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: tts walls
2. _i3-gul#-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
3. u3
#tr.en: Further,
4. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
5. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk,
7. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
8. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
9. in _si-gar_-im
#tr.en: and in a (neck) stock
10. a-na _ka2_
#tr.en: to the gate
11. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of the god Enlil
12. u-ru-us2
#tr.en: he led him.
13. sar-ra-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
16. in# _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
19. u3#
#tr.en: and
20. _iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the city
21. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
22. u3#
#tr.en: and
23. _bad3#_-[su]
#tr.en: its walls
24. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
25. [e2-nin-mar{ki}]
#tr.en: The city E-Ninmar
26. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
27. [u3]
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its wlls
29. _[i3]-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
30. u3
#tr.en: and
31. _[kalam]-ma#{ki}_-su
#tr.en: its countryside
32. u3
#tr.en: and
33. lagaszx(|LA.BUR.SZIR|)#{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
34. [a]-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
35. [ti-a]-am-tim
#tr.en: the sea
36. _[sag]-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. _[{gesz}tukul]-ki2-su
#tr.en: and his weapons
38. [in] ti#-a-am-tim#
#tr.en: in the sea
39. _i3-[luh]_
#tr.en: he washed.
40. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}
#tr.en: Over Umma
41. in _REC169#_
#tr.en: in battle
42. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. iri{ki}
#tr.en: the city
45. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. _bad3_-su#
#tr.en: its walls
48. _i3-gul#-[gul]_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
49. sar#-[ru]-GI#
#tr.en: Sargon,
50. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
51. _[kalam-ma]{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
52. [szu {d}en]-lil2
#tr.en: to whom Enlil
53. [ma-hi]-ra
#tr.en: a rival
54. la i#-di#-nu#-sum6
#tr.en: did not give,
55. ti-a-am#-tam2#
#tr.en: the Sea(s),
56. a-li2-tam2#
#tr.en: the Upper
57. u3#
#tr.en: and
58. sa-pil2#-[tam2]
#tr.en: the Lower
59. [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: (Enlil) gave to him.
60. [isz-tum-ma]
#tr.en: And from
61. [ti-a-am-tim]
#tr.en: the Sea
62. [sa-pil2-tim]
#tr.en: the Lower
@column 9
1. [a-di3-ma]
#tr.en: as far as
2. [ti-a-am]-tim#
#tr.en: the Sea
3. [a-li2]-tim
#tr.en: the Upper
4. _[dumu] dumu_
#tr.en: (only) citizens
5. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade
6. _ensi2_-ku8-a-a-tim
#tr.en: the governorships
7. u-ka3-lu2
#tr.en: held.
8. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: Mari
9. u3
#tr.en: and
10. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
11. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: before
12. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
13. _lugal_
#tr.en: the king
14. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
15. i-za-zu-ni
#tr.en: stood (to serve).
16. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
17. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
18. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
19. kisz#{ki}
#tr.en: of Kiš
20. [a]-sza-ri2-su
#tr.en: its places
21. i-ni
#tr.en: he changed,
22. u3
#tr.en: and
23. _iri{ki}_-lam
#tr.en: a (single) city
24. u-sa2-hi-su-ni
#tr.en: he made them occupy(?).
25. [sza] _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
26. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
27. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamas
31. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
32. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
35. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
36. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
37. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
38. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
39. u-a-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
40. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
41. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
42. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)#
#tr.en: set aside,
43. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
44. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
45. mah-ri-is2
#tr.en: Before
46. {d}en#-lil#
#tr.en: Enlil
47. e _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon
48. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba
#tr.en: Inscription on its soccle.
49. igi lugal-za3-ge-si-sze3 a-ab-sar
#tr.en: It was written in front of Lugalzagesi.
# (= RIME
50. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
51. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
52. a-ka3-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
53. _maszkim-gi4_
#tr.en: bailiff
54. {d#}inanna#
#tr.en: of Ištar,
55. _[lugal] kisz#_
#tr.en: king of the world,
56. _[pa4]-szesz# an_
#tr.en: pašeš priest of the god An,
57. _ensi2_
#tr.en: (chief) governor
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for Enlil:
@column 10
1. [i3]-nu
#tr.en: When
2. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
3. _di-ku5_-su
#tr.en: a verdict for him
4. i-di3#-nu-ma#
#tr.en: rendered,
5. u3
#tr.en: and
6. unu{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
7. __sag-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
8. [...]
9. [...]
10. [...]
11. x [...]
12. x [...]
13. a-[na]
#tr.en: to
14. {[d]}en#-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
15. _[a] mu#-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it (this object).
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: Nippur
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-li-il
#tr.en: he purified.
@m=division caption 1
21. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
22. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
23. _kalam-ma{ki}_
#tr.en: of the nation,
24. szu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to whom the god Enlil
25. ma-hi-ra
#tr.en: a rival
26. la i-di3-nu-sum6
#tr.en: did not give.
@m=division colophon 1
27. _mu#-[sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
28. _ki#-[gal]-la
#tr.en: which on the socle
29. _a-ab-sar_
#tr.en: was written.
@m=division caption 2
30. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
31. _en_
#tr.en: lord
32. szu unu{ki}
#tr.en: of Uruk
33. _lugal_
#tr.en: and king
34. szu uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
@m=division curse formula
35. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
36. su4-a#
#tr.en: this one
37. u-sa-sa3-ku-[ni]
#tr.en: shall remove,
38. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil
39. u3
#tr.en: and
40. {d}utu
#tr.en: Ištar
41. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
42. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out,
43. u3
#tr.en: and
44. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
45. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
46. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
47. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
48. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
49. u-a#-ha#-ru
#tr.en: shall set aside,
50. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
51. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
52. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU|)
#tr.en: set aside,
53. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
54. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
55. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
56. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
57. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon 2
58. _mu-sar-ra_
#tr.en: Inscription
59. _murgu_ lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: on the back of Lugalzagesi.
# (= RIME
60. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
61. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
62. a-ka3#-de3{ki}
#tr.en: of Agade,
@column 11
1. _[iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: the city of
2. unu#{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
3. _sag#?-[gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
4. [u3]
#tr.en: and
5. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
6. [isz11-ar]
#tr.en: he was victorious.
7. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
8. [5(u@c)] _ensi2#_
#tr.en: fifty governors
9. u3#
#tr.en: and
10. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king (of Uruk)
11. su4#-ma
#tr.en: he himself
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: captured.
13. sza _dub_ su4-a
#tr.en: The one who this inscription
14. u-sa-sa3-ku-<ni>
#tr.en: shall remove,
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may Enlil
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
18. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
19. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
22. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck out.
23. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: Anyone who
24. _dul3_
#tr.en: the statue
25. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
# 1-2 erased signs between SU4 and A
26. u#-a#-ha#-ru#
#tr.en: sets aside,
27. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil
28. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
29. li-a-hirx(|HA+SZU2|)?
#tr.en: set aside,
30. _{gesz}tukul_-su
#tr.en: and his weapon
31. li-isz-bir5
#tr.en: may he break.
32. mah-ri2-is2
#tr.en: Before
33. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
34. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon
35. _[mu-sar-ra] alan#-na_
#tr.en: Inscription on a statue.
36. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
# (= RIME
37. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
38. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
39. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
40. _sag#-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: conqueror
41. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
42. u3
#tr.en: and
43. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Parahšum.
44. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
45. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
46. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
47. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil,
48. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. {d}inanna
#tr.en: Ištar
51. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
52. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
55. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
56. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba#_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@m=division caption 1
57. _a2# gub3!_ [...]
#tr.en: (On the) left ...
58. nim#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: Elam ...
59. x [...]
60. [...]
@column 12
@m=division caption2
1. [sar-ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
2. _[lugal]_
#tr.en: king
3. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
4. _[sag-gesz-ra]_
#tr.en: conqueror
5. [elam]{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
6. u3
#tr.en: and
7. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Parahšum.
@m=division colophon 2
8. _za3-ga-na gub-ba_
#tr.en: Stationed at his right (side).
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 3
9. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
10. uru18{ki}
#tr.en: of Arawa.
@m=division caption 4
11. sa-NAM-si-mu-ut
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
12. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
13. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 5
14. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an
15. _dumu_ hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
16. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
17. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 6
18. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
19. sa-li-a-mu{ki}
#tr.en: of Sali'amu.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 7
20. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
21. kar3-de3-de#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Kardede.
$ double ruling
@m=division caption 8
22. ul-ul#
#tr.en: Ulul,
23. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
24. pa2-ra-ah-sum#{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 9
25. da-gu
#tr.en: Dagu,
26. _szesz lugal_
#tr.en: brother of the king
27. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 10
28. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
29. HE2-ni{ki}
#tr.en: of HEni.
@m=division caption 11
30. _nig2-|LA+IB|#_
#tr.en: Booty
31. bu-un-ba-an{ki}
#tr.en: of Bunban.
@m=division caption 12
32. zi-na
#tr.en: Zina,
33. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
34. hu-zi#-[x-x{ki}]
#tr.en: of Huzi-...
@m=division caption 13
35. hi-da-ri2-da-[x]
#tr.en: Hidarida-x,
36. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
37. gu-ni-la-ha{ki#}
#tr.en: of Gunilaha.
@m=division caption 14
38. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
39. sa-bum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Sabum.
@m=division caption 15
40. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
41. a-wa-an{ki#}
#tr.en: of Awan.
@m=division caption 16
42. si-id#-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
43. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
44. pa2-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 17
45. kun3-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum,
46. _di-ku4_
#tr.en: judge
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 18
48. _nig2-|LA+IB|_
#tr.en: Booty
49. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: of Susa.
@m=division colophon 3
50. _ki-gal-ba szu du3#-a_
#tr.en: Bound ones, on its socle.
$ double ruling
# (= RIME
51. sar#?-[ru-GI]
$ about 4 lines broken
@column 13
$ about 4 lines broken
5. x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
6. DA AN
#tr.en: ...
7. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
8. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: instructed (him),
9. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: (and) to anyone
10. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
11. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
12. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
13. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea(s),
14. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. sa-pil2-[tam2]
#tr.en: Lower,
17. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
18. sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: Sargon,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. ra#?-x [x x]
#tr.en: Ra-[...]
22. [_szagina_-su]
#tr.en: (is) his general.
@m=division colophon
22. [mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba]
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
$ n lines broken
$ 2 lines traces
$ 11-12 lines broken
1'. 3(u@c)#? 4(asz)#? _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in 34 battles
2'. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: he was victorious.
3'. _iri{ki#} iri{[ki]}_
#tr.en: All the cities
4'. sa3-ar-ru-tim#
#tr.en: which were rebellious
5'. u ID x
#tr.en: he ...
$ blank space
6'. x [...]
$ rest of column broken
@column 14
$ about 6 lines broken
0'. [_ma2_ me-luh-ha]
#tr.en: The boats of Meluhha,
1'. _ma2#_ [ma2-gan2{ki}]
#tr.en: the boats of Magan,
2'. _ma2#_  [dilmun{ki}]
#tr.en: and the boats of Tilmun
3'. in# [ka3-ri2-im]
#tr.en: at the quay
4'. szi a#-[ka3-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
5'. ir-[ku-us]
#tr.en: he moored.
6'. sar-[ru-GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
7'. _lugal#_
#tr.en: the king,
8'. [in tu-tu-li{ki}]
#tr.en: in Tuttul
9'. [a-na]
#tr.en: to
10'. [{d}da-gan]
#tr.en: the god Dagan
11'. [us2-ka3-en]
#tr.en: he prostrated himself
12'. [ik-ru-ub]
#tr.en: and prayed.
13'. [ma]-tam2#
#tr.en: The Land
14'. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: Upper
15'. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god) gave to him.
16'. ma-ri2-am{[ki]}
#tr.en: The cities of Mari,
17'. ia3-[ar-mu-ti-a-am{ki}]
#tr.en: Iarmuti,
$ rest of column broken
@column 1
$ about 19 lines broken
# (= RIME
20. sar-ru#-[GI]
#tr.en: Sargon,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
$ about 11 lines broken
33. {d#}en#-[lil2]
#tr.en: (When) the god Enlil
34. _{gesz#}gidri#_
#tr.en: the scepter
35. i-di3-sum6#-[ma]
#tr.en: did give to him,
36. _gesztu2_
#tr.en: and intellignce
$ 6 lines broken
43. u-kal2!-[lim]
#tr.en: (Enlil) instructed (him),
44. ma-ma-na
#tr.en: and to anyone
45. pa2-ni-su
#tr.en: mercy
46. u3-la
#tr.en: he did not
47. u-ba-al
#tr.en: show.
48. _suhusz_ x-[x]
#tr.en: The foundation ...
$ rest of column broken
@column 2
$ about 5 lines missing
# (= RIME
6. _suhusz#_-[su]
#tr.en: his foundations
7. li#-[su2-ha]
#tr.en: may they both tear out,
8. [u3]
#tr.en: and
9. _sze-numun#_-[su]
#tr.en: his seed
10. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
$ about 7 lines broken
$ 4-5 lines traces
$ single ruling
@m=division caption 1'
23. x-su-uh-ru
#tr.en: X-suhru,
24. _ensi_
#tr.en: governor
25. szi-ri2-hi-im{ki#}
#tr.en: of Širihum.
@m=division caption 2'
26. si-id-ga-u3#
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
27. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
28. pa2-ra-ah-sum{[ki]}
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 3'
29. sa-NAM-si-mu#-[ut]
#tr.en: SaNAM-šimut,
30. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 4'
32. lu-uh-isz-an
#tr.en: Luh'iš'an,
33. _dumu_ hi-si-ib#-ra#-si#-ni#
#tr.en: son of Hišibrasini,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 5'
36. kun3?-du-pum
#tr.en: Kundupum
37. _di#-[ku5]_
#tr.en: judge
38. [pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: of Parahšum.
@m=division caption 6'
39. [...]
#tr.en: ...
40. 8(disz) _lu2_ [...]
#tr.en: Eight ... men,
41. 2(disz)? bal?-bal#?-[x]
#tr.en: two ...,
42. 1(u)? 1(asz)? {gesz#}tukul {gesz}erin!_
#tr.en: (and) eleven(?) cedar-wood weapons.
@m=division caption 7'
43. hi-si-ib-ra-si-ni
#tr.en: Hišibrasini,
44. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
45. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam.
@m=division caption 8'
46.  _x-ra-ne-ne a-al-dab5_
#tr.en: Their ... are captured.
