Transliteration history

DS 32-10 (P349858)

Update made on 2018-10-19 at 18:19:41 by Pagé-Perron, Émilie for Pagé-Perron, Émilie
&P349858 = DS 32-10
#atf: use lexical
#atf: lang akk
$ (no more than about 153 lines; collated after photo)
@columnn 1
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. s,i-[lu-lu] = [x]
2'. gu-[has,?-s,u?] = [x]
3'. tu-[u2] = [...]
4'. tu-[...] = [x]
5'. tu-[...] = [x]
6'. x-x = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
# in 1st sub col.: 1st sign = upper right part of final vertical wedge head; 2nd sign = 1+ horizontal wedge(s) faintly visible; perhaps read: te?#-e?#
7'. mu#-uk# = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
8'. s,a-ap#-szu = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
# 2nd sub col. uncertain, unmentioned in A. Kilmer ms.
9'. AN-DUL = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
10'. ir-ku = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
11'. it-qu#-lum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
12'. tak#-ki#-rum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
13'. na-ma#-rum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
14'. ul-hu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
15'. tap-du-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
16'. pi-ia-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
17'. ha-mu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
18'. na-ra-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
19'. asz#-di-hu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
20'. qi2#-il-pu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
21'. s,u#-bat szi-pi = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g ba-nu-u2
22'. qa2-at2-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g ba-nu-u2)>
23'. qa2-at2-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g la-bi-rum
24'. ku#-bar-tum# = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g la-bi-rum)>
25'. ku#-se3-ga-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g dam-qu
26'. lam#-hu-usz-szu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g dam-qu)>
27'. el-lam-me-e = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g DINGIR
28'. el-lam-me-szi = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g {d}GIR3
29'. e-li-ia-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g ku-lu-li#
30'. za-hu#-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN#<(ku-lu-li#)>
31'. nam-mu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN<(ku-lu-li#)>
32'. pi-ia-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN<(ku-lu-li#)>
@columnn 2
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. x x [x] = [...]
2'. e#-di#-[ru?] = [x]
3'. hu-la#-[qu] = [x]
4'. su-la-qu# = [x]
5'. hu-u2-la-pu = [x]
6'. TUG2-MAH-um = [x]
7'. ku-um-ma-ru = MIN#<(%n lub=uszu)>
8'. mu-ri-a = MIN<(%n lub=uszu)> %g SU?#-[BIR4?{ki?}]
# in 2nd sub col.: SU?# = 2 lower initial wedge heads at point of right break
9'. husz#-szu-u2 = MIN<(%n lub=uszu)> %g sa#-[a-mu]
10'. a-du-mu = MIN<(%n lub=uszu %g sa#-[a-mu])>
11'. {d}ir3#-ra-pa-lil = s,u-bat ni-ma#-[ti]
12'. up-pu#-u2#-nu = up-pu-[x-x]
13'. tak-ti#-mu# = MIN<(up-pu-[x-x])>
14'. lu-bu-szu# = kub-szu#
15'. ti-ru# = lu-bu-szu#
16'. pu-su-um-mu# = MIN<(lu-bu-szu#)>
17'. a-gu-hu# = MIN<(lu-bu-szu#)> DINGIR
18'. ti-ru = lit-bu-szu
19'. ta-al-tab-szu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
20'. il-hu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
21'. tap-pu-szu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
22'. TUG2-LUH-HA = lu#-bu-usz-tum
23'. qi2-ti-tum# = MIN#<(lu#-bu-usz-tum)>
24'. raq-qa-tum = MIN#<(lu#-bu-usz-tum)>
25'. TUG2#-MAH-hu = na-al-ba#-[szu]
26'. ka-da#-rum = MIN#<(na-al-ba#-[szu])>
27'. bar#-si-lum = ku#-si-tum#
28'. szu#-tu#-rum = gada#-ma-hu#
29'. e#-la#-at#-hi#-pu = MIN#<(gada#-ma-hu#)>
@columnn 1
@column 1
1. x [...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col.: x is unclear, may be TUG2
2. TUG2# [...] = [...]
3. u2#-[dub2-lum] = na#-x-[x]
# in 2nd sub col.: x may be AH & consist of initial winkelhakens + horizontal wedge head, but more likely are surface cracks
4. TUG2#-MAH#-um# = tu#-['?-am-tu?]
5. kar#-ru?#-um?# = si#-pu#-[u2]
$ (between ll. 5 & 18 there is room for only 12 lines, not 13 as A. Kilmer ms.; 1 line may have been omitted, but this is difficult to determine due to poor preservation)
6. ma-lam#-mu#-u2?# = il#-[lu-ku]
# u2?# may not be present
7. e-gi#-[za3-gu-u2] = MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
8. el#-lu#-[ku] = MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
9. el#-lu#-[ku] = s,u#-[du-ru]
10. e#-pa?#-ar#-[tum] = na#-ah#-lap?#-[tum]
# in 1st sub col.: pa?# unclear; in 2nd sub col.: lap?# unclear, may not be present
11. [...]-x-[...] = x x um?#-[x]
# in 2nd sub col.: signs are present, but cannot be read with any confidence
12. [e]-ri#-[ip-tum] =
# in 2nd sub col. perhaps read: 2(disz)?#
13. [sza2?] s,i?#-[it? ...] = [...]
14. hu#-[lu-up-tum] = [...]
15. x-[...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col. perhaps read: tu?#-[...]
16. ku-usz#-[sza2?-tum?] = [...]
