Transliteration history

EEN 313, HS 1701 (P229805)

Update made on 2008-05-26 at 03:23:00 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P229805 = HS 1701
#atf: use lexical
#link: def A = Q000039 = OB Nippur Ur5-ra 01 (wood)
#link: def B = Q000078 = Ur5-ra 03 (wood)
#link: def C = Q000079 = Ur5-ra 04 (wood)
#link: def D = Q000080 = Ur5-ra 05 (wood)
#link: def E = Q000081 = Ur5-ra 06 (wood)
#link: def F = Q000082 = Ur5-ra 07a (wood)
#link: def G = Q000304 = Ur5-ra 07b (wood)
@column 1
1. gesz SZID#-[...]
>>A 589
2. gesz eme-[...]
>>A 590
||G 30
3. gesz BAD-[...]
>>A 592
||E 58
4. gesz [...]
5. gesz [...]
6. gesz [...]
7. gesz dag-[...]
>>A 596
||F 147
8. gesz# balag?#-[...]
>>A 597
||G 39

Total 1 record(s)

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