Transliteration history

RIME composite (P461954)

Update made on 2014-07-06 at 11:24:01 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P461954 = RIME composite
#atf: lang akk
@object compiste text
@surface a
# <Rimuš, the king of the world, in battle>
1. a-ba-al-ga-masz
#tr.en: over Abalgamaš,
2. _lugal_ pa2-ra-ah-szum2{ki}
#tr.en: king of Paraḫšum,
3. isz11-ar
#tr.en: was victorious.
4. u3 za-ha-ar{ki}
#tr.en: And Zaḫar
5. u3 elam{ki}
#tr.en: and Elam
6. u3 gu-pi-in{ki}
#tr.en: and Gupin
7. u3 me-luh-ha{ki}
#tr.en: and Meluḫḫa
8. in qab2-li2
#tr.en: within
9. pa2-ra-ah-szum2
#tr.en: Paraḫšum
10. a-na _REC169_ ip-hu-ru-ni-im-ma
#tr.en: assembled for battle, but
11. x [...] UD
#tr.en: ...
12. in [ba-ri2]-ti [a]-wa-an{ki}
#tr.en: and in between (the cities of) Awan
13. u3 [su-si-im]{ki}
#tr.en: and Susa,
14. in _i7_ [qab]-li2-tim
#tr.en: at the Middle River,
15. si#-[id-ga]-u3 _szagina_
#tr.en: Sidaga'u the general
16. [pa2-ra-ah-szum2]{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum
17. [...] x elam{ki}
#tr.en: and the ... of Elam
18. ik-mi
#tr.en: he captured,
19. [u3 bi2-ru]-tam2
#tr.en: and a burial mound
20. in [a-sza]-ar _iri_
#tr.en: at the site of the town
21. al-[su-nu] isz-pu-uk
#tr.en: he heaped up over them.
22. u3 _suhusz_ pa2-ra-ah-szum{ki}
#tr.en: Furthermore, the foundations of Paraḫšum
23. in _kalam_ elam{ki}
#tr.en: from the country of Elam
24. i-su2-uh-ma
#tr.en: he tore out, and so
25. ri2-mu-usz
#tr.en: Rimuš,
26. _lugal kisz_
#tr.en: king of the world,
27. elam{ki} i-be-[al]
#tr.en: rules Elam,
28. {d}en-lil2 u-kal3-lim
#tr.en: (as) the god Enlil had shown.
29. {d}[utu]
#tr.en: By the gods Šamaš
30. u3 [il3-a-ba4]
#tr.en: and Ilaba
31. u2-ma [la su2-ra-tim lu] ki2-[ni-isz-ma]
#tr.en: I swear that (these) are not falsehoods but are indeed true!
32. sza [_dub_ su4-a]
#tr.en: Whoever this inscription
33. u-sa2-[sa3-ku-ni]
#tr.en: shall remove,
34. [{d}en-lil2 u3 {d}]utu
#tr.en: the gods Enlil and Šamaš
35. _suhusz_-[su li]-su2-ha
#tr.en: may they both tear out his foundations
36. u3 [_sze-numun_-su li-il]-qu3-ta2
#tr.en: and pluck up his seed!
$ blank line
$ (Caption)
37. _esi_
#tr.en: Diorite,
38. _du8-szi_ u3 _na4-na4_
#tr.en: quartz(?), and (other) stones
39. sza al!-qe2-u3
#tr.en: which I took
40. _sag nam-ra-ak_
#tr.en: (as) the main(?) booty
41. pa2-ra-ah-szum2{ki}
#tr.en: of Paraḫšum.
$ (Colophon)
42. _{gesz}erin-ta sar-ra e2-gu-la_
#tr.en: Written from a cedar (board?), the Egula temple.

Total 1 record(s)

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