47. _szu-du3-ba a-ab-ri_
#tr.en: They are (shown) oppressed in their handcuffs,
48. ib-ba-li
#tr.en: and ...
@m=division colophon 2
49. sza3-bi an-na?
#tr.en: The middle of it, up high.
50. ki-gal-ba! {d?}en!-lil2! {d}inanna#?
#tr.en: On its socle (are) the gods Enlil and Ištar.
# (= RIME
51. ri2-mu-[us2]
#tr.en: Rimuš,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. [su2-ra-ma]
#tr.en: assuredly
55. sar-[ru-tam2]
#tr.en: the kingship
56. {d}en-[lil2]
#tr.en: the god Enlil
57. i-di3-nu-[sum6]
#tr.en: gave to him.
58. _REC169#_
#tr.en: Battle
$ rest of column broken
@column 3
$ 3 lines broken
4. _lugal_
#tr.en: (KA-ku) the king
5. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur
6. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
7. u3
#tr.en: and
8. _ensi2 ensi2_-su
#tr.en: his governors
9. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
10. u3
#tr.en: and
11. a2-ra-[ab]-su!-[nu]
#tr.en: their tribute
12. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
13. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
14. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: Lower
15. il#-qu3#-ut#
#tr.en: he took away.
16. u3
#tr.en: Further,
17. 1(|GES'UxKASKAL|)#? 3(gesz'u) 5(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 7805(?) (RIME: 14,100) men
18. in _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_
#tr.en: from the cities
19. szu-me-ri2-im
#tr.en: of Sumer
20. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he expelled, and
21. a-na
#tr.en: to
22. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
23. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. _iri{ki}-iri{ki}_-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
26. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered
27. u3
#tr.en: and
28. _bad3-bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
29. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
30. u-lum
#tr.en: Thereupon,
31. in tu3-a-ri2-su
#tr.en: on his return,
32. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu
33. na-ki-ir-ma
#tr.en: became hostile.
34. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: He conquered it,
35. in#! qar#-bi2#
#tr.en: and in the middle of
36. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: Kazallu (itself)
37. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)? 5(u) 2(asz) _gurusz-gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,052 (so RIME) men
39. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down.
40. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2! 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz)
#tr.en: 5,862 (so RIME)
41. _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: captives
42. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
43. u3
#tr.en: Further,
44. a-sza-re2-ed
#tr.en: Ašared,
45. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
46. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu,
47. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
48. u3
#tr.en: and
49. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: its walls
50. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
51. _(|SZU+NIGIN2|)_ 1(szar2) 3(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 2(u) 1(u) 6(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: In total 54,016 (so RIME) men
52. [a-di3 mi]-qi4-tim#
#tr.en: including the fallen
53. [a-di3] _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)#
#tr.en: and including captives
$ rest of column broken
@column 4
$ about 4 lines broken
5. i3-[nu]
#tr.en: At the time
6. _REC169_ su4#-[a]
#tr.en: of this battle
7. _dul3_-su4#
#tr.en: a statue of himself
8. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: he created, and
9. a-na
#tr.en: to
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
11. sa-li2-mi-su
#tr.en: for his well-being
12. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
13. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
14. su4#-a#
#tr.en: this one
15. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
16. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
17. u3
#tr.en: and
18. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
19. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
20. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
23. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
24. ki-gal an-ta igi-ni-sze3 a-ab-sar
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, above, in front of him.
@m=division curse formula
25. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
26. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
27. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
30. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
31. al _dul3_
#tr.en: upon the statue
32. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš
33. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
34. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
35. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
36. i-[qa2-bi]-u3#
#tr.en: shall say,
37. {[d]}en#-lil2#
#tr.en: may Enlil,
38. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
39. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
40. u3
#tr.en: and
41. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
42. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
43. li-su3-ha
#tr.en: tear out
44. u3
#tr.en: and
45. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
46. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
47. _nita#_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
48. [a] i-di3-na-sum6
#tr.en: may they not give to him,
49. mah#-ri2-is2
#tr.en: and before
50. [i3]-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
51. [e] _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
@m=division colophon 2
52. lugal#? [x]-ra?-ni?-sze3? a#-[ab]-sar#
#tr.en: It was written on ... the king.
@m=division caption 1
53. {d}[...]
#tr.en: The god ...,
54. a2-li2-[ik]
#tr.en: who goes
55. mah-[ri2-su]
#tr.en: before him.
@m=division caption 2
56. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
57. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
58. ka#-[zal-lu{ki}]
#tr.en: of Kazallu.
$ rest of column broken
@column 5
$ about 4 lines broken
@m=division caption 1'
5. en#-[...]
#tr.en: En-[...],
6. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
7. ummax(|UB.ME|){ki#}
#tr.en: of Umma.
@m=division caption 2'
8. {d}u-um
#tr.en: The god Um
9. a2-li2-ik
#tr.en: who goes
10. mah#-ri2-su
#tr.en: before him.
@m=division caption 3'
11. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
12. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
13. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur.
@m=division colophon
12. ki-gal-ba egir lu2-{d}da-mu
#tr.en: On its socle, behind Lu-Damu.
# (= RIME
13. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
14. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
15. _kisz_
#tr.en: of th world,
16. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
17. uri2#{ki}
#tr.en: over Ur
18. u3
#tr.en: and
19. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš
20. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2@90) _gurusz_
#tr.en: 8040 (so RIME) men
23. u-sa#-am-qi2#-it
#tr.en: struck down,
24. 9(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 5460 captives
25. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
26. u3
#tr.en: Further,
27. KA-ku3
#tr.en: KA-ku,
28. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
29. uri2{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur,
30. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. [ki]-tusz#-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
33. _[ensi2]_
#tr.en: governor
34. [lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|)]{ki#}
#tr.en: of Lagaš
35. _[szu-du8]-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
36. u3#
#tr.en: Further,
37. [_iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their two cities
38. _[sag-gesz]-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
39. u3#
#tr.en: and
40. [_bad3_-su]-ni
#tr.en: their walls
41. _[i3-gul]-gul#_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
42. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
43. [in _iri{ki}_-su]-ni
#tr.en: from their two cities
44. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)#? [la2 1(u) 5(asz)] _gurusz#_
#tr.en: 5985 (so RiME) men
45. u-su-s,i2#-[am-ma]
#tr.en: he expelled, and
46. a-na
#tr.en: to
47. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
48. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned (them).
49. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
50. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
51. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
52. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
53. u3
#tr.en: and
54. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
55. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
56. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
57. u3#
#tr.en: and (his seed pluck up).
$ rest of column broken
@column 6
# (= RIME
$ 4 lines broken
5. [in] _REC169#_
#tr.en: in the battle
6. ka-za-lu{ki}
#tr.en: with Kazallu
7. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 5(u@c)# [2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: 12,052 men
8. u-sa-[am]-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
9. 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) la2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) _szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)_
#tr.en: and 5,864 captives
10. _szu-du8-[a]_
#tr.en: he took.
