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OIP 104, 012 (P220620)

Primary Publication: Gelb, Ignace J.; Steinkeller, Piotr; Whiting, Robert M. (1991) OIP 104 012

Collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, USA

Museum no.: MMA 58.29

Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)

Period: ED I-II (ca. 2900-2700 BC)

Object Type: Display Inscription > kudurru

Material: stone > mineral > gypsum

 atf: lang sux
object stela kudurru
surface A
1. AN# DAM SZE DU-[A?] e2 du3
2. E2-TUR3 HUB2? X
3. e2 du3
4. E2#? KI? SAR2? X
5. e2 du3#
  Adscription over figure of bearded man
6. uszumgal pa4-szesz {d}sara2?
surface B C
column 1
1. 2(N01@f) gu4#-ansze
2. sanga LU2-A2-GAL-GU
3. 1(bur3@c) GAN2 [x]
4. 1(N01@f) x x
5. [x] x x
6. 1(bur3@c) GAN2 ak
column 2
1. 6(N01@f) sze PU2?
2. 2(N01@f) udu
3. 1(bur3@c) 3(N01@f) GAN2 SA6-TUR nimgir#?
4. 1(N01@f) gu4 kur pa4-szesz
5. 4(bur3@c) GAN2 A#? DIM2#?
6. 2(N01@f) GAN2 X# EZEM
  on surface D
surface B
  Top: Adscription next to beardless figure
1. ak gal-ukken
  Lower right, bearded figure
2. szesz-ki-na ugula ukken
  Lower left, beardless figure
3. x-KU-EN gal-nimgir
surface C
  Inscription Behind the figure of a woman
1. an-gu2-<sze3> 2(bur'u@c) 5(bur3@c) GAN2
2. uszumgal SZID-TA?-NAM
  Adscriptions over and below figure of a woman
3. IGI-RU?-NUN ESZ2-A dumu me-si pa4-szesz e2-nun
surface D
  Inscription in front of figure of a woman holding a vase
1. nam-ku5 INANNA-TAB-AMAR
2. 6(disz) GAN2 GI-LAGAB
3. nam-ku5 a-GIR2-gal
4. 3(disz) GAN2 GI-LAGAB
5. 4(disz) gu4-nita
  (Inscription at far left is perhaps continuation of side E)
6. 4(disz) gu4-nita
  Inscription over the basket? before the feet of the woman
7. bur-si EN-LU
  Adscription over the woman
8. {d}szara2?-igi-zi!(GI)-abzu dumu uszumgal ESZ2-A
surface E
  continuing with one line on surface D
1. 4(bur3@c) GAN2 GU2-GU2# SIG4?
2. 3(N01@f) gu4 LU2-TIL PA ur-gu2-edin?-na
3. 1(bur3@c) GU2-GU2 SIG4?
5. 1(esz3@c) GAN2 AN-DAM-SZE DU-A
surface F
  Inscription on the base
1. en-he2-gal2 DIM2
2. a#?-sar-ra?

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