# in 2nd sub col.: signs seem to be present but cannot be read with certainty
17. husz#-[szu?-u2?] = x x [x x?]
18. bi-x [...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col.: impossible to determine whether BI + x = 1 sign or 2
19. szu-'#-[ri-it?-tum] = [...]
20. na-a#-[s,u] = MIN?#<(na#-ah#-lap?#-[tum?])>
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz)?# = tail of 1 vertical wedge possibly visible
21. hi-it-la#-[pu] = [...]
22. hi-it-lu-pa#-[tum] = [...]
23. e-li-tum# = [...]
24. sa-am-tum# = [...]
25. TUG2# lu#-lu-un-tum = [...]
26. TUG2 lu-lu-un-tum = [...]
27. da-nat ir-tum = [...]
28. gu#-la2-e = [...]
29. TUG2 husz#-sze-[e] = [...]
30. il#-[te-pi-tum] = [...]
$ rest broken
@columnn 2
@column 2
1. a-gi-it-tu#-u2 = pa#-ar#-szi-gu
2. pa-a-tin-nu = MIN<(pa#-ar#-szi-gu)>
3. TUG2-GAL = nar-gi-tum
4. a-gi-id-du-u2 = s,i-in-du sza2 A#-ZU
5. nap-du-u2 = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
6. nig2-lal-lum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
7. ma-ak-su-u2 = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
8. ma-ak-ra-ku = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
9. bi-is,-rum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
10. zap-pu = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
11. id-e-tum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
12. nig2-lal-lum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> sza2 [...]
13. pi-ia-a-mu = mi-ih-s,u sza2# x
# in 2nd sub col.: x = lower horizontal wedge head at point of break; perhaps read: TUG2?#
14. su-mu-uk-ku = MIN<(mi-ih-s,u)> MIN#<(sza2# x)>
$ single ruling
15. NIG2-SZID = ma-hi-s,a-tum#
$ (uninscribed gap)
@m=locator colophon
16. DUB# 6(disz)-KAM2 ma-al#-ku *(P2) szar#-rum
# glossenkeil separate ma-al#-ku & szar#-rum
$ (uninscribed gap)
17. [gaba]-ri# TI?#-TIR?#{ki} bar2-sip2#{ki}
$ (uninscribed gap)
18. [x] asz-szur{ki} ki#-i# KA?# t,up-pa-ti
$ (uninscribed gap)
19. [{gesz}]LE-U5-UM!-MESZ# ma-'-du-ti
$ (uninscribed gap)
20. [LUGAL]-GI-NA LUGAL SZU2# LUGAL KUR# asz-szur{ki}
$ (uninscribed gap)
21. [...] x x
22. [...] LUGAL?# SZU2?#
$ (uninscribed gap)
23. [...] x
$ rest broken
Update made on 2018-06-22 at 05:59:28 by Pagé-Perron, Émilie for Pagé-Perron, Émilie
&P349858 = DS 32-10
#atf: use lexical
#atf: lang akk
$ (no more than about 153 lines; collated after photo)
@column 1
@columnn 1
$ beginning broken
1'. s,i-[lu-lu] = [x]
2'. gu-[has,?-s,u?] = [x]
3'. tu-[u2] = [...]
4'. tu-[...] = [x]
5'. tu-[...] = [x]
6'. x-x = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
# in 1st sub col.: 1st sign = upper right part of final vertical wedge head; 2nd sign = 1+ horizontal wedge(s) faintly visible; perhaps read: te?#-e?#
7'. mu#-uk# = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
8'. s,a-ap#-szu = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
# 2nd sub col. uncertain, unmentioned in A. Kilmer ms.
9'. AN-DUL = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
10'. ir-ku = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
11'. it-qu#-lum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
12'. tak#-ki#-rum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
13'. na-ma#-rum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
14'. ul-hu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
15'. tap-du-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
16'. pi-ia-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
17'. ha-mu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
18'. na-ra-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
19'. asz#-di-hu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
20'. qi2#-il-pu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
21'. s,u#-bat szi-pi = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g ba-nu-u2
22'. qa2-at2-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g ba-nu-u2)>
23'. qa2-at2-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g la-bi-rum
24'. ku#-bar-tum# = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g la-bi-rum)>
25'. ku#-se3-ga-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g dam-qu
26'. lam#-hu-usz-szu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g dam-qu)>
27'. el-lam-me-e = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g DINGIR
28'. el-lam-me-szi = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g {d}GIR3
29'. e-li-ia-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g ku-lu-li#
30'. za-hu#-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN#<(ku-lu-li#)>
31'. nam-mu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN<(ku-lu-li#)>
32'. pi-ia-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN<(ku-lu-li#)>
@column 2
@columnn 2
$ beginning broken
1'. x x [x] = [...]