11. u3
#tr.en: Further,
12. a-sza-[re2-ed]
#tr.en: Ašared,
13. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
14. [ka3-za]-lu{ki}
#tr.en: of Kazallu
15. _[szu]-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
16. u3
#tr.en: and
17. _bad3_-su
#tr.en: his walls
18. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
19. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
20. su4-[a]
#tr.en: this one
21. u-sa-sa3-ku#-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
22. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
23. u3#
#tr.en: and
24. {d}utu#
#tr.en: Šamaš
25. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
26. li-su2#-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
27. u3#
#tr.en: and
28. _sze-numun_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
29. li-il#-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon
30. _musz3 ki-gal ki-ta a2 zi-da-na
#tr.en: A flat space(?) on the lower socle, on his right side.
# (= RIME
31. ri2#-mu#-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
32. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
33. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
34. [in _REC169_]
#tr.en: in battle
35. [adab{ki}]
#tr.en: over Adab
36. [u3]
#tr.en: and
37. [zabala3{ki}]
#tr.en: Zabalam
38. isz11-[ar]
#tr.en: was victorious,
39. [u3]
#tr.en: and
40. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 1(szar2)# 2(gesz2)# la2 2(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 15718 men
41. u-sa-am-qi2-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
42. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)# 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) la2 4(asz)#? szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 14,576 captives
43. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he took.
44. u3
#tr.en: Further,
45. mes-ki-gal-la
#tr.en: Meskigala,
46. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
47. adab{ki}
#tr.en: of Adab,
48. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. lugal-gal-zu
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu,
51. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
52. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam,
53. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
54. u3
#tr.en: and
55. _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: their cities
56. _sag#-gesz#-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered.
$ rest of column broken
@column 7
1. [...]
2. [n _gurusz gurusz_]
#tr.en: n men (from their two cities)
3. u-su#-s,i2#-am#-ma
#tr.en: he expelled
4. a-na
#tr.en: and
5. ka-ra-si2-im
#tr.en: to annihilation
6. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
7. sza _dub#_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
8. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
9. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
11. u3
#tr.en: and
12. {[d]}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
13. [_suhusz_-su]
#tr.en: his foundation
14. [li-su2-ha]
#tr.en: tear out,
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
17. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon
18. _musz3 ki-gal ki-[ta]_
#tr.en: The flat surface(?) (of) the socle, below,
19. _egir-ra-ni#-sze3#_
#tr.en: behind him.
# (= RIME
20. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
21. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
22. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
23. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
24. ummax(|UB.ME|)#{ki}
#tr.en: over the cities of Umma
25. u3#
#tr.en: and
26. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: KI-AN,
27. isz11-ar#
#tr.en: was victorious,
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. [1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|)] 6(gesz'u)# la2 1(gesz2) 4(u@c) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 8900 men
30. [u]-sa-am#-qi2-it#
#tr.en: he struck down,
31. 6(gesz'u) la2# 2(gesz2) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 3480 captives
32. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
33. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
34. [en-x]
#tr.en: En-x,
35. [_ensi2_ ummax(|UB.ME|){ki}]
#tr.en: governor of Umma,
36. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he captured,
37. u3
#tr.en: and
38. lugal-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA,
39. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
40. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN
41. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. _iri{ki}_-[su-ni]
#tr.en: their cities
44. _sag-gesz-[ra]_
#tr.en: he conquered,
45. u3
#tr.en: and
46. _bad3_-su-ni
#tr.en: their walls
47. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. in _iri{ki}_-su-ni
#tr.en: in their cities
50. 6(gesz'u) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 3600 men
51. u-su-s,i2-am-ma
#tr.en: he struck down, and
52. a-na
#tr.en: to
53. ka3-ra-si-im
#tr.en: annihilation
54. is2-kun3
#tr.en: he consigned them.
55. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
56. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
57. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
58. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
59. u3
#tr.en: and
60. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš (tear out his foundations)
$ rest of column broken
@column 8
$ about 3 lines broken
@m=division colophon 1
4. musz3# ki-gal ki-ta# gub3-bu#-ni#-sze3
#tr.en: Flat space(?), the socle, below, at his left.
@m=division caption 1
5. zi-nu-ba
#tr.en: Zinuba,
6. _szesz_
#tr.en: brother
7. _ensi2_
#tr.en: of the governor.
@m=division caption 2
8. a-sza-ar-mu-pi5
#tr.en: Ašarmupi,
9. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
@m=division caption 3
10. lugal#-gal-zu#*
#tr.en: Lugalgalzu
11. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: the governor
12. zabala3{ki}
#tr.en: of Zabalam.
@m=division caption 4
13. ur-{d}suen
#tr.en: Ur-Suen,
14. _sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his minister.
@m=division caption 5
15. lugal#-KA
#tr.en: Lugal-KA
16. _ensi2#_
#tr.en: governor
17. KI-AN{ki}
#tr.en: of KI-AN.
@m=division caption 6
18. gesz-sza3
#tr.en: Gešša,
19. _gal-sukkal_-su
#tr.en: his chief minister.
@m=division caption 7
20. ki-tusz-i7
#tr.en: Kituš-id,
21. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
22. lagaszx(|LA.SZIR.BUR|){ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš.
@m=division caption 8
23. ad-da
#tr.en: Adda,
24. _szagina_
#tr.en: the general.
@m=division colophon 2
25. ki-gal ki-ta szub-ba-mesz
#tr.en: Socle, below, the ones struck down.
@m=division caption 9
26. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
27. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
28. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
29. szu [{d}en-lil2]
#tr.en: the one to whom Enlil
30. ma#-[hi-ra]
#tr.en: a rival
31. la# [i-di3-sum6]
#tr.en: did not give.
@m=division colophon 3
32. _[mu-sar-ra]_
#tr.en: Inscription
33. _[za3-ga-na]
#tr.en: on his shoulder.
$ blank space
$ double ruling
# (= RIME
34. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
35. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
36. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
37. in _REC169_
#tr.en: in battle
38. a-ba-al-ga-masz
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
39. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
40. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum,
41. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
42. u3
#tr.en: Further,
43. za-ha-ra{ki}
#tr.en: Zahara
43. elam{ki}
#tr.en: and Elam
44. in qab3-li
#tr.en: in the center
45. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum
46. a-na
#tr.en: for
47. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
48. ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
#tr.en: had assembled, but
49. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was (again) victorious,
50. u3
#tr.en: and
51. 2(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 7(gesz'u) 2(u)? 1(asz)? _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: 12,221(?) men
52. u-sa-am-qi4-it
#tr.en: he struck down,
53. 7(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: and 4,216 captives
54. _[szu-du8-a]_
#tr.en: he took.
$ rest of column broken
@column 9
$ about 7 lines broken
8. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
9. [u3 si-id-ga]-u3#
#tr.en: Further, Sidga'u,
10. _szagina_
#tr.en: general
11. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum,
12. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured,
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sar-GA-PI
#tr.en: Šar-GA-PI,
15. _szagina#_
#tr.en: general
16. za-[ha-ra]{ki}
#tr.en: of Zahara,
17. _szu-du8#-[a]_
#tr.en: he captured
18. in ba-ri2-ti
#tr.en: in between
19. a-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
20. u3
#tr.en: and
21. su-si-im{ki}
#tr.en: Susa,
22. in _i7_
#tr.en: at the River
23. qab2-li2-tim
#tr.en: Middle.
24. u3
#tr.en: Further,
25. bi2-ru-tam2
#tr.en: a burial mound
26. in a-sza-ar _iri_
#tr.en: in the city's area
27. al-su#-nu
#tr.en: over them
28. is2-pu#-uk
#tr.en: he heaped up.
