Transliteration history

RIME composite (P448418)

Update made on 2013-04-12 at 08:33:15 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P448418 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
#tr.en: For Inanna,
2. nin ni2 gal gur3-ru
#tr.en: clad in great fearsomeness,
3. me szar2-ra tab-ba
#tr.en: who clasps myriad divine powers,
4. dumu gal {d}suen-na
#tr.en: great child of Suen,
5. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
6. ARAD2-{d}suen
#tr.en: I, Warad-Sîn,
7. nun sze-ga nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the obedient prince of Nippur,
8. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
9. sag-en3-tar gir2-su{ki}
#tr.en: who tends to Girsu
10. ki-lagasz{ki}-a
#tr.en: and the whole state of Lagaš,
11. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26
#tr.en: who reveres the Ebabbar,
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the king of Larsa
13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
14. szul a2-ag2-ga2 kin-kin
#tr.en: the youth who seeks out the (divine) instructions
15. gesz-hur szu du7-du7
#tr.en: and perfects the divine plans,
16. e2 dingir-re-e-ne
#tr.en: who the temples of the gods
17. szu gibil bi2-in-ak
#tr.en: renovated
18. {uruda}alan gal-gal
#tr.en: and who who great statues
19. mu pa3-da nam-lugal-la-ka-na
#tr.en: that demonstrate his kingship
20. gal-bi bi2-in-su8-ga
#tr.en: did erect in grand fshion,
21. iri szub-szub-ba-bi
#tr.en: who its dilapidated cities
22. bad3-bi mu-du3-a
#tr.en: and its walls rebuilt,
23. ma-da dagal-a-na
#tr.en: by whom the ones of his wide land
24. e2 ne-ha bi2-in-tusz-a
#tr.en: were made to dwell in peaceful houses,
25. ni2 tuku sza3 inim-gal2
#tr.en: reverent one who ...
26. erin2 szu-a gi4-gi4-me-en
#tr.en: who returned the troops to (my) control -
27. gesztu2 dagal
#tr.en: the wide wisdom
28. kin da-ri2 dim2-me-de3
#tr.en: to fashion eternal works,
29. {d}en-ki-ke4 ma-an-szum2-ma
#tr.en: having been given to me by the god Enki,
30. nam-bi-sze3 {d}inanna nin-ga2
#tr.en: therefore, in order that Inanna my mistress,
31. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-ga2
#tr.en: as I was making beautiful words,
32. e2-tilmun-na
#tr.en: the Dilmun Temple,
33. ki-tusz ni2 dub2-bu
#tr.en: her relaxing residence
34. sza3 hul2-la-ka-ni
#tr.en: of happiness
35. igi du8-u3-de3
#tr.en: might experience,
36. sza3-be2 asila si
#tr.en: whose interior is full of jubilation -
37. diri u4-bi-da-ke4
#tr.en: when more than before
38. e2-szu-si3-ga-bi
#tr.en: its Ešusiga
39. u3-mu-dagal
#tr.en: I had widened,
40. u4 ul-sze3
#tr.en: for far future days
41. nam-ti-mu-sze3 hu-mu-du3
#tr.en: for my life I built it
42. sag-bi mu-ni-il2
#tr.en: and raised up its top
43. hur-sag-gin7 hu-mu-mu2
#tr.en: and made it grow forth like a mountain range.
44. nig2 ak-ak-da-ga2 ne-e-sze3
#tr.en: For these things that I have done
45. {d}inanna nin-mu
#tr.en: may Inanna my mistress
46. ha-ma-szi-hul2
#tr.en: rejoice over me.
47. u4 su3-ra2 mu he2-gal2-la
#tr.en: Long days (of life), years of abundance,
48. asz-te suhusz gi-na
#tr.en: a throne with a secure foundation,
49. gidri ug3 gur2-gur2
#tr.en: and a scepter which makes the people bow down
50. sag-e-esz ha-ma-ni-in-rig7
#tr.en: may she present to me.

Total 1 record(s)

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