2'. e#-di#-[ru?] = [x]
3'. hu-la#-[qu] = [x]
4'. su-la-qu# = [x]
5'. hu-u2-la-pu = [x]
6'. TUG2-MAH-um = [x]
7'. ku-um-ma-ru = MIN#<(%n lub=uszu)>
8'. mu-ri-a = MIN<(%n lub=uszu)> %g SU?#-[BIR4?{ki?}]
# in 2nd sub col.: SU?# = 2 lower initial wedge heads at point of right break
9'. husz#-szu-u2 = MIN<(%n lub=uszu)> %g sa#-[a-mu]
10'. a-du-mu = MIN<(%n lub=uszu %g sa#-[a-mu])>
11'. {d}ir3#-ra-pa-lil = s,u-bat ni-ma#-[ti]
12'. up-pu#-u2#-nu = up-pu-[x-x]
13'. tak-ti#-mu# = MIN<(up-pu-[x-x])>
14'. lu-bu-szu# = kub-szu#
15'. ti-ru# = lu-bu-szu#
16'. pu-su-um-mu# = MIN<(lu-bu-szu#)>
17'. a-gu-hu# = MIN<(lu-bu-szu#)> DINGIR
18'. ti-ru = lit-bu-szu
19'. ta-al-tab-szu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
20'. il-hu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
21'. tap-pu-szu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
22'. TUG2-LUH-HA = lu#-bu-usz-tum
23'. qi2-ti-tum# = MIN#<(lu#-bu-usz-tum)>
24'. raq-qa-tum = MIN#<(lu#-bu-usz-tum)>
25'. TUG2#-MAH-hu = na-al-ba#-[szu]
26'. ka-da#-rum = MIN#<(na-al-ba#-[szu])>
27'. bar#-si-lum = ku#-si-tum#
28'. szu#-tu#-rum = gada#-ma-hu#
29'. e#-la#-at#-hi#-pu = MIN#<(gada#-ma-hu#)>
@column 1
@columnn 1
1. x [...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col.: x is unclear, may be TUG2
2. TUG2# [...] = [...]
3. u2#-[dub2-lum] = na#-x-[x]
# in 2nd sub col.: x may be AH & consist of initial winkelhakens + horizontal wedge head, but more likely are surface cracks
4. TUG2#-MAH#-um# = tu#-['?-am-tu?]
5. kar#-ru?#-um?# = si#-pu#-[u2]
$ (between ll. 5 & 18 there is room for only 12 lines, not 13 as A. Kilmer ms.; 1 line may have been omitted, but this is difficult to determine due to poor preservation)
6. ma-lam#-mu#-u2?# = il#-[lu-ku]
# u2?# may not be present
7. e-gi#-[za3-gu-u2] = MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
8. el#-lu#-[ku] = MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
9. el#-lu#-[ku] = s,u#-[du-ru]
10. e#-pa?#-ar#-[tum] = na#-ah#-lap?#-[tum]
# in 1st sub col.: pa?# unclear; in 2nd sub col.: lap?# unclear, may not be present
11. [...]-x-[...] = x x um?#-[x]
# in 2nd sub col.: signs are present, but cannot be read with any confidence
12. [e]-ri#-[ip-tum] =
# in 2nd sub col. perhaps read: 2(disz)?#
13. [sza2?] s,i?#-[it? ...] = [...]
14. hu#-[lu-up-tum] = [...]
15. x-[...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col. perhaps read: tu?#-[...]
16. ku-usz#-[sza2?-tum?] = [...]
# in 2nd sub col.: signs seem to be present but cannot be read with certainty
17. husz#-[szu?-u2?] = x x [x x?]
18. bi-x [...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col.: impossible to determine whether BI + x = 1 sign or 2
19. szu-'#-[ri-it?-tum] = [...]
20. na-a#-[s,u] = MIN?#<(na#-ah#-lap?#-[tum?])>
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz)?# = tail of 1 vertical wedge possibly visible
21. hi-it-la#-[pu] = [...]
22. hi-it-lu-pa#-[tum] = [...]
23. e-li-tum# = [...]
24. sa-am-tum# = [...]
25. TUG2# lu#-lu-un-tum = [...]
26. TUG2 lu-lu-un-tum = [...]
27. da-nat ir-tum = [...]
28. gu#-la2-e = [...]
29. TUG2 husz#-sze-[e] = [...]
30. il#-[te-pi-tum] = [...]
$ rest broken
@column 2
@columnn 2
1. a-gi-it-tu#-u2 = pa#-ar#-szi-gu
2. pa-a-tin-nu = MIN<(pa#-ar#-szi-gu)>
3. TUG2-GAL = nar-gi-tum
4. a-gi-id-du-u2 = s,i-in-du sza2 A#-ZU
5. nap-du-u2 = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
6. nig2-lal-lum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
7. ma-ak-su-u2 = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
8. ma-ak-ra-ku = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
9. bi-is,-rum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
10. zap-pu = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
11. id-e-tum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
12. nig2-lal-lum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> sza2 [...]
13. pi-ia-a-mu = mi-ih-s,u sza2# x
# in 2nd sub col.: x = lower horizontal wedge head at point of break; perhaps read: TUG2?#
14. su-mu-uk-ku = MIN<(mi-ih-s,u)> MIN#<(sza2# x)>
$ ruling
$ single ruling
15. NIG2-SZID = ma-hi-s,a-tum#
$ (uninscribed gap)
@m=locator colophon
16. DUB# 6(disz)-KAM2 ma-al#-ku *(P2) szar#-rum
# glossenkeil separate ma-al#-ku & szar#-rum
$ (uninscribed gap)
17. [gaba]-ri# TI?#-TIR?#{ki} bar2-sip2#{ki}
$ (uninscribed gap)
18. [x] asz-szur{ki} ki#-i# KA?# t,up-pa-ti
$ (uninscribed gap)
19. [{gesz}]LE-U5-UM!-MESZ# ma-'-du-ti
$ (uninscribed gap)
20. [LUGAL]-GI-NA LUGAL SZU2# LUGAL KUR# asz-szur{ki}
$ (uninscribed gap)
21. [...] x x
22. [...] LUGAL?# SZU2?#
$ (uninscribed gap)
23. [...] x
$ rest broken
Update made on 2018-06-20 at 18:14:34 by Pagé-Perron, Émilie for Pagé-Perron, Émilie
&P349858 = DS 32-10
#atf: use lexical
#atf: lang akk
$ no more than about 153 lines; collated after photo)
$ (no more than about 153 lines; collated after photo)
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. s,i-[lu-lu] = [x]
2'. gu-[has,?-s,u?] = [x]
3'. tu-[u2] = [...]
