
Larsa Rim-Sin Year: 24

Textmu du11-ga an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki-ga-ta id2-masz-tab-ba a nag un dagal-sze3 gal2-la gu2 diri-a-bi he2-gal2 {d}asznan gar-gar-ra-am3 sipa zi {d}ri-im-{d}en.zu lu2 igi-gal2 tuk ban3-da-bi diri-ga zag a-ab-ba-sze3 mu-un-ba-al-la2 a-gar3 didli-bi gan2 zi-de3-esz2 bi2-in-ku4-re
TranslationYear in which the righteous shepherd Rim-Sin, the wise whose youth is exuberant, dug under the order of An, Enlil, and Enki a double canal towards the shore of the sea, providing a large population with drinking water, producing a superabundance of harvest on its banks, and (he) changed (its banks) into many fields and arable lands