29. u3
#tr.en: Further,
30. _iri{ki} iri{ki}_
#tr.en: the cities
31. elam{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
32. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
33. u3
#tr.en: and
34. _bad3 bad3_-su-nu
#tr.en: their walls
35. _i3-gul-gul_
#tr.en: he destroyed,
36. u3
#tr.en: and
37. _suhusz_
#tr.en: the foundations
38. pa2#-ra#-ah#-sum#{ki#}
#tr.en: of Parahšum
$ 5 lines broken
45. _kisz#_
#tr.en: (Rimuš, king) of the world,
46. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
47. i-be-al
#tr.en: he ruled.
48. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
49. u-kal2-lim
#tr.en: showed him (the way).
50. in sa-an-tim
#tr.en: In year
51. sa-li2-is2-tim
#tr.en: three
52. sza-ti
#tr.en: the one in which
53. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
54. sar-rux(URU18)-tam2
#tr.en: kingship
55. i-di3-nu-sum
#tr.en: gave to him,
56. |SZU+NIGIN2| 1(|GESZ'UxKASKAL|) 6(gesz'u) 2(u) 4(asz) _gurusz gurusz_
#tr.en: (there was) a total of 9,624 men (defeated)
57. a-di3 mi-qi4-tim
#tr.en: including the fallen
58. a-di3 szagax(|LU2xESZ2|)
#tr.en: (and) including the captives.
59. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
60. u3
#tr.en: and
61. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
62. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
63. la su2-ra-tim
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods
64. lu ki2-ni-is2-[ma]
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
$ rest of column broken
@column 10
$ about 8 lines broken
9. {d}utu
#tr.en:  (May the gods Enlil and) Šamaš
10. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
11. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
12. u3#
#tr.en: and
13. _sze-numun#_-su#
#tr.en: his seed
14. li-[il]-qu3-ta2#
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
15. _ki-gal a2#-gub3#-ni#-sze3 [a]-ab-sar_
#tr.en: It was written on the socle, at his left side.
@m=division curse formula
16. ma-na-ma
#tr.en: Anyone who
17. _mu_
#tr.en: the name
18. ri2-mu#-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš,
19. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
20. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
21. u-sa-sa3-ku-ma
#tr.en: shall remove, and
22. al _dul3_
#tr.en: on the statue
23. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: of Rimuš
24. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his own name
25. i-sa-ka3-nu-ma
#tr.en: shall put, and
26. _dul3_-mi-me
#tr.en: 'It is my statue'
27. i-qa2-bi3-u3
#tr.en: shall say,
28. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the god Enlil,
29. be-al
#tr.en: the owner
30. _dul3_ su4-a
#tr.en: of this statue,
31. u3
#tr.en: and
32. {d}utu
#tr.en: the god Šamaš
33. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
34. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out,
35. u3#
#tr.en: and
36. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
37. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: may they pluck up.
38. _[nita]_
#tr.en: A male (heir)
39. [a i-di3]-na-sum6
#tr.en: may the they not give to him,
40. mah#-ri2-is
#tr.en: and before
41. i3-li2-su
#tr.en: his (personal) god
42. e# _du_
#tr.en: may he not walk.
$ double ruling
43. 3(u@c) _ma-na_
#tr.en:  30 minas
44. _ku3-sig17_
#tr.en: of gold,
45. 1(szar2) _ma-na_
#tr.en: 3600 minas
46. _uruda_
#tr.en: of copper,
47. 5(gesz2) _ARAD2 geme2_
#tr.en: 300 male and female slaves,
48. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
49. elam{ki}
#tr.en: Elam
50. u3
#tr.en: and
51. pa2-ra-ah#-sum{ki}
#tr.en: Parahšum
52. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
53. u-ru-a-am-ma
#tr.en: he brought out, and
54. [a]-na
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
56. _[a] mu-ru_
#tr.en: he dedicated them.
@m=division colophon 2
57. _[...]-bi#-sze3 [a-ab]-sar#_
#tr.en: It was written at its ...
$ rest of column broken
@column 11
# (= RIME
$ about 8 lines broken
9. ka3#-la#-ma#
#tr.en: (the land) all of it
10. i-di3-sum6
#tr.en: he (the god Enlil) gave to him.
11. ti-a-am-tam2
#tr.en: The Sea
12. a-li2-tam2
#tr.en: the Upper
13. u3
#tr.en: and
14. sa#-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: the Lower
15. u3
#tr.en: and
16. _[sa]-tu_-e
#tr.en: the mountain lands,
17. ka3-la-su-nu-ma
#tr.en: all of them,
18. a-na
#tr.en: for
19. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil
20. u-ka3-al
#tr.en: he holds.
21. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
22. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
23. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
24. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
27. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
28. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
29. u3
#tr.en: and
30. _sze-numun#_-su
#tr.en: his seed
31. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
32. mu-sar-ra ki#-gal-ba
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@m=division caption
33. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: Rimuš,
34. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
35. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
36. _sag-gesz-ra#_
#tr.en: conqueror
37. elam#{ki}
#tr.en: of Elam
38. [u3]
#tr.en: and
39. pa2#-ra#-[ah-sum{ki}]
#tr.en: Parahšum.
@m=division colophon 2
40. za3#-ga#-[na a-ab-sar]
#tr.en: It was written on his shoulder.
# (= RIME
41. ri2-mu#-[us2]
#tr.en: Rimuš,
42. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
43. _kisz#_
#tr.en: of the world,
44. in _[REC169]_
#tr.en: in battle
45. a-ba-[al-ga-masz]
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
46. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
47. pa2-ra-ah-sum{ki}
#tr.en: of Parahšum,
48. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious,
49. u3
#tr.en: and
50. si-id-ga-u3
#tr.en: Sidga'u,
51. _szagina_-su
#tr.en: his general,
52. _szu-du8-a_
#tr.en: he captured
53. in ba-ri2#-[ti]
#tr.en: in between
54. [a]-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: Awan
55. u3
#tr.en: and
56. su-si#-im#{ki}
#tr.en: Susa
57. in _i7#_
#tr.en: by the River
58. qab3-li3-[tim]
#tr.en: Middle.
59. [u3]
#tr.en: Further,
60. bi2-ru#-[tam2]
#tr.en: a funeral mound
61. in a-sza#-[ar _iri_]
#tr.en: in the area of the city (he heaped over him).
$ rest of column broken
@column 12
$ about 10 lines broken
11. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
12. u3
#tr.en: and
13. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba,
14. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear that
15. la su2-ra-tum8
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
16. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma
#tr.en: but it is indeed true.
17. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
18. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
19. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
20. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
21. u3
#tr.en: and
22. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
23. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
24. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
25. u3
#tr.en: and
26. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
27. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon
28. _mu-sar-ra szen_ za-hum
#tr.en: Inscription on a šahu basin.
# (= RIME
29. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
30. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
31. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
32. i3-nu
#tr.en: when
33. an-sza-an{ki}
#tr.en: Anšan
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. szi4-ri2-hu-um{ki}
#tr.en: Širihum
36. _sag-gesz-ra_-ni
#tr.en: he conquered,
37. ti-a-am-tam3
#tr.en: the Sea
38. sza-pil2-tam2
#tr.en: Lower
39. _ma2 ma2 gesz-la_-e
#tr.en: boats of war(?)