4'. tu-[...] = [x]
5'. tu-[...] = [x]
6'. x-x = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
# in 1st sub col.: 1st sign = upper right part of final vertical wedge head; 2nd sign = 1+ horizontal wedge(s) faintly visible; perhaps read: te?#-e?#
7'. mu#-uk# = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
8'. s,a-ap#-szu = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
# 2nd sub col. uncertain, unmentioned in A. Kilmer ms.
9'. AN-DUL = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
10'. ir-ku = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
11'. it-qu#-lum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
12'. tak#-ki#-rum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
13'. na-ma#-rum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
14'. ul-hu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
15'. tap-du-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
16'. pi-ia-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
17'. ha-mu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
18'. na-ra-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
19'. asz#-di-hu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
20'. qi2#-il-pu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
21'. s,u#-bat szi-pi = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g ba-nu-u2
22'. qa2-at2-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g ba-nu-u2)>
23'. qa2-at2-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g la-bi-rum
24'. ku#-bar-tum# = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g la-bi-rum)>
25'. ku#-se3-ga-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g dam-qu
26'. lam#-hu-usz-szu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g dam-qu)>
27'. el-lam-me-e = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g DINGIR
28'. el-lam-me-szi = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g {d}GIR3
29'. e-li-ia-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g ku-lu-li#
30'. za-hu#-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN#<(ku-lu-li#)>
31'. nam-mu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN<(ku-lu-li#)>
32'. pi-ia-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN<(ku-lu-li#)>
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. x x [x] = [...]
2'. e#-di#-[ru?] = [x]
3'. hu-la#-[qu] = [x]
4'. su-la-qu# = [x]
5'. hu-u2-la-pu = [x]
6'. TUG2-MAH-um = [x]
7'. ku-um-ma-ru = MIN#<(%n lub=uszu)>
8'. mu-ri-a = MIN<(%n lub=uszu)> %g SU?#-[BIR4?{ki?}]
# in 2nd sub col.: SU?# = 2 lower initial wedge heads at point of right break
9'. husz#-szu-u2 = MIN<(%n lub=uszu)> %g sa#-[a-mu]
10'. a-du-mu = MIN<(%n lub=uszu %g sa#-[a-mu])>
11'. {d}ir3#-ra-pa-lil = s,u-bat ni-ma#-[ti]
12'. up-pu#-u2#-nu = up-pu-[x-x]
13'. tak-ti#-mu# = MIN<(up-pu-[x-x])>
14'. lu-bu-szu# = kub-szu#
15'. ti-ru# = lu-bu-szu#
16'. pu-su-um-mu# = MIN<(lu-bu-szu#)>
17'. a-gu-hu# = MIN<(lu-bu-szu#)> DINGIR
18'. ti-ru = lit-bu-szu
19'. ta-al-tab-szu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
20'. il-hu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
21'. tap-pu-szu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
22'. TUG2-LUH-HA = lu#-bu-usz-tum
23'. qi2-ti-tum# = MIN#<(lu#-bu-usz-tum)>
24'. raq-qa-tum = MIN#<(lu#-bu-usz-tum)>
25'. TUG2#-MAH-hu = na-al-ba#-[szu]
26'. ka-da#-rum = MIN#<(na-al-ba#-[szu])>
27'. bar#-si-lum = ku#-si-tum#
28'. szu#-tu#-rum = gada#-ma-hu#
29'. e#-la#-at#-hi#-pu = MIN#<(gada#-ma-hu#)>
@column 1
1. x [...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col.: x is unclear, may be TUG2
2. TUG2# [...] = [...]
3. u2#-[dub2-lum] = na#-x-[x]
# in 2nd sub col.: x may be AH & consist of initial winkelhakens + horizontal wedge head, but more likely are surface cracks
4. TUG2#-MAH#-um# = tu#-['?-am-tu?]
5. kar#-ru?#-um?# = si#-pu#-[u2]
$ (between ll. 5 & 18 there is room for only 12 lines, not 13 as A. Kilmer ms.; 1 line may have been omitted, but this is difficult to determine due to poor preservation)
6. ma-lam#-mu#-u2?# = il#-[lu-ku]
# u2?# may not be present
7. e-gi#-[za3-gu-u2] = MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
8. el#-lu#-[ku] = MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
9. el#-lu#-[ku] = s,u#-[du-ru]
10. e#-pa?#-ar#-[tum] = na#-ah#-lap?#-[tum]
# in 1st sub col.: pa?# unclear; in 2nd sub col.: lap?# unclear, may not be present
11. [...]-x-[...] = x x um?#-[x]
# in 2nd sub col.: signs are present, but cannot be read with any confidence
12. [e]-ri#-[ip-tum] =
# in 2nd sub col. perhaps read: 2(disz)?#
13. [sza2?] s,i?#-[it? ...] = [...]
14. hu#-[lu-up-tum] = [...]
15. x-[...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col. perhaps read: tu?#-[...]
16. ku-usz#-[sza2?-tum?] = [...]
