
Larsa Rim-Sin Year: 25

Textmu a2 mah an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki-ga-ta uru{ki} bad3 da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu a2-dam zag szu-dab5-be i3-si-in{ki}-ka sipa zi {d}ri-im-{d}en.zu in-dab5-ba szir3-szir3-ra lu2Xkar2-a sza3 larsa{ki}-sze3 bi2-in-ku4-re u4 ul-a-ta u3-ma-a-ni mu-un-gub-ba
TranslationYear the righteous shepherd Rim-Sin with the powerful help of An, Enlil, and Enki seized the city of Damiq-iliszu, brought its inhabitants who had helped Isin as prisoners to Larsa, and established his triumph greater than before