40. [u-sa]-bi3#-ir
#tr.en: he made cross.
41. _[iri{ki} iri{ki}]_
#tr.en: The cities
42. a#-bar#-ti#
#tr.en: across
43. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea,
44. 3(u@c) 2(asz) a-na
#tr.en: 32 of them, for
45. _REC169_
#tr.en: battle
46. ip-hu-ru-nim-ma
#tr.en: assembled (against him), but
47. isz11-ar
#tr.en: he was victorious.
48. u3
#tr.en: Further,
49. _iri{ki} iri{ki}-su-nu
#tr.en: their cities
50. _sag-gesz-ra_
#tr.en: he conquered,
51. _en en#_-[su-nu]
#tr.en: and their rulers
52. [u-sa]-am#!-[qi2-it]
#tr.en: he struck down.
53. [u3]
#tr.en: And
54. is2#-[tum-ma]
#tr.en: after
55. id#-[ke2-as-su-nu-ni-ma]
#tr.en: he roused them (his troops)
56. a-di3-ma
#tr.en: as far as
57. hu-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: the (Silver) Mines
58. il2-qu3-ut
#tr.en: he plundered.
59. _sa#-tu_-e
#tr.en: From the mountains
60. a-bar-ti
#tr.en: across
61. ti-a-am-tim
#tr.en: the Sea
62. sa-pil2-tim
#tr.en: the Lower
63. _na4 na4_-su#-nu _ge6_
#tr.en: their black (diorite) stones
64. [i-pu]-lam#-[ma]
#tr.en: he quarried, and
65. [in _ma2 ma2_]
#tr.en: in boats
66. i#-[s,a-na-ma]
#tr.en: he loaded them, and
$ rest of column broken
@column 13
# (= RIME
$ about 7 lines broken
8. la ib#-ni
#tr.en: (anyone) had not created.
9. ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rimuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _dul3_-su sza _ku3-an_
#tr.en: a statue of himself of meteoric iron
$ erased line
13. ib-ni-ma
#tr.en: created, and
14. _igi_-me
#tr.en: before
15. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: the god Enlil
16. i-za-az
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
17. _da_-is2 i3-li
#tr.en: At the side of the gods
18. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
19. u-sa-mi-id
#tr.en: he placed.
20. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
21. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
22. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. u3
#tr.en: and
25. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
26. _suhusz_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
27. li-su2-ha
#tr.en: tear out
28. u3
#tr.en: and
29. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
30. li-il-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: pluck up.
31. x-x-[x]
#tr.en: ...
32. _a mu-ru#_
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
33. {d}utu
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
34. u3
#tr.en: and
35. il3-a-ba4
#tr.en: Ilaba
36. u2-ma2
#tr.en: I swear:
37. la su2-ra-tum
#tr.en: these are not falsehoods,
38. lu ki2-ni-is2-ma#
#tr.en: (but) it is indeed true.
39. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
40. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
41. i-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
42. {d}en#-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
43. u3#
#tr.en: and
44. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: Šamaš
45. _suhusz_-su#
#tr.en: his foundations
46. li-su2-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
47. u3
#tr.en: and
48. _sze-numun_-su
#tr.en: his seed
49. li#-il-qu3#-ta2#
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
50. [mu]-sar#-ra# [ki-gal]-ba#?
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@m=division dedicatory label
51. ma#-an#-is2-[tu]-su
#tr.en: Maništušu,
52. _lugal#_
#tr.en: king
53. _[kisz]_
#tr.en: of the world,
54. a-na#
#tr.en: to
55. {d}en-lil2#
#tr.en: Enlil
56. _a mu-ru_
#tr.en: dedicated it (this object).
@m=division colophon 2
57. _mu-sar-ra ki-gal-ba_
#tr.en: Inscription on its socle.
@column 14
$ about 7 lines broken
8. _nu#-ta#-dim2#_
#tr.en: (no one) had fashioned.
9. ri2#-mu-us2
#tr.en: (But) Rimuš,
10. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
11. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world,
12. _alan-na-ni (x) an#-na-kam_
#tr.en: a statue of himself, it was of meteoric iron,
13. _i3#-dim2_
#tr.en: he did fashion,
14. _igi {[d]}en-lil2-[la2]-sze3#_
#tr.en: and before the god Enlil
15. _i3-gub_
#tr.en: it (now) stands.
16. _i3-du7_
#tr.en: In the cultic chamber(?)
17. _dingir-re-ne-ka_
#tr.en: of the gods
18. _me-te-ni_
#tr.en: as a thing befitting(?) him
19. _i3-szid_
#tr.en: it is reckoned(?).
20. (x) _lu2_
#tr.en: A person who
21. _im-sar-ra-e_
#tr.en: this inscription
22. _ab-ha-lam-me-a_
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
23. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
24. {d}utu-bi
#tr.en: and Šamaš
25. _suhusz-sa-ni_
#tr.en: his foundations
26. _he2-pad-re6-ne#_
#tr.en: smash
27. _numun#!-[na-ni]_
#tr.en: and his seed
28. _[he2-ri-ri-ge-ne]_
#tr.en: pluck up.
@m=division colophon 1
29. _mu-sar-ra# {uruda}szen_ za-hum-ma#
#tr.en: Inscription of a šahu basin.
$ single ruling
# (= RIME
30. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil:
31. ma-an-is2-tu-su
#tr.en: Man-ištušu,
32. _lugal_
#tr.en: king
33. _kisz_
#tr.en: of the world:
34. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: The god Enlil
35. u-sa-ar-bi2-su
#tr.en: made him great,
36. _mu_-su
#tr.en: his name
37. i-bi2
#tr.en: called,
38. u3
#tr.en: and
39. _[{gesz}gidri]_
#tr.en: the scepter
40. [sar-ru-tim]
#tr.en: of kingship
41. [i-di3]-sum6#
#tr.en: gave to him.
42. sza _dub_
#tr.en: The one who the inscription
43. su4-a
#tr.en: this one
44. u-sa-sa3-ku-ni
#tr.en: shall remove,
45. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: may the gods Enlil
46. u3
#tr.en: and
47. {d}utu
#tr.en: Šamaš
48. _suhusz#_-su
#tr.en: his foundations
49. [li-su2]-ha#
#tr.en: tear out
50. [u3]
#tr.en: and
51. [_sze-numun_-su]
#tr.en: his seed
52. [li-il-qu3-ta2]
#tr.en: pluck up.
53. [...]
54. [...] x x
55. [...] x
56. [...] x
57. [...]
@column 1
1. [...] sar-ru-GI
#tr.en: ... (of) Sargon,
2. [...] x ri2-mu-us2
#tr.en: ... (of) Rimuš
3. [...] x ma-an-is2-[tu]-su#
#tr.en: ... (of) Man-ištušu,
4. [...]-na#
#tr.en: ...
@column 2
1. _sza3 e2-kur-ra_
#tr.en: in the Ekur temple,
2. _a-na me-a-bi_
#tr.en: whatever there was.
3. [(...)]