# in 2nd sub col.: signs seem to be present but cannot be read with certainty
17. husz#-[szu?-u2?] = x x [x x?]
18. bi-x [...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col.: impossible to determine whether BI + x = 1 sign or 2
19. szu-'#-[ri-it?-tum] = [...]
20. na-a#-[s,u] = MIN?#<(na#-ah#-lap?#-[tum?])>
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz)?# = tail of 1 vertical wedge possibly visible
21. hi-it-la#-[pu] = [...]
22. hi-it-lu-pa#-[tum] = [...]
23. e-li-tum# = [...]
24. sa-am-tum# = [...]
25. TUG2# lu#-lu-un-tum = [...]
26. TUG2 lu-lu-un-tum = [...]
27. da-nat ir-tum = [...]
28. gu#-la2-e = [...]
29. TUG2 husz#-sze-[e] = [...]
30. il#-[te-pi-tum] = [...]
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. a-gi-it-tu#-u2 = pa#-ar#-szi-gu
2. pa-a-tin-nu = MIN<(pa#-ar#-szi-gu)>
3. TUG2-GAL = nar-gi-tum
4. a-gi-id-du-u2 = s,i-in-du sza2 A#-ZU
5. nap-du-u2 = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
6. nig2-lal-lum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
7. ma-ak-su-u2 = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
8. ma-ak-ra-ku = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
9. bi-is,-rum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
10. zap-pu = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
11. id-e-tum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
12. nig2-lal-lum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> sza2 [...]
13. pi-ia-a-mu = mi-ih-s,u sza2# x
# in 2nd sub col.: x = lower horizontal wedge head at point of break; perhaps read: TUG2?#
14. su-mu-uk-ku = MIN<(mi-ih-s,u)> MIN#<(sza2# x)>
$ ruling
15. NIG2-SZID = ma-hi-s,a-tum#
$ (uninscribed gap)
@m=locator colophon
16. DUB# 6(disz)-KAM2 ma-al#-ku *(P2) szar#-rum
# glossenkeil separate ma-al#-ku & szar#-rum
$ (uninscribed gap)
17. [gaba]-ri# TI?#-TIR?#{ki} bar2-sip2#{ki}
$ (uninscribed gap)
18. [x] asz-szur{ki} ki#-i# KA?# t,up-pa-ti
$ (uninscribed gap)
19. [{gesz}]LE-U5-UM!-MESZ# ma-'-du-ti
$ (uninscribed gap)
20. [LUGAL]-GI-NA LUGAL SZU2# LUGAL KUR# asz-szur{ki}
$ (uninscribed gap)
21. [...] x x
22. [...] LUGAL?# SZU2?#
$ (uninscribed gap)
23. [...] x
$ rest broken
Update made on 2017-10-27 at 09:15:02 by Englund, Robert K. for CDLI
&P349858 = DS 32-10
#atf: use lexical
#atf: lang akk
#note: tablet contained no more than about 153 lines; collated after photo
$ no more than about 153 lines; collated after photo)
@column 1
$ (beginning broken)
$ beginning broken
1'. s,i-[lu-lu] = [x]
2'. gu-[has,?-s,u?] = [x]
3'. tu-[u2] = [...]
4'. tu-[...] = [x]
5'. tu-[...] = [x]
6'. x#-x# = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
#note: in 1st sub col.: 1st sign = upper right part of final vertical wedge head; 2nd sign = 1+ horizontal wedge(s) faintly visible; perhaps read: te?#-e?#
6'. x-x = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
# in 1st sub col.: 1st sign = upper right part of final vertical wedge head; 2nd sign = 1+ horizontal wedge(s) faintly visible; perhaps read: te?#-e?#
7'. mu#-uk# = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
8'. s,a-ap#-szu = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
#note: 2nd sub col. uncertain, unmentioned in A. Kilmer ms.
# 2nd sub col. uncertain, unmentioned in A. Kilmer ms.
9'. AN-DUL = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
10'. ir-ku = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
11'. it-qu#-lum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
12'. tak#-ki#-rum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
13'. na-ma#-rum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
14'. ul-hu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
15'. tap-du-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
16'. pi-ia-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
17'. ha-mu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
18'. na-ra-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
19'. asz#-di-hu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
20'. qi2#-il-pu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
21'. s,u#-bat szi-pi = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g ba-nu-u2
22'. qa2-at2-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g ba-nu-u2)>
23'. qa2-at2-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g la-bi-rum
24'. ku#-bar-tum# = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g la-bi-rum)>
25'. ku#-se3-ga-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g dam-qu
26'. lam#-hu-usz-szu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g dam-qu)>
27'. el-lam-me-e = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g DINGIR
28'. el-lam-me-szi = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g {d}GIR3
29'. e-li-ia-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g ku-lu-li#
30'. za-hu#-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN#<(ku-lu-li#)>
31'. nam-mu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN<(ku-lu-li#)>
32'. pi-ia-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN<(ku-lu-li#)>
@column 2
$ (beginning broken)
1'. x# x# [x] = [...]
$ beginning broken
1'. x x [x] = [...]
