
Babylon Hammu-rabi Year: 33

Textmu ha-am-mu-ra-bi lugal-e id2-ha-am-mu-ra-bi-nu-hu-usz-ni-szi sza3-ge tum2-am3 an {d}en-lil2 mu-un-ba-al a da-ri2 he2-gal2-ka nibru{ki} eridu{ki} ur2i{ki} larsa{ki}-ma unug{ki}-ga i3-si-in-na{ki} mu-un-gar-ra-am3 ki-en-gi ki-uri bir-bir-re-a ki-bi-sze3 bi2-in-gi4-a ugnim ma-ri2{ki} u3 ma-al-gi{ki} me3-ta bi2-ib2-szub-be2 ma-ri2{ki} u3 a2-dam-bi u3 uru-didli su-bir4{ki} du11-ga-ni ku-li-bi bi2-in-tusz
TranslationYear Hammu-rabi the king dug the canal (called) 'Hammu-rabi is abundance to the people', the beloved of An and Enlil, established the everlasting waters of plentifulness for Nippur, Eridu, Ur, Larsa, Uruk and Isin, restored Sumer and Akkad which had been scattered, overthrew in battle the army of Mari and Malgium and caused Mari and its territory and the various cities of Subartu to dwell under his authority in friendship
References(RlA 2 180, 135)