Update made on 2012-06-07 at 05:56:06 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P227509 = RIME &
&P227509 = RIME 2, p. 009, E2.1.1.1 et al, ex. 1
#atf: lang sux
1. lu2 unu{ki}-ga-da
2. {gesz}tukul
1. lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da
#tr.en: With the Man of Uruk
2. {gisz}tukul
#tr.en: weapons
3. e-da-sag3
#tr.en: he made clash,
4. |GIN2.SZE3|
5. e-ne2-[se3]
#tr.en: and defeat
5. e-ni-[se3]
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
6. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
#tr.en: With Lugalzagesi,
7. [lugal]
8. [unu{ki}-ga-da]
9. {gesz#}tukul
#tr.en: the king
8. [unug{ki}-ga-da]
#tr.en: of Uruk,
9. {gisz#}tukul
#tr.en: weapons
10. [e]-da#-[sag3]
#tr.en: he made clash
11. e-ga-dab5
12. {gesz}si-gar-ta
#tr.en: and then seized him.
12. {gisz}si-gar-ta
#tr.en: In a neck stock
13. ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3
14. e-de6
#tr.en: to the gate of Enlil
14. e-tum2
#tr.en: he brought him.
15. sar-um-gi
#tr.en: Sargon,
16. lugal
#tr.en: king
17. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
18. lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da
19. {gesz}tukul
#tr.en: of Agade,
18. lu2 urim2{ki}-ma-da
#tr.en: with the Man or Ur
19. {gisz}tukul
#tr.en: weapons
20. e-da-sag3
#tr.en: he made clash,
21. |GIN2.SZE3|
22. e-ne2-se3
23. iri-ni
24. e-hul
#tr.en: and defeat
22. e-ni-se3
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
23. uru-ni
#tr.en: His city
24. e-hulu
#tr.en: he destroyed,
25. bad3-bi
26. e-ga-se3
27. e2 {d}nin-mar{ki}
28. e-hul
#tr.en: and its wall
26. e-ga-si3
#tr.en: he also flattened.
27. e2-{d}nin-mar{ki}
#tr.en: E-Ninmar
28. e-hulu
#tr.en: he destroyed,
29. bad3-bi
30. e-ga-se3
#tr.en: and its wall
30. e-ga-si3
#tr.en: he also flattened.
31. gu2 kalam-bi
#tr.en: All those countries
32. lagasz{ki}-ta
#tr.en: from Lagaš
33. a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne
34. e-hul
35. {gesz}tukul-ni
#tr.en: to the sea, their ...
34. e-hulu
#tr.en: he destroyed,
35. {gisz}tukul-ni
#tr.en: and his weapons
36. a-ab-ba-ka
#tr.en: in the waters of the sea
37. i3-luh
#tr.en: he washed.
38. lu2 umma{ki}-da
39. [{gesz}tukul]
#tr.en: With the Man of Umma
39. [{gisz}tukul]
#tr.en: weapons
40. [e-da-sag3]
#tr.en: he made clash,
41. [|GIN2.SZE3|]
42. [e-ne2-se3]
43. [iri-ni]
44. [e-hul]
#tr.en: and defeat
42. [e-ni-se3]
#tr.en: he imposed upon him.
43. [uru-ni]
#tr.en: His city
44. [e-hulu]
#tr.en: he destroyed,
45. [bad3-bi]
46. [e-ga-se3]
#tr.en: and its wall
46. [e-ga-si3]
#tr.en: he also flattened.
47. [sar-um-gi]
#tr.en: To Sargon,
48. lugal
#tr.en: the king
49. kalam-ma-ra
#tr.en: of the nation,
50. {d}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: Enlil
51. lu2-erim2#
#tr.en: an enemy
52. nu-na-szum2
#tr.en: he did not give him.
53. a-ab-[ba]
#tr.en: From the Sea
54. igi-nim-ma-ta
#tr.en: the Upper
55. a-ab-ba
#tr.en: to the Sea
56. sig-sig-sze3
#tr.en: the Lower,
57. {d}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: Enlil
58. [mu-na-szum2]
#tr.en: gave it (that territory) to him.
59. [u3]
#tr.en: Furthermore,
60. [a-ab]-ba
#tr.en: from the Sea
61. [sig-sig]-ta
#tr.en: the Lower <to the Upper Sea>
62. [dumu]-dumu#
#tr.en: (only) citizens
63. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
#tr.en: of Agade
64. nam#-[ensi2]
#tr.en: the governorships (of that territory)
65. mu-kin#?-[x]
#tr.en: did exercise(?).
66. lu2 ma-[ri2{ki}]
#tr.en: The Man of Mari
67. lu2 elam[{ki}]
$ blank space
69. igi sar-um#-GI
#tr.en: and the Man of Elam
$ 1 line blank
69. igi sar-um#-gi
#tr.en: before Sargon,
70. lugal
#tr.en: the king
71. kalam-ma-ka-sze3
#tr.en: of the nation,
72. i3-su8-ge-esz2
#tr.en: they did stand (to serve).
73. sar-um-gi
#tr.en: Sargon,
74. lugal
#tr.en: the king
75. kalam-ma-ke4
#tr.en: of the nation,
76. kisz{ki}
77. ki-bi
#tr.en: Kiš
77. ki-be2
#tr.en: to its (former) place
78. bi2-gi4
79. iri-bi
#tr.en: he restored,
79. uru-bi
#tr.en: and those cities
80. ki-gub e-na-ba
#tr.en: were allotted to him as a station(?).
81. lu2 mu-sar-ra-e
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
82. ab-ha-lam-e-a
#tr.en: shall obliterate,
83. {d}utu
#tr.en: may Šamaš
84. suhusz-a-ni
#tr.en: his foundation
85. he2-bu3-re6
#tr.en: tear out,
86. numun-na-ni
87. he2-ga-ri-ri-ge
#tr.en: and his seed
87. he2-ga-de5-de5-ge
#tr.en: may he also pluck out.