2'. e#-di#-[ru?] = [x]
3'. hu-la#-[qu] = [x]
4'. su-la-qu# = [x]
5'. hu-u2-la-pu = [x]
6'. TUG2-MAH-um = [x]
7'. ku-um-ma-ru = MIN#<(%n lub=uszu)>
8'. mu-ri-a = MIN<(%n lub=uszu)> %g SU?#-[BIR4?{ki?}]
#note: in 2nd sub col.: SU?# = 2 lower initial wedge heads at point of right break
# in 2nd sub col.: SU?# = 2 lower initial wedge heads at point of right break
9'. husz#-szu-u2 = MIN<(%n lub=uszu)> %g sa#-[a-mu]
10'. a-du-mu = MIN<(%n lub=uszu %g sa#-[a-mu])>
11'. {d}ir3#-ra-pa-lil = s,u-bat ni-ma#-[ti]
12'. up-pu#-u2#-nu = up-pu-[x-x]
13'. tak-ti#-mu# = MIN<(up-pu-[x-x])>
14'. lu-bu-szu# = kub-szu#
15'. ti-ru# = lu-bu-szu#
16'. pu-su-um-mu# = MIN<(lu-bu-szu#)>
17'. a-gu-hu# = MIN<(lu-bu-szu#)> DINGIR
18'. ti-ru = lit-bu-szu
19'. ta-al-tab-szu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
20'. il-hu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
21'. tap-pu-szu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
22'. TUG2-LUH-HA = lu#-bu-usz-tum
23'. qi2-ti-tum# = MIN#<(lu#-bu-usz-tum)>
24'. raq-qa-tum = MIN#<(lu#-bu-usz-tum)>
25'. TUG2#-MAH-hu = na-al-ba#-[szu]
26'. ka-da#-rum = MIN#<(na-al-ba#-[szu])>
27'. bar#-si-lum = ku#-si-tum#
28'. szu#-tu#-rum = gada#-ma-hu#
29'. e#-la#-at#-hi#-pu = MIN#<(gada#-ma-hu#)>
@column 1
1. x# [...] = [...]
#note: in 1st sub col.: x# is unclear, may be TUG2
1. x [...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col.: x is unclear, may be TUG2
2. TUG2# [...] = [...]
3. u2#-[dub2-lum] = na#-x#-[x]
#note: in 2nd sub col.: x# may be AH & consist of initial winkelhakens + horizontal wedge head, but more likely are surface cracks
3. u2#-[dub2-lum] = na#-x-[x]
# in 2nd sub col.: x may be AH & consist of initial winkelhakens + horizontal wedge head, but more likely are surface cracks
4. TUG2#-MAH#-um# = tu#-['?-am-tu?]
5. kar#-ru?#-um?# = si#-pu#-[u2]
#note: between ll. 5 & 18 there is room for only 12 lines, not 13 as A. Kilmer ms.; 1 line may have been omitted, but this is difficult to determine due to poor preservation
$ (between ll. 5 & 18 there is room for only 12 lines, not 13 as A. Kilmer ms.; 1 line may have been omitted, but this is difficult to determine due to poor preservation)
6. ma-lam#-mu#-u2?# = il#-[lu-ku]
#note: u2?# may not be present
# u2?# may not be present
7. e-gi#-[za3-gu-u2] = MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
#note: in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
8. el#-lu#-[ku] =  MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
#note: in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
8. el#-lu#-[ku] = MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
9. el#-lu#-[ku] = s,u#-[du-ru]
10. e#-pa?#-ar#-[tum] = na#-ah#-lap?#-[tum]
#note: in 1st sub col.: pa?# unclear; in 2nd sub col.: lap?# unclear, may not be present
11. [...]-x#-[...] = x# x# um?#-[x]
#note: in 2nd sub col.: signs are present, but cannot be read with any confidence
# in 1st sub col.: pa?# unclear; in 2nd sub col.: lap?# unclear, may not be present
11. [...]-x-[...] = x x um?#-[x]
# in 2nd sub col.: signs are present, but cannot be read with any confidence
12. [e]-ri#-[ip-tum] =
#note: in 2nd sub col. perhaps read: 2(disz)?#
# in 2nd sub col. perhaps read: 2(disz)?#
13. [sza2?] s,i?#-[it? ...] = [...]
14. hu#-[lu-up-tum] = [...]
15. x#-[...] = [...]
#note: in 1st sub col. perhaps read: tu?#-[...]
15. x-[...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col. perhaps read: tu?#-[...]
16. ku-usz#-[sza2?-tum?] = [...]
#note: in 2nd sub col.: signs seem to be present but cannot be read with certainty
17. husz#-[szu?-u2?] = x# x# [x x?]
18. bi-x# [...] = [...]
#note: in 1st sub col.: impossible to determine whether BI + x# = 1 sign or 2
# in 2nd sub col.: signs seem to be present but cannot be read with certainty
17. husz#-[szu?-u2?] = x x [x x?]
18. bi-x [...] = [...]
# in 1st sub col.: impossible to determine whether BI + x = 1 sign or 2
19. szu-'#-[ri-it?-tum] = [...]
20. na-a#-[s,u] = MIN?#<(na#-ah#-lap?#-[tum?])>
#note: in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz)?# = tail of 1 vertical wedge possibly visible
# in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz)?# = tail of 1 vertical wedge possibly visible
21. hi-it-la#-[pu] = [...]
22. hi-it-lu-pa#-[tum] = [...]
23. e-li-tum# = [...]
24. sa-am-tum# = [...]
25. TUG2# lu#-lu-un-tum = [...]
26. TUG2 lu-lu-un-tum = [...]
27. da-nat ir-tum = [...]
28. gu#-la2-e = [...]
29. TUG2 husz#-sze-[e] = [...]
30. il#-[te-pi-tum] = [...]
