Transliteration history

CDLI Seals 013865 (composite) (P514453)

Update made on 2019-10-03 at 01:08:04 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard
&P514453 = CDLI Seals 013865 (composite)
#atf: lang akk
@object seal
@surface a
1. {d}marduk-|AN.DUL3|-x
#tr.en: Marduk-ṣulūl...,
2. _dub-sar_
#tr.en: scribe,
3. _dumu_ be-x-x-x
#tr.en: son of Be...,
4. _ARAD_ sa3-bi-um
#tr.en: servant of Sābium.

Total 1 record(s)

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