Update made on 2012-04-18 at 15:57:42 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P227509 = RIME 2, p. 009, E2.1.1.1 et al, ex. 1
&P227509 = RIME &
#atf: lang sux
1. lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da
2. {gisz}tukul
3. e-da-sig3
1. lu2 unu{ki}-ga-da
2. {gesz}tukul
3. e-da-sag3
4. |GIN2.SZE3|
5. e-ne2-[si3]
5. e-ne2-[se3]
6. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
7. [lugal]
8. [unug{ki}-ga-da]
9. {gisz#}tukul
10. [e]-da#-[sig3]
8. [unu{ki}-ga-da]
9. {gesz#}tukul
10. [e]-da#-[sag3]
11. e-ga-dab5
12. {gisz}si-gar-ta
12. {gesz}si-gar-ta
13. ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3
14. e-de6
15. sar-um-GI
15. sar-um-gi
16. lugal
17. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
18. lu2 urim2{ki}-ma-da
19. {gisz}tukul
20. e-da-sig3
18. lu2 uri2{ki}-ma-da
19. {gesz}tukul
20. e-da-sag3
21. |GIN2.SZE3|
22. e-ne2-si3
23. uru-ni
24. e-hulu
22. e-ne2-se3
23. iri-ni
24. e-hul
25. bad3-bi
26. e-ga-si3
26. e-ga-se3
27. e2 {d}nin-mar{ki}
28. e-hulu
28. e-hul
29. bad3-bi
30. e-ga-si3
30. e-ga-se3
31. gu2 kalam-bi
32. lagasz{ki}-ta
33. a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne
34. e-hulu
35. {gisz}tukul-ni
34. e-hul
35. {gesz}tukul-ni
36. a-ab-ba-ka
37. i3-luh
38. lu2 umma{ki}-da
39. [{gisz}tukul]
40. [e-da-sig3]
39. [{gesz}tukul]
40. [e-da-sag3]
41. [|GIN2.SZE3|]
42. [e-ne2-si3]
43. [uru-ni]
44. [e-hulu]
42. [e-ne2-se3]
43. [iri-ni]
44. [e-hul]
45. [bad3-bi]
46. [e-ga-si3]
47. [sar-um-GI]
46. [e-ga-se3]
47. [sar-um-gi]
48. lugal
49. kalam-ma-ra
50. {d}en-lil2-le
51. lu2-erim2#
52. nu-na-szum2
53. a-ab-[ba]
54. igi-nim-ma-ta
55. a-ab-ba
56. sig-sig-sze3
57. {d}en-lil2-le
58. [mu-na-szum2]
59. [u3]
60. [a-ab]-ba
61. [sig-sig]-ta
62. [dumu]-dumu#
63. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
64. nam#-[ensi2]
65. mu-kin#?-[x]
66. lu2 ma-[ri2{ki}]
67. lu2 elam[{ki}]
$ 1 line blank
$ blank space
69. igi sar-um#-GI
70. lugal
71. kalam-ma-ka-sze3
72. i3-su8-ge-esz2
73. sar-um-GI
73. sar-um-gi
74. lugal
75. kalam-ma-ke4
76. kisz{ki}
77. ki-bi
78. bi2-gi4
79. uru-bi
79. iri-bi
80. ki-gub e-na-ba
81. lu2 mu-sar-ra-e
82. ab-ha-lam-e-a
83. {d}utu
84. suhusz-a-ni
85. he2-bu3-re6
86. numun-na-ni
87. he2-ga-ri-ri-ge
Update made on 2006-11-07 at 22:34:22 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P227509 = RIME 2, p. 009, E2.1.1.1 et al, ex. 1
1. lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da
2. {gisz}tukul
3. e-da-sig3
4. |GIN2.SZE3|
5. e-ne2-[si3]
6. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
7. [lugal]
8. [unug{ki}-ga-da]
9. {gisz#}tukul
10. [e]-da#-[sig3]
11. e-ga-dab5
12. {gisz}si-gar-ta
13. ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3
14. e-de6
15. sar-um-GI
16. lugal
17. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
18. lu2 urim2{ki}-ma-da
19. {gisz}tukul
20. e-da-sig3
21. |GIN2.SZE3|
22. e-ne2-si3
23. uru-ni
24. e-hulu
25. bad3-bi
26. e-ga-si3
27. e2 {d}nin-mar{ki}
28. e-hulu
29. bad3-bi
30. e-ga-si3
31. gu2 kalam-bi
32. lagasz{ki}-ta
33. a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne
34. e-hulu
35. {gisz}tukul-ni
36. a-ab-ba-ka
37. i3-luh
38. lu2 umma{ki}-da
39. [{gisz}tukul]
40. [e-da-sig3]
41. [|GIN2.SZE3|]
42. [e-ne2-si3]
43. [uru-ni]
44. [e-hulu]
45. [bad3-bi]
46. [e-ga-si3]
47. [sar-um-GI]
48. lugal
49. kalam-ma-ra
50. {d}en-lil2-le
51. lu2-erim2#
52. nu-na-szum2
53. a-ab-[ba]
54. igi-nim-ma-ta
55. a-ab-ba
56. sig-sig-sze3
57. {d}en-lil2-le
58. [mu-na-szum2]
59. [u3]
60. [a-ab]-ba
61. [sig-sig]-ta
62. [dumu]-dumu#
63. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
64. nam#-[ensi2]
65. mu-kin#?-[x]
66. lu2 ma-[ri2{ki}]
67. lu2 elam[{ki}]
$ 1 line blank
69. igi sar-um#-GI
70. lugal
71. kalam-ma-ka-sze3
72. i3-su8-ge-esz2
73. sar-um-GI
74. lugal
75. kalam-ma-ke4
76. kisz{ki}
77. ki-bi
78. bi2-gi4
79. uru-bi
80. ki-gub e-na-ba
81. lu2 mu-sar-ra-e
82. ab-ha-lam-e-a
83. {d}utu
84. suhusz-a-ni
85. he2-bu3-re6
86. numun-na-ni
87. he2-ga-ri-ri-ge
Update made on 2006-11-03 at 01:47:00 by CDLI for CDLI
&P227509 = RIME 2, p. 009, E2.1.1.1 et al, ex. 1
1. lu2 unug{ki}-ga-da
2. {gisz}tukul
3. e-da-sig3
4. |GIN2.SZE3|
5. e-ne2-[si3]
6. lugal#-[za3-ge-si]
7. [lugal]
8. [unug{ki}-ga-da]
9. {gisz#}tukul
10. [e]-da#-[sig3]
11. e-ga-dab5
12. {gisz}si-gar-ta
13. ka2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3
14. e-de6
15. sar-um-GI
16. lugal
17. ag#-ge-de3{ki}
18. lu2 urim2{ki}-ma-da
19. {gisz}tukul
20. e-da-sig3
21. |GIN2.SZE3|
22. e-ne2-si3
23. uru-ni
24. e-hulu
25. bad3-bi
26. e-ga-si3
27. e2 {d}nin-mar{ki}
28. e-hulu
29. bad3-bi
30. e-ga-si3
31. gu2 kalam-bi
32. lagasz{ki}-ta
33. a-ab-ba-sze3 na-x-ne#-ne
34. e-hulu
35. {gisz}tukul-ni
36. a-ab-ba-ka
37. i3-luh
38. lu2 umma{ki}-da
39. [{gisz}tukul]
40. [e-da-sig3]
41. [|GIN2.SZE3|]
42. [e-ne2-si3]
43. [uru-ni]
44. [e-hulu]
45. [bad3-bi]
46. [e-ga-si3]
47. [sar-um-GI]
48. lugal
49. kalam-ma-ra
50. {d}en-lil2-le
51. lu2-erim2#
52. nu-na-szum2
53. a-ab-[ba]
54. igi-nim-ma-ta
55. a-ab-ba
56. sig-sig-sze3
57. {d}en-lil2-le
58. [mu-na-szum2]
59. [u3]
60. [a-ab]-ba
61. [sig-sig]-ta
62. [dumu]-dumu#
63. [ag-ge-de3{ki}]
64. nam#-[ensi2]
65. mu-kin#?-[x]
66. lu2 ma-[ri2{ki}]
67. lu2 elam[{ki}]
$ 1 line blank
69. igi sar-um#-GI
70. lugal
71. kalam-ma-ka-sze3
72. i3-su8-ge-esz2
73. sar-um-GI
74. lugal
75. kalam-ma-ke4
76. kisz{ki}
77. ki-bi
78. bi2-gi4
79. uru-bi
80. ki-gub e-na-ba
81. lu2 mu-sar-ra-e
82. ab-ha-lam-e-a
83. {d}utu
84. suhusz-a-ni
85. he2-bu3-re6
86. numun-na-ni
87. he2-ga-ri-ri-ge

Total 13 record(s)

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