$ (remainder broken)
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. a-gi-it-tu#-u2 = pa#-ar#-szi-gu
2. pa-a-tin-nu = MIN<(pa#-ar#-szi-gu)>
3. TUG2-GAL = nar-gi-tum
4. a-gi-id-du-u2 = s,i-in-du sza2 A#-ZU
5. nap-du-u2 = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
6. nig2-lal-lum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
7. ma-ak-su-u2 = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
8. ma-ak-ra-ku = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
9. bi-is,-rum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
10. zap-pu = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
11. id-e-tum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
12. nig2-lal-lum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> sza2 [...]
13. pi-ia-a-mu = mi-ih-s,u sza2# x#
#note: in 2nd sub col.: x# = lower horizontal wedge head at point of break; perhaps read: TUG2?#
14. su-mu-uk-ku = MIN<(mi-ih-s,u)> MIN#<(sza2# x#)>
13. pi-ia-a-mu = mi-ih-s,u sza2# x
# in 2nd sub col.: x = lower horizontal wedge head at point of break; perhaps read: TUG2?#
14. su-mu-uk-ku = MIN<(mi-ih-s,u)> MIN#<(sza2# x)>
$ ruling
15. NIG2-SZID = ma-hi-s,a-tum#
$ (uninscribed gap)
@m=locator colophon
16. DUB# 6(disz)-KAM2 ma-al#-ku *(P2) szar#-rum
#note: glossenkeil separate ma-al#-ku & szar#-rum
# glossenkeil separate ma-al#-ku & szar#-rum
$ (uninscribed gap)
17. [gaba]-ri# TI?#-TIR?#{ki} bar2-sip2#{ki}
$ (uninscribed gap)
18. [x] asz-szur{ki} ki#-i# KA?# t,up-pa-ti
$ (uninscribed gap)
19. [{gesz}]LE-U5-UM!-MESZ# ma-'-du-ti
$ (uninscribed gap)
20. [LUGAL]-GI-NA LUGAL SZU2# LUGAL KUR# asz-szur{ki}
$ (uninscribed gap)
21. [...] x# x#
21. [...] x x
22. [...] LUGAL?# SZU2?#
$ (uninscribed gap)
23. [...] x#
$ (remainder broken)
23. [...] x
$ rest broken
Update made on 2008-05-26 at 05:30:00 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P349858 = DS 32-10
#atf: use lexical
#atf: lang akk
#note: tablet contained no more than about 153 lines; collated after photo
@column 1
$ (beginning broken)
1'. s,i-[lu-lu] = [x]
2'. gu-[has,?-s,u?] = [x]
3'. tu-[u2] = [...]
4'. tu-[...] = [x]
5'. tu-[...] = [x]
6'. x#-x# = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
#note: in 1st sub col.: 1st sign = upper right part of final vertical wedge head; 2nd sign = 1+ horizontal wedge(s) faintly visible; perhaps read: te?#-e?#
7'. mu#-uk# = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
8'. s,a-ap#-szu = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
#note: 2nd sub col. uncertain, unmentioned in A. Kilmer ms.
9'. AN-DUL = MIN#<(%n s,ub=atu)>
10'. ir-ku = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
11'. it-qu#-lum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
12'. tak#-ki#-rum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
13'. na-ma#-rum = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
14'. ul-hu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
15'. tap-du-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
16'. pi-ia-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
17'. ha-mu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
18'. na-ra-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
19'. asz#-di-hu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
20'. qi2#-il-pu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)>
21'. s,u#-bat szi-pi = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g ba-nu-u2
22'. qa2-at2-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g ba-nu-u2)>
23'. qa2-at2-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g la-bi-rum
24'. ku#-bar-tum# = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g la-bi-rum)>
25'. ku#-se3-ga-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g dam-qu
26'. lam#-hu-usz-szu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu %g dam-qu)>
27'. el-lam-me-e = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g DINGIR
28'. el-lam-me-szi = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g {d}GIR3
29'. e-li-ia-nu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g ku-lu-li#
30'. za-hu#-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN#<(ku-lu-li#)>
31'. nam-mu-u2 = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN<(ku-lu-li#)>
32'. pi-ia-mu = MIN<(%n s,ub=atu)> %g MIN<(ku-lu-li#)>
@column 2
$ (beginning broken)
1'. x# x# [x] = [...]
2'. e#-di#-[ru?] = [x]
3'. hu-la#-[qu] = [x]
4'. su-la-qu# = [x]
5'. hu-u2-la-pu = [x]
6'. TUG2-MAH-um = [x]
7'. ku-um-ma-ru = MIN#<(%n lub=uszu)>
8'. mu-ri-a = MIN<(%n lub=uszu)> %g SU?#-[BIR4?{ki?}]
#note: in 2nd sub col.: SU?# = 2 lower initial wedge heads at point of right break
9'. husz#-szu-u2 = MIN<(%n lub=uszu)> %g sa#-[a-mu]
10'. a-du-mu = MIN<(%n lub=uszu %g sa#-[a-mu])>
11'. {d}ir3#-ra-pa-lil = s,u-bat ni-ma#-[ti]
12'. up-pu#-u2#-nu = up-pu-[x-x]
13'. tak-ti#-mu# = MIN<(up-pu-[x-x])>
14'. lu-bu-szu# = kub-szu#
15'. ti-ru# = lu-bu-szu#
16'. pu-su-um-mu# = MIN<(lu-bu-szu#)>
17'. a-gu-hu# = MIN<(lu-bu-szu#)> DINGIR
18'. ti-ru = lit-bu-szu
19'. ta-al-tab-szu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
20'. il-hu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
21'. tap-pu-szu = MIN<(lit-bu-szu)>
22'. TUG2-LUH-HA = lu#-bu-usz-tum
23'. qi2-ti-tum# = MIN#<(lu#-bu-usz-tum)>
24'. raq-qa-tum = MIN#<(lu#-bu-usz-tum)>
25'. TUG2#-MAH-hu = na-al-ba#-[szu]
26'. ka-da#-rum = MIN#<(na-al-ba#-[szu])>
27'. bar#-si-lum = ku#-si-tum#
28'. szu#-tu#-rum = gada#-ma-hu#
29'. e#-la#-at#-hi#-pu = MIN#<(gada#-ma-hu#)>
@column 1
1. x# [...] = [...]
