Transliteration history

N 4869 (P231154)

Update made on 2008-05-26 at 04:04:16 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P231154 = N 4869
#atf: use lexical
#link: def A = Q000040 = OB Nippur ur5-ra 2
# N 4869
# obverse broken
# column 2 broken
@column 1
$ n lines missing
$ 3 lines traces
4. {gi}ma-[an-sim nig2-mur-gu4]
>>A 92
5. {gi}ma-an-[sim il2]
>>A 93
6. {gi}szem3#? [ak]
>>A 94
7. {gi#}[hal]
>>A 95
$ rest of column broken
@column 3
$ n lines missing
$ 1 line traces
2. {gi}sza5-[sza5]
>>A 151
3. {gi}szu2-[a-ak]
>>A 153
4. {gi#}[gibil2-a-ak]
>>A 154
$ 2 lines broken
$ rest of column broken

Total 1 record(s)

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