#note: in 1st sub col.: x# is unclear, may be TUG2
2. TUG2# [...] = [...]
3. u2#-[dub2-lum] = na#-x#-[x]
#note: in 2nd sub col.: x# may be AH & consist of initial winkelhakens + horizontal wedge head, but more likely are surface cracks
4. TUG2#-MAH#-um# = tu#-['?-am-tu?]
5. kar#-ru?#-um?# = si#-pu#-[u2]
#note: between ll. 5 & 18 there is room for only 12 lines, not 13 as A. Kilmer ms.; 1 line may have been omitted, but this is difficult to determine due to poor preservation
6. ma-lam#-mu#-u2?# = il#-[lu-ku]
#note: u2?# may not be present
7. e-gi#-[za3-gu-u2] = MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
#note: in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
8. el#-lu#-[ku] =  MIN?#<(il#-[lu-ku])>
#note: in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) seems to be present, but due to surface cracking & joins the exact positioning is difficult to determine
9. el#-lu#-[ku] = s,u#-[du-ru]
10. e#-pa?#-ar#-[tum] = na#-ah#-lap?#-[tum]
#note: in 1st sub col.: pa?# unclear; in 2nd sub col.: lap?# unclear, may not be present
11. [...]-x#-[...] = x# x# um?#-[x]
#note: in 2nd sub col.: signs are present, but cannot be read with any confidence
12. [e]-ri#-[ip-tum] =
#note: in 2nd sub col. perhaps read: 2(disz)?#
13. [sza2?] s,i?#-[it? ...] = [...]
14. hu#-[lu-up-tum] = [...]
15. x#-[...] = [...]
#note: in 1st sub col. perhaps read: tu?#-[...]
16. ku-usz#-[sza2?-tum?] = [...]
#note: in 2nd sub col.: signs seem to be present but cannot be read with certainty
17. husz#-[szu?-u2?] = x# x# [x x?]
18. bi-x# [...] = [...]
#note: in 1st sub col.: impossible to determine whether BI + x# = 1 sign or 2
19. szu-'#-[ri-it?-tum] = [...]
20. na-a#-[s,u] = MIN?#<(na#-ah#-lap?#-[tum?])>
#note: in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz)?# = tail of 1 vertical wedge possibly visible
21. hi-it-la#-[pu] = [...]
22. hi-it-lu-pa#-[tum] = [...]
23. e-li-tum# = [...]
24. sa-am-tum# = [...]
25. TUG2# lu#-lu-un-tum = [...]
26. TUG2 lu-lu-un-tum = [...]
27. da-nat ir-tum = [...]
28. gu#-la2-e = [...]
29. TUG2 husz#-sze-[e] = [...]
30. il#-[te-pi-tum] = [...]
$ (remainder broken)
@column 2
1. a-gi-it-tu#-u2 = pa#-ar#-szi-gu
2. pa-a-tin-nu = MIN<(pa#-ar#-szi-gu)>
3. TUG2-GAL = nar-gi-tum
4. a-gi-id-du-u2 = s,i-in-du sza2 A#-ZU
5. nap-du-u2 = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
6. nig2-lal-lum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
7. ma-ak-su-u2 = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
8. ma-ak-ra-ku = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
9. bi-is,-rum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
10. zap-pu = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
11. id-e-tum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> MIN<(sza2 A#-ZU)>
12. nig2-lal-lum = MIN<(s,i-in-du)> sza2 [...]
13. pi-ia-a-mu = mi-ih-s,u sza2# x#
#note: in 2nd sub col.: x# = lower horizontal wedge head at point of break; perhaps read: TUG2?#
14. su-mu-uk-ku = MIN<(mi-ih-s,u)> MIN#<(sza2# x#)>
$ ruling
15. NIG2-SZID = ma-hi-s,a-tum#
$ (uninscribed gap)
@m=locator colophon
16. DUB# 6(disz)-KAM2 ma-al#-ku *(P2) szar#-rum
#note: glossenkeil separate ma-al#-ku & szar#-rum
$ (uninscribed gap)
17. [gaba]-ri# TI?#-TIR?#{ki} bar2-sip2#{ki}
$ (uninscribed gap)
18. [x] asz-szur{ki} ki#-i# KA?# t,up-pa-ti
$ (uninscribed gap)
19. [{gesz}]LE-U5-UM!-MESZ# ma-'-du-ti
$ (uninscribed gap)
20. [LUGAL]-GI-NA LUGAL SZU2# LUGAL KUR# asz-szur{ki}
$ (uninscribed gap)
21. [...] x# x#
22. [...] LUGAL?# SZU2?#
$ (uninscribed gap)
23. [...] x#
$ (remainder broken)

Total 5 record(s)

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